Session 17 August 2024

(I'm writing through a translator, I hope it translates correctly) I was just sitting there thinking like many of you thinking about our lives in this prison we all want to get out of but can't do anything about it and can't get help, then came the thought from the last session about divine intervention, thankful that people prayed, it saved Trump's life and maybe even because of that the quorum had to change the program, but maybe we missed the great key the Cs gave us.

I have a bad memory due to severe headaches, but I think the Cs said the Rosencreans were creating a mental etheric temple, and something else the Cs said about a common unit. Why not combine our thoughts and prayers and create a mentally common etheric temple with crystals?

We all pray, but we can create a sustainable image of a great temple where we receive: wisdom, light, strength, advice, treatments like mntal reiki, connection with higher powers, higher self, with the group. We can unite our common Will and create a divine Temple of Light and Wisdom. Imagine all of us meditating, praying and visualizing how we receive treatment, wisdom, get in touch with the Divine, all in this temple?

I haven't worked with artificial intelligence, but I have seen what pictures and videos it can create on demand, I think its a good idea to recreate the image of the Divine Temple with crystals, with symbols of reiki and the ancients. What do you think about the idea of creating in our lives a Divine intervention by creating an etheric temple through our thoughts?
(I'm writing through a translator, I hope it translates correctly) I was just sitting there thinking like many of you thinking about our lives in this prison we all want to get out of but can't do anything about it and can't get help, then came the thought from the last session about divine intervention, thankful that people prayed, it saved Trump's life and maybe even because of that the quorum had to change the program, but maybe we missed the great key the Cs gave us.

I have a bad memory due to severe headaches, but I think the Cs said the Rosencreans were creating a mental etheric temple, and something else the Cs said about a common unit. Why not combine our thoughts and prayers and create a mentally common etheric temple with crystals?

We all pray, but we can create a sustainable image of a great temple where we receive: wisdom, light, strength, advice, treatments like mntal reiki, connection with higher powers, higher self, with the group. We can unite our common Will and create a divine Temple of Light and Wisdom. Imagine all of us meditating, praying and visualizing how we receive treatment, wisdom, get in touch with the Divine, all in this temple?

I haven't worked with artificial intelligence, but I have seen what pictures and videos it can create on demand, I think its a good idea to recreate the image of the Divine Temple with crystals, with symbols of reiki and the ancients. What do you think about the idea of creating in our lives a Divine intervention by creating an etheric temple through our thoughts?

We can also build the divine temple by our practices in every day life - letting go of limiting emotions, detoxing the body, and constant inputs of knowledge. All of us in coordination with each other, doing the Work, may in fact be doing that very thing:
Q: (L) I once speculated, and I don't remember where I speculated about it, that a human being has a certain field - like a morphic field - and they are connected in various ways to the field in which they interact... that everything else has a field and all these fields interconnect and intersperse, and that people who perform certain formalized maneuvers based on some technology which we don't know or understand, that it's in a sense - because somebody had told me once that information is stored or retrieved on a computer by a single electron being moved in a certain way on a microchip, that it was a pathway that it follows, and that the pathway that it follows means something - so my idea was perhaps human beings in a sense can be like electrons moving within a certain field. If a group of electrons line themselves up and move in a certain way, it adds some sort of considerable - it's like a significant movement of energy - it creates a current. And this creation of a current is like something that enables you to connect to this other realm, this other density. It's almost like you're creating a cord or something, a tube, or some kind of...

A: A "conduit" maybe?

With regards to your idea about active use of imagination, I do think there is the matter of prioritizing certain things and leaving others be. The C's mentioned our priorities should be 'from the bottom-up' so to speak:
A: Just work daily at becoming more aware on three levels

  1. Body and immediate environment,
  2. Wider world affairs,
  3. Cosmos and spirit.
Q: (L) Shouldn't "spirit" go with "Body and immediate environment"?

A: No, it is via the first steps that one achieves cosmic consciousness.

(L) I don't understand.

(Chu) You have to work on the body and environment, and then understand the wider world at first. And then you can develop cosmic consciousness and spirit.

(L) Oooh. So in other words, to achieve cosmic consciousness, i.e. true spiritual advancement, you have to expand your field of vision to be very wide?

A: Exactly. Those who suggest that you must look only within live in a singular bubble.

Q: (L) Alright. Anything else?

A: No. Goodbye.

Anyways, in your own case, sorry to hear about the headaches. That would be my first priority if I were you. Any idea what's causing them? Have you been to a doctor or alternative healer?

Edit: sorry, just saw the context of the conversation was something a little extra beyond the Work. Well worth pondering that one.
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We can also build the divine temple by our practices in every day life - letting go of limiting emotions, detoxing the body, and constant inputs of knowledge. All of us in coordination with each other, doing the Work, may in fact be doing that very thing:

With regards to your idea about active use of imagination, I do think there is the matter of prioritizing certain things and leaving others be. The C's mentioned our priorities should be 'from the bottom-up' so to speak:

Anyways, in your own case, sorry to hear about the headaches. That would be my first priority if I were you. Any idea what's causing them? Have you been to a doctor or alternative healer?

Edit: sorry, just saw the context of the conversation was something a little extra beyond the Work. Well worth pondering that one.
I think others in this group are trying to meditate and pray, Cs has said many times that meditating and praying is a good idea, since we already do it, why don't we unite, if there is an example of a group of people believing and praying for Trump to be ok and it helped, why can't we unite our will on common thoughts if everyone is thinking like Cs said?
I'm sorry, but what does this have to do with the physical world? I didn't say let's throw it in the trash, we don't need it😄

About the headaches, it's a small part of what I experience, I've been in so much pain since birth, either it's my karma or I'm very hindered because my life is full of difficulties and I've gone to the hospital many times but no results.
According to the tests and examinations everything is normal, so they will not help me, but I feel that the dark forces are interfering me a lot, I have seen a nlo over my house and some creature similar to a gray and before often in my ear there was a sound as if some device is working, most likely an implant, in this case they will not let me live peacefully.

Please don't worry about me, I am strong, not in body of course, but in spirit.😌
I think others in this group are trying to meditate and pray, Cs has said many times that meditating and praying is a good idea, since we already do it, why don't we unite, if there is an example of a group of people believing and praying for Trump to be ok and it helped, why can't we unite our will on common thoughts if everyone is thinking like Cs said?

I'm sorry, but what does this have to do with the physical world? I didn't say let's throw it in the trash, we don't need it😄

Well, we are in the physical world, and sometimes it's not so 'fun'. But this world is where our lessons play out. It is our school. If a frustrated student wants to burn down the school, or 'throw it in the trash', that's just hubris. In my opinion it would better to leave that mindset behind and instead use that energy to apply oneself to the lessons to prepare for graduation. Turning away from the world and focusing on strictly energetic work is the trap spiritual bypassing. Something for you to consider.

A big set of protective and synchronizing practices has already been laid out. Honestly, I think there's enough there to keep anyone very busy! Especially when physical or emotional detox symptoms start to happen.

(L) What kinds of practices, thinking, behavior, or whatever actually assist us in our lives to stay safe from hyperdimensional manipulation or harm that can hurt our frequency or muddy things up? For example, I wrote down here what the Catholics do: prayer, confession, sacraments, therapeutic rituals, blessing of objects, occasional exorcisms, that sort of thing. That's what they do to keep their flock safe. They prescribe seven sacraments and all that kind of stuff. We know that's not necessarily the precise cup of tea that does the entire job, but it’s not bad, and certainly they were onto something with some of that. I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bath water here. So, what I want to know is what are good, beneficial, protective practices?

A: You have made a thoughtful list so please read it!

Q: (L) Well, alright... I've made a list. To protect oneself against hyperdimensional manipulations and harm, I'd say one of the primary things is to avoid dissociating.

A: Yes.

Q: (Artemis) And don't feed negative thought loops.

(L) Yeah, if you're dissociating, number one is you're in a fantasy, which is not paying attention to reality. Number two, you're having negative thoughts and getting into negative thought loops. That seems to me to be one of the most important. Am I right on that?

A: Indeed!

Q: (L) Okay. The next one is diet. If your diet is crappy and you're taking in all those chemicals that the STS forces have manipulated their Earthly representatives to put in and on our food to poison us, that can get in there and mess up our proteins and mess up our antennae. So, diet would be a second thing, yes?

A: Yes!

Q: (L) Okay. In relation to diet, I've put down keeping regular hours as much as possible, having a balanced colon biota... that sort of thing. Okay, the next item on my list is: sharing impressions and troubles.

A: Big one! So many are reluctant to share thoughts, impressions, worries, fears, etc. This dramatically changes the inner landscape and can even shut down the receptors so that you are more subject to STS manipulation of thoughts and feelings via mechanical means!!

Q: (Artemis) Sharing is VERY important.

(Joe) By mechanical means?

(L) Mechanical would be chemicals, beaming, etc... So, are you saying on the other side of this that the act of communicating or communion with others or sharing can actually help to overcome some of those mechanical means of interference?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) If you're not sharing, you're basically having an inner dialog with an echo chamber. You're not getting any real feedback or information or perspectives. And then it is easy to spiral down into wrong thinking.

(L) Yeah, that's a good point: If you're not sharing, you're just in an echo chamber! If you're keeping yourself to yourself and closing up, you're in an echo chamber. Then you are more susceptible to the STS manipulations and maneuvers.

(Andromeda) And nothing can help correct it.

(L) Yeah. So the next one on my list is: making amends when possible to the wronged person, and when not possible making those amends to the world at large. I'm aware that there are situations where you may have great, great regrets where it's just not practical, or it would just make things worse to try to make amends. Therefore, my thought is that the thing to do under those circumstances is to...

(Artemis) redemption by helping others.

(L) Yeah, achieve redemption by giving to the universe and others in need. I mean that in terms of thoughts, time, energy, whatever.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay, so that's not a big hot one, but it's good. The next one I have is conserving energy and not feeding STS dynamics.

A: Big one again and one of the most difficult because STS uses many tricks and traps to suck people into negative dynamics so that they become food.

Q: (L) Of course, when you become food, you're feeding the STS side and empowering it against not only your own best interests, but also against the best interests of STO itself. It seems to me that it's kinda like psychopathy. They try all kinds of bluffs and meanness and nastiness and so forth. When you're strong, strong, strong through all kinds of terrible actions or treatments on the part of, say, a psychopath, the last-ditch maneuver, when they know they can't get you any other way, is the pity trip. They induce you to feel guilty. Feeling guilty or feeling sorry for them is like... it becomes basically food.

A: Guilt is basically an ego thing of a very covert nature.

Q: (L) What does that mean? Does that mean that...

(Pierre) It means that the victim seems all weak and miserable and...

(L) And it makes YOUR ego feel good to feel like you can fulfill their wants and needs.

(Artemis) Or you feel like you're being compassionate. It's like false empathy, almost.

(Pierre) And often the one who generates this pity around himself, at the core, there's an ego trip. There's a feeding on it.

(L) For them it's an ego trip, and when you give in to their guilt trip, you're feeding the STS part of them first of all. And then I guess secondly, you're feeding your own ego inside yourself because you feel like a savior or needed or like you'll get something. It's that dynamic of the feminine vampire! The waif. "If I can save this person or do what they want or need or whatever, then there'll be something for ME!"

(Pierre) And this discussion suggests that for a long time we talked about how important to see reality as it is. But from this exchange, it suggests to me that beyond the thoughts, very important is also to have the right feelings towards the right person in the right context. Is that right?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Alright, let's move on to the next item on my list. The next one is... I put this on the list, but I dunno if it should be there. I thought it was something that would be useful: to connect with ancestors and honored saintly type people in 5D for protection. I thought that that would be kind of a useful thing. I think people should find out if they have any ancestors or deceased relatives or somebody who were good and decent people who one can talk to mentally or communicate with by writing letters to them, or dream communication, and ask them for protection.

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) And if you can't find your ancestors, you have to find someone else's ancestors!

(L) Well, that's true. You can hook up with somebody who has good ancestors, and their ancestors become your ancestors by you having shared realities. You're opening up and sharing your worries and troubles. The good ancestors of any group or any one person in a group kind of become the good ancestors of other members of the group.

(Pierre) And here you mentioned not ALL your ancestors - just the good ones. The same is true for the saintly figures. I think people should be aware that there are many saints who were not saints and other people who were vilified who were actually good.

(L) There are saints who were made saints, but they weren't actually very good people. And then there are other saints who deserved that title. That's a good topic for discussion... not a C’s discussion, but rather a discussion amongst people. Another thing I thought it would be useful for people to do would be to guide the newly deceased. If there is somebody in your circle of acquaintances or group or whatever who is in the process of passing over or recently did pass over, you could in some way help guide them in the reality to which they may not be accustomed (obviously), but mainly because of their thought patterns during life. So many people in this materialist-driven world do not think that there is an afterlife or another world. When they get there, they don't know what to do! They don't even realize who or what they are or which way to go. Is that a good one?

A: Yes but for certain people obviously.

Q: (L) That's not something that everybody should do. But if you have a loved one who's dying, it's certainly not going to hurt to talk to them frankly about the process they're going through and what to expect. Another thing I put on my list was when you are in a group situation or in our particular kind of group, one of the things we've always tried to use to bring people to full awareness of their reality is what we call the mirror. In some cases, it's a very delicate process. In other cases, it's somewhat unpleasant. Well, it's NEVER pleasant. Unless you've gotten to the point where when someone tells you you've screwed up, and you can genuinely respond, "Oh, thank you for telling me!" Hardly anybody does that sincerely though, because it's not as simple or as easy as just saying those words. So, it seems to me that this process that we undertake is kind of an initiation. Is that one way...

A: Yes but should be handled carefully as many are not ready for that advanced work.

Q: (L) Oh, and there was one thing I had at the bottom of the list. I guess it goes with diet. I thought it was a good idea to fast one day a week.

A: Intermittent fasting will do.

Q: (L) Okay, so obviously prayer is a good thing. Is there something else I missed?

(Chu) Singing together.

A: Yes! Something you realized lately as Chu just said!!

Q: (L) Singing together - and it has to be singing the right songs. I was experimenting with this the other night when we were doing karaoke just seeing how people did when you start them out with certain songs and then move on to different levels. Everybody did pretty well, I think. They were pretty comfortable with it. I think getting an order of songs to sing in a certain order of a certain type might be useful. Then if everybody was singing the same songs around the world, would that be kind of like a limbic link up?

A: Yes!!

Q: (L) So, I guess I've covered everything. Well, I have Divination on the list... For everyday use, we use I Ching, and I think a lot of group members do the same. I think we've got that covered. One thing that I was noting down on my little list here was that the Apostle Paul listed things to avoid, and then things to enhance. The vices that he listed, things that one should avoid, were: fornication, licentiousness, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, envy, drunkenness. Well, that's all pretty standard. I think it's a good basic list and you can apply it in different ways depending on your circumstances. Then he listed the virtues: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Self-control was kind of an interesting one for him to have on that list. And: no self-conceit, no provoking one another, and no envy. Then he said at the end of his list, "Whatsoever a man sows, that will he also reap”, and “let us not grow weary or lose heart." So, I thought that those were rather positive things to think about.

A: Most important to remember the "sowing" part in the context of this discussion.

Q: (L) Oh, you mean about your antennae and how your antennae determines your future. What you sow, you reap. So, if you're not taking care of your inner landscape and the immediate world around you in terms of your group and your associations and so forth, you're screwing up your antenna and then you're going to have a bad future because your antenna will attract the wrong things. Is that what you mean?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Basically foresight is very important.

(L) Yes. Okay, let's take a short break.


(L) Well, has anybody thought of any questions now?

(Chu) The other thing is doing Eiriu Eolas together and crystals and stuff. But those are already being done.

(L) Yeah, I was thinking of what to add on. Well, let's ask...

A: Indeed those are an important part of the self-tuning process.

Q: (L) Okay. So, is there anything that I didn't have on my list that should be on the list?

A: Not as such.

Q: (L) I guess we can expand it as we see fit. Anyway, it's become apparent that the long drawn-out process of this passing through the Wave... I mean, yes, we see the weather going nuts, we see humanity going nuts, fireballs increasing, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and all of those things. But it seems to me that because these things come upon us gradually and then become commonplace, people tend to start thinking nothing is really going on. They may think this is the worst it's going to get, nothing is really going to happen. I see that all around. But the ancient prophecies said that the transition to a new reality is like a woman in child birth. You start out having smaller pains, and then finally you get to the point where there's the whole birthing process which is somewhat wildly messy and climactic. Right now, it seems like we're in that long period where people become acclimated to chaos. And they think, "Oh, well! This isn't so bad. If this is the worst it can be, I'm just going to have a normal life."

(Pierre) Another thing that helps this normalization of chaos is that the evolution is not linear. It's not like you have 10 tornadoes, then 15, then 20. Sometimes there are periods of calm. So it helps the wishful thinking part.

(L) Yeah. That's the way it works. I guess that's why people are easily led astray or they're led to think that this is the worst it's going to get and so they can go along and live a normal life. I suppose in some ways, you COULD live a normal life... and we do encourage people to do what they can in the world as long as it doesn’t beat them down or suck them into complacence or sleep.

A: One thing to consider is this: Is the so-called "normal life" one of expansion of STO or is it one of contraction to STS?

Q: (Artemis) That depends on the perspective of the person. A normal life for a normal person I guess is more STS.

(L) Well, I think the biggest problem for some people trying to just live a normal life is that when they do that, they're surrounded by other people just trying to live a normal life according to the materialist paradigm. That tends to make it impossible for them to open up, communicate, share, and do all the things on this list we've made. They can't really do it with most people out there because most people are not attuned that way. Therefore, they fall into confluence like Mouravieff said. They become less and less awake and aware, and their antennae shut down. They spiral down into kind of an STS black hole.

(Joe) Of course, they tell themselves that that won't be the case.

(Ark) I would like to make a comment. I think to a large extent, we don't really know what's going on around us. Whenever I go out and see what people are doing, all these young people are just like this [mimics walking around staring at smartphone in their hand]. This is their normal life!

(L) With their phone in their hand. Or earbuds in their ears, shutting out interactions with others.

(Ark) And this is normal life. There is no normal life at all!

(Joe) That's it.

(L) So going to so-called normal life is really going to abnormal life. The only place you can have a truly normal life is with a group of people sincerely seeking to grow and change...

(Chu) That's the question people need to ask. There are people who are being tempted by these ideas of a normal life. They need to remember and ask themselves is the world they want to live in normal? It's NOT normal. Anything they're imagining now is a romantic idea of what the world is really like, but it's not.

(Joe) It's the Grass is Greener syndrome. All they have to do is look at the world around them, and then think back to the life they had before they were involved with trying to grow and develop and tune the antennae.

(Scottie) I don't remember if it was Gurdjieff or whoever, but there's that saying that once you "wake up", going back to that previous "normal" life is not possible. It's not that you can't do it. You can! But at what cost? There is always a price to pay. So it's even worse than just romanticizing, at least in some cases.

(Joe) The longer it is that people are involved in working to become real, and realizing what work it really is, the less they remember and the more they romanticize the life they had before.

(Chu) The pull is so strong.

(Pierre) And about what Ark said: that's their life. The face stuck to the screen. It's interesting in conjunction in what we said about how to conduct a healthy life and remove ourselves from STS influences. Imagine the antennas of people doing that and eating crap...

A: We warned strongly about electronic devices years ago!

Anyways, I remember seeing a few people post an idea very similar to yours - 'everyone needs to connect our chakras and do a new collective meditation!' Its not a bad idea, I just think that the energy can go towards practices that are already 'channeled grooves', and adding some juice to those, instead of cutting a new track.

My two cents.
Rhetorical question for everyone who is thinking about running away/refugee:
What happened to the idea of...

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I am not running away. I live on the leeward coast of Oahu (Waianae). Although this is a country setting (way up in the valley), the next valley to the south (Lualualei) is a major hub for the US military communications throughout the Pacific. If there is a bad thing coming (nuclear stuff) then that valley is a prime target. But so what. It is what it is.1725071707739.png
As to the question whether it might be a good idea to move location or country, it might be worth considering what the C's once said here in response to Laura:​

Q: (L) What did they tell us once... it's not where you are, but who you are and what you see that counts. (TK) So, we aren't gonna change what happens. There is no way we can have any appreciable effect on the underground armies... it is just a matter of changing ourselves and whoever else we can share with.

A: Correct, the cow has no effect on the health of the livestock industry...

In reality, the only safe place in the future may be 4th density, which the C's say is reached through the "White House":

Session 20 August 2001:

Q: What is important about "White House?"
A: Future Hit 4th density.
Q: Future what 4th density?
A: Hit.
Q: (A) What was the question? (L) What is important about white house.
A: Go to 4th density through there.
Q: What does white house actually mean? Is it a building, or does it have an esoteric meaning?
A: Genetic structure.

Hence, doing the "work" and building up one's magnetic centre etc. seems to be the way to go and this will presumably facilitate the change in genetic structure leading to the "White House" the C's mentioned above, a process which may be accelerated by the upcoming super nova and the Wave as it nears the Earth. In many ways this work upon self parallels the "true work" of the alchemists, which was to transform the self into a higher being or consciousness rather than merely change base metals into gold:
A: Tis magnetite that acts as a conduit, and perhaps, just perhaps, allows for transference back and forth at will?!? And what about the legend about the alchemists? Is not the key term there really transformation?!? And has not the "smoke screen" really been delivered so effectively by all the concentration upon the substance?!? And does not this remind one indeed of all the misguided concentration upon substance rather than meaning that one finds so regularly on 3rd density??

Indeed, taking the alchemist analogy further here, it may be a case that our coming experiences (lessons) will ultimately result in an individual who will become "gold tried by fire":​

1 Peter 1:6-7:
“In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith — more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire — may be found to result in praise and glory and honour at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”
What St Peter is saying here is that just as gold is purified by fire to remove impurities and increase its value, trials and challenges can refine and strengthen the believer's faith.

So may be it doesn't matter where you are based when the s**t hits the fan, it is the person you are, or strive to be, that counts. If this all sounds a bit sanctimonious on my part, I would readily admit that I still have much work to do. And as to St Peter's reference to "faith" in the quote above, the C's also mentioned the importance of faith in connection with those who survived the Biblical Flood or Deluge, which may be equally relevant to us in this day and age:
A: It is a very broad representation. It simply means that there was a cataclysmic event that did envelop the whole planet at that time and that those that were ready to experience that as part of their soul development without exiting the body, were warned ahead of time. But not by trying to manipulate events, but by simply allowing faith to let them acquire knowledge and being naturally drawn into position to experience what they needed to experience to survive the event.
I don’t even like the ocean that much, it makes me itch and it’s too unpredictable, and in that second image it looks like the lion from wizard of Oz sticking out his tongue as to say ‘ this just a small wave, no amount of courage is gonna save you from a tsunami’
So if I could choose, my beacon of light is firmly situated on top of a hill, where I can watch the waves come crashing in with some comfort that I’m in a safer place.

I loaded that with metaphors.
The ocean is my home. It is also the home for my children.
A: It is a very broad representation. It simply means that there was a cataclysmic event that did envelop the whole planet at that time and that those that were ready to experience that as part of their soul development without exiting the body, were warned ahead of time. But not by trying to manipulate events, but by simply allowing faith to let them acquire knowledge and being naturally drawn into position to experience what they needed to experience to survive the event.
I think the question of moving or not moving is a deeply personal choice. If you are naturally drawn to or guided towards a different place, then that is the right choice for you. Same if you are guided towards staying where you are.

In short, the lighthouse is a source of information about the environment where it is located.
Yes, and our environment is 3D Earth, no matter where we are on the planet. I would also say that our energy (FRV) has more impact than being a source of information.

I think those from the Paperclip project know this best.
Not sure what you mean, since Project Paperclip happened after Nazi Germany was already gone.
Physical exercise is very important, and I also advise everyone, when we pray and meditate, to unify our thought forms by visualizing a temple with crystals. The temple is a great place of power. Interestingly, all occult and secret societies place great emphasis on the temple, its construction and its trappings. If we all come together and think of a place to be filled with light, health, strength and knowledge, it can be much more powerful than the will of one person.
Well, we are in the physical world, and sometimes it's not so 'fun'. But this world is where our lessons play out. It is our school. If a frustrated student wants to burn down the school, or 'throw it in the trash', that's just hubris. In my opinion it would better to leave that mindset behind and instead use that energy to apply oneself to the lessons to prepare for graduation. Turning away from the world and focusing on strictly energetic work is the trap spiritual bypassing. Something for you to consider.

A big set of protective and synchronizing practices has already been laid out. Honestly, I think there's enough there to keep anyone very busy! Especially when physical or emotional detox symptoms start to happen.

Anyways, I remember seeing a few people post an idea very similar to yours - 'everyone needs to connect our chakras and do a new collective meditation!' Its not a bad idea, I just think that the energy can go towards practices that are already 'channeled grooves', and adding some juice to those, instead of cutting a new track.

My two cents.
Physical exercise is very important, and I also advise everyone, when we pray and meditate, to unify our thought forms by visualizing a temple with crystals. The temple is a great place of power. Interestingly, all occult and secret societies place great emphasis on the temple, its construction and its trappings. If we all come together and think of a place to be filled with light, health, strength and knowledge, it can be much more powerful than the will of one person.

Indeed. I just remembered that Laura posted about this a while ago:

Just a note to everyone reading: members of FOTCM who have access to the private board, not only participate in sessions, but we have other activities one of which is a fairly regular group meditation practice that involves building a hyperdimensional network. We do this via Zoom, live, and includes members from all around the world.
A longer document summarized by AI:
I'd like to add a bit to what was listed; Laura is a hypnotherapist and has carried out many hypnosis sessions, along with exorcisms. She has a feel for what is a negative entity. She also, reluctantly, let Frank do direct channeling a time or two and in all cases, she could feel that things were not right; that there was STS leakage coming through so she stopped those types of channelings. She has a group of people around her who are also on the look-out for any negative-ness coming through.

Laura has been doing these session for 30 years. As was stated by ChatGP, she researched channeling for many years before she even tried this channeling experiment. She is NOT a newbie at this!

So all of you psychics who have had your noses out of joint because the Cs didn't agree with your psychic vision(s), please stop wasting our time, and yours, and go back to your psychic visions that you are so sure of.
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