Session 16 July 2016

is the crystal project a new Tower of Babel?

lI was reading this session and then i remembered that i had read something similar in the 1994 sessions.

The C´s talked about the importance of the crystal project as unification.

Laura said:
Q: (L) I guess that it is just the main rule: awareness that we need to keep uppermost. Problem is, we don’t tend to think that anything we do is all that important that it would attract such attacks. What is the importance of this project that it would attract such attack?

A: Imagine all your group with their crystal connections then beginning to utilize them in unison?

Q: (L) In other words, once everybody who requests them finally gets their crystals, there's a possibility that we could then organize utilization of the crystals in like a sychronization or something? Doing EE together, singing songs together, reciting some of our protection texts...

(Pierre) Does everyone doing something like that together possibly lead to a change of state, change of reality?

A: Indeed!

Now this is what i read:

Laura said:
My notes in {curly brackets}

October 5, 1994 Frank and Laura

Q: (L) What was the event a hundred or so years after the flood of Noah that was described as the confusing of languages, or the tower of Babel?

A: Spiritual confluence.

Q: (L) What purpose did the individuals who came together to build the tower intend for said tower?

A: Electromagnetic concentration of all gravity waves.

Q: (L) And what did they intend to do with these concentrated waves?

A: Mind alteration of masses. [a better world????]

Q: (L) What intention did they have in altering the mind of the masses?

A: Spiritual unification of the masses.

Q: (L) Who were the "gods" that looked down on the tower of Babel, at those who were building it with the intention of unification, and decided to destroy their works?

A: Lizards.


Q: (L) What is the true meaning, the original meaning, of the Hebrew word "shem"?

A: Purity.

Q: (L) Why was this word related to the obelisks or standing stones later called "shems" by the Hebrews?

A: Symbolic of purity: unification. Uniformity.

Q: (L) Did these stones themselves actually possess any power?

A: Residual.

Q: (L) What object were the ancients going to place in the tower of Babel to...

A: Crystal.

Q: (L) Is "shem" also synonymous with "crystal"?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Shem, the son of Noah, was the ancestor of the group that built the tower, is this correct?

A: Yes.

So we know that Noah is simbolic of the people who made the work to survive and according to the sessions the Tower was SOMETHING GOOD so the Lord Serpent needed to destroy it in order to stop "Spiritual unification".

it is also curious that in the Bible the Lord "came down to see" in genesis 11:5 Now we know that 5 represents Lord Serpent in the code 3 5 3 5 3 5 and 3 being the complex mind-body-spirit or man/US:

11 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.

3 They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick [crystals??] instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city [better world], with a tower that reaches to the heavens [awareness], so that we may make a name for ourselves [know each other]; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”

5 But the Lord [serpent 4d sts] came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. 6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

8 So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 9 That is why it was called Babel[c]—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

So Will we allow to be SCATTERED AGAIN??? I think no.

Thank you all once again for so much light.

A: Negative thoughts can be "dreams" too.

Q: (Joe) What they said before was that this kind of fantasyland dreaming about something that isn't objectively true, that seems to allow or anchor some other actual negative energy. So, your dream doesn't necessarily have to be negative.

A: It allows the insertion of what amounts to a feeding tube.

Q: (Andromeda) So basically it's like a wrong use of imagination, whether positive or negative, if you're not anchored in reality. It leaves an opening for something to attach.

(L) Okay, so somebody's dreaming and sending out the STS signal since they're living in la-la land. Then there's the insertion of this feeding tube, and what then happens? What is the mechanism?

A: It can activate subconscious programs and also utilize the connection to enhance physiological processes that excite those in the environment to interact in ways that enhance feeding.

so interesting that our physiological reactions to our subconscious programs influence physiological processes in others to "interact in ways that enhance feeding".

I always wandered why sometimes I, feeling irritable or unerved somebody would always come up and joke or smirking about something that would send me to a rage inside. Until I learned to spot it and not feeding those nerves. Saying to myself "let go", "it doesn't matter". Sometimes I felt irritable and also avoided crossing paths with others at work, I knew their reaction would make me feel worse or enraged. I can also see this dynamic at play in others, one person is upset about something and other comes up and even playfully triggers a even worse reaction and manifestation from the first one... This is a very common ocurrence. Negative Feeding Feedback Loops
Leonel said:
is the crystal project a new Tower of Babel?

lI was reading this session and then i remembered that i had read something similar in the 1994 sessions.

The C´s talked about the importance of the crystal project as unification.

Laura said:
My notes in {curly brackets}

October 5, 1994 Frank and Laura

Q: (L) What was the event a hundred or so years after the flood of Noah that was described as the confusing of languages, or the tower of Babel?

A: Spiritual confluence.

Q: (L) What purpose did the individuals who came together to build the tower intend for said tower?

A: Electromagnetic concentration of all gravity waves.

Q: (L) And what did they intend to do with these concentrated waves?

A: Mind alteration of masses. [a better world????]

Q: (L) What intention did they have in altering the mind of the masses?

A: Spiritual unification of the masses.

Thank you for reminding us this important and interesting session. It's clear that this crystal project looks very similar to this old story of the babel tower.
When you think about, C's must have planned all of this for a while ;D
Since 1994, Laura made a lot of progress as some people all around the world so it might be the right time for another kind of babel tower.
Merci pour tous vos commentaires si intéressants et enrichissants...

Thank you for all your comments so interesting and rewarding. . .
OromNom said:
Thank you all once again for so much light.

A: Negative thoughts can be "dreams" too.

Q: (Joe) What they said before was that this kind of fantasyland dreaming about something that isn't objectively true, that seems to allow or anchor some other actual negative energy. So, your dream doesn't necessarily have to be negative.

A: It allows the insertion of what amounts to a feeding tube.

Q: (Andromeda) So basically it's like a wrong use of imagination, whether positive or negative, if you're not anchored in reality. It leaves an opening for something to attach.

(L) Okay, so somebody's dreaming and sending out the STS signal since they're living in la-la land. Then there's the insertion of this feeding tube, and what then happens? What is the mechanism?

A: It can activate subconscious programs and also utilize the connection to enhance physiological processes that excite those in the environment to interact in ways that enhance feeding.

so interesting that our physiological reactions to our subconscious programs influence physiological processes in others to "interact in ways that enhance feeding".

I always wandered why sometimes I, feeling irritable or unerved somebody would always come up and joke or smirking about something that would send me to a rage inside. Until I learned to spot it and not feeding those nerves. Saying to myself "let go", "it doesn't matter". Sometimes I felt irritable and also avoided crossing paths with others at work, I knew their reaction would make me feel worse or enraged. I can also see this dynamic at play in others, one person is upset about something and other comes up and even playfully triggers a even worse reaction and manifestation from the first one... This is a very common ocurrence. Negative Feeding Feedback Loops

I've noticed this too. We're so programmed that when in a bad mood others will trigger us to worsen our state. It's like we become a magnet to those same energies and they're activated in others to create that negative feeding loop. I think there is an old thread that Joe started discussing this, basically saying that our old wounds are scratched by others.

On the topic of daydreaming, I have concern because I used to (and still do to less extent) do it. An example is that when I read these awful stories of all the shootings and stabbings, I will usually imagine what is happening. And then I'll put myself in place, and try to "save the day" or defeat the attackers. And it goes on to negative thoughts about battling and violence. That sort of thing. I guess trying to correct the wrongs isn't the best thing, because the event already happened so it's a fantasy. Does anyone else do this, any thoughts?
3D Student said:
On the topic of daydreaming, I have concern because I used to (and still do to less extent) do it. An example is that when I read these awful stories of all the shootings and stabbings, I will usually imagine what is happening. And then I'll put myself in place, and try to "save the day" or defeat the attackers. And it goes on to negative thoughts about battling and violence. That sort of thing. I guess trying to correct the wrongs isn't the best thing, because the event already happened so it's a fantasy. Does anyone else do this, any thoughts?

I think it's pretty natural to imagine ourselves in different scenarios and think about what could have been done differently if in this or that situation, what signs would have been present that would have alerted us to the dangers, and looking for the underlying lesson (which with so many people going off recently seems to be to avoid going out in public unless absolutely necessary). The important point, I think, is to do this consciously, and simply to look for what can be learned from the situations and then see how to assimilate it into our lives.

I know I've gone into some rather lengthy dissociative episodes imagining myself in some of these scenarios before, using my martial arts training to save the people from their tragic situations. But giving my mind free reign to these fantasies doesn't do anything to actually help the families of those involved or help prepare me for different possibilities, and they really stress me out. Since the body doesn't know that I'm just imagining a deadly situation and not actually in one, my body responds with all the same stress responses as if it was dealing with the real thing. Which can really take its tole after a time and get in my way of staying focused and working on my AIM while also being a good obyvatel. The interesting thing is, the more I accomplish the little goals that bring me closer to my AIM the less I find myself in these dissociative fantasies. Which helps me to achieve more little goals that leads to less dissociation. Fwiw. :)
Leonel said:
is the crystal project a new Tower of Babel?

lI was reading this session and then i remembered that i had read something similar in the 1994 sessions.

The C´s talked about the importance of the crystal project as unification.

Laura said:
Q: (L) I guess that it is just the main rule: awareness that we need to keep uppermost. Problem is, we don’t tend to think that anything we do is all that important that it would attract such attacks. What is the importance of this project that it would attract such attack?

A: Imagine all your group with their crystal connections then beginning to utilize them in unison?

Q: (L) In other words, once everybody who requests them finally gets their crystals, there's a possibility that we could then organize utilization of the crystals in like a sychronization or something? Doing EE together, singing songs together, reciting some of our protection texts...

(Pierre) Does everyone doing something like that together possibly lead to a change of state, change of reality?

A: Indeed!

Now this is what i read:

Laura said:
My notes in {curly brackets}

October 5, 1994 Frank and Laura

Q: (L) What was the event a hundred or so years after the flood of Noah that was described as the confusing of languages, or the tower of Babel?

A: Spiritual confluence.

Q: (L) What purpose did the individuals who came together to build the tower intend for said tower?

A: Electromagnetic concentration of all gravity waves.

Q: (L) And what did they intend to do with these concentrated waves?

A: Mind alteration of masses. [a better world????]

Q: (L) What intention did they have in altering the mind of the masses?

A: Spiritual unification of the masses.

Q: (L) Who were the "gods" that looked down on the tower of Babel, at those who were building it with the intention of unification, and decided to destroy their works?

A: Lizards.


Q: (L) What is the true meaning, the original meaning, of the Hebrew word "shem"?

A: Purity.

Q: (L) Why was this word related to the obelisks or standing stones later called "shems" by the Hebrews?

A: Symbolic of purity: unification. Uniformity.

Q: (L) Did these stones themselves actually possess any power?

A: Residual.

Q: (L) What object were the ancients going to place in the tower of Babel to...

A: Crystal.

Q: (L) Is "shem" also synonymous with "crystal"?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Shem, the son of Noah, was the ancestor of the group that built the tower, is this correct?

A: Yes.

So we know that Noah is simbolic of the people who made the work to survive and according to the sessions the Tower was SOMETHING GOOD so the Lord Serpent needed to destroy it in order to stop "Spiritual unification".

it is also curious that in the Bible the Lord "came down to see" in genesis 11:5 Now we know that 5 represents Lord Serpent in the code 3 5 3 5 3 5 and 3 being the complex mind-body-spirit or man/US:

11 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.

3 They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick [crystals??] instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city [better world], with a tower that reaches to the heavens [awareness], so that we may make a name for ourselves [know each other]; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”

5 But the Lord [serpent 4d sts] came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. 6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

8 So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 9 That is why it was called Babel[c]—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

So Will we allow to be SCATTERED AGAIN??? I think no.


It has some sense.That´s the reason of attacks than Laura and team describes in this session.The Darkness do not want an Spiritual Unification of this Group,that means that ruin their plans.Thanks Leonel.

We have to put in practice with more discipline the advices and activities with our Crystal Conection.

About the Prague event:

Q: (L) I guess pretty much most of the stuff they were predicting then is happening now. And you've already said that we're in the middle of the arrival of the Wave, and it's having all these weird effects on everything and everybody. That reminds me... We've been in a very strange period. In fact, we've been in a very strange period I guess since we went to Prague with the whole Vinnie episode. After we went to Prague, that's when all of a sudden Vladimir Putin stood up on the world stage and said, "I am Putin, hear me roar!" The whole reality really began to change in a strange way. So... I dunno exactly what I want to ask. It just seems like since we went to Prague, it's been like CRAZY energy here: up and down, in and out, all around and about.

(Pierre) Something I was wondering is that in Prague, apparently there was all this energy stored to be used against us. But it couldn't be used against us, so it was released all over the world and triggered all these crazy events. And today, from what I see, we're in a similar situation where there's a lot of crazy events in the outside world, and it's kind of mirrored in our community and our world. It was mentioned by some members the kind of analogy between the truck and shooting in Nice, and we had our own truck/chute incident...

A: Such energies stalk like hungry wolves looking for a way in.

You mean that all this dark energy that could not use against you,it was released all over the Planet and triggered all the events we are living now,including this bloody July with the events in Turkey?

To be susceptible to psychic energies around you means than you feel how your magnetic field is crossed by really awful energies and you feel a hard pain and discomfort in your head,forehead and backhead ? :O

Niall,sorry for the accident and i gland you find ok. now :hug2:

Thanks Allinmea from Cassiopaea,Laura,Ark and all the Beautiful Team
A Jay said:
3D Student said:
On the topic of daydreaming, I have concern because I used to (and still do to less extent) do it. An example is that when I read these awful stories of all the shootings and stabbings, I will usually imagine what is happening. And then I'll put myself in place, and try to "save the day" or defeat the attackers. And it goes on to negative thoughts about battling and violence. That sort of thing. I guess trying to correct the wrongs isn't the best thing, because the event already happened so it's a fantasy. Does anyone else do this, any thoughts?

I think it's pretty natural to imagine ourselves in different scenarios and think about what could have been done differently if in this or that situation, what signs would have been present that would have alerted us to the dangers, and looking for the underlying lesson (which with so many people going off recently seems to be to avoid going out in public unless absolutely necessary). The important point, I think, is to do this consciously, and simply to look for what can be learned from the situations and then see how to assimilate it into our lives.

I know I've gone into some rather lengthy dissociative episodes imagining myself in some of these scenarios before, using my martial arts training to save the people from their tragic situations. But giving my mind free reign to these fantasies doesn't do anything to actually help the families of those involved or help prepare me for different possibilities, and they really stress me out. Since the body doesn't know that I'm just imagining a deadly situation and not actually in one, my body responds with all the same stress responses as if it was dealing with the real thing. Which can really take its tole after a time and get in my way of staying focused and working on my AIM while also being a good obyvatel. The interesting thing is, the more I accomplish the little goals that bring me closer to my AIM the less I find myself in these dissociative fantasies. Which helps me to achieve more little goals that leads to less dissociation. Fwiw. :)

I think we're pretty numerous to imagine ourselves saving the day sometimes. It might not be a bad thing if you know where is reality and that finally this is not the solution.
Since I was a child I use to fight crimes and evil in my dreams or thoughts. Then when you do the work and learn you tend less and less to go towards this kind of thoughts as Jay said but hey, sometimes it can feel good to kick some asses and save people. At then end, it comes from a good feeling, you just want to help and save people. You just don't want to get stocked/lost in this kind of thoughts because solution is not here. At the contrary it can hurt you in a certain sense.
gdpetti said:
Clean house of all the 5th column types? Clean out the Gladio operators? He can try, but can't succeed seeing how he's chosen to do so. Putin has been doing the same, so has Xi, each in his own way, but to totally rid your infested country of these types doesn't really seem possible without essentially committing suicide economically... which is why Putin and Xi have chosen to go about their 'cleanup' in a different manner than sudden whiplash, as Erdo cannot be sure that 'his enforcers' aren't really the same operators working for the other side. Some can easily switch sides on a whim, others are deep infiltrators by design. Does Erdo and his team really think they know who is who? This is a classic move, getting your opponent to lash out against his supporters thinking they are his enemies.

Based on the evidence, it doesn't seem that the point was to get Erdo to lash out at his enemies. The point was to get rid of him. But it failed, and now Erdogan is taking the initiative to clean house. It's a difficult thing to do, as you say, and no doubt some innocent parties will be accused, and other guilty parties will implicate the innocent to save themselves.

It seems to me that the only way to even attempt this is to do is quickly and whole-scale, as Erdogan and Co are doing. But the problem then is, what do you do with the people you are purging? Maybe send most out of the country? Another wave of 'refugees' for Europe?

I'm glad I'm not in Erdogan's position.
3D Student said:
On the topic of daydreaming, I have concern because I used to (and still do to less extent) do it. An example is that when I read these awful stories of all the shootings and stabbings, I will usually imagine what is happening. And then I'll put myself in place, and try to "save the day" or defeat the attackers. And it goes on to negative thoughts about battling and violence. That sort of thing. I guess trying to correct the wrongs isn't the best thing, because the event already happened so it's a fantasy. Does anyone else do this, any thoughts?

I used to do something similar, although it was more along the lines of finding the people responsible and kicking their butts something serious so they could never do it again. Now I'm usually just depressed about it. So I figure if I analyze the situation as objectively as I can, I might reach some comforting conclusion, or even a solution. But usually it just depresses me more, because it makes me see in more clarity just how evil, and apparently unstoppable, these 'beings' are. They're determined to destroy our global society and create as much suffering as possible for as many as possible, and we're tasked with the job of watching it happen. How cool is that! Not!

It's really a pretty ugly picture, and it helps me to better understand all those people out there who turn their faces away from the horrors of the world and pretend it isn't happening, or fall into illusions or dreams, or don't want to listen to the things we would like to tell them.

Sometimes I think we're cursed, those of us who have some 'gene' or something that made us maladjusted to society and inclined to dig for and discover the truth of this world. Did we think we'd find bunny rabbits and roses? If so, we got a shock! So here we are, naturally inclined to keep digging and uncovering the horrible reality of this world, and for a while thinking we could 'spread the word' and thereby help to fix it. But as time has passed, that idea has been exposed as a pipe dream. For the last 14 years we have been actively broadcasting a message to the public to wake up to just how messed up this world is, and informing them about the psychopathic nature of those that rule over us, and the likely future that awaits. The result? Things have gotten immeasurably worse. That's kind of depressing. No wonder we have tended to exclaim "Bring on the comets!" from time to time!

Our research into historical and social cycles and the rise and fall of civilizations and cyclical cataclysms is backed up by fairly hard evidence. So one thing we can be pretty sure about is that 'nature' calls a halt to the madness that tends to rise to unreasonable heights here on planet earth. That seems to be about the only 'saving grace' we can really count on.

Hope I didn't depress anyone too much! Feel free to give the positive side of the argument! :D
Joe said:
Hope I didn't depress anyone too much! Feel free to give the positive side of the argument!
You said it very well. One thing I think about every now and then is that I would never want to go back to the person I was before starting to search things out and finding SOTT. It is depressing and at times I think why do I beat myself up daily following the madness knowing where it is heading.

The positive side I think comes from the combination of seeing reality for what it is and trying to change and progress as a human being via the work, understanding others and all related topics. That way an individual at least doesn’t add to the chaos by being totally mechanical, etc and who knows down the line how this understanding might be applied to help others in terms of getting out of the way of freight trains coming down the tracks.
Joe said:
3D Student said:
On the topic of daydreaming, I have concern because I used to (and still do to less extent) do it. An example is that when I read these awful stories of all the shootings and stabbings, I will usually imagine what is happening. And then I'll put myself in place, and try to "save the day" or defeat the attackers. And it goes on to negative thoughts about battling and violence. That sort of thing. I guess trying to correct the wrongs isn't the best thing, because the event already happened so it's a fantasy. Does anyone else do this, any thoughts?

I used to do something similar, although it was more along the lines of finding the people responsible and kicking their butts something serious so they could never do it again. Now I'm usually just depressed about it. So I figure if I analyze the situation as objectively as I can, I might reach some comforting conclusion, or even a solution. But usually it just depresses me more, because it makes me see in more clarity just how evil, and apparently unstoppable, these 'beings' are. They're determined to destroy our global society and create as much suffering as possible for as many as possible, and we're tasked with the job of watching it happen. How cool is that! Not!

It's really a pretty ugly picture, and it helps me to better understand all those people out there who turn their faces away from the horrors of the world and pretend it isn't happening, or fall into illusions or dreams, or don't want to listen to the things we would like to tell them.

Sometimes I think we're cursed, those of us who have some 'gene' or something that made us maladjusted to society and inclined to dig for and discover the truth of this world. Did we think we'd find bunny rabbits and roses? If so, we got a shock! So here we are, naturally inclined to keep digging and uncovering the horrible reality of this world, and for a while thinking we could 'spread the word' and thereby help to fix it. But as time has passed, that idea has been exposed as a pipe dream. For the last 14 years we have been actively broadcasting a message to the public to wake up to just how messed up this world is, and informing them about the psychopathic nature of those that rule over us, and the likely future that awaits. The result? Things have gotten immeasurably worse. That's kind of depressing. No wonder we have tended to exclaim "Bring on the comets!" from time to time!

Our research into historical and social cycles and the rise and fall of civilizations and cyclical cataclysms is backed up by fairly hard evidence. So one thing we can be pretty sure about is that 'nature' calls a halt to the madness that tends to rise to unreasonable heights here on planet earth. That seems to be about the only 'saving grace' we can really count on.

Hope I didn't depress anyone too much! Feel free to give the positive side of the argument! :D

Its funny how I expressed a similar opinion on a WhatsApp group of my peers. There were immediately a lot of posts accusing me of being negative even though everything I pointed out was factual. I got really surprised at how nobody wants to look at how bad things are, just stick your head in the sand and declare all is well, God luvs ya and good will prevail.

Talking of negative energy, there has been a huge outbreak of students burning schools in Kenya. You never know what to expect next.....
Joe said:
Hope I didn't depress anyone too much! Feel free to give the positive side of the argument! :D

What comes to mind is external consideration - as Gurdjieff said:

G. said:
The chief means of happiness in this life is the ability to consider externally always, internally never.

I think this is really true, I had moments (usually with people close to me) where I could literally feel where they are coming from - not only applying some Work concept, but taking in the whole situation of the other person emotionally and intellectually - , in which my "self" and all the inner narratives and complaints disappeared, and I could act based on other people's needs, their understanding and feelings. These were indeed moments of sheer happiness! What a relief! Unfortunately, the down-side seems to be that there are cycles of depression as well, and when we get into the habit of opening up our eyes and hearts, we just can't run away from them. We have to live through them...

Gurdjieff also said:

G. said:
"And he 'considers' not only separate persons but society and historically constituted conditions. Everything that displeases such a man seems to him to be unjust, illegal, wrong, and illogical. And the point of departure for his judgment is always that these things can and should be changed. 'Injustice' is one of the words in which very often considering hides itself. When a man has convinced himself that he is indignant with some injustice, then for him to stop considering would mean 'reconciling himself to injustice.'

Not saying that this applies to you here, but this seems to tie in with external considering as a means to happiness, i.e. not running internal dialogues, not shaking our fist towards the sky etc. It's easy to say though, especially for me who hasn't spent the best of his life getting the truth signal out there day in day out.

Personally, despite the depression cycles, the frustration both with the world, myself, others etc., and the inability to walk away from these feelings, I can say that I am alive. Before I embarked on this path, I was dead. I really mean it and I feel it in the depth of my heart. So there's an advantage :D
Bear said:
Joe said:
Hope I didn't depress anyone too much! Feel free to give the positive side of the argument!
You said it very well. One thing I think about every now and then is that I would never want to go back to the person I was before starting to search things out and finding SOTT. It is depressing and at times I think why do I beat myself up daily following the madness knowing where it is heading.

The positive side I think comes from the combination of seeing reality for what it is and trying to change and progress as a human being via the work, understanding others and all related topics. That way an individual at least doesn’t add to the chaos by being totally mechanical, etc and who knows down the line how this understanding might be applied to help others in terms of getting out of the way of freight trains coming down the tracks.

Yes, I also think that it's better to see reality for what it is than to be a "blissfully" blind lemming at the brink of a cliff and I'm immensely grateful to this Network for opening my eyes to help me see this world more objectively. I don't want to go back into oblivion again, no matter how much more comfortable and less hurtful it may seem. I'd rather stay and continue burning here with others, although it's very difficult to find strength to carry on sometimes.

Also, despite how much worse the world has become recently, I'm pretty sure that it would have been even worse by now without the Work of so many people here. So thank you all so much for your continuous efforts, you are all a great inspiration and the brightest ray of light in this dark kingdom. :flowers:
Hope I didn't depress anyone too much! Feel free to give the positive side of the argument!

Found this applicable answer posted by goyacobol while reading old sessions:

Being aware that there is a Wave leaves us with a choice of how to react to the changes as we "see" them happen. The "STS 3D only" perspective will most likely leave us with a "desperate" doom and gloom feeling I think.
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