Session 17 August 2024

Have any of you ever experienced a time where you had an amazing insight; and then when you try to write it down, it is gone?
Yes, that's why I write it down. I forget what I was thinking and the words used to express it if I don't, especially if I am resting and about to fall asleep. However, it may not have been 'amazing insight', but at least I don't forget what I was thinking at the time. :lol: I should keep a more frequent journal. It's good for that type of thing.
I have a question... how do you know that this group isn't being deliberately mislead by 4D STS entities? Have you approached other psychics to verify the information you're getting?
You probably really need to read The Wave in full to understand how the Cassiopaean experiment isn’t really like any other. It was a decades-long project backed up with actual research (Laura has read literally thousands of books from a wide array of disciplines). Getting a high signal-to-noise ratio from the Cs was not an overnight process and a lot of refinement was required, including cleaning one’s “machine”.

I’m sure others here can explain the process better than me.
You probably really need to read The Wave in full to understand how the Cassiopaean experiment isn’t really like any other. It was a decades-long project backed up with actual research (Laura has read literally thousands of books from a wide array of disciplines). Getting a high signal-to-noise ratio from the Cs was not an overnight process and a lot of refinement was required, including cleaning one’s “machine”.

I’m sure others here can explain the process better than me.
More words could be used, but I don't think it could be explained much better.;-)
I have a question... how do you know that this group isn't being deliberately mislead by 4D STS entities? Have you approached other psychics to verify the information you're getting?
Hello @kircher, I second the suggestion to read the Wave. Apart from what was already mentioned, Laura had also studied and practiced hypnotism so has a very good handle on how the human mind works.

Since this is your first post to the forum you are invited to write an introduction, as is customary, in the Newbies section to tell us a bit about yourself and how you found your way here.
The question is whether they have enough time to put it all into place, considering that the Western world is in the process of disintegration. And as I said, for many of their plans (the digitally-controlled enslavement system) the necessary infrastructure is not there in many of the "lesser developed" Latin American countries - and even with heavy investment will not be there for quite a while.

It may be true for those countries, but here in Argentina, in spite of the (planned) economic disaster, the truth be told, cash is hardly used anymore. Predominantly bank transfers from a mobile application, and then as it has been massified the use of virtual wallets, payments with QR code etc.. And all this for the reason of being able to capture as freelancers (you are, illustrator, designer, programmer and work for foreign companies) the dollars and make them circulate through a whole system of conversion, crypto and others to avoid taxes and to beat inflation.
I have a question... how do you know that this group isn't being deliberately mislead by 4D STS entities? Have you approached other psychics to verify the information you're getting?
The information is always validated by research and observing events unfolding, that's one key element, and difference, with other channeled material, I'd say. C's never violate free will, so they point a direction, give hints etc. because there's a difference when gaining understanding through hard work instead of short cuts.

Over the years there's been so many topics where the seed C's planted grew into new discoveries by Laura and the team, for example revealing the truth behind Julius Caesar's life, Paul's teachings and the origins of Christianity, and how these connect to each other. There's been extensive study on psychopathy and politics, the interaction between pathological leaders and ordinary population. History of recurring cometary bombings, higher cycles that serve as function of cleansing, having a feedback mechanism with spiritual/psychological condition of human beings on earth.

Interestingly the mainstream scientific or other type research communities have catched up (with various degrees) on many of these topics afterwards (e.g notice how the concept of psychopathy has been popularized and gained awareness in the last 20 years in parallel with the work of Laura and the crew).

Realtime events such as Ukraine 2014 coup and Covid lockdowns 2020 that in hindsight C's gave hints of, and how these relate to the ongoing 4D STS plans on earth. There's overall cosmology and spiritual material that C's have shared, again aligning with certain teachings, such as Gurdjieff, Mouravieff, Castaneda, Ibn Arabi etc.

Anyway, these are just few examples from the vast material and discoveries throughout the years. Best way to start is to read the Wave series and other books here, if one wants to learn more about this source and the work done here on the Forum. As the C's say, there's no free lunch! :-)
Yes, that's why I write it down. I forget what I was thinking and the words used to express it if I don't, especially if I am resting and about to fall asleep. However, it may not have been 'amazing insight', but at least I don't forget what I was thinking at the time. :lol: I should keep a more frequent journal. It's good for that type of thing.
Yup, I was actually rereading some of my journaling from 2018/19, when I was embarking on a new branch of esoteric study, which I've launched myself back into after several years off. I'm so glad I did take the journaling seriously, as only now do I begin to understand the weird stuff that was happening to me back then (many thanks to Laura, the crew here and the C's), and it's given me such a timely boost.

Write it down, by hand, in a journal that means something to you. Just do it! :-D
Yup, I was actually rereading some of my journaling from 2018/19, when I was embarking on a new branch of esoteric study, which I've launched myself back into after several years off. I'm so glad I did take the journaling seriously, as only now do I begin to understand the weird stuff that was happening to me back then (many thanks to Laura, the crew here and the C's), and it's given me such a timely boost.

Write it down, by hand, in a journal that means something to you. Just do it! :-D
I’ve also found the Voice Memos app on my phone invaluable. Whether to dictate a thought, or in my case, grab a guitar and play a snippet of a melody at the moment it comes to me (I have hundreds of bits on my phone). I can then expand upon them at a later time unhurried. I used to keep a ballpoint pen in the sound hole of my guitar to write chords on my arm so I wouldn’t forget them. I can only imagine what people must’ve thought of this long haired teenager sitting on the bus stop holding his guitar upside down and shaking it furiously trying to get his pen out!😆
And on the other hand, how many times are those brilliant insights and downloads actually captured and then you go back and look at them and say “WTH?” “What was I thinking, this makes no sense and no difference”.
I relate to that so much, but in my own defense I have an explanation/excuse. Feel free to use it for yourself, lol.
Sometimes when you're absorbing a lot of complicated information, you can see the connections between facts/theories, etc. Your brain (ok my brain) senses a cohesion of ideas that makes sense. But trying to write that down so that it makes sense to anybody else...well that's challenging.
So we can be having brilliant insights and downloads that are too complicated to hastily write down or explain.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
On the topic of moving, I’ve thought about it often, specifically moving to Kenya. The main problem with moving is always employment. It’s not so difficult to learn a new language and culture, but many companies I’ve seen are not interested in sponsoring work visas.

In the end, money is still a factor and the bureaucracy of immigrating is another big hurdle. It’s like Adapt2030 joked in a recent video: we’re stuck somewhere between the apocalypse and still having to go to work.
I think a key point is to embody and manifest the sum total of all the lessons and otherworldly insights all at once in the present now. So, clinging to a brilliant complex realization in the mind is a helpful aid, but I think I really want that stuff to be present in my being and not necessarily conceptualized in the mind ( which writing stuff down tends to be). And ultimately, who is it for? Me. The stuff the universe gives me in its moments of generosity when I am receptive, is not necessarily what every other individual needs or is interested in.
(Persej) Rene Quinton used seawater from a plankton-rich environment in his medical practice. Charles Schnabel promoted the health benefits of juice powder made from cereal grass grown on mineral-rich soil. Weston Price used butter from cows fed on cereal grasses as a source of activator X. Julius Hensel praised his Physiological Bread, made by fermenting the wheat flour mixed with mineral powder. It looks to me that minerals in a certain form might be the reason why those gentlemen had such positive results in their practice. Do minerals play a role in formation of beneficial information in certain foods or nourishment?

A: Indeed!

Q: (L) So that's a big 10-4.

(Andromeda) Didn't the C's say something about that once?

(Gaby) Trace minerals.

(L) Yeah, minerals being very important.

(Joe) And being bound up in the right food.

(Andromeda) Right.

The C's did mention that trace minerals are important but I haven't realized what a can of worms I would open by researching in that direction. It seems that minerals have to be activated in order to produce beneficial action. The C's were always so secretive about it, which means that there is more to this than just simple health benefits.

Thank you for the session, I think that some things are finally clearing up in my mind.
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