Session 16 July 2016

I have already seen (déjà vu) this session with some actual differences like brexit and egyptian airplane. When time will come I will replunge deep into the 'previous session'.

I paticurlaly appreciate the talk about imagination and non anticipation and the subsequents articles on sott that talk about it (science of the spirit section).

thank you again, I am healing more profoundly and it's a good exercice in order to know darkness more during healing crisis \o/.
(L) So, say I'm in wishful thinking of some sort. I'm dreaming. Say I'm dreaming about winning the lottery. Or I could be thinking negative thoughts toward somebody. Either way, it's a drain. So I'm in this condition, and that allows an STS feeding tube to be anchored in me, which means basically there's an energetic connection between me and some kind of 4D STS forces. Then if I'm just dreaming or dissociating a little bit, the connection can accelerate that, make it worse. I can feel worse, or believe it harder or stronger. And then that can enhance physiological processes like brain chemistry, hormones, etc. And usually we get triggered to think things because of stuff we're not even always aware of. In the Wave, I used the example of a blue hat. A kid gets exposed to somebody abusive who's wearing a blue hat. They then always go into a state of fear when they see a person in a blue hat, but they don't even realize what's going on. They get triggered and have negative feelings toward that person and the person may be totally innocent and benevolent. But because of the blue-hat programming, the dissociated person acts negatively toward them and thus begins a negative dynamic. The other way would be somebody whose favorite relative always wore checkered shirts. So when they see checkered shirts, they always feel warm and fuzzy and are naturally attracted to the person wearing the checkered shirt, but they don't know why. They may feel very favorable toward a psychopath in a checkered shirt who takes them for everything they have or destroys them emotionally. In both cases, the initial beliefs about the other person or situation has no basis in reality. That could be a subconscious trigger for just the beginning - the opening - of the whole process. And then it will snowball...

(Joe) It's very similar to mind programming and the way people are going off all over the world today.

(L) Yes. People can be programmed to be antagonistic toward each other without even any secret government involvement. So basically, any person here in our community, this could happen to that person if they have such programs. And it is almost certain that everyone has programs of this sort that incline them to favor this thing and not favor that thing, all based on experiences of the past, most of which they cannot remember and which don’t apply at all to current experiences. That could then lead them into either la-la land, or very dark thoughts, very negative thoughts. That in itself creates an opening that allows this 4D STS energy in. The basic energy generated by the program is then souped up, accelerated and made ten times worse and the person falls into a pit of thinking that is out of control. And it can be negative thinking or it can be apparently positive, like thinking you are in love with the psychopath in the checkered shirt, or at least, the wrong person. A person might then automatically run programs that manipulate other people and set off their programs – either positively or negatively. Like if they think they are in love because a program has been triggered, they’ll send out “mating signals” which then trigger responses. And then they all start falling like dominoes. Or, they start thinking negative thoughts and act negatively in a more active way and cause all sorts of issues to develop. That's really creepy when you think about it.

I'm not sure I'm on the right track here but after reading the article today got me thinking what was mentioned in the session. All these different bias that we naturally display as humans can leave us open to feeding and leave the group open to attack. I'm presuming this is most prevalent for the people immediately around Laura at the chateau? Or does this also include users on the forum who can put the group in danger?

I understand awareness is the key and networking about it is some level of protection if you feel the programs have been triggered. I think I've understood the concept but not realised quite how serious this is. I have just seen clearly a feeding situation that happened recently. Through EE, reAding here and walking I have managed to just hang on to awareness without disassociation. It has been a battle though I'm still not through it. I have had a massive urge to just switch off but the thought of been food and effecting the work has kept me going. So it is as Morpheus said to neo in the matrix training program if you are not one of us you are one of them.
Thank you for this great session! And happy anniversary to Cs! :wizard:

Oxajil said:
Thank you for sharing! Much food for thought, I also found your discussions very helpful. It's scary to think how big of a role subconscious processes can play. The discussion about daydreaming reminds me of the C's saying: "People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the 'Future.'" To basically not see reality as you want to see it or as you want to see it to become, but to see it as it is.

Yes, it also reminded me of that quote.

For what I've been experiencing lately, it seems that daydreaming, wether it is "positive" or "negative", really gets you out of reality in the sense of being focused on the narratives and dreams in your mind. Then, they take part or all your attention from actually paying attention to reality, from actually experiencing it and, thus, it prevents you from being able to learn from it.

luc said:
Laura said:
lilies said:
Worldwide Crystal Project Group Synchronized Singing Solution:

The Chateau Chorus Master starts a Skype broadcast along the lines of a Sott Radio BTH or Truth Perspective, but this one is for singing only. Begins with the Chat function LIVE - and everybody is connected and listening in and looking at the Chat screen, but nobody must answer or call in, just listen and read. Only the Chateau transmits the audio and the Audience's - that's us - task is to listen in carefully and **sing in sync with the Chateau Team leading** so everybody is at the same position in the song. Crystals are at hand, keeping the crystals live, "switched on", hands on, etc.. <snip>

Excellent idea. Let's wait for everyone to get their crystals. We are just starting the third batch and we hope this will get MOST everyone. (It's a double batch.)

Great idea indeed - that way, your energy would - literally - echo and reverberate throughout the planet :thup: But first and foremost, take care everybody :hug2:

It sounds GREAT! I'll be looking forward to it :)
Oh well, I was totally wrong about the coup in Turkey and Erdogan. I must rethink my "kill all the psychopaths!" thinking :) Although I'm not sure that Erdogan will align with Russia, he probably will try to 'swim' on his own.

And the rest of the session was interesting. Thank you all! :flowers: (and take care!)
Avala said:
Oh well, I was totally wrong about the coup in Turkey and Erdogan. I must rethink my "kill all the psychopaths!" thinking :) Although I'm not sure that Erdogan will align with Russia, he probably will try to 'swim' on his own.

I think the idea that Erdogan is going to try to exist all on his own is pretty unlikely. At the moment he is doing his best to 'clean house' of all the agents and traitors put in place by the Western powers and is certainly aware that he has remorseless and powerful forces to contend with who have just demonstrated their desire to do him in.

He might be crazy but he is not likely to be stupid enough to think he doesn't need some 'backup' if he is going to survive for long. Most likely he is going to align himself and his country with the Eastern powers now that he has the opportunity to do so.
Wow, this was a very informative session! With the world going more crazy and sick every day it seems, the Crystal Project is an amazing and truly wonderful ray of hope. When reading this, I had a very strong sudden feeling that this project really does have the potential to change things for the better. I am so grateful for all these efforts, the light in the darkness, thank you so much!

Q: (L) In other words, once everybody who requests them finally gets their crystals, there's a possibility that we could then organize utilization of the crystals in like a sychronization or something? Doing EE together, singing songs together, reciting some of our protection texts...

(Pierre) Does everyone doing something like that together possibly lead to a change of state, change of reality?

A: Indeed!

Q: (L) What if everybody just began to build a spiral of energy? On, say, Wednesday night at such-and-such a time, we'd all gather together with our crystals that provide the link-up. And then, just basically maybe sing some songs to connect chakras just to see what happens? I guess we should experiment with that.

A: Yes!
Richard S said:
Avala said:
Oh well, I was totally wrong about the coup in Turkey and Erdogan. I must rethink my "kill all the psychopaths!" thinking :) Although I'm not sure that Erdogan will align with Russia, he probably will try to 'swim' on his own.

I think the idea that Erdogan is going to try to exist all on his own is pretty unlikely. At the moment he is doing his best to 'clean house' of all the agents and traitors put in place by the Western powers and is certainly aware that he has remorseless and powerful forces to contend with who have just demonstrated their desire to do him in.

He might be crazy but he is not likely to be stupid enough to think he doesn't need some 'backup' if he is going to survive for long. Most likely he is going to align himself and his country with the Eastern powers now that he has the opportunity to do so.

One can't help but think back to Hugo Chavez who, if he had been presented with such an overt opportunity to clean house, might have been alive today.

We discussed it a lot back then and how difficult it is to understand Political Ponerology and the necessity for cleaning house, and how it is always presented by psychopaths in paramoralistic ways: "Oh, he's become a dictator..."
Quote from Laura: One can't help but think back to Hugo Chavez who, if he had been presented with such an overt opportunity to clean house, might have been alive today.

Thank you for the session which is a perfect example of synchronous events in my own personnal life story. As for the above quote, I wonder (since we have had to do this in our own home environment recently) if many of the forum members have had to come face to face with a similar situation (cleaning house) in the recent past? It seems to me that the past month or so has been a time when certain peoples true colors have come through more and more, and that we (familly unit) have come to the conclusion that in order to protect ourselves it was better to cut several ties?! Even though this has been an ongoing process for some years, the past few months have been more intense, in a sense?

Again: Thank you for your great work, and the desire to share with us such important communications.
Laura said:
Richard S said:
Avala said:
Oh well, I was totally wrong about the coup in Turkey and Erdogan. I must rethink my "kill all the psychopaths!" thinking :) Although I'm not sure that Erdogan will align with Russia, he probably will try to 'swim' on his own.

I think the idea that Erdogan is going to try to exist all on his own is pretty unlikely. At the moment he is doing his best to 'clean house' of all the agents and traitors put in place by the Western powers and is certainly aware that he has remorseless and powerful forces to contend with who have just demonstrated their desire to do him in.

He might be crazy but he is not likely to be stupid enough to think he doesn't need some 'backup' if he is going to survive for long. Most likely he is going to align himself and his country with the Eastern powers now that he has the opportunity to do so.

One can't help but think back to Hugo Chavez who, if he had been presented with such an overt opportunity to clean house, might have been alive today.

We discussed it a lot back then and how difficult it is to understand Political Ponerology and the necessity for cleaning house, and how it is always presented by psychopaths in paramoralistic ways: "Oh, he's become a dictator..."

Actually Hugo Chavez Frias has that opportunity, (Clean House) in the Venezuelan failed coup, but he was not as ruthless and as determined (or Crazy as Erdogan) to do that...

That is why he is dead now (the Venezuelan fifth column is well entrenched in the government...)

The "paramoralistic" ways or viruses got into the head of Hugo Chavez and he backed down, offering instead pardons and reconciliations...

So sad for him... :rolleyes: :(
Laura don't let anyone work on your car and then take it for a spin...(A horrible G joke) The importance of not identifying as identifying in and of itself identifies us with the past and we are no longer in the now reality an example would be the blue hat example and checkered shirt example in the session.

One can indulge in nostalgia from time to time however it comes back to balance I feel that if you have had days or even a whole day of negativity mentally it is time to meditate, remember yourself and or journal about what is positive & negative in your life to break the or not allow the STS feeding tube to begin.

Self remembering even in part is so important to "check in with yourself" from time to time feeling your feet on the ground while walking and looking around at nature feeling and being aware of this change of state/being open up to new impressions and moves my center of gravity from strictly being in my intellectual center (STS feeding ground) to a more balanced place I am more aware at this point. There is an energy flow between inside ourselves and what is going on outside ourselves when I am being aware of both I feel I am more balanced.
Clean house of all the 5th column types? Clean out the Gladio operators? He can try, but can't succeed seeing how he's chosen to do so. Putin has been doing the same, so has Xi, each in his own way, but to totally rid your infested country of these types doesn't really seem possible without essentially committing suicide economically... which is why Putin and Xi have chosen to go about their 'cleanup' in a different manner than sudden whiplash, as Erdo cannot be sure that 'his enforcers' aren't really the same operators working for the other side. Some can easily switch sides on a whim, others are deep infiltrators by design. Does Erdo and his team really think they know who is who? This is a classic move, getting your opponent to lash out against his supporters thinking they are his enemies. Might not the next problem be an initiated situation in which various forces need to be dealt with and Erdo finds he is undermanned for the job, thusly bringing in new recruits to fill the old positions, and can he really trust these new guys? Is he really sure which side they support? Aren't the fanatics those you can trust the least? He's pushing himself into a corner, and making himself a bigger target for elimination... OSIS, IMO.... which, again, is why Putin and Xi are handling the disposition of 5th column types in a different manner... 2 birds with one stone... use them to expose their kind to the general public... educational purposes, while you outmaneuver them on the chessboard.... IMO. I don't think Putin will go out of his way to shore up this idiot who has been actively attempting to destroy Syria, the Kurds etc for years in order to set up his new Ottoman empire.... a delusion much like candy, too much can make you sick.

But it's all just a test, right? Putin can assist with advice, much like the C's with Laura and co.... but it is up to the player to make the choices for themselves... who to trust, what to do, when and where with who etc.... how to handle a situation in an international environment in which you are not in control of your own board, only the play of your chess pieces upon it.... which is why Putin and Xi try to play it cool as the USA slowly sinks in the quicksand of its own creation, but not force any fight that the USA wants... population reduction, et al, is our goal... so it seems much like jr high or high school... how to avoid the fight the bully/s are trying to start. Takes a lot of strategy.. Erdo doesn't seem capable of this type of play.... and I wouldn't bet on his ego letting him play second fiddle for advice for too long, especially as the board gets slippery when the rug gets pulled out. I just don't think Erdo understands what he's dealing with, even in his own country... one he thinks is his... those people supporting him in the streets can disappear extremely fast when the bullets start flying.... which is a better way to secure a real coup attempt... show the tv audience how unstable the govt is, especially as it's been supporting terrorists all these years.

Erdo seems trapped... though I can't blame Putin for using this opportunity as best he can, while he can... Stalin did the same to bide for time.... something Xi seems focused on doing as well... given their traditions in doing so. Erdo is going to put all of these guys in prison? Does he think he controls those prisons? In a ponerized system, nothing, no one and nowhere is safe. Erdo seems to be acting from a position of safety, without realizing that that opinion of his could be manufactured for him in advance..... give him more rope to hang himself etc.

Just my opinion though.
Thanks guys, amazing session.

Especially the difference between wishful thinking and imagination was very pertinent for me - I always struggled with the difference. So intent seems to be the key: positive intent for imagination and passive drifting out of reality for wishful thinking, or in other words, no intent.
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