Session 16 July 2016

Corvinus said:
Quote from: bjorn
I understand, but don't vent that on me through cryptic replies. I am not your enemy. If something is bothering you, feel free to share it.

I was not being criptic nor venting(someone is venting when he is angry or mad and not being considerate) just tried to get to the point but it seems funny to me that nowdays everyone wants everything drawn and get so sensitive so to even get offended for having to use some brain power.

No one is being sensitive here. Do you ever question yourself on how you might be coming across to others? Do you ever practice external consideration? Things are being pointed out to you for you to get to know yourself better.
Quote from: Nienna
Do you ever question yourself on how you might be coming across to others? Do you ever practice external consideration?

It seems you have already answered that questions for me Nienna.

Quote from: Nienna
Things are being pointed out to you for you to get to know yourself better.

And I appreciate it and I am grateful for it but I can not agree in this case.
Corvinus said:
Quote from: Nienna
Do you ever question yourself on how you might be coming across to others? Do you ever practice external consideration?

It seems you have already answered that questions for me Nienna.

Quote from: Nienna
Things are being pointed out to you for you to get to know yourself better.

And I appreciate it and I am grateful for it but I can not agree in this case.


I notice that your footnote is "Defeat is a word I do not know”. Do you feel that you are in a loosing battle?

When you said:

"I was not being criptic nor venting(someone is venting when he is angry or mad and not being considerate) just tried to get to the point but it seems funny to me that nowdays everyone wants everything drawn and get so sensitive so to even get offended for having to use some brain power."

Is that the way you view most of the forum members? What are some of the things you see as needing "some brain power"? Could it be that you are just not being understood.

Sometimes being "sensitive" requires a strong determination to understand others and to be understood ourselves I think.

I sense your frustration when you said:

"Snarky? If something was not bothering me I would not be here on this forum like everyone else, just an usual standard depression, life and injustice."

I don't know if you have noticed how many others here are feeling the pain of the world going mad and more violent with each passing day but there are many posts that express a sense of at least frustration/anger/depression.

Recently, Joe has gone through and is still dealing with what seems to be a similar situation that you describe after he started detoxing and taking iodine.

Here are some of Miss.K's comments and his recent reply:

Joe said:
Miss.K said:
I was somewhat surprised when you were telling about having had a breakdown not so long ago, due to realizing about nothing can be done to change things, as that nothing can be done was one of the first things I understood when first reading the wave and G and so I thought that you knew that from the start as well, and had just developed superhero powers or something so that you knew something I didn't, and thus knew what to do :)

I suppose I knew intellectually that nothing could be done, but how does one square that with doing anything? To do the things we have done towards a specific (if not very well understood) goal, there has to be, by definition I think, some idea that the goal will be reached. So recently I've had to come to terms with the idea that what can be achieved is not really known. In fact, very little can be known, other than that which you can know as a result of the "do what is in front of you to do each day" doctrine. From grandiose ideas of being charged with an loftily important task to being confronted with ones own insignificance and the uncertainty of everything, is a bit of come down. But I understand and appreciate what you said in the rest of your post. :hug2:

I am still trying to find my part in this "show" and feel like a very small part of this "one big school". :/ :hug2:
I found an article about crystals in a magazine, and it says that crystals are charged under sunlight (red and yellow crystals) and moonlight (blue, green and purple). And that some can also be charged by burying underground.

No wonder why many people don't have a trust in an alternative medicine. There are so many wrong recommendations in that field.
Corvinus said:
Quote from: Bjorn
Wherever possible, we can help each other.

Yes, that is right but that is not an answer to my question, in the end everyone is responsible for himself and has last say, and as said you can only give advice or information, that was my point.
I feel like it was an answer to your question. Bjorn was offering that we could give help and advice to others. That advice can help and influence others so in a way we are responsible for the quality and objectivity of that help and advice and in turn responsible for how it may affect another's well being.
Perhaps not the answer that you wanted seeing as it looks like you answered your own question yourself here and want the last word on that. I understand what you are trying to say and agree that in the end only we can change ourselves but you came across as being a little bit abrupt and rude towards Bjorn.
Persej said:
I found an article about crystals in a magazine, and it says that crystals are charged under sunlight (red and yellow crystals) and moonlight (blue, green and purple). And that some can also be charged by burying underground.

No wonder why many people don't have a trust in an alternative medicine. There are so many wrong recommendations in that field.

Has anyone compiled a summary of the treatment of the crystals, I am confused?
"The water and sunlight clear the charge. Those who are doing this are de-activating their crystals and they will become just ordinary crystals with no connection. "
"You CHARGE the crystal in water IN the sunlight and starlight, no moonlight.",41489.270.html
Mandrak said:
Persej said:
I found an article about crystals in a magazine, and it says that crystals are charged under sunlight (red and yellow crystals) and moonlight (blue, green and purple). And that some can also be charged by burying underground.

No wonder why many people don't have a trust in an alternative medicine. There are so many wrong recommendations in that field.

Has anyone compiled a summary of the treatment of the crystals, I am confused?
"The water and sunlight clear the charge. Those who are doing this are de-activating their crystals and they will become just ordinary crystals with no connection. "
"You CHARGE the crystal in water IN the sunlight and starlight, no moonlight.",41489.270.html

The only treatment your crystals need is singing and praying (as described in the accompanying booklet). You don't have to intentionally put them in the sunlight for charging. By doing that you will erase the initial charge and they'll become normal crystals.
I was thinking something last night after EE I think. And it was about how I always want to be a part of the forum and group. And that the brain is a small individual network. Above that is the network of us individuals together. And then there is the soul group. And after a certain point, all is one (7D).

The crystals are another network of 1D. But they are like an extension of our network, a part of ourselves. After all, we incorporate minerals into our body, for instance salt. So the crystals are a crystallized, physical part of the network that exists in 1D, as long as they're still charged.

Not to be morbid, but I had a thought of that if I checked out of 3D, that there would still be a connection of me via my crystals to this planet in physical form. This reminds me of G saying something like if you leave behind a personal item after death to someone, then they have a connection to you.

This reminded me of the C's saying that in 4D, it will be our job to seed the 3D universe. But in a way, we're already seeding the Earth with 1D residents that are tied to our network. And that idea gave me a little hope, that some part of us will remain connected and have planted "mineral seeds". Our bones may wither to dust, but a crystal (or diamond?) lasts for millions of years, assuming that they don't get exposed to much light and get disconnected from the network.
Mandrak said:
Has anyone compiled a summary of the treatment of the crystals, I am confused?
"The water and sunlight clear the charge. Those who are doing this are de-activating their crystals and they will become just ordinary crystals with no connection. "
"You CHARGE the crystal in water IN the sunlight and starlight, no moonlight.",41489.270.html

I think that the process consists of charging with energy and frequency. With the sunlight and starlight you charge the crystal with the pure energy, but with the singing and praying (done by Laura) you are charging the crystals with the frequency. So if you would put now your crystals on the sunlight you would charge them with the energy, but the Laura's frequency would be lost. It would be like your phone's battery is full, but you don't have the sim card inside to make a connection. So you would have to send the crystals back to Laura to charge them with her frequency again.
3D Student said:
The crystals are another network of 1D. But they are like an extension of our network, a part of ourselves. After all, we incorporate minerals into our body, for instance salt. So the crystals are a crystallized, physical part of the network that exists in 1D, as long as they're still charged.

My thoughts are the same go in a similar direction.
They go like this:
If Cass (6D), we in the future, then there is a possibility that the crystals (1D), we in the past. You know; 1D is a reflection 6D.
Assume that the time wave that we call the past, traveling from the direction which we perceive as the future (6D), and the time wave that we call the future, traveling from the direction that we call the past (1D). Where they meet is present, or we.
We (now) have contact: with us in the past (crystals) that emit the future and with us in the future (Cass) that emit past.
Opportunities arising from it (positive and negative) leave up to your imagination. :)
Quote from:lainey
I understand what you are trying to say and agree that in the end only we can change ourselves but you came across as being a little bit abrupt and rude towards Bjorn.

It was not my intention to offend, I apologize.

Quote from:goyacobol

I notice that your footnote is "Defeat is a word I do not know”. Do you feel that you are in a loosing battle?

It is an old childish quote I intend to change.

Quote from:goyacobol
I don't know if you have noticed how many others here are feeling the pain of the world going mad and more violent with each passing day but there are many posts that express a sense of at least frustration/anger/depression.

Thanks for a reminder. Just feel psychologically tired, sometimes it is hard to see the purpose of life in this place, especially in this times and surrounded with dead and blind people, there is only emptiness, and normal people get so used to worse they do not know for better. There are no more ounce of positive influences from anywhere anymore, and the feeling of helplessness, disappointment in your closest ones that say you have to fight in life, you have to do that or that - for a what?, in your life and life in general, lack of understanding, worn of idiotic faces, you re by yourself all alone with hyenas and half wit uneducated no spiners that look just for their self interest and think they are the smartest, so you prefer to spent as much time alone and distanced, sometimes you just want it all to burn and they wonder why people end up postal and send it all to hell, madness never ends. What hurts the most is there is no justice, no future for most people, and then they say something about hope, what hope for better there is left anymore as if there was any as a matter of fact. I do not know for others but sometimes I fell glad for what is to come, because most people do not deserve any better.
Hey Corvinus, you said (and I emphasized some parts):

Corvinus said:
Thanks for a reminder. Just feel psychologically tired, sometimes it is hard to see the purpose of life in this place, especially in this times and surrounded with dead and blind people, there is only emptiness, and normal people get so used to worse they do not know for better. There are no more ounce of positive influences from anywhere anymore, and the feeling of helplessness, disappointment in your closest ones that say you have to fight in life, you have to do that or that - for a what?, in your life and life in general, lack of understanding, worn of idiotic faces, you re by yourself all alone with hyenas and half wit uneducated no spiners that look just for their self interest and think they are the smartest, so you prefer to spent as much time alone and distanced, sometimes you just want it all to burn and they wonder why people end up postal and send it all to hell, madness never ends. What hurts the most is there is no justice, no future for most people, and then they say something about hope, what hope for better there is left anymore as if there was any as a matter of fact. I do not know for others but sometimes I fell glad for what is to come, because most people do not deserve any better.

How do we reconcile the idea that on the one hand "there is no justice" and yet "most people do not deserve any better" which suggests that they in fact are getting what they deserve - which means justice. I think it's an interesting question - on the one hand you have karma, you have the idea that we get from life exactly what we put into it, that our life is a reflection of ourselves. And I think this is true in many ways. On the other hand, we have a group of psychopath subjecting most of humanity to insane levels of suffering and that of course does not feel right or just. People are suffering, psychopaths are the cause, and it certainly doesn't feel right to ignore or not try to alleviate it somehow. So perhaps the ultimate question is - does humanity deserve its fate? Does anyone? And if so, why are we so invested in alleviating suffering?

I think sometimes we share karma - like national and global karma, and not everyone is always directly responsible for their lot in life, to a point. Imagine you punch someone for no reason with your right hand, accumulate karma, and end up hurting your left hand later because of this karma. Your left hand didn't do the punching, so what gives? Or maybe you get a heart attack, and again your heart was innocent. But you had the karma, not necessarily the hand. Or expanding that - I hurt someone, I get really hurt later, or die, and my mom/brother/father/children/etc suffer as a result of me dying, even tho it was my own karma. So why do they need to suffer? How can karma "hurt me" and me alone and spare everyone else? What did they do to deserve THEIR suffering when I'm the one who had the karma?

I think this extends to the world too - the fate of others, and our own fate, is karmically connected to the "body" of humanity, or the "body" of our country, family, friends, community, whichever group we are associated with and part of. One part of the body can do something bad - like the US population ignorantly electing the next psychopath to power. And another part of the body will suffer - Iraq/Syria/Afghanistan/Lybia/Ukraine/etc and ultimately US as well. The ripple effects come back to us in various ways. We play individual roles and collective roles, we can't completely separate ourselves from the world and the people, we are all here together for a reason, and part of that reason is to learn to work together, and benefit together, and often suffer together. Nothing happens in a vacuum.

Ultimately those "hyenas" you talk about will bring about your demise too, if you're not really careful and work really hard to avoid it. You're part of their pack, to a degree, whether you want it or not. And that sounds unfair - but perhaps life isn't about fair, but lessons. And maybe one of those lessons is simply to understand that we are all in this together - we either win together, or we lose together, but it's very hard to escape global and national fate. We certainly can't do it alone - our personal fate or capability isn't "strong enough" to counter the weight of what happens in the rest of the world. But perhaps with a big enough and dedicated enough network of people, we can create a "big enough ripple" to either change the fate of the world, or, at least change the fate of that group.

It really is a sinking ship, and individually we will go down with it even if the cause is a bunch of stupid passengers and psychopathic captain who aims it at the iceberg. But in a large enough group, we can either convince the other passangers to take control away from the mad captain, or at least have enough people rowing the lifeboat to resist the drag as the ship goes down with the band still playing.
We play individual roles and collective roles, we can't completely separate ourselves from the world and the people, we are all here together for a reason, and part of that reason is to learn to work together, and benefit together, and often suffer together. Nothing happens in a vacuum.

For digging a little deeper in this sens, i 'm going to put all
the definition of DISCERNMENT from CassWiki.
I think once applied in "our" situation it can help a bunch to navigate and feel less numb facing the worsening "horror of the situation".
It's the right moment to practise...

In general usage, discernment means good judgement, seeing things for what they are.

The word is often used in the context of seeing the difference between right and wrong or true and false. In religious discourse, discernment specifically means distinguishing between different spiritual influences.

We could say that building discernment is the core of esoteric work. If being is like the light which illumines man's inner world and allows it to be seen and to act as a coherent whole, discernment is the act of seeing by this light.

Discernment is a sense for the true nature of things. Discernment is a skill or ability rather than the state of possessing information. Discernment may apply to all manifestations of the universe, as they all ultimately derive from archetypal sources. Discernment cannot be codified into a set of universally applicable rules but it can be learned through practice. While some general principles exist, all situations are unique. Discernment is the capacity to see what is applicable to what. Discernment, as knowledge itself, is infinitely varied and all-encompassing. Discernment does not occur in a vacuum, it is always in relation to a situation, a phenomenon or message.

Discernment has to do with awareness of context. In 4th Way discourse, we could say that discernment is the capacity to correctly see the three forces, active, passive and neutralizing as they apply to a situation.

The concept of discernment has a supersensible element, as in a spontaneous apprehension of what is true and what false. This is an attribute that is strengthened along the path of esoteric development. After the fact, it is often possible to say which signs or criteria of judgement led to which conclusion, yet discernment cannot be reduced to applying checklists to phenomena or situations.

Discernment is necessary for making sense of any esoteric writings. The first difficulty is external: The writings have been deliberately twisted along the line of transmission or the cultural context is not properly understood, giving rise to faulty interpretation of any allegories, not to mention errors of translation between languages. The second difficulty persists even if the first were overcome: Words have multiple meanings, for example ‘I' in one sentence may mean something completely other than in another. The problem is compounded if comparing different sources.

Discernment applies to man's inner life as well as to outer manifestations. For example, Gurdjieff says that self-love isolates man from reality and prevents esoteric development. Yet a different part of the self must be of great worth and loved a great deal in order to justify the efforts made on its behalf in the Work. Suffering of one sort is wasted energy, merely feeding the moon, yet other suffering is absolutely necessary for obtaining anything. Distinguishing between the parts of self concerned and the types of effort and suffering is an example of discernment applied to inner life. Each of these has its proper 'taste,' which must be linked to the terms used in the teaching before the teaching comes to life.

Examples of discernment applied to the outer world include seeing through the lies and misrepresentations of politics without the veil of wishful thinking. Even further, discernment applies to what is or is not known. Discernment is the opposite of belief or obsession, it is an ever-vigilant state, knowing the limits of its own knowledge. Another application is seeing the patterns of history through the layers of disinformation accumulated at each retelling. Another application is extracting information of value from esoteric or channeled sources. Even if an invariably truthful source of information existed, the information would be of little value without the capacity of discernment which would confirm its truth, thus making the information the receiver's own.

We could say that the principal aim of the FotCM is practicing and teaching discernment as applies to both inner and outer contents. Only if the world is seen for what it is is it possible to choose one's way and act in favor of this choice. In this sense, all begins with discernment of both one's circumstance as well as of one's inner nature. All that follows calls for increasingly refined discernment between influences, situations and choices.
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