Session 16 August 2014


FOTCM Member
Session Date: August 16th 2014

Laura and Andromeda at the board
Pierre, Perceval, Chu, Data, PoB, Kniall, parallel, Breton, thorbiorn, Mr. Scott, Alana, Timótheos

Joining via Skype from NE USA: Pete, Puck, Renaissance, Nancy2feathers, Emma, seek10, Divide By Zero, Richard S, Jerry, Bear, Nuke, Pegasus, and the doggies Pancho and Rusty

Q: (L) Okay this is August the 16th, 2014. Did you know that this is the anniversary of that UFO that flew over our pool in Florida back in 1992? 22 years since that UFO flew over my pool, and all the weird stuff in my life began to happen, and everything went crazy... Jesus Christ! 22 years. Alright... Let's see if we can get something going on here...

A: Hello to all from Gorimlea of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Okay. I guess we want to start out with your questions. Are you ready, Puck?

{Private exchange redacted.}

(Puck) So the question was on auto-spirit release. Is it safe or effective, and are there any guidelines that they could provide?

(L) On auto-spirit release? Say it again. It's not clear.

(Puck) So it's on auto-spirit release - like SRT on yourself. Is it safe and effective, and there any guidelines that they can provide?

A: You need to define this "auto-spirit release".

Q: (L) Well, I'm sure they know what "auto-spirit release" is, but before they give an answer, they want it clear what you're talking about. How are you talking about doing this? Are you talking about self-hypnosis, are you talking about just doing it a meditative state? Are you talking about doing it through automatic writing? Or with a Ouija board? Exactly how are you thinking of doing it?

(Perceval) Would you like me to reframe your question?

(Puck) Sure.

(Perceval) The question should be, is it possible to do auto-spirit release - i.e. spirit release on yourself - and if so, how would you go about it?

(L) Okay, well let's break that into two questions: Is it possible to do spirit release on yourself?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) How might one go about it if one were to even attempt such an outlandish thing? [laughter]

A: First one needs to identify the entities and various parameters surrounding the situation. This is best done via meditation or dream work, or even viewing and intuitive feedback by another who is sensitive. Once the situation is understood, one can then appeal to the entity or utilize various applications of discipline. Keep in mind that the matter of will and discipline are paramount in spiritual hygiene.

Q: (Perceval) It brings back that idea - I don't know where I heard it first - that for spirit release, if you've got attachments, they basically hang on to you if there's something that they get out of it. So basically, you stop doing what it is that attracts them: bad habits, bad attitudes, programs...

(L) And then they leave.

(Perceval) That's SRT.

(Chu) Focusing too much on doing auto-SRT is actually focusing on yourself. But if you just do the Work basically, they'll leave.

(L) Pretty much.

(Chu) So why even think about doing auto-SRT?

(L) Well, I think it's useful to know the parameters and things. It's helpful for some people - I know it was for me - to know that the health issue I had was from an attachment. That was helpful to me. And then, I began to apply discipline. I mean, I knew that “Twisted Sister” was in there! [laughter] And I was gonna do EVERYTHING that she HATED!! And every time she made my shoulder hurt, I just kept doing whatever it was that made it hurt. I remember the instant that she left. It was like electricity flying through my body. It was like being struck by lightning. There was this flash of light in my head, and the energy went from one arm across my shoulders, and out the other one. And that was it. In that moment, I was actively disciplining myself by forcing myself to swim in spite of the excruciating pain that I was experiencing. For me, it was excruciatingly painful to move my arm like that. It was like screaming pain, and I just kept doing it... stroke after stroke after stroke. And I was even talking in my head saying, "Alright, witch! Take that one! I am NOT stopping!" And I was saying this sort of thing in my head. I was having this conversation. Finally, it was like, "You might as well just give up, because I am never giving up!" And that's when it left. It's kind of an auto-spirit release. So, having a little identification of what's going on is helpful. Like if you have an alcoholism problem, or gambling, or whatever.

(Chu) Yeah but what I'm saying is you can leave it as an option, like yeah, maybe I have this pain because of an attachment. But the key point is to discipline yourself whether there is an attachment or a program or whatever.

(L) It's true that if there's some part of you, some aspect, some habit, or whatever. This is what Gurdjieff talks about. How many of those "many I's" that he talks about are attachments? And his method was this discipline, this self-observation, the struggle between ‘yes’ and ‘no’ leading to giving birth to the Real I, and having it become the fused master. How do we know that wasn't a kind of SRT? Let's ask that question. Was Gurdjieff's method also beneficial for eliminating spirit attachments?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) As I just described, more or less, that by acts of will and discipline and observing and all of those things, that the fusing of the real self and the discipline that that requires means that there is no longer a frequency match for the attachments? Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) I think SRT is useful from a conceptual point of view, like, "This isn't really me!" It may not actually me that's thinking or acting this way.

(L) You begin to talk to it.

(Perceval) Otherwise you might tend to think that your natural traits are you. So, to have that idea that it may not be me and it might be an external influence is useful.

(L) It's very useful.

(Perceval) As a motivator, ya know?

(L) Like I talked to this pain. If you have a habit, or if you have a characteristic, talk to it! Isolate it, and talk to it. "YOU are not in charge here!"

(Perceval) Is it very much the same as in real life when you hear about people falling in with a bad crowd? Like drinking buddies, and he drinks because they drink, etc... But when he decides he doesn't want to do that anymore, they go away; they don't want to hang out with him anymore. So, that's a parallel with real life. But as soon as you stop doing it, they don't want to be your friend anymore. You're not in the gang anymore. They leave you.

A: Exactly!

Q: (PoB) So it basically doesn't matter if it's a spirit attachment, or it's the false personality, or a parent's voice directing you... What it is, you fight the same way with everything.

(L) Yeah, I think so. Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, what can people be doing... I mean...

(Perceval) Work on their programs. They can call their programs attachments if they want. Doesn't matter what you call it, as long as you're working on it. You can say it's an ingrained habit I got from my parents, or it's an attachment. Either way...

(Chu) I want to change it because it's not me.

(L) It's not who I really am. It's not who I really want to be, so it has to go!

(Pierre) What was interesting in the example you gave is that you identified this pain as something external. In most cases, the more you force body pain, the more painful it becomes. But here, you went through the first step the C's described: identifying. You knew that's not normal.

(L) Yeah, because clearly there are cases where if you have pain, you need to lay down and you need to rest. You need to wear a brace or something. Not all pain would be the way mine was. So, the useful thing here was to be able to identify that, to know that what it was was this attachment. Well, of course there was some actual injury that was involved with it, but it had been long enough for the injury to heal, but the pain persisted.

(Perceval) I think part of the problem with SRT is that it's very appealing to people who decide that maybe all of their issues are attachments, and all it takes is a couple of phone calls to get rid of it and essentially deal with all of the issues. In other words, supplanting the idea of Work on the self with a couple of phone calls, and then “I'm clean! I'm done!” That's the draw of this kind of SRT work; it's a phone call. How easy is that? Someone else does it for you, supposedly.

(L) I think it's a useful thing IF somebody is involved in the Work, and IF they continue working and they apply the discipline that is necessary before, during, and after to change their frequency. And that's what's important about asking the attached entity “when did you come? What was I doing? How was I vulnerable?” To get that kind of information...

(Pierre) You identify the frequency, or he personality state that it is the attractor...

(L) Yeah, and that's the useful thing. I think that's why they said that if you need SRT, you need to find the parameters.

(Perceval) It's almost like by definition, if you have an attachment, then you also have an issue that needs to be worked on. Just getting rid of the attachment doesn't get rid of the issue. Say you were being morose or moody or whatever, and then some attachment comes along. Just because the attachment goes away, doesn't mean the issue is gone. You already had the issue that drew in the attachment in the first place. So, just getting rid of the attachment doesn't fix the issue. You also have to continue to work on yourself.

Q: (L) What is the best way to Work on being aware? I mean, we talked about this last time, didn't we? And what did they say last time? Awareness is the key.

(Pierre) Seeing the world as it is.

(L) Consciously collecting truth and networking with others about it.

(Perceval) They said something about when you see someone else feeling bad about themselves or whatever, do something to lift them up. It's associated with empathy as well: empathy for others. Awakening the emotional center.


Session Date: 10 May 2014


Q: (L) Yeah, but everybody's got wounds and issues and all that kind of thing to work on. I mean...

A: [letters come very quickly] Balance! A portion of a day can be spent on reflection, but not too much. This is the Wetiko Virus: obsession with the self and subjective personal issues. The next time you feel yourself slipping into despair, just tell others how you are feeling and think of something you can do for another to prevent them from suffering the same feelings. [letters come more slowly now:] Thus you will witness the birth of true empathy. [...]


Session Date: July 26th 2014


Q: (L) Well, that makes me think of a question to follow up on that. Something that's been on my mind is the difficulty so many group members have in getting themselves moving to do useful things, helpful things that help the network, help the group, help the Work, and to keep going. They sometimes get started, and then they peter out. Sometimes they try something too big, too much, too soon, too fast, and then they get discouraged. And I would like to know what is it about this group here that has made us able to put our noses to the grindstone for years and years... even under the most trying of circumstances. What is the quality that a person needs to be able to get - excuse me for saying this, but - to get their asses in gear, move, and keep moving? What is the quality?

A: Awakened conscience.

Q: (L) But how did we manage to get awakened consciences, and how can other people manage to do it, too?

A: Recall how you started, you acted on your own as the conscience of the world.

Q: (L) Well, what do you mean? How do you mean?

A: Recall why you began to try to see everything that was happening on your plane of existence.

Q: (L) You mean SOTT? My Signs of the Times?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, the reason why was because I could see that other people were not remembering from one freakin' day to the next what happened! I mean, they needed to be reminded every day, day after day, what was happening.

A: And that is what developed your conscience. And those who helped were also in the process.

Q: (Andromeda) You have to constantly keep awake about what's happening.

(L) You have to get awake, you have to wake up, and you have to stay awake... all the time, about EVERYTHING. Any minute you allow yourself to sleep, you're putting your conscience to sleep. Dissociation is putting your conscience to sleep. Okay, that's all I wanted to ask about that. Go ahead.



[Short break! Poncho and Rusty say hi... "AAAAW!"]

(L) Okay, do you want to ask any more about that topic? Well, I have a question to follow up. Say a person has issues that they're really having trouble with, and really having trouble identifying the delimitation of those issues, is it possible to do these "viewings" amongst each other, or with each other, like on the forum?

A: Yes, if a particularly sensitive individual will volunteer to devote about half an hour doing what is more or less "remote viewing". It is not necessary for them to attempt any kind of release, just reconnaissance.

Q: (L) Do we have people sensitive enough?

A: Most members fit the bill. This is a service that can be done for one another. Warning! : Only to be resorted to if the individual is unable to make progress or get past a blockage.

Q: (L) Okay, how many questions you got left because we're running over time here?

(Puck) A couple.

(L) Okay, let's ask them.

(Puck) What was causing the general malaise at ShellyFest?

A: Frequency mismatches and serious frequency fence in the area.

Q: (L) So, people were not in sync, I'm assuming, and that could have been... Well, was that due to the frequency fence?

A: Mostly.

Q: (L) Okay, next?

(Puck) On the topic of Ebola, what's causing the rapid transmission of the virus?

A: Mutating and becoming more virulent.

Q: (L) So, it's becoming stronger?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) Is it a contender for wiping out millions of people?

A: A lot, of course. Isn't it interesting the similarity between psychopaths as virii of the human kind, and the activation and spread of the infectious kind?

Q: (L) So, are you suggesting that this is one of those, "As above, so below" interactive things? That as psychopaths become more virulent and present in human society, so will Ebola become more virulent in the physiological realm? Is that what we're getting at here?

A: Yes close enough.

Q: (L) So in order to stop the progress of Ebola and any other following pathogens, human society would have to take care of the psychopathy problem? The mind virus, the Wetiko virus...

A: Yes

Q: (Puck) So we have a question about BRICS. Do the BRICS leaders have a genuine interest in improving the collective future for humanity?

A: Partly, but as with everything in your realm, there are mixed motives and cross purposes.

Q: (Puck) In a session, I think it was in 2010, the C's gave percentages of psychopathy in the population. We were wondering if those numbers are still accurate?

A: Rising due to several factors including "downloading" activity of 4D STS.

Q: (L) In other words, organic portals could be receptacles for evil STS soul infusions or connections. Or what about people who kill their own souls and consciousness by influence of psychopathy who then become receptacles?

(Perceval) What about all those people who they said were in wars, who were taken after they were killed, reanimated, and set loose again for "activation" at a later time?

(L) Yeah...

A: All are factors.

Q: (L) Okay, next?

(Puck) Is Putin a descendant of Julius Caesar? [laughter]

A: No, but member of the same soul group.

Q: (L) Is that it?

(Puck) That's all I have. [discussion about questions]

(seek10) Is there any effect from our Twitter campaign?

A: Yes, and it will grow with persistence and regular infusions of energy.

Q: (L) Okay, is there any final bit of advice, or any last thing to say before we shut down for the night?

A: Just work daily at becoming more aware on three levels
1. Body and immediate environment,
2. Wider world affairs,
3. Cosmos and spirit.

Q: (L) Shouldn't "spirit" go with "Body and immediate environment"?

A: No, it is via the first steps that one achieves cosmic consciousness.

Q: (L) I don't understand.

(Chu) You have to work on the body and environment, and then understand the wider world at first. And then you can develop cosmic consciousness and spirit.

(L) Oooh. So in other words, to achieve cosmic consciousness, i.e. true spiritual advancement, you have to expand your field of vision to be very wide?

A: Exactly. Those who suggest that you must look only within live in a singular bubble.

Q: (L) Alright. Anything else?

A: No. Goodbye.

(L) Sayonara! This was a long one. It's gonna be two days before Mr. Scott gets this one done.

(Mr. Scott) PFFT! [laughter]

(L) Oh, never mind. It'll only be one day. He's on top of this. Kissy kissy to everybody! Ya'll have some fun! And thanks for some REALLY good questions! This was a good one. Bye bye!

[Thank yous, Goodbyes, end of Skype session]

Thank you for the new session.

I may have done the "auto-spirit release" several years ago without even realizing it. I used to have thoughts that would come out of the blue and were totally uncharacteristic of me. I started saying in my mind that it is not my thoughts. After a short period of time, that activity stopped..
Very interesting and insightful session particularly regarding doing the work to get rid of attachments.

(Perceval) I think part of the problem with SRT is that it's very appealing to people who decide that maybe all of their issues are attachments, and all it takes is a couple of phone calls to get rid of it and essentially deal with all of the issues. In other words, supplanting the idea of Work on the self with a couple of phone calls, and then “I'm clean! I'm done!” That's the draw of this kind of SRT work; it's a phone call. How easy is that? Someone else does it for you, supposedly.

Spot on :cool:

JC and VP part of the same soul group! :thup:
Again a very interesting and valuable session. Thanks for doing and sharing. :clap:

This part stood out for me:

Q: (L) Okay, is there any final bit of advice, or any last thing to say before we shut down for the night?

A: Just work daily at becoming more aware on three levels
1. Body and immediate environment,
2. Wider world affairs,
3. Cosmos and spirit.

Q: (L) Shouldn't "spirit" go with "Body and immediate environment"?

A: No, it is via the first steps that one achieves cosmic consciousness.

Q: (L) I don't understand.

(Chu) You have to work on the body and environment, and then understand the wider world at first. And then you can develop cosmic consciousness and spirit.

(L) Oooh. So in other words, to achieve cosmic consciousness, i.e. true spiritual advancement, you have to expand your field of vision to be very wide?

A: Exactly. Those who suggest that you must look only within live in a singular bubble.

I've always felt an urgent need of (counter)balancing inward attention with external expansion on as wide a variety of topics as possible, to avoid navel gazing and the danger of subsiding into pure subjectivity.

Seems I got that one right instinctively. :cool:
Thanks for the session. I do admit that the whole SRT thing did seem to be a nice "magic pill" option i could use in order to cleanse myself. Nice easy way out for those feeling down and wanting a little release. But like it was mentioned, it does no good unless your going to put one foot in front of the other and do the Work necessary to balance your mind/emotions/energy ect. Even if SRT was to give one a break and lighten the load to help in refocusing, if the weak point in the field isnt addressed, then a new attachment of some sort will just fill that void as it did before. An image of our energy field popped into my mind being similar to that of a single cell, where the interaction takes place along the cell membrane. (kinda popped in due to the virus talk i think) Many things can interact and get activated at certain receptor sites along our field/membrane, and until we do the Work to strength and alter this membrane/field, those entities/chemicals/information units will still be able to active those receptor points/voids we have in our field/membrane. Once awareness is gathered and Work is done, the structure of the membrane/field is changed/healed at those receptor points/voids and is no longer an attachment point that can be used to transverse and infect our organism.
Thanks for this session. Very interesting again.

Q: (L) So, are you suggesting that this is one of those, "As above, so below" interactive things? That as psychopaths become more virulent and present in human society, so will Ebola become more virulent in the physiological realm? Is that what we're getting at here?

A: Yes close enough.

Q: (L) So in order TO STOP THE PROGRESS OF EBOLA and any other following pathogens, HUMAN SOCIETY WOULD HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF THE PSYCHOPATHY PROBLEM? The mind virus, the Wetiko virus...

A: Yes

Well.. so I think this planet is in a risk of a big pandemia... unfortunately !
Great session, many thanks! :cheer:

The idea of healing certain pain with a bit of targeted and stronger pain is very interesting, it reminds me a bit of acupuncture or acupressure, but a conscious one. It now becomes clear why sometimes our efforts only give temporary effect, if we do not work on our real "issues," but fight only their effects instead. Thanks!
Thank you Laura and the team and all you guys who participated at the session,very useful and helpfull information was transmitted and received. :flowers: :)
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