Session 16 September 2017

THE PLAGUE In The US: Idaho Child Diagnosed With ‘Black Death’
Mac Slavo June 18th, 2018 (Bold Is Articles Emphasis)
In what is only the fifth case of bubonic plague in humans in the state of Idaho, the diagnosis of a child with the disease is sparking concerns. The unidentified child, who lives in Elmore County, is recovering from the bacterial infection.

According to WCVB 5, an ABC affiliate, Central District Health Department epidemiologists say it is not known whether the child was exposed to plague in Idaho or during a recent trip to the state of Oregon. Since 1940, only five human cases of plague have been reported in the Gem State (Idaho). The last two reported cases occurred in 1991 and 1992, with both patients fully recovering.

But the plague was common in Madagascar toward the end of last year. That outbreak was the worst in Madagascar in 50 years. Between August 1, 2017, and October 30, 2017, there were a total of 1801 probable and suspected cases of plague, including 127 deaths, as reported by the Ministry of Health of Madagascar to World Health Organization.

The plague, also known as the “Black Death,” is infamous for killing millions of people in Europe during the Middle Ages. Of course, now, modern medicine has given rise to antibiotics, which are effective in treating plague. However, without prompt treatment, the disease can cause serious illness or death. The United States is also facing an anti-biotics resistance in those who have taken the drugs often in the past.
It is inevitable that each drug will lose its ability to kill disease-causing bacteria over time, says Marc Sprenger, the Director of the World Health Organization’s secretariat for antimicrobial resistance. This is because bacteria, through natural selection and genetic adaptation, become resistant to antibiotics. Essentially, bacteria, like most living things, evolve for survival.
The best way to prepare for any superbug (a bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics) is to prevent the human body from contracting an infection and therefore, from rejecting antibiotic medications.–Ready Nutrition
Epidemiologists say this particular case serves as a reminder that the plague is still dangerous and infectious to both humans and their pets, but the disease should not discourage recreationists from enjoying Idaho’s outdoors. People can greatly reduce their risk of becoming infected with plague by taking simple precautions, including avoiding contact with wild rodents, their fleas, and rodent carcasses. Do not feed rodents in picnic or campground areas and never handle sick or dead rodents.

So basically, don’t play with dead things. But you should also consider trying to keep your pets from roaming and hunting ground squirrels or other rodents in affected desert areas and talk to your veterinarian about using an appropriate flea control product on pets as not all products are safe for cats, dogs or children. Sick pets should be immediately examined promptly by a veterinarian, especially if they may have had contact with sick or dead rodents and live in close proximity to humans.

See your doctor if you have any unexplained illness involving a sudden and severe fever after being in a plague-endemic area. Clean up areas near your home where rodents can live, such as woodpiles, and put hay, wood, and compost piles as far away as possible and don’t leave any pet food or water where rodents or other wild animals can access them.

Signs and symptoms of the bacterial infection often creep up within just a few hours after infection and include a bloody cough, difficulty breathing, high fever, nausea, vomiting, headache, and weakness. If it is not treated quickly, pneumonic plague is almost always fatal.
Q: (L) What year did the Exodus occur counting backward from now according to our calendrical system?

A: 4670. 16

Q: (L) At that time did a cometary Venus pass close to the earth and cause disruption?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was Venus born from the planet Jupiter?

A: No.

Q: (L) Did it appear in the sky from the area of Jupiter?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was the earth knocked into a new orbital position because of this activity?

A: Yes.

Q: Is an event of this type going to take place in the not-too-distant future?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) Did an event of this type take place at the time of the flood of Noah?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) How many years ago did the flood of Noah occur?

A: 12656. (10,662 B.C.)

Q: (L) Was Noah an actual historical person?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Was Noah the same person described in the Babylonian or Sumerian texts as Utnapishtim? 17

A: Close.

16 This would put the Exodus at 2676 B.C. As it happens, some very mysterious things were going on in Egypt at that time. Those who wish to research this more thoroughly should look into the figure of the Pharaoh Peribsen, who suddenly imposed the worship of the dark god Set on the Egyptian people. Another thing to consider is that this was very close to 3100 B.C, a time of some sort of global disruption recorded in ice cores and tree rings. This date is different from the one proposed by Immanuel Velikovsky. The fact is, there was some sort of discontinuity of many ancient cultures which occurred at both these periods: 3100-2500 B.C. and 1600 B.C.
Ancient stone pillars offer clues of comet strike that changed human history (illustrations and hyperlinks omitted)

(Pierre) Let's shift to a more cheerful topic: cometary bombardments. So we discussed the death of the woolly mammoths due to a cometary bombardment. I would like to know about the transfer of water from Mars to planet Earth, when did it occur relative to this cometary bombardment? How many years before, how many years after?

A: Within 40 years more or less.

Q: (Pierre) So cometary bombardment, and then Mars water transfer?

(L) And how did that happen?

A: Electric arc of cosmic proportions.

Q: (Pierre) You mean the water transfer? Yeah, that's the arcing. The plasma connection between Earth and...

(L) Was this the same event that left that gigantic scar on Mars? (I don’t know how anybody can look at that scar and not get the willies!)

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) How close was Mars? Water can be...

(Pierre) It was closer because...

(Joe) ...transferred through hundreds of millions of miles of space?

A: Mars was much closer temporarily. Tales of gods fighting in the sky and castration of Chronos relate to this event.

Q: (Pierre) So, this massive inflow of water from Mars reaching Earth...

A: Much of it precipitated as snow at poles, and was released into oceans gradually. Water moving through space is not liquid.

Q: (L) That's how it could happen, because it wasn't liquid.

(Joe) What form was it in?

(Pierre) It was gaseous?

(Joe) What form was it in?

(L) Probably ice crystals.

(Pierre) Solid.

A: Yes

Q: (L) What dear?

(Ark) Yeah, ice.

(Pierre) Well, that's answered my question I think. I was about to ask is this water transfer why sea levels raised about 50 meters during the Younger Dryas while the temperatures were dropping?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) So sometimes our rain just comes from space.

(L) I don’t know, sometimes. Chunks of ice come from space all the time.

(Artemis) They bring viruses with them! The plague! [laughter]
Dr. Ron Neller of Creation Ministries International gets close to the ballpark, but the sessions fill in the blanks of the absolute deluge.

Flood Expert Finds Evidence for Noah’s Flood
Creation Ministries International Dec 7, 2023
If there really was a global flood—as the Bible has always said—then there should be abundant evidence of that fact, right?
But what would that evidence look like?

And who could be better placed to ‘see’ such evidence than a scientist who studies the way that floods and flowing water shapes landscapes?

Join fluvial geomorphologist, Dr Ron Neller, for a fascinating discussion of the evidence that, over a 30-year period, eventually led him to conclude that there has, indeed, been a global flood on Earth—as the Bible describes.
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