Session 16 July 2016

Thanks for the keeping the lights on.

It's always good to be reminded of the larger context.
Hello all, and thank you to the Chateau crew and Laura for the latest session. Very revealing.
I was interested in the remarks about connecting chakras simultaneously and thought that if there was a Universal clock available that we could all use it.
I found this one:

Now when the Chateau crew want to spin, we can all spin! Or sing, or chant or pray..
Merci pour cette nouvelle Transcription à Vous Laura, les siens et les Cassiopéens...
La traduction Google n'est pas très bonne, j'ai eu du mal à comprendre, si quelqu'un pouvait traduire en bon Français dans la partie Française, ce serait excellent... Merci d'avance...
Laura ne resté pas seule s'il vous plait et merci à Ark de bien veiller sur vous...

Thank you for this new transcript to you Laura, his and the C's. . .
Google translation is not very good, I had trouble understanding, if someone could translate into good French in the French part, that would be excellent. . . Thank you in advance. . .
Laura remained not only please and thank you to Ark good care of you. . .
Thank you for the fascinating session!

As for the susceptibility of psychic people (I’m one of them in a sense) to bad psychic energies around, years ago I used to feel sick and even sometimes vomit after visiting places which at a first glance seemed filled with people of good psychic energy but they didn’t.

So I’ve learnt to be more aware of what is going on around me and to take notice of who says what and how he/she behaves and of course how I feel about it inside and it helps a lot, which of course doesn’t mean that now I’m always safe and no more susceptible. I try to shield myself mentally from what I find disturbing or just leave if possible.

Sometimes after leaving a place where there are too much negative thoughts, complains or pathological daydreaming my back, head or knees hurt for a while - I feel like having an arrow put inside.

Looking forward to common meetings with crystals.
What an amazing and interesting session!

A: Negative thoughts can be "dreams" too.

Q: (Joe) What they said before was that this kind of fantasyland dreaming about something that isn't objectively true, that seems to allow or anchor some other actual negative energy. So, your dream doesn't necessarily have to be negative.

A: It allows the insertion of what amounts to a feeding tube.

Maybe an example of what they mean: a few days ago, my wife had a disturbing dream connected with our past. It bugged her so she told me about it, even though it's not easy to "go there". As a result we had a very intense, difficult and beautiful talk about our past, how we feel about it, our reactions to thoughts like that etc. Had she just shoved it under the rug, which can happen so easily because we usually don't "like" such things, maybe she would have been irritated all day long, been in a bad mood etc. without realizing it, thus causing me to react etc., i.e. it would have created feeding.

So airing out such things is a good idea, it's about transforming negative energy (weird dreams, thought-loops, bad feelings etc.) into something positive (bonding, deep talks, realizations and so on).

As for Erdogan, all this makes sense - I think a big red flag was that the mainstream media went all out against him for weeks (at least here in Germany), and our media are fully aligned with US interests. That could have been "preparing the ground" for a coup against him. Also, I heard on the radio that Erdogan received a warning from his intelligence services, which might indicate that the Cs are right about the Russians sharing intelligence with him.
Laura said:
A: Those who live in dreams give off the STS signature and allow anchoring of 4D negative energies.

Q: (L) Well, I suppose we know that "living in dreams" is dissociating... Is that correct?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) It's not just dissociating. "Living in dreams" would also be believing in lies, not taking stock of the facts, and preferring instead an imaginary world.

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Not seeing yourself clearly. And others.

(L) Not seeing yourself and others clearly...

Thank you for another great session. Related to the "living in dreams" and believing in lies, there are so many "dreams and lies" hooks "placed" around us: "American dream", false spirituality, bad science, all kind of propaganda via mass media, etc. that allowing anchoring of 4D negative energies. It's look like spider web, with human beings as ordinary flies.
Thank you once more for everything. :love:
Thank you for the session. Interesting name this time, "Allinmea". Apparently" mea" is "me" in Latin?
Thanks for sharing the session!

Laura said:
(Pierre) Does everyone doing something like that together possibly lead to a change of state, change of reality?

A: Indeed!

Q: (L) What if everybody just began to build a spiral of energy? On, say, Wednesday night at such-and-such a time, we'd all gather together with our crystals that provide the link-up. And then, just basically maybe sing some songs to connect chakras just to see what happens? I guess we should experiment with that.

A: Yes!

Cristallgeddon is coming soon! :headbanger:
The interesting things appear in this session and suppport what I was conveying in my writings in difference places on the forum and outside, learning thanks to this forum and book and materials recommended here.

I would like to say that what is defined as the subconscious mind, emotional center, system 1 is the same, more or less.

The same thing in the case of conscious mind, intelectual center and system 2 is more or less the same.

I have pointed that mostly what was called by Gurdjief the "Dream" is result of broken hierarchy of the centers where i.a. emotional center is ruling the intelectual center.

People should at first, as I see this after my own research and experience what was vastly supported by this forum also, that the most important is to really and deep understand what G. say about basic issues related to build of the human machine and especially the placement the centers and relationship between them and particularly the role of the intelectual center as the main thing which distinguishes us from animal and is powerful weapon in fighting with be mechanical.

To those, important is understanding the role of the self-observation and self-remembering and what is the relationship of it to our typical state of the consciousness which is "Dreaming" state.

After that, what is worth, is understand what is called hypnosis, and particularly the relationship between the conscious mind and subconscious mind. From that, conclusion which can be received is i.a. role of the imagination. Imagination is the bridge between the subconscious mind and conscious mind - images which appear in the mind tell us how subconscious mind see different things and vice versa conscious mind can use imagination to enter different suggestions to rewire and calibrate the subconscious, in order to, subconscious mind work for us in desired direction.

The subconscious/emotional center stores all the little I's and also give possibility to connect with higher emotional center and stabilise higher undivided I. To make this possible the work of the whole machine is required, and intelectual center especially.

Next, is the work of the Kahneman. Kahneman give the very blunt examples of how intelectual center usurping energy of the emotional center and what are the results of this.

Those are examples, many other wiritings and books and people gave and give elements of puzzle.

The best what one can do is studying what was said by Laura and C's over the years and once againg study carefully ISOTM, Thinking Fast and Slow, basic information about hypnosis and different state of consciousness and how their influence the daily life. And after that others, but first basis should be very good understand.

I noticed that satisfactory number of people have already certain understanding of what the "Dream" is and it should be understand widely, for everyone. Next, that knowledge should be maximally utilised bringing equality between Knowledge and Being by everyone of us and allow for explosive development and succes in The Work.
Many thanks for this anniversary session. There is much to think over.
A: We told you about things in your future then and said that it was not imminent then. Much has happened since then. It is the time of changes now. Please revisit those sessions.
It seems to be an especially good time to reread the early sessions that have been annotated and published in book form, most recently The Cassiopaea Experiment Transcripts Volume 3 1996, as the "loop" is closing more rapidly now that the events discussed then are happening now, and have been ongoing for several years. I remember reading in an early session that debit cards would become the new norm and writing checks for purchases would become obsolete and feeling skeptical about it--thinking I would resist and insist on writing checks! :lol: Now debit cards and electronic money movement is so NORMAL that it is difficult to remember when it wasn't! Awareness of the many past predictions we may have wondered about in the past will surely be of use to us in this crazy present.
Knowledge Protects.
I was just scoping out the news sites and came across this article:

From Orlando to Nice: One month of madness

I just thought it was bizarre that it was since we began the crystal project that everything has gone totally kaflooey.
Thank you for this session, many things. For Wednesday's prayer, it will be difficult to fine adequate time, with jetlag of members... So I did not understand the feeling of Galatea, with his sugar levels (below), was it a good thing or a bad thing?
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