Session 17 August 2024

"The first thing I realized was that human beings at a certain point in their development reach a crossroad where they can choose which dynamic they will develop in spiritual terms: predator or prey, and it had nothing to do with material considerations. In fact, I wasn’t even sure if it was a choice and not just simply the inherent nature of an individual."

I just read this in The Wave series and I think some people are very upset by a new type of man/woman that is starting to appear around here.

He is neither predator nor prey.
So may be it doesn't matter where you are based when the s**t hits the fan, it is the person you are, or strive to be, that counts. If this all sounds a bit sanctimonious on my part, I would readily admit that I still have much work to do. And as to St Peter's reference to "faith" in the quote above, the C's also mentioned the importance of faith in connection with those who survived the Biblical Flood or Deluge, which may be equally relevant to us in this day and age:
A: It is a very broad representation. It simply means that there was a cataclysmic event that did envelop the whole planet at that time and that those that were ready to experience that as part of their soul development without exiting the body, were warned ahead of time. But not by trying to manipulate events, but by simply allowing faith to let them acquire knowledge and being naturally drawn into position to experience what they needed to experience to survive the event.
I agree that, ultimately, the most important thing is the individual. It doesn't matter if you somehow find the perfect location with the ideal commune to escape the coming catastrophes... if you're not working on yourself then you've just managed to survive another day - nothing changes.

The part I'm confused about is faith, like you mention. Is faith just trusting the process/information and using the knowledge to grow an understanding that this is all part of a natural journey through the school of life? Or is faith that plus utilizing that knowledge to see the turmoil ahead and prepare accordingly?

For example, let's say you lived in a quiet, peaceful neighborhood for all your life. Suddenly, a drug epidemic hits the neighborhood and crime skyrockets. Your quiet neighborhood is no longer safe for you and your family. Do you move to a new town, or do you stay to be a beacon of light? It's a small scale example compared to an entire country, but I think, in the end, whatever you chose to do - stay or move - is a choice and something you can learn from.
Your quiet neighborhood is no longer safe for you and your family. Do you move to a new town, or do you stay to be a beacon of light?
It probably depends on something like one's soul mission or maybe lessons that need to be learned, including karmatic aspects.

For example, Laura and Ark were guided to move to France, because staying in the US was not a good idea:

Session Date: October 30th 2021

(Joe) Laura? When the C's kind of advised you to move to France, did they not know that Florida was gonna be the last bastion of freedom 20 years later?

(L) I think they knew that other things were coming.

(Joe) Can we at least have some confirmation of that to make ourselves feel better? [laughter] We could have stayed in Florida and all be on the beach now... [laughter]

A: This work would not have survived and thrived there.
I agree that, ultimately, the most important thing is the individual. It doesn't matter if you somehow find the perfect location with the ideal commune to escape the coming catastrophes... if you're not working on yourself then you've just managed to survive another day - nothing changes.

The part I'm confused about is faith, like you mention. Is faith just trusting the process/information and using the knowledge to grow an understanding that this is all part of a natural journey through the school of life? Or is faith that plus utilizing that knowledge to see the turmoil ahead and prepare accordingly?

For example, let's say you lived in a quiet, peaceful neighborhood for all your life. Suddenly, a drug epidemic hits the neighborhood and crime skyrockets. Your quiet neighborhood is no longer safe for you and your family. Do you move to a new town, or do you stay to be a beacon of light? It's a small scale example compared to an entire country, but I think, in the end, whatever you chose to do - stay or move - is a choice and something you can learn from.
Actually, your example is something that really happened to my Irish great uncle. He emigrated to Chicago from Cork in the early part of the 20th century. He built up a very successful car repair and maintenance business, which was then wiped out after the Great Crash of 1929. Indeed, according to his son John, he even had Al Capone as a client who gave John a $20 tip for returning his car after it had been repaired by his father's firm (did they fill in the bullet holes or clean up the blood I wonder :-D?). My uncle lived in what had been a choice neighbourhood but times change. He eventually found himself as a widowed man in his eighties living in a house that had become part of a black neighbourhood. Indeed, his son Tom told me that he was just about the last white man on the street. For reasons I am not aware of, my uncle was attacked one day by a gang of Black youths who put him in hospital with serious injuries. Whether they attacked him just because he was white I don't know but he had lived in that house for decades with no problems prior to the attack. After his release from hospital, he moved in with his son and daughter-in-law who lived in another part of Chicago. What lessons he learned from this I don't know but the episode had a profound effect on him since it now meant that he had been taken away from a place where he had fond memories of living with his late wife and where he had raised his children. Perhaps he had some karma to pay off linked with his younger days since it was rumoured within my mother's family that he had left for America under something of a cloud that involved the family business run by his father. Who knows?​
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