Session 16 July 2016

Leonel said:
Elohir said:
Thank you for reminding us this important and interesting session. It's clear that this crystal project looks very similar to this old story of the babel tower.
When you think about, C's must have planned all of this for a while ;D
Since 1994, Laura made a lot of progress as some people all around the world so it might be the right time for another kind of babel tower.

Yes, the C´s planned this for a while:

November 4, 1994
Frank and Laura

Q: (L) Hello.
A: Hello. Rocks.

Q: (L) What about the rocks? {We had been discussing large crystals on a nearby table.}
A: Put in sunlight for two days.

Q: (L) And what will that do?
A: Energize.

Q: (L) Energized to do what?
A: Provide power to you.

Now in 1994 they were talking about Atlantis, pyramids and crystals. V said that saw Crystals...I think this person saw the future (2016, 22 years!!) Laura`s Crystal Project along with the increase of Earth Changes:

November 19, 1994
Frank, Laura, V__, Terry and Jan

Q: (T) What power did these crystals gather?
A: Sun.

Q: (V) In meditation, I saw crystals coming up during Earth changes. Is this what is going to happen?
A: Yes.


Q: (L) What kind of power frequency did these crystals use?
A: Full range.

Oh each year we are near!!! it is exciting

Thanks for this quote Leonel, it's pretty interesting ;D

As you said it's also very excitting :P
whitecoast said:
Divide By Zero said:
I really don't understand why they couldn't have peace and compromise when they were so called "super spiritual"?

I think Spiritual is an incredibly abused term, and is likely a projection of the author and the article's readers onto these people. Their experience of collective dreaming and changing reality is just a part of ordinary life for these people, just like the internet is for us. The way I see it it is a sort of psychological technology, like NLP, reading, or self-remembering.

I'm sure this Same tribe is asking, if we're so technologically advanced why do we fight wars and poison the forests and oceans? I think it's because "magic" and technology are specializations and what ultimately seems to determine one's contribution to the universe is more general measures of a person's character. Some strong shamans are poor human beings, like any occupation, OSIT. What makes good generalists is the ability to adapt: to learn and externally consider. I'm sure many tribes just as skilled at dreaming as these were wiped out because they could not overcome the darker aspects of their culture. Just my two cents.


Great points! I'm also reminded of the aborigine's of Australia who can go into dreamtime and see "advanced" things, sometimes predict the future. However, they are known to treat women badly, or so is said.

It's like you said, their internet versus ours. Genius! I suppose the irony is that we don't even need the internet or dream time to really connect. All we have to do is be objective with out there and in ourselves. I don't see how taking hallucinogens or doing crazy long meditations guarantee that. In some cases I wonder if they just push people more into subjective reality!
Well Joe, from my perspective, I can remember how bleak things looked for humanity and our mission(s) individually and collectively a way back in 1980. There definitely were concerns being expressed as to our state of affairs. Then I remember the joy being expressed in the early 80's when I heard about a woman who was going to help lead this rag tagged group of humanity through the changes.

Well, from my current perspective we have so much to be thankful for that what is going on can't detract from all of these positives one bit. Take heart as we are much closer than many may think.
Thanks to all for this session. After the second reading I was again reminded of some old information on the past "race" of people called the Atlantians. Who used crystals as a power and communication device, until they fell into the old trap of power and corruption.

"A: Imagine all your group with their crystal connections then beginning to utilize them in unison?

Q: (L) In other words, once everybody who requests them finally gets their crystals, there's a possibility that we could then organize utilization of the crystals in like a sychronization or something? Doing EE together, singing songs together, reciting some of our protection texts...

(Pierre) Does everyone doing something like that together possibly lead to a change of state, change of reality?

A: Indeed!

Q: (L) What if everybody just began to build a spiral of energy? On, say, Wednesday night at such-and-such a time, we'd all gather together with our crystals that provide the link-up. And then, just basically maybe sing some songs to connect chakras just to see what happens? I guess we should experiment with that.

A: Yes!

Q: (Galatea) Would it be a good idea for us to meditate and envision a better reality with our crystals?

A: Try to avoid defining how it might happen, but, yes!

Q: (L) Everybody could visualize themselves in a "new world", but without trying to define what it is or how it happens. Don't limit it or anticipate.

A: Soon we will provide inspiration! Continue the project for now but with all awareness"
Duke said:
Thanks to all for this session. After the second reading I was again reminded of some old information on the past "race" of people called the Atlantians. Who used crystals as a power and communication device, until they fell into the old trap of power and corruption.

Session 16 July 1994
"A: Imagine all your group with their crystal connections then beginning to utilize them in unison?

Q: (L) In other words, once everybody who requests them finally gets their crystals, there's a possibility that we could then organize utilization of the crystals in like a sychronization or something? Doing EE together, singing songs together, reciting some of our protection texts...

(Pierre) Does everyone doing something like that together possibly lead to a change of state, change of reality?

A: Indeed!

Q: (L) What if everybody just began to build a spiral of energy? On, say, Wednesday night at such-and-such a time, we'd all gather together with our crystals that provide the link-up. And then, just basically maybe sing some songs to connect chakras just to see what happens? I guess we should experiment with that.

A: Yes!

Q: (Galatea) Would it be a good idea for us to meditate and envision a better reality with our crystals?

A: Try to avoid defining how it might happen, but, yes!

Q: (L) Everybody could visualize themselves in a "new world", but without trying to define what it is or how it happens. Don't limit it or anticipate.

A: Soon we will provide inspiration! Continue the project for now but with all awareness"


I think it might be good for us to remember what the C's said in the very first session about our relationship to Atlantis.

Q: (L) What is the purpose of this project?
A: New life here.
Q: (L) Are the aliens using our emotions and energies?
A: Correct; and bodies too. Each earth year 10 percent more children are taken.
Q: (L) Do they suffer?
A: Some.
Q: (L) Do they all suffer?
A: Some.
Q: What happens to souls? Is this physical only?
A: Physical - souls recycled.
Q: Where do the souls go?
A: Back here - most.
Q: Do some go elsewhere?
A: And go out of planet human.
Q: Who is responsible for this?
A: Consortium.
Q: (C) This is totally sick! I don't want to do this any more!
A: Sick is subjective.
Q: (L) But what you are telling us is so awful!
A: Understand, but all does not conform to your perspective.
Q: Why is this happening to us?
A: Karma.

Q: (L) What kind of Karma could bring this?
A: Atlantis.
Q: (L) What can protect us?
A: Knowledge.
Q: (L) How do we get this knowledge?
A: You are being given it now.
Q: (L) What knowledge do you mean?
A: You have it.
Q: (L) How does the knowledge of what you have told us help us?
A: Gives great defense.
Q: (L) What knowledge gives defense?
A: Just gave it.
Q: (L) What specifically?
A: Don't ask that not important.
Q: We don't understand.
A: Knowing about it gives psychic defense.
Q: How do we tell other people? And who should we tell?
A: Inform indirectly only.
Q: (L) How?
A: Write.

Laura has written to give "knowledge" that "Gives great defense". And now we have a chance to perhaps correct some mistakes of the past use of crystals. Somewhere in our collective memory we may have an understanding of a positive use of crystals.
I don't think the future is fixed so that we're all doomed. I also think it's too overwhelming to tackle the entire problem. They once said the battle is through us, and that makes a lot of sense to me. If each individual tried their best to do the right thing and protect themselves and their health from attacks, I think that would change reality. I think the first order of business is surviving and evading the enemy's attacks.
[quote author= hlat]I don't think the future is fixed so that we're all doomed. I also think it's too overwhelming to tackle the entire problem. They once said the battle is through us, and that makes a lot of sense to me. If each individual tried their best to do the right thing and protect themselves and their health from attacks, I think that would change reality. I think the first order of business is surviving and evading the enemy's attacks.[/quote]

I think that there is far more to it.

Instead of projecting our subjective wants and desires on reality. We by practising The Work struggle and attempt to see reality objectivity as it is. Not how we want to see it. And with objectivity also comes a sense of how things should be. How the World could look like without Entropy. How the world could look like where Creativity flourishes.

I suspect that YCYOR is real in a sense. But you have to dance with the universe to let it happen.

This means, projecting subjective wants and desires invites Entropy.

Projecting objectivity (knowledge and love) invites the energies of Creativity to flourish and breath. The more people who take the approach of objectivity. The more Creativity can work through people. The less 4STS (Entropy) can influence our world.

From what I understand this already is affecting our world in positive ways (Chance of the timeline for example)

The Atlanteans used Crystals for STS purposes. We use it for STO purposes. I don't think it's all that comparable. But it certainly shows that Crystals (1D) can assist us in wonderfull ways if we know how to connect to it.
[quote author= Joe]I used to do something similar, although it was more along the lines of finding the people responsible and kicking their butts something serious so they could never do it again. Now I'm usually just depressed about it. So I figure if I analyze the situation as objectively as I can, I might reach some comforting conclusion, or even a solution. But usually it just depresses me more, because it makes me see in more clarity just how evil, and apparently unstoppable, these 'beings' are. They're determined to destroy our global society and create as much suffering as possible for as many as possible, and we're tasked with the job of watching it happen. How cool is that! Not!

It's really a pretty ugly picture, and it helps me to better understand all those people out there who turn their faces away from the horrors of the world and pretend it isn't happening, or fall into illusions or dreams, or don't want to listen to the things we would like to tell them.[/quote]

I think Joe that seeing great unjustice should fuel us, not wear us down. Injustice only has one right response and this is rightfull anger. (Rightfull angers shouldn't drain us, but fuel us.)

Of course we need to find ways to relax properly because witnessing the horrors of this world is stressful.

But from an esoteric position, I think that when this drains us. We should take a look at ourselves where this is coming from. I think that when we are right from an objective perspective we can often identify with it and expect to be treated just and good by others because we know the answer. (The World, majority of people should agree)

We shouldn't expect it for the self but hope for it compassionate that people do understand it. There is a difference.

But honestly I am easy to talk. I never been at the frontline of the information war like you have. I also don't know if what I said somewhat applies to your situation. But this is what I discovered from struggling with it myself.

[quote author= Joe]If so, we got a shock! So here we are, naturally inclined to keep digging and uncovering the horrible reality of this world, and for a while thinking we could 'spread the word' and thereby help to fix it. But as time has passed, that idea has been exposed as a pipe dream. For the last 14 years we have been actively broadcasting a message to the public to wake up to just how messed up this world is, and informing them about the psychopathic nature of those that rule over us, and the likely future that awaits.

The result? Things have gotten immeasurably worse. [/quote]

It could have been far worse if I understood the C's correctly. The timeline has chanced for the better. Let's keep that momentum going.

I don't expect a sudden mass awakening. But I expect that the PTB will globally lose their dominant position. The West will crumble and implodes in totalitarian states of Nazi proportion. This means that Putin has won and done it's job. But he can't do anything directly on Western soil itself. That's up for the people living there.

I think that the PTB are also setting up the Police State because they have something so monstrous in mind that they know people will resist it with force.

I expect that the world will be split in two. Those who will resist the upcoming holocaust and those who will stand with the psychopaths.

Everything you have done so far is to wake others up. I reckon you have opened the eyes of thousands if not millions of people. We need to have enough people to resist the Empire's intention of global genocide.

In The Ukraine people joined the militias with the tents of thousands when those psychopaths got to work. There is nothing worse than not being able to do anything in the face of great injustice. People will fight. I don't think we can currently win direct confrontation. But we can win when planetary destruction turns the tide of balance.

I can't tell of course how the future will play out. But them purging and exterminating all Arabs and enemies of the state is something we cannot let happen. There will be Hell to pay for those psychopaths and everyone who stands with them.

[quote author= Joe]Sometimes I think we're cursed, those of us who have some 'gene' or something that made us maladjusted to society and inclined to dig for and discover the truth of this world. Did we think we'd find bunny rabbits and roses? [/quote]

No but we can find Pokemon if we give up and join the other zombies :P To me that isn't living. But I often asked myself the same questions and still do. I also never found an satisfying alternative/answer.
hlat said:
I don't think the future is fixed so that we're all doomed. I also think it's too overwhelming to tackle the entire problem. They once said the battle is through us, and that makes a lot of sense to me. If each individual tried their best to do the right thing and protect themselves and their health from attacks, I think that would change reality. I think the first order of business is surviving and evading the enemy's attacks.

A Stoic would say that it's ok to see that the game/battle is rigged and one will lose. That doesn't take away from the meaning. To a psychopath, winning is everything, at all costs. Losing destroys them, but not us. Losing may be the most valuable lesson!
What matters is not winning the game but working for something more. I think that is the only thing we can do. At some point if survival becomes crazy, it may be worse to survive. Right now we still have some sort of civility despite the mayhem. I hope it stays that way, but if it doesn't- there is no problem, it is what it is.

I think that is the closest thing to non-anticipation of the future that we can practice, Stoicism..
Divide By Zero said:
hlat said:
I don't think the future is fixed so that we're all doomed. I also think it's too overwhelming to tackle the entire problem. They once said the battle is through us, and that makes a lot of sense to me. If each individual tried their best to do the right thing and protect themselves and their health from attacks, I think that would change reality. I think the first order of business is surviving and evading the enemy's attacks.

A Stoic would say that it's ok to see that the game/battle is rigged and one will lose. That doesn't take away from the meaning. To a psychopath, winning is everything, at all costs. Losing destroys them, but not us. Losing may be the most valuable lesson!
What matters is not winning the game but working for something more. I think that is the only thing we can do. At some point if survival becomes crazy, it may be worse to survive. Right now we still have some sort of civility despite the mayhem. I hope it stays that way, but if it doesn't- there is no problem, it is what it is.

I think that is the closest thing to non-anticipation of the future that we can practice, Stoicism..

BRAVO!!! It could be put better, TOTALLY Agree... VIVA!!!...

Winning the game is not the objective, LEARNING from it is.... :cool2: :cool2: :cool2: :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
[quote author= mariowil7]BRAVO!!! It could be put better, TOTALLY Agree... VIVA!!!...

Winning the game is not the objective, LEARNING from it is.... :cool2: :cool2: :cool2: :cool2: [/quote]

That also implies giving your life when needs be. If you learned, you know that resisting tyranny comes natural.

I don't know if you all understand the alternative if we don't win ? :

[quote author= July 25, 1998]A: We have told you before: the Nazi experience was a "trial run," and by now you see the similarities, do you not? [/quote]

The darkest pages of humanity are about to written.

We have to win. I don't know how, but we have to. If we don't, we can only beg for planetary destruction. And it seems this will be the fate for many in the times to come.
Hi I am more of a longtime observer than a participant, so my apologies for the abrupt intrusion. I just wanted to offer thanks.

Thank you Laura for this recent transcript. I recently told my significant other some deep and personal feelings of mine, because I felt that it was needed.

Immediately afterwards she became afraid because her hands and feet suddenly became extremely hot. It was something she had not ever experienced before, and so I noted this occurrence as something of significance. My personal impression was that something dark had been driven out of her, but I did not draw any conclusions.

I'm not assuming that what is being described in this July transcript is necessarily what took place in my instance, but the reference to the heated palms of the hands was helpful information for me nonetheless. Thanks once again, I hope that you are all doing well.
Laura has written to give "knowledge" that "Gives great defense". And now we have a chance to perhaps correct some mistakes of the past use of crystals. Somewhere in our collective memory we may have an understanding of a positive use of crystals.

I think that karma is more concentrated in the Western world, that is most of people with that lesson profile were reincarnated there.

We have to win. I don't know how, but we have to.

Ain t that strictly 3D thinking, do we even know what s the proper meaning of that word and what it really means? And if we do not "win" it is not the first or last time something like that happens, you are in the end responsible for thyself.
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