Session 16 July 2016

Bjorn said:
We have to win. I don't know how, but we have to. If we don't, we can only beg for planetary destruction. And it seems this will be the fate for many in the times to come.
I agree with this and would like to expand on this subject. Recognizing that the game is rigged and then just sitting back and saying "well, we're seeing objective reality and being externally considerate and because all there is is lessons, it's all going to ok" is kind of like saying "all you need is love and light" except you're doing it with the intellectual center more than the emotional center. While it may be "ok," some realities are objectively better than others, and I believe you have to fight for the one you want in some form or fashion or you get "recycled."

Nevertheless, I do see some value in this stoic perspective if you can put it in its greater context. What is key here, I believe, is how we perceive and define winning or losing. I was immediately reminded of this session:
session990828 said:
Q: (L) There were several dark streaks seen in the sky at the time of the recent solar eclipse. There has been a great deal of comment about this at various sites on the internet including some of the 'hard science' astronomical ones, yet there is no general consensus as to what they were. There were also strange lights and objects seen around the sun, and later, crossing the surface of the moon. There is also an ongoing discussion about some sort of 'Incoming Object' as though there is an anomalous object in our solar system that is creating this effect. Now, I realize that you said before that we ought to watch for something AFTER Comet Lee, the exact words being ' Now, you need to know the composition of this comet... And any other closely following same. We have alluded to the increased cometary activity before. Oort, and that which cyclically disturbs it.' So, it does seem that what you were alluding to is transpiring at the present. I mean, 'closely following' probably means close in terms of time, also. And you did say that such comets as have been disturbed would approach in a 'scatter pattern,' which would mean from any and all directions. Can you comment on these current events?
A: Not yet.
Q: Why? Is there something we should be watching for?
A: Best to keep watching....
Q: Anything in particular we should be watching for?
A: No. Be open to all possibilities.
Q: Are we on the verge of a) an alien invasion; b) a cometary impact; c) the appearance of a twin sun, a death star in our solar system?
A: Wait and see.
Q: I don't want to wait and see! (A) Wait and see! When it hits us, we will know! (L) Let me ask this....
A: What a glorious transition to 4th density STO. With maybe a quick stopover in 5th just to pick up a few things for the trip!
Q: Are you saying that we are getting ready for the Big Kahuna?
A: Only Don Ho knows for sure.
Q: What?!
A: Well, you did say "Kaahuna," yes?
Q: Okay, you have repeatedly, in the past year, alluded to something that we are supposed to be watching for, that we are supposed to 'enjoy the show,' and all that sort of thing. Now you have
made this remark about 5th density, where 3rd density goes at death. Are you suggesting that a lot of folks are going to check out?
A: Maybe we were trying to Lighten things up a bit!
Q: That's all fine and good, but I just want one word here, a clue about what is coming down in the near future that you are making all these hints about... just a one word clue?
Q: Now wait a minute! You can't DO that! What do you mean 'kaboom?' I changed my mind, I want two words! One more word!
This then ties into this oft quoted session:
session941016 said:
Q: (L) Well, do you have any suggestions?
A: World will soon have nothing but credit and debit have you not heard of this new visa debit cards this is the future of money as controlled by the world banking system i.e. the brotherhood i.e. Lizards i.e. antichrist.
Q: (L) If I don't have a credit card then I don't have to belong to this system?
A: No. You will have no choices: belong or starve.
Q: (L) What happened to free will?
A: Brotherhood AKA Lizards AKA antichrist has interfered with free will for 309000 years. They are getting desperate as we near the change.
Q: (V) It has always been my nature to rebel against that which I did not feel was good for me. Is rebellion against this system possible?
A: If you are willing to leave the body.
Q: (L) Leave the body as in death, croak, kick the bucket?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) If we were to move...
A: Changes will follow turmoil be patient.
Q: (L) We would like to move into the country. Will it be possible to get along without this credit/debit card leading that kind of life?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are they going to have the kind of capability of controlling everything and everybody no matter where they are?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Even if we moved to Guyana and built a log hut in the rain forest and didn't bother anybody, we'd still get sucked into this thing?
A: Laura you will feel the effect of the Lizard beings desperate push for total control no matter where you go.
Q: (L) That is inexpressibly depressing. Do you understand?
A: Why? Change will follow.
Q: (L) Will it follow soon?
A: You are slipping a bit. Refer to Literature "Bringers of the Dawn". Challenge will be ecstasy if viewed with proper perspective which is not, we repeat: not of third level reality, understand?
Q: (L) In the reference cited, Joan of Arc is described as feeling ecstatic while burning at the stake. Is that what you mean?
A: Sort of, but you need not burn at the stake.
Q: (L) That's small comfort. There's other ways to die.
A: We are not speaking of death, Laura. If you listen to those who are firmly rooted in 3rd level this is when you run the risk of slipping in your knowledge learned no matter how good the
intentions i.e. LM.
Q: (L) What do you mean about LM?
A: Guyana.
Q: (L) What do you mean "Challenge will be ecstasy"? What sort of challenge?
A: Living through the turmoil ahead.
A simplistically linear way of looking at "winning the game" is the wave comes, we rise up against 4DSTS, kick their butts, and they go away and leave us alone. I don't think that's quite how it works. At this point, it looks like the Deluge of Fire followed by some kind of reset that starts the whole vicious cycle over again is pretty much predestined. As the Cassiopaeans so bluntly described it, the future is "Kaboom, splat!" A 3D alien sitting in a 3D spacecraft would see the planet essentially get blown up, and nothing anyone did mattered in the end. However, the Cassiopaeans said that the proper perspective is not 3D. It looks like a lot of people are going to die and stopover in 5D to "pick up a few things for the trip." This would seem like a loss from a 3D perspective, but may not be in the end. Furthermore, there seems to be a certain "seed stock" of people required to fully ride out the turmoil and tunnel out of and split off a new reality. As long as that critical mass survives to anchor the new frequency, physical survival may not be that important in individual cases; another thing that would seem like a loss from a 3D perspective. It does seem like the people who survive through the whole thing will get the most interesting lessons and the most exhilarating ride, but survival may not be appropriate in every specific circumstance. At some point even those who would survive would seem to disappear from the 3D reality by some means unknown to us, but would be presumed dead to an outside observer. Thus it would look like it was all for nought to an outside observer, when that was not actually the case.

My hunch on my own incarnation is that it is merely arriving at a crossroads and deciding which way to go. All of the decades of this process represent a couple of seconds to a minute at most of "spiritual time" where all that happens is a decision is made. No matter what I choose, I will still die, and likely in some awful world, but the difference is in the lessons learned which creates possibilities for new realities. In this session, the Cassiopaeans have said that it is fine to visualize and devote energy to one's ideal world, but not focus on how it gets there. We take care of the what and the universe takes care of the how, and the choosing is very important, even though it in itself is a rather long and complicated process.

In summation, the stoic ideal works if you have this very broad picture view where you can see that the game board is not flat, but three dimensional (or more) and internalize and ground that understanding; if not, it seems to me more like escapism. If the lessons are learned that you want to learn and the potentials for learning are enhanced for the next incarnation, then that is a "win"; if the lessons are not learned that is a "loss." Reincarnating into some type of tyrannical Borg reality is not a loss I will tolerate, and I think there is a pathway offered to avoid that and win, even if it is pretty much impossible to predict and fully comprehend most of the time.
[quote author= Corvinus][quote author= bjorn]We have to win. I don't know how, but we have to.[/quote]
aint that strictly 3D thinking, do we even know what s the proper meaning of that word and what it really means?

There is nothing wrong with hoping that bad things won't happen to people. Whenever 'bad' things are meant to happen because of lessons is something else. I suppose you were hinting at that when you said ''strictly 3D thinking''

But don't confuse ''strictly 3D thinking'' with the everything is just an illusion so why bother mentality. Whenever injustice happens, whenever someone needs help. You respond accordingly and hope for the best. If you don't, you haven't learned the most basic lessons in life at all.

[quote author= Corvinus]And if we do not "win" it is not the first or last time something like that happens.[/quote]

If you intent to remain in this time-loop go ahead. But as a soul-group I sincerely hope that everyone will learn.

[quote author= Corvinus]you are in the end responsible for thyself.[/quote]

I fail to see what you meant with this. But yes, we are responsible for ourselves. But we are also responsible for the well-being of each other.
Really interesting Neil, hours before your post, I was reading bringers of the dawn, and some fragments take my attention, given the topics covered in this thread.

Many human beings do not want to put themselves on the line and stand up in integrity because they are afraid of getting into trouble. They say, "I will just keep my job and my security; what the heck." One of the most incredible things that can happen in any society occurs when everyone's security is taken away. Courage begins to blossom like a freshly planted garden because people have nothing to lose. Humans begin to stand up.

Never feel that your efforts are in vain. Use the power of your mind to clearly intend what you want. Ask for assistance from the nonphysical realms and visualize the outcome you would like to have. Understand that you create your reality and that every other person creates their reality. Everyone has the opportunity to wake up at any time. When you approach anything, approach it from the bigger picture.

When enough people create their own reality-consciously create it-you will create a new planet. There will literally be a splitting of worlds. This splitting will more than likely not occur for more than twenty years. In the meantime, Earth will more than likely be ravaged by war quite a few times. You will have some very puzzling and confusing space dramas take place with some space cousins who need to figure out quite publicly who they are.

Earth is on a dimensional collision course, and many dimensions or probabilities will intersect one another my this decade. Some of these realities will be shocking, depending upon the level of shock each person needs to kick their consciousness into another paradigm. Shock does not mean destruction, necessarily. It can simply be a method to alter the way you view reality. Whenever you are shocked by something, you can no longer grip reality the way you gripped it the moment before. There is an instantaneous kick in the stomach, and everything changes. The world is in for numerous shocks, and not simply on a national level. We are talking about global intersections of dimensions by which realities will seem to come tumbling down only for those whose realities need to crumble.

The concept of probabilities maintains that there is no one reality and that you, yourselves, branch off into other realities continuously through your thoughts. It is not that you change the world, it is that you change which world you occupy. This goes back to the idea that the world is not solid. It is constructed of energy, and that energy takes form through the thoughts of those that participate within the world.

There are, and there always have been, probable Earths and probable experiences. There are probable "you's" leading quite different lives than the you you know. You are frequency and energy. You are pulsating to the beat of a chord of energy that sings you into existence, and you are so familiar with it that you stay focused continuously on one aspect of your experience. Experience is gained from many perspectives, and you are learning how to change the frequency and beat so that you can notice what you usually do not notice. You are continuously monitored as to the effect of the neurological changes that are taking place in your bodies. The rewiring or restructuring is like your nervous system going from a two-lane highway system to a twelve-lane highway system. When this takes place, you will have memories of events that have run simultaneously with other events. At first, this may freak you out a little bit because you will have no place to plug them in.

For example, say two years down the road you remember a Thanksgiving dinner you had in 1989 or 1990. Then suddenly, you have a memory of an event you never before remembered, and it is right next to and parallel to the Thanksgiving dinner you did remember. You then realize that you were at two Thanksgivings. This is what will happen as the nervous system comes into a new pulsation and the body has its library put back together. As the light-encoded filaments reform themselves and broadcast what they have available, the nervous system must be able to carry and translate it.

There is a great polarization of energies occurring, with many participants and observers. Many who have come to observe have come to disrupt as well; they have come to learn their "stuff" in this time.

There are also participants who are completely intent on creating a world that will be quite glorious. As we see it, as the probable worlds begin to form, there will be great shiftings within humanity on this planet. It will seem that great chaos and turmoil are forming, that nations are rising against each other in war, and that earthquakes are happening more frequently. It will seem as if everything is falling apart and cannot be put back together. Just as you sometimes have rumblings and quakings in your lives as you change your old patterns and move into new energies, Earth is shaking itself free, and a certain realignment or adjustment period is to be expected. It will also seem that the animals and fish are departing Earth. Those animals are now moving over to the new world as it is being formed. They are not ending their existence, they are merely slipping into the new world to await your joining them.

It is difficult to explain this, to a certain extent, because it is beyond the third-dimensional experience. Basically, you are moving into the fourth dimension. When this move is made, you will literally form a new Earth. It will seem as if you have awoken from a dream into a world that is pristine and beautiful. Your skies are full of observers watching and waiting to see how you will do this and offering to give you assistance in doing it. For many people, it seems as if this shift is completely beyond all possibility. But not for you who have studied this energy as alchemists and ancient Atlanteans in temple life. The training you have had in other times is encoded within your beings to prepare you for this juncture.

The people who leave the planet during the time of Earth changes do not fit here any longer, and they are stopping the harmony of Earth. When the time comes that perhaps twenty million people leave the planet at one time, there will be a tremendous shift in consciousness for those who are remaining. When a large group passes over together, they create an impact upon the consciousness of those who remain.

Expand yourselves. Begin to dwell in other realities besides the reality that is work and sleep and eating. When you are awake, let your mind expand to possibilities and let ideas come to you. Ideas are free; they are everywhere, and there are broadcasts continuously coming to the planet.

When Earth does its shifting, not everyone will experience the same thing. Those who need to experience destruction will experience an Earth shift or rotation with destruction because they will not fit with the new frequency. Those who are prepared to hold a higher vibration will experience a frequency shift. So for one person there may be the end of their life as they know it and dire destruction,
while for another there will be a state of ecstasy.
All potentials exist. Remember, you live in a symbolic world that is a result of your thoughts. The outside world represents to you what is going on internally with you. So if the world is falling apart, what does that represent? It represents the falling apart or collapsing of what is inside in order to create the rise of a new system and a new energy.
It is imperative for you to love and bless the changes within societv and not move into fear or anxiety about what is presenting itself. It is your task to be in the vibration of knowing, even without sense, that in every event there is an opportunity for Spirit to do its work and to uplift. You are an exceptionally lazy species. You give your power away to anyone who will do things for you, whether it is your boss or your wife or husband. You give your power away over and over again. (political and heroes?).In order to turn you toward yourselves, you need some events to put you in charge of your lives. Bless these changes that come to Earth and, in these events, trust that what you want with clarity will be manifest. You will find yourself tested. You will say, "Am I a victim here? Is the world collapsing around me? Or is it uplifting itself around me while everything is seemingly in the midst of collapse?"

An important primary belief for you to hold is that you will be in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. Intending that you will be in the right place at the right timemore than intending it, knowing it-will open you to guidance. Perhaps without even looking for it, a piece of land or an opportunity to connect with someone else will be put before you. You will recognize it and say, "This is
for me. I shall take this."

Believe it or not, there will come a time or let us say, there could come a time-in many of your lives when you will shut the door on life as you now know it. Literally, you may give up the house that you have and walk out of it with only a few possessions. It does not seem possible now, does it? Something inside of you will say, "My God, has the world gone mad? What are my values? What is the most
important thing now for my survival?" And Spirit will come in and guide you to tell you what is the most important thing for your survival. That may mean simply carting off a few possessions. Some of you in this life will literally stand on the threshold of your houses, look within, and it will all be meaningless because the most important things will be your spiritual values and your life. All those
material possessions and collections of things mean nothing in light of what you are becoming. Can you imagine the events that will be needed to move you to that action? They are not going to be small events.

Remember humanity's destiny to evolve. We guarantee that life as you now know it will not be around ten years from now. The world as you know it, the reality as you know it, the comforts and projections and vacations and all the things that you do will not be here ten years from now. You are here for your own personal evolution. How that evolution is going to come about worldwide will be rather interesting.

We are not talking about the evolution of a few dozen people; we are talking about the evolution of the species. There will need to be some events to bring people to awakening. That is why it is going to be your challenge to live your life with courage and to have the courage to live your light.

We recommend that all of you intend that the Native American teachings come your way. Begin to explore them through sweatlodges, drumming, dancing, and so on. This will awaken many things in you and teach you much about Earth. You are coded to ritual; when you perform ritual, your body begins to remember who you are and what you know.

As we see it, communities are going to be very influential in the 1990s. They will form on tracts of land that will be anywhere from fifty to a few hundred acres, perhaps as small as twentyfive acres, and they may house anywhere from thirty to one hundred people. These groups will come together because the members will be responding to an inner knowing. The new technologies that will be used in the coming communities will be technologies based on love. There is nothing wrong with technology. The major stumbling block of technology now in use on this planet is that it is used to separate, manipulate, and control people rather than to uplift them. Technology with love is the key. Many people will be given great amounts of technological information that will seemingly come out of nowhere. You may be given information for an invention and yet not have any idea what it is you are inventing. You may have to hand it over to someone else to bring it into reality. People will work together in harmony to bring forth this new technology.

Part of the evolution of consciousness involves uniting one consciousness with another-not keeping yourselves separated. Perhaps one person will come up with an idea, and another one will take the idea and put it into manifestation, and someone else will sell it. As we see it, there will be a tremendous underground market for inventions. These inventions will never be shown in the traditional marketplace because you would be wiped out, snuffed, if it was known that you had these abilities. There will be great trading from one community to another of these underground technologies that will do all kinds of things for you.

It can be one of the most rewarding experiences of this lifetime for you to live in cooperation with a group of people who love the land and get the land-Earth-to respond. In loving the land and letting Earth know what you are after, Earth will nurture and take care of you. That is the key.


One of the most important ultimate realities upon this planet for you as a species to understand, and one of the greatest challenges you have been faced with, is what it means to die. We can convince you of many things, but it is difficult for us to convince you that you do not have to die. In this time, you do not have to physically leave your body behind here upon this planet. Can you conceive of the idea that you will simply change the vibrational rate of your physical being and take your body with you because you
will rearrange the molecular structure?

Anyway the information of Ra, Marciniak's pleiadians and the Cass agree that some can die and others not. But I suppose life will bring to any the preparedness for any scenario.
Thanks Neil and Galaxia.

I see the Stoic perspective in that we shouldn't identify with success here. It reminds me of 30 Years Among the Dead. Many of the dead channeled had this regret or guilt about not being able to finish whatever they wanted to do.

I don't see that as productive, in fact it may be exactly the thing that keeps us from seeing what we can do and what we cannot do.

Why can't we do some things? Free will, it's not up to us to decide what people want. In fact, we cannot fight FOR them, they have to choose deep down and fight too! I don't see that happening. As Joe said one time on the radio, it hurts their brain to consider things against their belief! ARGH

Like Pavlov's Transmarginal Inhibition, if they don't have the base temperament, you could free them and they would just lay down for the next torturer. I see sadly that is what happened with how many are nowadays authoritarian followers.

Gabor Mate speaks about "When the Body Says No"- where setting limits and being in touch with anger can bring back health.

I would like to expand that to the Soul- "When the Soul Says No". What if this incessant trying to fix things (many of which we cannot fix) is draining us?

No way I am saying we lay down and die. No way I am saying we give up. The Stoic view is more practical, we do what we can do and accept what is NOT UNDER OUR CONTROL (or influence).

In fact, the idea that we can do everything and anything, is sort of a New Age brainwashing! I think the C's said that here we are limited in that ability, where it will not be limited in 4d. Imagine the danger of not having a limit to your ability to create/change things. That exactly may be what we are learning here, to carry over to 4d.
I get how it's not our job to save the world, it's our job to keep the school functional.

But if this second holocaust hits and you think it isn't your job to do anything about it. Think again.

Keeping the school functional also includes resisting tyranny. Resisting the spreading of Entropy is part of that.

If we lose just consider the horrors. If you think that winning in this matter isn't relevant. Well, I can't comprehend that. The Universe is kind of in agreement I believe, because of the upcoming planetary destruction.
Well, I think there is a bit more to it than just holding our position... but I'll be addressing that soon, I hope, since I have some questions for the Cs...
The discussion reminds me of a quote from Clarissa Pinkola Estes that Laura shared on FB recently:

Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach. Any small, calm thing that one soul can do to help another soul, to assist some portion of this poor suffering world, will help immensely. It is not given to us to know which acts or by whom, will cause the critical mass to tip toward an enduring good.
Laura said:
Well, I think there is a bit more to it than just holding our position... but I'll be addressing that soon, I hope, since I have some questions for the Cs...

I will be looking forward to reading your questions, Laura and to the Cs' answers.
Thank you so much for this session and this thread.
Chu said:
The discussion reminds me of a quote from Clarissa Pinkola Estes that Laura shared on FB recently:

Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach. Any small, calm thing that one soul can do to help another soul, to assist some portion of this poor suffering world, will help immensely. It is not given to us to know which acts or by whom, will cause the critical mass to tip toward an enduring good.

Indeed!!! i am agree.By the way,Chu, how you doing?we were talking about you in the last Saturday chat in espanol.It Is everything all right? Besitos.
A little addition Galaxia2002 of your interesting quote
on the sentence about ritual:
We recommend that all of you intend that the Native American teachings come your way. Begin to explore them through sweatlodges, drumming, dancing, and so on. This will awaken many things in you and teach you much about Earth. You are coded to ritual; when you perform ritual, your body begins to remember who you are and what you know.

Seems that there is some misunderstanding about rituals. Rituals that restrict are defined as simply following a set of words and/or gestures that one does not understand the origin or meaning of with the idea that it will produce some particular result.

For example, a chemist mixes certain chemicals together because he knows that they will react in a certain way. He knows the amounts, he knows the right chemicals, he knows the result he wants: a chemical explosion, say. That is NOT ritual.

But, suppose someone else saw him doing this from a distance and did no inquire of him about any details. This person then went out and got some milk and water and mixed them together believing he would obtain an explosive chemical reaction. Well, he didn't. But he keeps mixing milk and water together and believing that if he just thinks the right thoughts, makes the right gestures, holds his mouth right, eventually he will get that chemical explosion. Or he convinces himself that a chemical explosion is happening on another plane of reality because he is mixing milk and water together and dancing around the container and chanting.

Now, that would be a ritual that drains energy to STS because it is totally subjective - not based on an objective view of reality.

Now, imagine instead of having watched a chemist cause an explosion by mixing chemicals, the person merely heard a story that had been passed down about a great sorcerer who performed magic by mixing together eye of newt and toe of frog... and danced around the cauldron. This story may actually be a transmission of someone who actually witnessed something interesting, but they didn't understand it nor did they transmit the formula accurately. But other people are so convinced by their persuasive description of the event that they, again, want to believe that there is something to it and begin to try it themselves, modeling their actions, words and mixtures on this nonsensical transmission.

You see, at the root, the performance of a "ritual" that drains your energy is nothing more than an "act of ignorance."

However, if you do something based on knowledge, and you know that it must be done a certain way, and why, and what the components of the activity are and the part that each component plays and how they fit together, that is not a ritual though it may appear to an observer to be exactly the same thing. If you use the same exact gestures, the same types of containers, stand at the same kind of table, wear similar clothing, you and the person who is mixing milk and water together will appear to be doing the same thing, but you have real reactive chemicals and know what you are doing.

bjorn said:
I get how it's not our job to save the world, it's our job to keep the school functional.

But if this second holocaust hits and you think it isn't your job to do anything about it. Think again.

Keeping the school functional also includes resisting tyranny. Resisting the spreading of Entropy is part of that.

If we lose just consider the horrors. If you think that winning in this matter isn't relevant. Well, I can't comprehend that. The Universe is kind of in agreement I believe, because of the upcoming planetary destruction.

When I think about the holocaust, I'm reminded of Sebastian Haffner's book Defying Hitler. He did resist, but it was nothing like the hollywood story of some hero to save the day.

Like Chu's quote from Clarissa Pinkola Estes says, we can do what we can do in front of us.

I don't see any other way of doing anything anymore. I used to feel like things could be stopped, but think about it- even with Haffner and others' efforts, they were sold out sometimes by the same people they were trying to help!

I would think that to see it this dire is the hardest thing to face objectively. Like Caesar said through the C's and so on, we try try try and all we can do is be satisfied that we tried. Losing does bring horror, but really- can we violate the free will of STS to own their cattle, STS 3d? Like the Matrix, we can try to free some, but not all want to be freed as we saw in the end of the movie.

I don't think we shouldn't fight, but to see objectively, that maybe we cannot stop this freight train. Even if brakes applied, it will take miles/kilometers to stop!
A quote from a show, Mr. Robot, that recently captured the essence of what we are doing in this upside down world:

A new character in season 2, Ray, explains to Eliot his situation to help Eliot with his stressed out/anxious condition. Ray's wife died in a car crash despite following every rule, she was super safety oriented but still it didn't matter as she still died.
Ray comes up with some stoic like wisdom:

Ray: "Control is as real as a unicorn taking a leak at the end of a double ended rainbow"

Eliot: "Then what do we have?"

Ray: "You know that BS people say about how when you fall, you got to get up? I reject that s*** man. You know why? The whole thing is a fall. It can't help but be. A perpetual state of grasping in the dark. It's not about getting up. It's about stumbling, stumbling in the right direction. It's the only true way to move forward. "

We're stumbling, suffering, hurting, but we keep going on.
The C’s hinted more at once at some splitting of realities if I am not mistaken. I suppose that can happen if through the crystal connection, the STO energies in that collective reach a certain threshold that it is no longer compatible with the STS frequencies of this world. Than a split may occur.

Maybe that is the solution and those who on a soul-level can learn across the planet are brought along. While all others face a different fate.

Maybe our Job is only to be a lighthouse for those who have potential to learn and nothing more?

And about fighting back :

[quote author= November 2, 1994 ]Q: (L) I am assuming that if the Nephilim are 3 d that they die like we do. Is this correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, we can shoot them and they will die?
A: Correct. But wrong approach.
Q: (L) What is the right approach?
A: Knowledge protects.
Q: (L) Well, if a 15 foot tall guy comes at me and wants to knock me around, what is knowledge going to do to protect me?
A: You will be in 4th density.
Q: (L) So, before they get here we will be 4 d?
A: Crossing.
Q: (L) All three of us?
A: Yes, and many others.
Q: (L) So, we are not going to have to deal with the Nephilim?
A: Not correct.
Q: (L) Does this mean that there will be 3 and 4 d beings on the planet at the same time and that some will have to deal with these guys and some won't?
A: But you will have to too. [/quote]

But tell that to the Syrians and allies who are fighting Western terrorists proxies … See may point?

I suppose approaching aggression in the right way differs for each situation. But it seems we don't have long anymore and this whole 'Nazi-trail run' is making me nervous. Especially so because I am feeling like a witness of things to come and nothing more. The Media is turning fear-mongering into hate-mongering. Many would favor segregation by now. I don't doubt it, and we know what comes next.
The Cassiopaeans spoke of doing dances and so forth which could be used to focus the energy of intent and diffuse 4D STS attacks. I believe that was quoted earlier in the thread. The thing is there is a war for souls going on in the background and there has been for a long time, but it generally happens above us so we are unaware of it. Ra describes this as a thought war where conflicting energies are sent out in an effort to influence the overall reality. When the thought waves clash, it occasionally gets up close and personal, and weird things happen like parallel timelines bleeding into each other or Laura's encounter with the "spiders" from many years ago comes to mind.

Eventually I believe we will become warriors in the thought war and participate directly, but it is still a ways off yet. There will be people whose job it is to basically transduce cosmic energies and erect shields and defenses and energize various thoughtforms for specific purposes. This will deflect some of the energy from 4D STS and create holes in their control. It will manifest in the physical reality as "luck," some bizarre chance event that caused things to occur in an unexpected way. On the surface it will look like some kind of ritual magick, but when informed by truth it becomes the real deal. That's how I envision the battle being fought in the future, at least for those who have awareness of hyperdimensional realities. Our awareness is still too low at the moment to be able to practice something like this with any real responsibility or idea what we're doing, but it is on the horizon, I think.
I must admit, and I'm aware that I could be not normal for that, but when I am thinking on "the end" "SPLAT and KABOOM" I feel very happy and euphoric, like: 'let it come already, cant wait to see!" and without any fear. In the same time I feel some pressure and darkness (very increased in the last time, I would say) and the fear from the future. Two very contradictory feelings at the same time.
Avala said:
I must admit, and I'm aware that I could be not normal for that, but when I am thinking on "the end" "SPLAT and KABOOM" I feel very happy and euphoric, like: 'let it come already, cant wait to see!" and without any fear. In the same time I feel some pressure and darkness (very increased in the last time, I would say) and the fear from the future. Two very contradictory feelings at the same time.

This is something I can understand too, as I feel the same than you: some kind of "happiness" for the end which might be more specifically some kinf of "relief", and more fear/pressure/darkness/urgence recently all at the same time.

Again, thanks Laura for the thread and everyone for your inputs.
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