Session 16 July 2016

Thank you so much for this incredibly informative post. I feel particularly on guard as my family has been experiencing some very odd happenings. Recently my family & I went on vacation & stayed at what seemed to be a nice cottage. From the first night onward everyone seemed to be suffering from really terrible nightmares. My daughter kept hearing voices yelling at her. She slept in bed with us & then I proceeded to have nightmares of battling demons & performing exorcisms.
Needless to say I was looking forward to coming home. I think that somehow we brought "it" home as my son has really started to have depressive thoughts, my anxiety has also spiked & I feel a tightness in my chest. Things have been breaking on a daily basis: washing machine, bread machine, oven, lawn mower, pool is very green & no amount of chemicals are helping. I am very worried & have tried eliminating this energy myself. I used my will & called upon the angels when my son said he had trouble breathing/seeing & was hearing voices. I was successful in clearing "it" as my son said he felt something "walk down his stomach" & he felt better.
I think I need to break out the big guns & book an appointment with Patrick for a house cleaning. I'm just not sure if all my family members need a spirit release (had my last one with Patrick & Heather 2 years ago) or is it some free floating entity. Not exactly sure what to do. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
I am very much looking forward to receiving my crystals & am now wondering if I should get protective crystals for all of my family members.
Again thank you Laura & Crew for being that very important beacon of light.
Just want to say huge thanks to the C's and everyone involved in the sessions for all these many years. Your hard work has helped so many people with a hunger for knowledge better understand what's going on in the world and within themselves. Your work has already added to objective discourse, and to the pool of knowledge regarding many subjects being discussed in this group, and increasingly, by more and more people in general - butterfly wings.

The idea of people connecting energetically via the crystals for positive effects is very inspiring. It would be sort of like a 'real' Internet, as opposed to the primitive, third-density, compromised thing we know. :)
Thank you Laura and team for this very informative session! Great reminders to not daydream or dissociate and keep grounded in the work!
Thanks for sharing this great session!

Q: (L) Well, one thing I can say is that we never thought we would still be doing this after 22 years!

A: We told you about things in your future then and said that it was not imminent then. Much has happened since then. It is the time of changes now. Please revisit those sessions.

Q: (Data) What is imminent now when they refer to global events?

A: Open your eyes and compare to sessions!
I thought of the above exchange from this recent session when I read the exchange below from the 1996 transcript book last night. Looks like from what the C’s said above, the point on the learning cycle is here or close and maybe the ‘Facts’ below are important to remember.
July 14 said:
Q: (L) Okay, I know what you are saying, but I just don't think that there is any way I can DO this!

A: Yes you can!

Q: (L) Okay. Okay. This whole situation, this Polish connection, this German connection, the American and alien things, the soldier/Nephilim thing, these are all manifestations of a Realm Border Crossing, am I correct?

A: Close.

Q: (L) And some of the manifestations of a Realm Border Crossing are that some people graduate or transition to 4th density, that their awareness changes, everything changes, the playing field is leveled. So, what happened in Germany was a 'practice run' but what is going to happen is that the 'playing field' is going to be leveled, so it will not be exactly the same scenario, is this a correct assessment?

A: Maybe. Alright, my dear, you want the facts, so we will give them to you, and hopefully you will comprehend. If not now, then when necessary maybe... Fact number one: All there is is lessons. Fact two: this is one big school. Fact three: Timing as you perceive it, is never, NEVER definite. Fact four: What is to happen, as you state it, is a ways off, and will not occur until you have reached that point on the learning cycle, and you are not close yet. Now ponder before more facts are given!!

Q: (L) Okay, this being one infinite school, and we all seem to be wandering around in the darkness...

A: Fact five: The learning cycle is variable, and progress along it is determined by events and circumstances as they unfold.

Q: (L) So, the events and circumstances of our lives, individually and collectively, can indicate where we are on this learning cycle? And we are asking to have things told to us, or revealed to us about things which are, in themselves, the necessary lessons? And it would be virtually useless to be told about them since they must be experienced?

A: Partly correct. If you want hints, then hints shall we give. But, if you are looking for a "road map?," forgetitski!!
Thank you Laura and chateau crew for another amazing "anniversary" session with many important subjects, pressing us to stay vigilant and aware in these very "interesting" times of changes. I guess things are going up exponentially. Eyes and ears open.

The remind of the dissociation looks to me to be one of the main thing (in an individual scale) we have to deal with in these chaotic times.
I realised these last days how important is this crystals project for the whole group, and it seems to be the case regarding the C's answers to that subject. I like the idea of singing all together! :)

I was sorry to read that Kniall was so close to die and so glad that Ark found a way to offer protection to Laura. :hug2:

The "World affairs" part is pretty interesting especially about the not infallible PTB (coup failed in Turkey and Brexit affair)... :cool: But and as it was said previously in the thread, this infallibility "will increase their desperation"... Which should increase the Cosmic answer...

Be careful everyone and stay safe.
Thank you Laura and the whole crew for such an amazing session as always full of great information :clap: :clap:
goyacobol said:
lilies said:
Laura said:
[..] On, say, Wednesday night at such-and-such a time, we'd all gather together with our crystals that provide the link-up. And then, just basically maybe sing some songs to connect chakras just to see what happens? I guess we should experiment with that.[..]

Worldwide Crystal Project Group Synchronized Singing Solution:


I think those are very imaginative and creative ideas. I am just thinking about the illusory time zone issues. I have a widget for some cities in different times zones. For instance right now it is 12:45 in New York city
05:45 in London
06:45 in Paris
07:45 in Moscow.

For me personally I am not sure how my singing at odd hours would be viewed by my family. I guess it would be just one more odd thing for me to do since I don't really seem to be quite "normal" enough anyway.

In Chateau Time Zone:
One week a morning singing session for half of the group, who is in the right time zone. The next week a night singing session for the other half of people. A single Group Choir Session around the world, where everybody must gather to sing is not doable, since some will have to sing during their sleep time 00:00am - 07:00. [just pondering]
Thank you all for this session. I find myself daydreaming a lot recently to the point when I lose attention and break things in the process sometimes :rolleyes: It ...makes me crazy...
[quote author= Beau][quote author=Niall]A question I meant to ask is; why did they risk having the referendum in the first place?

Maybe some other time![/quote]

The answer is probably - wishful thinking! They've fixed elections and referendums before, why should it be any more difficult with the Brexit? It'll give the appearance of "the people have spoken" while maintaining the status quo. Oops![/quote]

Originally it could been both. This EU leaving talk was gaining momentum + EU is a never ending power struggle between several players. If one leaves the EU, the EU may fall apart and everone loses. It's a good card to give threats with.

But not when you wishfully think you got rigged enough votes anyhow to turn it in your favor. :lol:

Q: (Pierre) Did he get some help from Putin?

A: Advice and intel data.

Besides giving Erdogan advice and intell. I hope that Putin can also sends him the right medication pills

I mean this guy is just nuts, I hope he can somehow hold it together before he really goes insane.

But it seems he enjoys some cult of personality under the Turkish population anyhow. At home and abroad. People worship him with the same intelligence an average football fan or hooligan supports his club. It makes them feel proud about themselves for no good reason. At least that's how I see it.

Coups normally only work if you have the support of the people. They obviously ignored their own play rules in this one. The PTB are making basic mistakes these days.

If everything fails, resort to, and spread more chaos. Their motto ‘’Ordo ab chaos’’ ( Order out of chaos ) doesn't has the same ring to it as it use to has.
hlat said:
Laura said:
Q: (Joe) Do we want to ask about Niall's accident?

(Niall) Yeah. Was it as close as it felt like... Did I nearly die?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) I'm locking you in your room. That's it! Just kidding.

(Galatea) Was it his subconscious intention, or was it influenced solely by external forces?

A: Influenced. Group was ultimate target.

Q: (Andromeda) Was there some protection afforded to him that made it turn out as well as it could have?

A: Yes

Niall, I'm glad you survived and were protected. It's scary that you are a target for them. It seems this is literally a life or death fight.

Thanks hlat. I was fortunate to come away completely unharmed, and I knew right away that I'd been 'in la-la-land' in the days and weeks leading up to it, and that that had constricted my awareness.
Niall, I don't know if you posted on other boards of the forum what happened to you. So glad you're ok. Last month seemed particularly bad for me as "gaps in my awareness" bc I was spinning about work stress. Almost had a car accident. I think I'm more afraid of physically hurting others & then feeling suicidally guilty about my ignorance. It was a real wake up call for me. I know now how 4D STS would get me--guilt & then suicide. The bit about negative thoughts being a feeding mechanism for STS was also such a wake-up call. I don't know about anyone else but trying to be balanced about knowing the truth about the world and not getting sucked into it wishing the world just to get on with cleansing destruction so it can be over already. Really have to be vigilant about that pattern of thinking. I think that my sott reading has fed into this negativity often. Rejoicing at sinkholes and such. Not suffering of others but just the very blatant symptoms of earth changes.
lilies said:
Worldwide Crystal Project Group Synchronized Singing Solution:

The Chateau Chorus Master starts a Skype broadcast along the lines of a Sott Radio BTH or Truth Perspective, but this one is for singing only. Begins with the Chat function LIVE - and everybody is connected and listening in and looking at the Chat screen, but nobody must answer or call in, just listen and read. Only the Chateau transmits the audio and the Audience's - that's us - task is to listen in carefully and **sing in sync with the Chateau Team leading** so everybody is at the same position in the song. Crystals are at hand, keeping the crystals live, "switched on", hands on, etc.. <snip>

Excellent idea. Let's wait for everyone to get their crystals. We are just starting the third batch and we hope this will get MOST everyone. (It's a double batch.)
lilies said:
In Chateau Time Zone:
One week a morning singing session for half of the group, who is in the right time zone. The next week a night singing session for the other half of people. A single Group Choir Session around the world, where everybody must gather to sing is not doable, since some will have to sing during their sleep time 00:00am - 07:00. [just pondering]

What ever time or what ever day Laura decided, I will make time and day for me to participate.
It seems very important things to do for connecting.
Je voudrais en premier vous remercier pour la diffusion d'une nouvelle session. Et merci surtout pour tout le travail que vous faites à nous partager vos connaissances et recherches. Je suis très discrète mais je prends le temps de lire les informations.

Laura said:
Excellent idea. Let's wait for everyone to get their crystals. We are just starting the third batch and we hope this will get MOST everyone. (It's a double batch.)

Est-il encore possible de passer une commande pour recevoir des cristaux. Veuillez m'excuser pour ce retard mais je ne pouvais pas les commander avant de régler mes problèmes financiers. Maintenant, ça serait possible pour moi de faire une demande. Et si oui, comment dois-je passer ma commande et le paiement ce fait de quel façon?

Mon intuition n'arrête pas de me dire qu'il faudrait que je fasse la demande pour avoir un cristal protecteur.

Merci de me donner vos réponses.


I would like to first thank you for the release of a new session. And thank you especially for all the work you do to share your knowledge and research. I am very discreet but I take the time to read the information.

Laura said:
Excellent idea. Let's wait for everyone to get their crystals. We are just starting the third batch and we hope this will get MOST everyone. (It's a double batch.)

Is it still possible to place an order for receiving crystals. I apologize for the delay but I could not order them before setting my financial problems. Now it would be possible for me to make a request. And if so, how do I place my order and payment therefore what way?

My intuition keeps telling me that I should make the request for a protective crystal.

Thank you for your answers.
Thanks for the new session!

There were great questions asked and the key thing that seems to be what will pull us through this valley of shadow is psychology.

As Laura described from the Wave, anything and everything can mess with our chemicals/emotions -> brain-> subconscious.

I like seeing the work more as a psychological practice than some mystical practice.
Much better to work from the bottom up, than from the bottom down- which I would think opens one up to STS influence.

It seems right now, more and more, society in general is looking up for an answer and dreaming that they already know what is here. But that's like walking and not noticing the rake on the floor until you step on it and it hits you in the face (like in those cartoons) :lol:
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