Session 16 July 2016


Kinda sums it up.

I used to do something similar, although it was more along the lines of finding the people responsible and kicking their butts something serious so they could never do it again. Now I'm usually just depressed about it. So I figure if I analyze the situation as objectively as I can, I might reach some comforting conclusion, or even a solution. But usually it just depresses me more, because it makes me see in more clarity just how evil, and apparently unstoppable, these 'beings' are. They're determined to destroy our global society and create as much suffering as possible for as many as possible, and we're tasked with the job of watching it happen. How cool is that! Not!

It's really a pretty ugly picture, and it helps me to better understand all those people out there who turn their faces away from the horrors of the world and pretend it isn't happening, or fall into illusions or dreams, or don't want to listen to the things we would like to tell them.

Sometimes I think we're cursed, those of us who have some 'gene' or something that made us maladjusted to society and inclined to dig for and discover the truth of this world. Did we think we'd find bunny rabbits and roses? If so, we got a shock! So here we are, naturally inclined to keep digging and uncovering the horrible reality of this world, and for a while thinking we could 'spread the word' and thereby help to fix it. But as time has passed, that idea has been exposed as a pipe dream. For the last 14 years we have been actively broadcasting a message to the public to wake up to just how messed up this world is, and informing them about the psychopathic nature of those that rule over us, and the likely future that awaits. The result? Things have gotten immeasurably worse. That's kind of depressing. No wonder we have tended to exclaim "Bring on the comets!" from time to time!

Our research into historical and social cycles and the rise and fall of civilizations and cyclical cataclysms is backed up by fairly hard evidence. So one thing we can be pretty sure about is that 'nature' calls a halt to the madness that tends to rise to unreasonable heights here on planet earth. That seems to be about the only 'saving grace' we can really count on.

Hope I didn't depress anyone too much! Feel free to give the positive side of the argument! :D

Your post not only didn't depress me, it just made me more acutely aware of how everyone here apparently has some inner calling that brought us to this group. None of the people I come into contact with have any awareness along the lines of this group - they're either conventional thinkers deluded by mass media and/or wrapped up in conventional religious dogma. Just visited my spouse's out of state family and one of them was convinced that ISIS was behind the heroin/opioid epidemic in this country. Needless to say, it was a jaw-dropping statement. I did let him know that the real culprit was a pharmaceutical firm but refrained from mentioning the Afghanistan/military/drug running aspect of it. Also, these traditional Republican voters are now Trump supporters although I did initiate the reality of third party candidates w/ the Libertarian candidates being ex-Republican governors. I've since become aware of all the crazy hoops third party candidates have to jump in order to get on State ballots w/ Ohio being quite the obstacle for the Libertarians.

I'm continually amazed not only by the insights relayed here, but also how the very same thought processes I'm having are identical to so many others here - sometimes down to the exact same words. I must say that in my pursuit of truth I certainly didn't expect to find bunny rabbits or roses - especially after learning more and more about ufos/abductions - but I never in my wildest imaginings expected the reality that has been exposed w/ even more astounding revelations continuing to be revealed. I still struggle w/ the mind-blowing aspects of it all and how to keep myself grounded and figure out the best way forward to deal w/ it all. I can't even imagine what my mindset would be had I not found Laura and her work years ago. I most likely would have all wrong ideas/conclusions as to why things are the way they are. And maybe I would be like so many others who believe Jesus is going to swoop in to save the day when things really go Armageddon.

I know when some particulary horrific thing happens and I start to painfully digest it, I have to remind myself again that the Cs told us that things will not ultimately change until 4D and so expecting otherwise is unrealistic. I do now take solace in the Crystal Project with it being something viable for us all to do that can make a real difference. And no matter what, I hold to the fact that humanity has been duped on a level that's all but inconceivable - that the predator has given us his mind - and so, I have to give the people who are still unbelievably clueless some slack and not entirely blame them for our state of affairs - or be impatient for their hastened demise by the cosmos. I know that that's what it's going to take to cleanse this earthly 'experiment' that's gone so badly wrong, but I shudder at the loss of all the good, wonderful, and beautiful things that will be destroyed forever as a result - people/animals/plants/scenic landscapes & wonders/art/music/etc. As the Cs have said, 'nothing lasts forever'. Tough love has taken on a new meaning for me.

Being the news addict that I am, I still subject myself to reading the local paper w/ not only all its obvious propaganda (I verbally berate those stories along w/ the writers usually by shouting Liars!), but the truly gut-wrenching reports of just awful incidents of abuse or death at the hands of despicable people are the worst. Three such stories in one edition brought me to tears. In the past, that would have led to all-out sobbing, but I purposely refrain from letting go to that extent - I'm not all cried out but I'm getting there. I'm inclined to think I'm all laughed out, too, at times, but an incredibly outrageous flash mob video did make me laugh on the very same day of the tears. What an incredibly whacko world we have now.

Again, thanks to all who take the time to share their thoughts and insights here - it does make a difference. And may Ark always be safe at hand to keep Laura from any more harm. Her pain is ours as well. So glad that knowledge has and is protecting her - much to the displeasure of the STS! Let us all continue to 'rock' their world - ha!
Quote from Jeep:

I used to do something similar, although it was more along the lines of finding the people responsible and kicking their butts something serious so they could never do it again. Now I'm usually just depressed about it. So I figure if I analyze the situation as objectively as I can, I might reach some comforting conclusion, or even a solution. But usually it just depresses me more, because it makes me see in more clarity just how evil, and apparently unstoppable, these 'beings' are. They're determined to destroy our global society and create as much suffering as possible for as many as possible, and we're tasked with the job of watching it happen. How cool is that! Not!

It's really a pretty ugly picture, and it helps me to better understand all those people out there who turn their faces away from the horrors of the world and pretend it isn't happening, or fall into illusions or dreams, or don't want to listen to the things we would like to tell them.

Sometimes I think we're cursed, those of us who have some 'gene' or something that made us maladjusted to society and inclined to dig for and discover the truth of this world. Did we think we'd find bunny rabbits and roses? If so, we got a shock! So here we are, naturally inclined to keep digging and uncovering the horrible reality of this world, and for a while thinking we could 'spread the word' and thereby help to fix it. But as time has passed, that idea has been exposed as a pipe dream. For the last 14 years we have been actively broadcasting a message to the public to wake up to just how messed up this world is, and informing them about the psychopathic nature of those that rule over us, and the likely future that awaits. The result? Things have gotten immeasurably worse. That's kind of depressing. No wonder we have tended to exclaim "Bring on the comets!" from time to time!

Our research into historical and social cycles and the rise and fall of civilizations and cyclical cataclysms is backed up by fairly hard evidence. So one thing we can be pretty sure about is that 'nature' calls a halt to the madness that tends to rise to unreasonable heights here on planet earth. That seems to be about the only 'saving grace' we can really count on.

Hope I didn't depress anyone too much! Feel free to give the positive side of the argument! :D

I remember one conversation with my father when he said how many per cent of people with your way of thinking are there, maybe 10 per cent, you are a minority. He was right, even more so as time "passes", feels like being alien, but what it makes worse is that things so simply fall in it s place when you connect all the dots, but is a subjective view, many people find it too complicated, unwilling and unable. G. said there is even more difference in being in humans then there is between minerals and animals, and his saying about knowledge being lost if spread to all people, and you take that from Gnosis that there is about 50 per cent of them from animal world, that have no possibility of deeper thought or reflection, plus growing number of psychopaths, that is failed organic portals, and growing number of numbed humans, genetic tweaking among souled individuals and constant programming. I kind of always felt to change "humanity" here was impossible and ungrateful, naive and wishful thinking, that in the end results in self-sacrifice, look at Pythagoras, Caesar, Socrates, Diogenes, Gnostics, etc... If you look through history you think if there was will for change they would change in a period of 309 000 years but it always ended in clean slate and new Cyclus with same ending, so it is always the same but people tend to view it like this time it is special, like everyone before did because it was them that was involved. Maybe that is 3D logic that is subjective, and Universe is place of unlimited possibilities, but it is not so for majority on this planet. People tend to project their perception on the whole.

Quote from SAO:
It really is a sinking ship, and individually we will go down with it even if the cause is a bunch of stupid passengers and psychopathic captain who aims it at the iceberg. But in a large enough group, we can either convince the other passangers to take control away from the mad captain, or at least have enough people rowing the lifeboat to resist the drag as the ship goes down with the band still playing.

That seems as only possibility left, or was it always the only. Thanks for a bigger picture.
[quote author= Corvinus]If you look through history you think if there was will for change they would change in a period of 309 000 years but it always ended in clean slate and new Cyclus with same ending, so it is always the same but people tend to view it like this time it is special, like everyone before did because it was them that was involved.[/quote]

I wasn't talking about assuming how things would play out. I was talking about just having hope, nothing more.

You on the other hand are convinced that it will be like this for all eternity. 4STS shares your view, but ''for all eternity'' is STS wishful thinking and it is self-defeating for those who wish for a better alternative.

And I don't consider this time special because I am involved. That's clearly your projection on people who haven't given up. I just hate tyranny and no matter the odds resisting it is the only choose. That's all and it will be like this over and over until we get it right.

Being rightfully angry at the world is healthy. Because the ignorant state of humanity is the root of all Evil and we have to address that best we can. But simply hating the world because of it and appearing frustrated by anyone who keeps trying isn't the solution.
SAO said:
How do we reconcile the idea that on the one hand "there is no justice" and yet "most people do not deserve any better" which suggests that they in fact are getting what they deserve - which means justice. I think it's an interesting question - on the one hand you have karma, you have the idea that we get from life exactly what we put into it, that our life is a reflection of ourselves. And I think this is true in many ways. On the other hand, we have a group of psychopath subjecting most of humanity to insane levels of suffering and that of course does not feel right or just. People are suffering, psychopaths are the cause, and it certainly doesn't feel right to ignore or not try to alleviate it somehow. So perhaps the ultimate question is - does humanity deserve its fate? Does anyone? And if so, why are we so invested in alleviating suffering?

I think sometimes we share karma - like national and global karma, and not everyone is always directly responsible for their lot in life, to a point. Imagine you punch someone for no reason with your right hand, accumulate karma, and end up hurting your left hand later because of this karma. Your left hand didn't do the punching, so what gives? Or maybe you get a heart attack, and again your heart was innocent. But you had the karma, not necessarily the hand. Or expanding that - I hurt someone, I get really hurt later, or die, and my mom/brother/father/children/etc suffer as a result of me dying, even tho it was my own karma. So why do they need to suffer? How can karma "hurt me" and me alone and spare everyone else? What did they do to deserve THEIR suffering when I'm the one who had the karma?

I think this extends to the world too - the fate of others, and our own fate, is karmically connected to the "body" of humanity, or the "body" of our country, family, friends, community, whichever group we are associated with and part of. One part of the body can do something bad - like the US population ignorantly electing the next psychopath to power. And another part of the body will suffer - Iraq/Syria/Afghanistan/Lybia/Ukraine/etc and ultimately US as well. The ripple effects come back to us in various ways. We play individual roles and collective roles, we can't completely separate ourselves from the world and the people, we are all here together for a reason, and part of that reason is to learn to work together, and benefit together, and often suffer together. Nothing happens in a vacuum.

Ultimately those "hyenas" you talk about will bring about your demise too, if you're not really careful and work really hard to avoid it. You're part of their pack, to a degree, whether you want it or not. And that sounds unfair - but perhaps life isn't about fair, but lessons. And maybe one of those lessons is simply to understand that we are all in this together - we either win together, or we lose together, but it's very hard to escape global and national fate. We certainly can't do it alone - our personal fate or capability isn't "strong enough" to counter the weight of what happens in the rest of the world. But perhaps with a big enough and dedicated enough network of people, we can create a "big enough ripple" to either change the fate of the world, or, at least change the fate of that group.

It really is a sinking ship, and individually we will go down with it even if the cause is a bunch of stupid passengers and psychopathic captain who aims it at the iceberg. But in a large enough group, we can either convince the other passangers to take control away from the mad captain, or at least have enough people rowing the lifeboat to resist the drag as the ship goes down with the band still playing.

Thank you for this post, SAO. It was beautifully said, and a good way to look at the bigger picture, I think. It removes some expectations, while highlighting the responsibility we each have (as individuals and as part of a group), whatever the end result.
Quote from: bjorn
You on the other hand are convinced that it will be like this for all eternity. 4STS shares your view, but ''for all eternity'' is STS wishful thinking and it is self-defeating for those who wish for a better alternative.

I ll be damned, joke aside, I was not saying that it will be for eternity, just that thinking and hoping that all or most of population is going to miraculously change for the better is wishful thinking and contradictory to facts and life here.

Quote from: bjorn
And I don't consider this time special because I am involved. That's clearly your projection on people who haven't given up. I just hate tyranny and no matter the odds resisting it is the only choose. That's all and it will be like this over and over until we get it right. Being rightfully angry at the world is healthy. Because the ignorant state of humanity is the root of all Evil and we have to address that best we can. But simply hating the world because of it and appearing frustrated by anyone who keeps trying isn't the solution.

My point was that just a small percentage of the whole is on the right track, word we can have different meanings, we as a group, or we as a whole civilization, in the later case I think I explained myself.

I agree in spreading information but correct me if I am wrong you make it look like "success" of a whole is a must like christian savior-ism, like there is no tomorrow if there is "failure". I was trying to convey that giving as much as you can is ok but identifying with a result is in the end irrelevant, Universe will continue with or without earthlings in the end and will balance things naturally, you can hold only your faith in your hands and try to help others as much as possible and learn something, and be true to yourself even if we would like a movie happy ending, but that is a skewed and childish perception, at least here. There are and others who have different lessons, not all are for bigger picture nor share the same polarity.
[quote author= Corvinus] I ll be damned, joke aside, I was not saying that it will be for eternity[/quote]

Close enough for eternity :

[quote author= Corvinus]but it always ended in clean slate and new Cyclus with same ending, so it is always the same but people tend to view it like this time it is special, like everyone before did because it was them that was involved.[/quote]

Btw, I don't appreciate that you try to put me in this category: (''but people tend to view it like this time it is special, like everyone before did because it was them that was involved.'')

You think talking in third person about someone gives you every opportunity to be ''cleverly'' offensive? I wouldn't had made anything of it but you got a history of communicating with me in this manner.

[quote author= Nienna][quote author= Corvinus][quote author= bjorn]I understand, but don't vent that on me through cryptic replies. I am not your enemy. If something is bothering you, feel free to share it.[/quote]

I was not being criptic nor venting(someone is venting when he is angry or mad and not being considerate) just tried to get to the point but it seems funny to me that nowdays everyone wants everything drawn and get so sensitive so to even get offended for having to use some brain power.[/quote]

No one is being sensitive here. Do you ever question yourself on how you might be coming across to others? Do you ever practice external consideration? Things are being pointed out to you for you to get to know yourself better. [/quote]

Are you going to continue with this kind of snarky responses? I didn't care about it at the beginning because I thought you just needed to vent and that's it.

But let me tell you that you shouldn't get to comfortable using me as some punching bag.

[quote author= Corvinus]I agree in spreading information but correct me if I am wrong you make it look like "success" of a whole is a must like christian savior-ism, like there is no tomorrow if there is "failure".[/quote]

Nothing of the kind. We already went through this

This is what I said:

[quote author= bjorn]There is nothing wrong with hoping that bad things won't happen to people. Whenever 'bad' things are meant to happen because of lessons is something else. I suppose you were hinting at that when you said ''strictly 3D thinking''

But don't confuse ''strictly 3D thinking'' with the everything is just an illusion so why bother mentality. Whenever injustice happens, whenever someone needs help. You respond accordingly and hope for the best. If you don't, you haven't learned the most basic lessons in life at all.

[quote author= bjorn]I just hate tyranny and no matter the odds resisting it is the only choose. That's all and it will be like this over and over until we get it right. [/quote]

[quote author= bjorn]I wasn't talking about assuming how things would play out. I was talking about just having hope[/quote]

Extra:(''Hope, fear and the future'' topic)
[quote author= bjorn]About our world, feeling powerless and trying to safe it. Its not our duty to save it, Our duty is to keep the school functional. If suffering is within their lesson profile (humanity) to help them see. Than this is what they have to experience in order to learn. Its natural.[/quote]

Please don't repeat yourself on this issue again. Stop assuming/’’making up?’’ in wherever I believe in fairy tale endings or not and just start reading what I actually said without the intent of putting another barrage of snarky responses.
Gaby said:
That was a fascinating session! :wizard: :flowers:

Laura said:
So basically, any person here in our community, this could happen to that person if they have such programs. And it is almost certain that everyone has programs of this sort that incline them to favor this thing and not favor that thing, all based on experiences of the past, most of which they cannot remember and which don’t apply at all to current experiences. That could then lead them into either la-la land, or very dark thoughts, very negative thoughts. That in itself creates an opening that allows this 4D STS energy in. The basic energy generated by the program is then souped up, accelerated and made ten times worse and the person falls into a pit of thinking that is out of control. And it can be negative thinking or it can be apparently positive, like thinking you are in love with the psychopath in the checkered shirt, or at least, the wrong person. A person might then automatically run programs that manipulate other people and set off their programs – either positively or negatively. Like if they think they are in love because a program has been triggered, they’ll send out “mating signals” which then trigger responses. And then they all start falling like dominoes. Or, they start thinking negative thoughts and act negatively in a more active way and cause all sorts of issues to develop. That's really creepy when you think about it.

That was a most helpful discussion. It has taken me a long time to realize how this process of 4D STS tube feeding can manifest.

Just yesterday, as I was dissociating into negative thoughts, I decided to review some ancestral background after reading about it in a book. There was much more info than a few years ago when I last looked. I realized how that may have shaped some of my feelings of inadequacy. I later decided to meditate with the Prayer of the Soul conscientiously for about 30 minutes and felt like a different person afterwards. It's being a while since I last concentrated that well while meditating. I ended up dreaming that I was driving in a narrow road because the highway was all crowded and noisy :P

Since "ancestral" programming can set us off in a really negative way, I would highly encourage everyone who has not worked on this area to do so in order to shed some light in the subconscious programming at work. Here is more information about it:

The Health & Wellness Show: ‌Trauma from your Mama: The DNA -- Stress connection

The Health & Wellness Show: Your Mama's drama can cause you trauma

Self-destructive behaviors and antagonism towards others can be based solely on events that don't apply anymore under present circumstances. Acknowledging the events and the pain associated with them helps to build up the awareness level. Then we become less vulnerable to hidden forces and to programmed triggers.

A: Yes. Holy Grail!

Q: (Pierre) The chalice shape of the Z pinch phenomenon.

A: Sheets of rain! Transiting realities?

Fascinating! That must be quite a sight!

A: Imagine all your group with their crystal connections then beginning to utilize them in unison?

I can imagine it! :)

Thank you for the session! What a wonderful anniversary!

Thanks for the session guys, and for the comment and resources above. After the ordeal I endured today, I have a bleeding fresh reminder of how sudden and overpowering this experience can be. I seemingly ”woke up on the wrong side of the bed” so to say. However I was aware of the origin of the thorn that was pricking me incessantly, and it was all I could do throughout the day to breathe, pray and try to ”tax the predator's mind with discipline.”

I realized I was being triggered over an unresolved conversation with my wife from the previous day. It was something innocuous, that we meant to get back to but that ended up on the back burner as we spent a lovely day visiting and catching up with one of her childhood friends. We ended the evening reading a couple chapters of The Wave and went to sleep with peaceful hearts. Who would've guessed that lurking through the night, in the recesses of my psyche, was this phantom, waiting to get its hooks in as soon as my eyes opened. I could feel the sucking drain, observed the negative thought loops , etc and it did indeed seem to grow in power whenever I slipped into identifying with and indulging them.

It was a horrible feeling, like what I would imagine riding a enraged bull might feel like; just trying desperately to hold on, and to avoid being gored when the beast's ferocity outmatched my grip. This lasted the better part of the day, through house chores, hobby projects, and the like. Then finally, when I picked my wife up from her outting, she asked me how I was doing, and I responded that ”I" was fine, just that my mind was being exercised by some old programs --- the cloud was lifted spontaneously as though a strong gale had blown through the room. The "flyer” disappeared as suddenly as it had alighted and the shift in energy was tangible. Whatever energy and protection her care and concern provided, in conjunction with my own struggle and the Divine Cosmic Mind rallying with us, I was finally able to regain my peace.

My recounting seems a bit dramatic as I write it, but in recapitulating the event I am affirmed in the realization that how I handled this trial would have deeply reverberating consequences for our relationship and our progress along The Way. So, a huge thanks to the community for providing the research, resources and tools that continue to help seekers like me to navigate the treacherous labyrinth. I encourage others who read this to reflect on their own seemingly mundane interactions, and to constantly assess the state of their mental hygiene; let's find the feeding tube and cut off nourishment. Our souls depend on it.
JEEP said:

Kinda sums it up.

I used to do something similar, although it was more along the lines of finding the people responsible and kicking their butts something serious so they could never do it again. Now I'm usually just depressed about it. So I figure if I analyze the situation as objectively as I can, I might reach some comforting conclusion, or even a solution. But usually it just depresses me more, because it makes me see in more clarity just how evil, and apparently unstoppable, these 'beings' are. They're determined to destroy our global society and create as much suffering as possible for as many as possible, and we're tasked with the job of watching it happen. How cool is that! Not!

It's really a pretty ugly picture, and it helps me to better understand all those people out there who turn their faces away from the horrors of the world and pretend it isn't happening, or fall into illusions or dreams, or don't want to listen to the things we would like to tell them.

Sometimes I think we're cursed, those of us who have some 'gene' or something that made us maladjusted to society and inclined to dig for and discover the truth of this world. Did we think we'd find bunny rabbits and roses? If so, we got a shock! So here we are, naturally inclined to keep digging and uncovering the horrible reality of this world, and for a while thinking we could 'spread the word' and thereby help to fix it. But as time has passed, that idea has been exposed as a pipe dream. For the last 14 years we have been actively broadcasting a message to the public to wake up to just how messed up this world is, and informing them about the psychopathic nature of those that rule over us, and the likely future that awaits. The result? Things have gotten immeasurably worse. That's kind of depressing. No wonder we have tended to exclaim "Bring on the comets!" from time to time!

Our research into historical and social cycles and the rise and fall of civilizations and cyclical cataclysms is backed up by fairly hard evidence. So one thing we can be pretty sure about is that 'nature' calls a halt to the madness that tends to rise to unreasonable heights here on planet earth. That seems to be about the only 'saving grace' we can really count on.

Hope I didn't depress anyone too much! Feel free to give the positive side of the argument! :D

Your post not only didn't depress me, it just made me more acutely aware of how everyone here apparently has some inner calling that brought us to this group. None of the people I come into contact with have any awareness along the lines of this group - they're either conventional thinkers deluded by mass media and/or wrapped up in conventional religious dogma. Just visited my spouse's out of state family and one of them was convinced that ISIS was behind the heroin/opioid epidemic in this country. Needless to say, it was a jaw-dropping statement. I did let him know that the real culprit was a pharmaceutical firm but refrained from mentioning the Afghanistan/military/drug running aspect of it. Also, these traditional Republican voters are now Trump supporters although I did initiate the reality of third party candidates w/ the Libertarian candidates being ex-Republican governors. I've since become aware of all the crazy hoops third party candidates have to jump in order to get on State ballots w/ Ohio being quite the obstacle for the Libertarians.

I'm continually amazed not only by the insights relayed here, but also how the very same thought processes I'm having are identical to so many others here - sometimes down to the exact same words. I must say that in my pursuit of truth I certainly didn't expect to find bunny rabbits or roses - especially after learning more and more about ufos/abductions - but I never in my wildest imaginings expected the reality that has been exposed w/ even more astounding revelations continuing to be revealed. I still struggle w/ the mind-blowing aspects of it all and how to keep myself grounded and figure out the best way forward to deal w/ it all. I can't even imagine what my mindset would be had I not found Laura and her work years ago. I most likely would have all wrong ideas/conclusions as to why things are the way they are. And maybe I would be like so many others who believe Jesus is going to swoop in to save the day when things really go Armageddon.

I know when some particulary horrific thing happens and I start to painfully digest it, I have to remind myself again that the Cs told us that things will not ultimately change until 4D and so expecting otherwise is unrealistic. I do now take solace in the Crystal Project with it being something viable for us all to do that can make a real difference. And no matter what, I hold to the fact that humanity has been duped on a level that's all but inconceivable - that the predator has given us his mind - and so, I have to give the people who are still unbelievably clueless some slack and not entirely blame them for our state of affairs - or be impatient for their hastened demise by the cosmos. I know that that's what it's going to take to cleanse this earthly 'experiment' that's gone so badly wrong, but I shudder at the loss of all the good, wonderful, and beautiful things that will be destroyed forever as a result - people/animals/plants/scenic landscapes & wonders/art/music/etc. As the Cs have said, 'nothing lasts forever'. Tough love has taken on a new meaning for me.

Being the news addict that I am, I still subject myself to reading the local paper w/ not only all its obvious propaganda (I verbally berate those stories along w/ the writers usually by shouting Liars!), but the truly gut-wrenching reports of just awful incidents of abuse or death at the hands of despicable people are the worst. Three such stories in one edition brought me to tears. In the past, that would have led to all-out sobbing, but I purposely refrain from letting go to that extent - I'm not all cried out but I'm getting there. I'm inclined to think I'm all laughed out, too, at times, but an incredibly outrageous flash mob video did make me laugh on the very same day of the tears. What an incredibly whacko world we have now.

Again, thanks to all who take the time to share their thoughts and insights here - it does make a difference. And may Ark always be safe at hand to keep Laura from any more harm. Her pain is ours as well. So glad that knowledge has and is protecting her - much to the displeasure of the STS! Let us all continue to 'rock' their world - ha!

Thank you JEEP,

I haven't had time the past two weeks to keep up with as much of the forum as I would have liked to. I randomly picked your post before starting my work day. What you wrote rings true for me as well. You expressed your ideas beautifully and gave me a positive sense of where I I stand at the beginning of a new day of the same old crap. But I'll still make the best of it In my personal life there's a lot to learn and share. I have the same experience as you did with family being staunch Republicans or the conservative right. But I spoke with a co worker yesterday that is also a recent graduate working as a therapist in the mental health field. She knew about psychopathy and how it was also obvious in the political arena. It made me feel hopeful that there are some people not buying into the brainwashing completely. We didn't start the fire/ It's been burning since the world's been turning - Billy Joel song - but we can't stop it either.

High five. Thank you for saying what I think and feel as well.
When I, some six years ago had found on the Internet Cassiopaean transcripts and began to read them, I was already "infected" with spirals and the vortex, so I just followed the thread, and looked on said with this perspective, and everything else I ' saved "in the mind of the folder -" later ". However, by the way, I noticed how Laura preoccupied, the earth's disasters (comets, meteorites ...) and trying to get confirmation of Cass that this is what follows. Then I thought, "This must be the soul of the Kantek, and certainly has experienced the destruction of this planet."
Goyacobol reminded that this is our karma from Atlantis.

Whatever it was, Kantek or Atlantis, my people, we are not selected, not the elite, nor saviors of the human race, we are simply repeaters third grade. I believe that in the Kantek and at the time of Atlantis, was souls who crossed into 4D. Our consciousness is still in 3D and so we are repeaters.

Can we do this time, pass the exam and complete the third grade, without to destroy or demolish the classroom (planet Earth)? :)

If we talk about justice and righteousness, we must not only look at the position of the people. We have to ask what justice for the Earth is and all who dwell in it.
If everything we perceive only a reflection, symbol, then the planet Earth, for me, is a symbol of STO (gives everyone what they need).

I mean, if the destruction is of some cosmic reset, if this is unavoidable, then so be it. I'll just say: "Strange are the ways of the Lord", "Every evil for something good, I just do not see it now," but I will not pray for it, especially not for the destruction of the planet.

Speaking of lessons, karma and graduation in 4D, there is a folk saying:
"History is the teacher of life" but also "History is written by the winners", so I do not really know how much we can learn anything if all lessons manipulated 309,000 years (back and forth through time).
Also there is a saying, "All roads lead to Rome", it helps me badly if all crossroads marked incorrectly, and certainly will never get to Rome, but I will spend my whole life on the road. This should be related to karma, and whether in these conditions we can ever rid of this loop.

Now the question arises: "What can you do?"

”To do” is related to the Work.
The work is a manifestation of energy. The work is all that is. The work is gravity (?)
It certainly needs to do something (physically, emotionally, mentally, psychologically in general).
The inscription "Work liberates" (with inverted B) at the entrances to the fascist death camps, not only heavy cynicism, but it is also intended to invalidate the term. That deep in the minds of people the concept of work and eventual freedom, which derives from it, is associated with a picture thousands of people who have suffered in these camps (at the same time the survivors speak to them, the same hard work, held conscious and alive).

The work by itself, creation by itself, without expectations. That moment when we do things, and we expect that this work will have an impact on someone, or expect some benefit, it ceases to be work and becomes manipulation, and here we are in the mouth 4D "friends" (lack of energy, frustration, depression, because in things do not satisfy the expectations, always arise new, more and more, hunger of predators). All people are doing (manipulate energy) solely because to achieve something (salary, recognition, satisfy their needs and aspirations), therefore we live in STS world. So make and release from yourself, without expectations.

Sessio 11 August 1996 said:
Q: (L) OK, we've been talking earlier this evening about intent, and of course, our own experiences with intent have really been pretty phenomenal. We've come to some kind of an idea that intent, when confirmed repeatedly, actually builds force. Is this a correct concept, and is there anything that you can add to it?

A: Only until anticipation muddies the picture... tricky one, huh?

Q: (L) Is anticipation the act of assuming you know how something is going to happen?

A: Follows realization, generally, and unfortunately for you, on 3rd density.

Q: (L) Is this a correct assessment of this process?

A: Both examples given are correct. You see, once anticipation enters the picture, the intent can no longer be STO.

Q: (L) Anticipation is desire for something for self. Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) OK, so it's OK to intend something, or to think in an intentional way, or to hope in an intentional way, for something that is to serve another, but anticipation defines it as a more personal thing.

A: And that brings realization.

Q: (L) So, desire to serve others, and to do something because it will help others, brings realization...

A: But, realization creates anticipation.

Q: (L) Well, how do we navigate this? I mean, this is like walking on a razor's edge. To control your mind to not anticipate, and yet, deal with realization, and yet, still maintain hope... (J) They said it was tricky... (L) This is, this is, um...

A: Mental exercises of denial, balanced with pure faith of a non-prejudicial kind.

Q: (L) OK, so, in other words, to just accept what is at the moment, appreciate it as it is at the moment, and have faith that the universe and things will happen the way they are supposed to happen, without placing any expectation on how that will be?

A: Yes.

I can not imagine a better world, because I really do not know what it looks like and what it should be.
The only option I see is that somehow undo 309,000 years old influences that everyone gets an equal chance. To learn the lesson, to break free of karma, and that we can be who we are in essence STO or STS.
This is for what I can pray the Universe and search for Cass. the lead.

Here I put in a lot of folk sayings in order to show how, some primordial knowledge exists in people and transmitted from generation to generation. Here's another that the old people said the younger: "There is no bread without hoe". At first I did not understand, I thought old people rising hard physically, rustic work. Later I realized that no food without work. (According to the I Ching, the food is not only what nourishes the body, but also what feeds the intellect and the soul).
One more thing, do not be hard on "bad guys". Can you imagine the action of any novel, drama or the movie without at least one quality villain? :)
Quote from: bjorn
Close enough for eternity :

I was referring to the Grand Cycle, when there is a final reset the question is how the life is going to manifest on 3D or if even it will be possible. And many will begin whole cycle again, just different time, so Earth will be always with one part in a sense prison if you look non linear at past, present, and future as now. And I do not concentrate so much on place as on individuals or group, place stays the same like a school, but when you graduate you leave it and other come that replace you.

Quote from: bjorn
Btw, I don't appreciate that you try to put me in this category: (''but people tend to view it like this time it is special, like everyone before did because it was them that was involved.'')
You think talking in third person about someone gives you every opportunity to be ''cleverly'' offensive? I wouldn't had made anything of it but you got a history of communicating with me in this manner.

I was referring more to people who start to see things, like I was like that at the beginning, but probably and here are maybe some who see it as that but that is natural, part of polarity or maybe a program.

Quote from: bjorn
But let me tell you that you shouldn't get to comfortable using me as some punching bag.

I have nothing as that in my mind, like G. said try to speak to others respecting that higher part inside of them, especially here. My first reply was a bit rude because I was impatient, and sensed some negative vibe, but of course that is no excuse.

Quote from: bjorn
Nothing of the kind. We already went through this

Then I was wrong and have misunderstood you, my bad.

Quote from: bjorn
Please don't repeat yourself on this issue again.

I agree with you on this one. Do not want to hijack thread. :)
Chu said:
SAO said:
How do we reconcile the idea that on the one hand "there is no justice" and yet "most people do not deserve any better" which suggests that they in fact are getting what they deserve - which means justice. I think it's an interesting question - on the one hand you have karma, you have the idea that we get from life exactly what we put into it, that our life is a reflection of ourselves. And I think this is true in many ways. On the other hand, we have a group of psychopath subjecting most of humanity to insane levels of suffering and that of course does not feel right or just. People are suffering, psychopaths are the cause, and it certainly doesn't feel right to ignore or not try to alleviate it somehow. So perhaps the ultimate question is - does humanity deserve its fate? Does anyone? And if so, why are we so invested in alleviating suffering?

I think sometimes we share karma - like national and global karma, and not everyone is always directly responsible for their lot in life, to a point. Imagine you punch someone for no reason with your right hand, accumulate karma, and end up hurting your left hand later because of this karma. Your left hand didn't do the punching, so what gives? Or maybe you get a heart attack, and again your heart was innocent. But you had the karma, not necessarily the hand. Or expanding that - I hurt someone, I get really hurt later, or die, and my mom/brother/father/children/etc suffer as a result of me dying, even tho it was my own karma. So why do they need to suffer? How can karma "hurt me" and me alone and spare everyone else? What did they do to deserve THEIR suffering when I'm the one who had the karma?

I think this extends to the world too - the fate of others, and our own fate, is karmically connected to the "body" of humanity, or the "body" of our country, family, friends, community, whichever group we are associated with and part of. One part of the body can do something bad - like the US population ignorantly electing the next psychopath to power. And another part of the body will suffer - Iraq/Syria/Afghanistan/Lybia/Ukraine/etc and ultimately US as well. The ripple effects come back to us in various ways. We play individual roles and collective roles, we can't completely separate ourselves from the world and the people, we are all here together for a reason, and part of that reason is to learn to work together, and benefit together, and often suffer together. Nothing happens in a vacuum.

Ultimately those "hyenas" you talk about will bring about your demise too, if you're not really careful and work really hard to avoid it. You're part of their pack, to a degree, whether you want it or not. And that sounds unfair - but perhaps life isn't about fair, but lessons. And maybe one of those lessons is simply to understand that we are all in this together - we either win together, or we lose together, but it's very hard to escape global and national fate. We certainly can't do it alone - our personal fate or capability isn't "strong enough" to counter the weight of what happens in the rest of the world. But perhaps with a big enough and dedicated enough network of people, we can create a "big enough ripple" to either change the fate of the world, or, at least change the fate of that group.

It really is a sinking ship, and individually we will go down with it even if the cause is a bunch of stupid passengers and psychopathic captain who aims it at the iceberg. But in a large enough group, we can either convince the other passangers to take control away from the mad captain, or at least have enough people rowing the lifeboat to resist the drag as the ship goes down with the band still playing.

Thank you for this post, SAO. It was beautifully said, and a good way to look at the bigger picture, I think. It removes some expectations, while highlighting the responsibility we each have (as individuals and as part of a group), whatever the end result.

Indeed, thanks SAO for your words.

The C's mention Karma very often starting in 1994, and there was this main group karmic reference that is first remembered:

Q: (L) Is there some karmic element that was fulfilled by the Holocaust?

A: Of course.

Q: (L) Could you tell us what karma was being expunged in that activity, and what group the Jews represented?

A: This is not germane, but it was Atlantean overseers "expunging" guilt from that life experience.

There is also a varied discussion on Karma in Casswiki:

snip said:
A simplistic interpretation of the idea of karma would be that any "bad deeds" will return to the perpetrator in such a way that the perpetrator will come to renounce all such badness and see the error of one's ways first hand. Thus, over lifetimes, all becomes perfected towards a universal idea of goodness, truth and beauty. Observation of history does not support such a view.

Rather, it seems that the principle of karma allows for two different paths of evolution, corresponding to service to others and service to self. It may be that the eventual price of unbounded service to self is some sort of dissolution but the being gets to develop in power and capacity to far above human levels before anything of the sort takes place. Thus karma does not make a 'fair world' not at least from the human standpoint.
Joe said:
I suppose I knew intellectually that nothing could be done, but how does one square that with doing anything? To do the things we have done towards a specific (if not very well understood) goal, there has to be, by definition I think, some idea that the goal will be reached. So recently I've had to come to terms with the idea that what can be achieved is not really known. In fact, very little can be known, other than that which you can know as a result of the "do what is in front of you to do each day" doctrine. From grandiose ideas of being charged with an loftily important task to being confronted with ones own insignificance and the uncertainty of everything, is a bit of come down.

I think you are right that what can be achieved is not really known. But to the bolded part, I think there is another option (than doing because one think something can be achieved)

It is duty. Doing what is right, and keep doing it, simply because it is the right thing to do.

And what other option is there really? To be like King Theodor from LOTR, listen to the snaketounge servant that says it is all useless, and give up, and thus be part of the problem? I mean it is not like there is the option of retiring and living happily ever after. Even the Shire is polluted and destroyed by the darkness by now.
Q: (Joe) What they said before was that this kind of fantasyland dreaming about something that isn't objectively true, that seems to allow or anchor some other actual negative energy. So, your dream doesn't necessarily have to be negative.

A: It allows the insertion of what amounts to a feeding tube.

Q: (Andromeda) So basically it's like a wrong use of imagination, whether positive or negative, if you're not anchored in reality. It leaves an opening for something to attach.

(L) Okay, so somebody's dreaming and sending out the STS signal since they're living in la-la land. Then there's the insertion of this feeding tube, and what then happens? What is the mechanism?

A: It can activate subconscious programs and also utilize the connection to enhance physiological processes that excite those in the environment to interact in ways that enhance feeding.
Its fascinating to read this segment, as I have recently observed this happening to me. I am overcome by a palpable drowsiness when indulging in fantasy, which are usually sexual in nature. At times, this is followed by a debilitating activation of the physiological processes that accompany such fantasy, and regretfully this leads to dysfunctional behaviour at times. I have privately likened the whole process to being like 'Gollum' when exposed to the ring.

What reading this will make me pay more attention to is the daydreaming that may well precede this process taking place, as I have convinced myself it starts 'out of the blue,' but it is probably preceded by subtle STS daydreaming that I simply fail to pay attention to. This allows a foot in the door, so to speak, and then the process unfolds as usual.

That being said, the 'impression' upon my consciousness that marks the start of this process has been greatly weakened since receipt of my crystals a few weeks back. A significant difference has been made, and the process dissolves before gaining traction 99% of the time. For this I am very grateful.

Reading these transcripts after finishing the Wave series is an absolute treat, so thanks for all your efforts.
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