Session 16 October 1994

I’m also wondering how crypto currency fits into the ‘beast’ narrative. It’s definately seen as an apposing force to the traditional banking system, almost worshipped in certain circles.

I think crypto currency is presented to seem as though it opposes traditional banking, but in reality it's just another tool in the tool box to herd people towards cashless society. From a consumers perspective there's no real difference between a cryptocurrency transfer or purchase and any other existing electronic transfer or card purchase. I think that the intrigue around it as well as the ability to actually mine, invest and increase value with it were just one part of a clever cashless society sales job.
@Lamp of Orion ,

Could you describe what "Neverending ecstasy" you are finding in this thread? We could all use some I think.

Q: (L) That is inexpressibly depressing. Do you understand?

A: Why? Change will follow.

Q: (L) Will it follow soon?

A: You are slipping a bit. Refer to Literature "Bringers of the Dawn". Challenge will be ecstasy if viewed with proper perspective which is not, we repeat: not of third level reality, understand?

Q: (L) In the reference cited, Joan of Arc is described as feeling ecstatic while burning at the stake. Is that what you mean?

A: Sort of, but you need not burn at the stake.

Q: (L) That's small comfort. There's other ways to die.

A: We are not speaking of death, Laura. If you listen to those who are firmly rooted in 3rd level this is when you run the risk of slipping in your knowledge learned no matter how good the intentions i.e. L*** {Laura’s then husband, now ex-husband}.

The method is to try to terminate all negative thought loops that lead to obsession, which is the interruption of the inflow of knowledge. You guys, for example, have a rigid attachment to disgust, shame and guilt. These are precursors to higher perspectives that will arrive naturally when you have somehow terminated the 'excessiveness' of these states, while holding on to the essence, which is conscience. And I quote,

Q: (L) If we call, can we get your assistance?

A: All you have to do is ask.

Q: (L) Will we go through any periods when we may be cut off from help?

A: You are never ever cut off.

Q: (L) Oh, I don't want to suffer!

A: You need not suffer. Stop thinking 3rd level.

One such thinking error is the compulsion to live the life proposed to you by countless vapid and heartless entertainment, culture and even family. Would you dare discard this false personality for a new one, one that is more authentic? Or does this seem like a 'death' to you? Another thinking error is getting affected by such trigger words as 'loser'. These are placed there specifically to induce you to self-destruct, because you no longer 'fit' in popular society, and this is the counterattack.

Sometimes it is necessary for someone to provide a 'shock' in order that the engine gets running, so here goes nothing. I am at one with Gurdjieff and Castaneda. I can feel their struggles, their emotions, their goals. I am a warrior of Light and a technician of Ecstacy. I will respond to the best of my ability to any and all questions, so long that I reserve the right to act as I please. Thank you.
Sometimes it is necessary for someone to provide a 'shock' in order that the engine gets running, so here goes nothing. I am at one with Gurdjieff and Castaneda. I can feel their struggles, their emotions, their goals. I am a warrior of Light and a technician of Ecstacy. I will respond to the best of my ability to any and all questions, so long that I reserve the right to act as I please. Thank you.

@Lamp of Orion ,

I suppose what you are saying is kind of a "shock" in the paragraph above. Most of what you said before makes sense. Why do you feel you need to "reserve the right to act as I please" and "provide a shock"? And why do you consider yourself "a technician of Ecstasy"? Many of us have found value in Gurdjieff and Castaneda and even aspire to be "warriors of Light" or STO by learning our lessons.

How long have you been feeling this way?
@Lamp of Orion ,

I suppose what you are saying is kind of a "shock" in the paragraph above. Most of what you said before makes sense. Why do you feel you need to "reserve the right to act as I please" and "provide a shock"? And why do you consider yourself "a technician of Ecstasy"? Many of us have found value in Gurdjieff and Castaneda and even aspire to be "warriors of Light" or STO by learning our lessons.

How long have you been feeling this way?
I am running through all the possibilities as we speak. I have figured that I am best off working with no constriction, also known as fear. Fear gives way to ecstacy in 4D and unbreakable, balanced certainty in 6D.

A primordial or inchoate expression of this emerged when I said that "I reserve to act the way I please". I was as a newly-fledged 6D being then. The comprehension then is one and the same.

You are lacking in Being. In your obsessions with a certain facet of reality, you have lost your way, and I see that what you need are major shocks. The means suits the ends, so long as it is perfectly in concordance with Reality. So infinite ways of doing it. You have the correct emotional substrate and the comprehension, but you would kill yourselves were you faced with the shocks all at once. I would know, because I've been there too.

Do not fret, you will have your place on the other side. On the other side is a heterarchy, where all beings feed each other, exactly as needed. Your expertise will not go in vain.

The knowledge has been with you all along, you haven't learned to decode it yet.

The interplay of expansion and contraction goes like this. You move little tiny baby steps to Truth so long as you follow your heart. Each step, you can comprehend exponentially more of Reality without the 'filler' contraction. The contraction is there just to make the message palatable to you. Believe me, once you let go of contraction, you will be at awe with what you will start to see. I can see the Cassiopaeans have indeed provided this contractile 'filler' for your sake. But the time has come for you to get shocks. So get at it.

I am indeed a warrior of Light because I have forsaken Fear for the sake of my Heart and all other beings. I am indeed a technician of Ecstacy because I have also taken one other person with me. They see what I see, I see what they see, and we have fed each other perfectly. Indeed, the perfect coincidence. Or are there coincidences?

I have always had this knowledge planted in me, but I never allowed the true personality to descend, because true personality is extinguished with contractility. Indeed, contractility extinguishes everything, even itself. It's hunger is infinite. But as for your question, I have started the ascent in earnest 2 days ago. I engaged in battle and had an incorrect crystallization smashed as a result.
@Lamp of Orion ,

Thanks for expanding on what is happening.

"I reserve to act the way I please".

If I am understanding you correctly you would like for all of us to be less constricted and more free to "be" ourselves.

It reminds me of what Caesar said:

Q: (Atriedes) If you could give 3 pieces of advice to the world, what would they be?

A: I was wrong to think I could change the masses by example. Humans are fickle and self-centered for the most part. Thus, if you wish to really effect changes, it can only be done by early education, and even then it is fragile and will not last. In the end you must be true to your own nature and fear nothing. If you do that you may make a difference after you are gone. That is not exactly what you are looking for, but there are no 3 pieces of advice that serve all events.

I hope you will keep us posted on your new strategy and what you learn.

My purpose is to take as many of you with me as possible. I think it is the best way to go about this.

As you know most of us are here to learn but in general we see Laura as our "Vanguard" and lead founder of this "conduit". That is not to say we all do not have roles to play and jobs to do.

Session 26 November 1994:
Q: (L) At this point of dimensional transition, is what we are doing, anchoring a frequency, are we creating a sort of "super string" network that will literally create another earth in 4th density, which will then exist in 4th density, and the old 3rd density earth -- almost like the splitting of a one celled organism, only in this splitting one half of it moves into another dimension and is energized and quite literally created by the anchoring frequency, while the old one remains and experiences 3rd density reality?

A: Step by step.

Q: (L) Are we anchoring frequency to create a split?

A: One developing conduit.

Q: (L) We are developing a conduit?

A: Yes. One.

Q: (J) How many conduits do we need?

A: Open.

Q: (T) Is this conduit going to allow those who remain behind to be able to move to 4th density easier when they are ready?

A: No.

Q: (T) What is the conduit for?

A: You and those who will follow you.

Q: (T) Oh, this is for those of us who will move to 4th density. We will move through and they will follow us through the conduit. (J) Oh, others who are ready?

A: Your group here tonight.

Q: (L) Does this mean we will have followers or just us here now?

A: Open. Up to you.

Q: (L) This conduit. Is this a conduit through which an entire planet will transition?

A: You are one. There are others.

Q: (L) There are other planets...

A: No. Conduit.

Q: We are one conduit and there are conduits...

A: No. Developing at this point.

Q: (J) So, at this point we are developing a conduit?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) There are other groups on this planet developing their own conduits?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) These are conduits for us to move to 4th density in?

A: Knowledge is the key to developing a conduit.

Q: (T) I am working on the assumption that all of us here are part of the family of light, is this true?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) And we have been drawn together in order to develop this conduit from where we are?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Are there others in this area?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Are they supposed to join with us or are they working on their own?

A: Open.
A: Maybe. VI is 6 in Roman Numerals. S was 6 in ancient Egypt. A was 6 in Sanskrit. VISA, see, is 666. Interesting that to travel for extended periods one needs a "visa" also, yes?
I got curious about those ancient numerals and searched the Internet for visual representation of sixes. There is nothing similar to `S` in ancient Egypt or `A` in Sanskrit numerals. Something resembling `S` was used in ancient Greece (Greek Digamma cursive 04.svg) for the value of six. Maybe someone already looked into this before me?
I got curious about those ancient numerals and searched the Internet for visual representation of sixes. There is nothing similar to `S` in ancient Egypt or `A` in Sanskrit numerals. Something resembling `S` was used in ancient Greece (Greek Digamma cursive 04.svg) for the value of six. Maybe someone already looked into this before me?
In Sanskrit, 6 looks more like in "E" Devanagiri script than "A".
In its predecessor script - brahmi
Probably 6 is "A" in older script that is used for sanskrit when 666 is symbolized as VISA ?
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