Session 17 August 2024

I say this with all my respect towards americans, but I don't think their free will matters more than the rest of the world. However, the fact that the genocide in Palestine continues, despite the massive protests worldwide is a big question mark for me. One depressing thought I had is that there just isn't a lot of people who pray for the Palestinians. Because if billions of people said NO, governments would have to be obliged to condemn Israël more harshly.
What worries me most, is the people who pray for Trump, but support Israel's behaviour. Not seeming to see the problem that supporting something that deliberately lies and causes Evil will have. It's like they completely don't see it..... or the inevitable consequences.
As a former nuclear power officer, nuclear power could be done correctly. That is not what happens. The design of the GE reactors in Fukushima (and many places in the US) ensured profit over safety.

OTOH, there are other systems to generate electrical power that are not allowed because it would free the world.
i agree to both statements as regards fuku and other sources of power.
The thing that I also don't get is this. Let me try to explain - so I understand that from one incarnation to another we jump between genders, races whathaveyou. So races and human bodies as we perceive them (including countries, tribes etc) are mere vehicles that offer the opportunity of physical experience. So why is it that these bodies, based on gender or race then accumulate karma.

As an example, let's say "Palestinians" are expunging karma for some evils in the distant past, what's to say that the souls currently occupying Palestinian bodies had anything to do with whatever is being expunged? Maybe the souls that were responsible are like now occupying Chinese bodies for all we know ! 🤷

The only way I can make sense of it is these situations are an opportunity to experience those situations that is offered to souls for whatever reason.

Personally, I'd just call what's happening to Palestinian injustice and I'd say perhaps it's just unlucky - wrong place wrong time.

Very interesting. I've wondered about that myself.
The way I've reasoned it so far, part of the answer is in your own words, which is what I marked in bold.

But obviously it's not that simple of course.
What I think, is that while we are incarnated, we can eventually participate or even be protagonists in acts of cruelty, lack of Love, etc., for whatever reason.

This, which as we already know generates karma, happens because of our decisions independently of the ethnic group, social group, or people we belong to at any given moment.
Although this is a factor that greatly influences our behavior, it is not a factor that completely determines our actions, and much less that makes our free will disappear.

Each soul is responsible for its own actions, and at some point in the life of a soul, it may choose to be born into a specific group or people in a specific time, to live in the flesh, what that group is living in that specific time, for the potential that this particular situation offers, for the learning of some specific lesson or something else, that the soul considers in 5D.

That is, a soul can live its apprenticeship by incarnating in this world in various circumstances.

This world is full of opportunities for souls who need to have a hard time. :-D
For example, there are groups or villages, which literally were chosen by the lizards, and incredibly these have succeeded in making the people of those villages submit to their laws, and believe that they are obeying God, with all the implications of that.

But this is just one example, and in reality this issue is much broader.
I have not forgotten your specific question, which was, “ why is it that these bodies, based on gender or race, accumulate karma?”

I would say that it is not the bodies that accumulate karma, but the entities that occupy them, for the bodies as you yourself said, “Are mere vehicles that offer the opportunity for physical experience.”

Perhaps a greater accumulation of karma in entities occupying bodies with certain genetics is explained by the fact that our physical bodies are also antennae.
Let's not forget that in 4D STS there are experts in genetics, little respect for humanity and, that's two plus two.

Fortunately we have the information provided by the C, because otherwise, we would still be outraged and angry to see so much manipulation without being able to understand the deep reasons.

If the physical bodies do accumulate karma in some way, it seems to me that this could be related to the memories recorded in the DNA, and DNA is something we share with our ancestors, etc., etc., etc.

I don't know if this collaborates with your questions.
I hope it makes sense.
Be that as it may it is evidently that we have fallen, because we have to learn the hard way.

Translated with (free version)
Rogue star zoomed by our solar system and disrupted planetary orbits

The best match for today’s outer solar system is a star slightly lighter than our Sun – about 0.8 solar masses,” noted Govind.

Ever wonder where the edge of our solar system lies? You have likely assumed it is just beyond Neptune, the farthest planet from our Sun. Yet, according to astrophysicist Susanne Pfalzner of Forschungszentrum Jülich, a stellar flyby may have stretched the boundaries of the solar system even further.

Thousands of objects with eccentric orbits​

“Several thousand celestial bodies are known to move beyond the orbit of Neptune,” said Pfalzner. “Surprisingly, many of these so-called trans-Neptunian objects move on eccentric orbits that are inclined relative to the common orbital plane of the planets in the solar system.“

But why do they behave like this? Pfalzner, along with her student Amith Govind and Simon Portegies Zwart from Leiden University, may have found the answer.

The researchers noted that some force must have lifted these trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) from the disk where they formed and altered their orbits.

“One popular hypothesis is that the planets originally were in a more compact configuration; the TNOs formed between them and were scattered outwards when the planets moved to their current locations,” wrote the study authors. “Here, we build on a completely different hypothesis for the TNOs’ origin.”

Blame it on the star flyby​

The trio conducted over 3,000 computer simulations to test a captivating theory: what if another star caused these peculiar orbits? They found that a close flyby of another star can indeed explain why these TNOs move the way they do.

This hypothetical star could even be responsible for the bizarre orbits of specific TNOs like the dwarf planet Sedna, discovered in 2003, and those that move almost perpendicular to the planet’s orbits, such as 2008 KV42 and 2011 KT19.

“The best match for today’s outer solar system is a star slightly lighter than our Sun – about 0.8 solar masses,” noted Govind.

“This star passed our Sun at a distance of around 16.5 billion kilometers – about 110 times the distance between the Earth and the Sun, or just under four times the distance to Neptune.”

The influence of close star flybys​

The findings not only shed light on the motion of trans-Neptunian objects but also open avenues for future astronomical research.

Understanding the influence of close stellar flybys may help astronomers refine their models of solar system formation and dynamics.

Furthermore, the research prompts the question of whether other stellar encounters have similarly shaped the orbits of celestial bodies within our solar system and beyond.

As we continue to explore the mysteries of the outer solar system, we are reminded that our local cosmic landscape is both rich and varied. The existence of numerous TNOs, including intriguing objects like the enigmatic Eris and Haumea, illustrates the complex gravitational dance that defines this region.

Ripple effects closer to home​

In a twist, the team discovered that the star’s flyby could explain additional mysteries within our solar system.

In their simulations, some trans-Neptunian objects got flung toward the inner solar system, right into the domain of the outer gas giants – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

“Some of these objects could have been captured by the giant planets as moons,” said Portegies Zwart. “This would explain why the outer planets of our solar system have two different types of moons.”

While regular moons orbit close to planets on circular orbits, irregular moons orbit their planets at a greater distance on inclined, elongated orbits. The research provides the first possible explanation for this intriguing phenomenon.

Solving the mysteries of our solar system​

The seemingly straightforward model may hold answers to additional questions as well. “The beauty of this model lies in its simplicity. It answers several open questions about our solar system with just a single cause,” said Susanne Pfalzner.

So, perhaps it’s time to revisit our view of the solar system’s boundaries and consider the impact of a close flyby star from billions of years ago. Ultimately, the research suggests that these types of interstellar interactions may be pivotal in the evolution of planetary systems.

The study is published in the journal Nature Astronomy.

Every day I feel like I see another article like this. I feel like I've woken up in an alternate timeline lately and so far it's a much better one. Perhaps this is what surfing the wave feels like.
Rogue star zoomed by our solar system and disrupted planetary orbits

The best match for today’s outer solar system is a star slightly lighter than our Sun – about 0.8 solar masses,” noted Govind.

Every day I feel like I see another article like this. I feel like I've woken up in an alternate timeline lately and so far it's a much better one. Perhaps this is what surfing the wave feels like.

Maybe the star concerned is in fact a brown dwarf star about 0.56 solar masses:

Q: (A) So, we have the idea. Next question concerning this companion star; we were told that its mass is less than the sun, can we have a figure on how much less?

A: 56 percent of the mass of the sun.
Maybe the star concerned is in fact a brown dwarf star about 0.56 solar masses:

Q: (A) So, we have the idea. Next question concerning this companion star; we were told that its mass is less than the sun, can we have a figure on how much less?

A: 56 percent of the mass of the sun.
That's what I thought as well. Maybe their calculations are bit off when it comes to size. Maybe that star is much closer than they assumed Due to closeness it has effect of 0.8 star mass. Another thing is that my consciousness has been sending me thoughts about the nemesis so wouldn't surprise if that would be the case.
What worries me most, is the people who pray for Trump, but support Israel's behaviour. Not seeming to see the problem that supporting something that deliberately lies and causes Evil will have. It's like they completely don't see it..... or the inevitable consequences.
well, israeli took their land as a result of uk initiative, displaced the local palestinians, who then fought back, and here we are now. the whole mess is based on implementing a stupid injunction by yahwe, wich is indeed a devil. israel was aware of the hamas incursion and let happen. so, all this is part of a plan. it was their free will. when we got hitler, it was also the consequence of excessive sanctions on germany. indeed, love your enemies, as these offer an opportunity to reset your karma. try to forgive and not to punish. but revenge is far more evident than presenting the other cheek. in place of the yaweh revenge, we must apply understanding and respect. this, in my opinion, is the lesson we have to learn
If the number of people who pray for a specific intention is large enough - it becomes significant. If I understand correctly, through this process - something similar to a large... mass, directed will is created.
A large group free will is also a great responsibility and probably violating it will have karmic consequences, as I understand it.
So you can think that someone who wants to harm us can be dissuaded from doing so if only there is a specific group of people who express their desire or concern for our fate in prayer.
That is why C repeatedly repeats to work in groups.
This is interesting because it gives a certain idea of the forces that can also act here in relation to my life.
If there are people in the world who wish me well - it can be a protection. The question is whether it has to be expressed in prayer or is it enough in sympathy? I assume that prayer has greater power and a stronger vector.

If we are actually in a place where the wave is gaining strength, it will be difficult to assess at some point what is true and what is false. I know because I have big problems with it myself.

Today my daughter asked me about a certain politician in Poland (in the context of his actions against the backdrop of the raging floods in my country). I told her that she can't believe everything she sees and hears. She's still young and it's hard for her to understand - but I feel that there's more to it.

I've been following this forum for a long time and the longer I read, the more doubts I have about who I am and what I'm doing here.

I think that the only truth that exists is ourselves. And everything that surrounds us is just the scenography of this illusory theater.

Thank you Laura and the team for the session.
Stay healthy and safe.
it was their free will. when we got hitler, it was also the consequence of excessive sanctions on germany.
The whole topic of WW2 and who started it is way more ambigious and whitewashed than people think. There is this long new article about it on SOTT:

I think the author may be going too far in the opposite direction ("Hitler did nothing wrong"). But, for example, I didn't know that it is a well-established fact that Britain and France were planning to bomb the USSR in 1940. There was a good chance that Germany and the USSR could have become allies in that case.
The whole topic of WW2 and who started it is way more ambigious and whitewashed than people think. There is this long new article about it on SOTT:

I think the author may be going too far in the opposite direction ("Hitler did nothing wrong"). But, for example, I didn't know that it is a well-established fact that Britain and France were planning to bomb the USSR in 1940. There was a good chance that Germany and the USSR could have become allies in that case.
Actually Germany and the USSR had been allies before the war, as displayed by their carving up of Poland between each other. FYI the Germans got around the military restrictions of the Versailles Treaty limiting their army and air force by secretly shifting production of planes and weapons behind the Urals and beyond the oversight of the allied inspectors enforcing the terms of the Treaty. They also sent officers to Soviet military academies and war colleges for advanced training. Many of the leading German army officers were thus familiar with their Soviet opposite numbers when Hitler invaded Russia (i.e., the officers who survived Stalin's pre-war purge).

In fairness, both Britain and France had perceived the Bolshevik USSR as the greater threat until Hitler grabbed Czechoslovakia and Austria.​
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