Session 17 August 2024

I had previously assumed that the attempt on Trump's life was a badly acted and orchestrated staged production of a fake assassination attempt, based on several weird things I noticed regarding the event. To summarise:

1. If they really wanted Trump dead, how could they have failed if they got JFK so easily? These guys have had decades of experience on doing this, I can't see how they could botch it so badly if it was legitimate.

2. Why did they go with the "crazy lone gunman" idea who would be likely to miss anyway at that range with an AR15? Why not let.him get in close with a handgun, or have backup shooters behind a "grassy knoll" equivalent to get the job done properly?

3. Why did Trump's security team shooters let Crooks get 8 shots off before taking him out? They were well aware of his presence for a long time before he took those shots. Assuming they would also have their rifles trained on him at the time, surely Crooks would have only had time to take one or two shots before being shot himself.

4. Since it was obvious that the police and security teams were all told to stand down before Crooks got into position and took his shots, why did they only let him take 8 shots instead of letting him empty his magazine before doing anything?

5. Why did Trump's eat injury look like a fake blood capsule injury that he put on while he was ducked down behind the podium? There was no blood until he came back up, whereupon he suddenly had a moderate amount of blood on his ear and clothes already in place. It looked like too much blood to have come from a tiny nick to his ear which wasn't still bleeding, and if all of that blood appeared suddenly as the result of a bullet wound which immediately cauterized, a large chunk of his ear should be missing or at least ripped apart. Instead we have a Wolverine-style healing of his ear with not even any visible stitches or scars a few days later.

6. Why all the confusing / stereotypical / absurd / retracted / amended / conflicting information about the event? For example, the changing of the shooter's identity from Maxwell Yearick to Thomas Crooks. Being told Crooks' explosives-filled car was a Hyundai Sonata but being shown as a white van when it was towed. The fact that he parked his car several miles away and walking up to the event from there. Etc.

7. Related to the previous point, why did the photos of the shooter on the roof look more like Maxwell Yearick than Thomas Crooks? No one has seen or heard from.either of these people since the event. There is news footage of a journalist trying to interview Thomas Crooks's father walking down the street, who is in the company of someone else that is fully covered up with a hat, dark glasses and surgical mask, which could have potentially been Thomas Crooks trying to stay out of sight because he's supposed to be dead (but more likely it wasn't Thomas Crooks because I don't think they'd let him live even if it was Maxwell Yearick on the roof instead, but it looked like they wanted to throw the conspiracy theorists some bones with this footage)

There is more, but that's all I can think of for now. Basically I can't figure out how the deep state could fail to kill Trump if they wanted him dead. The alleged breach of everyone's free will notwithstanding, the 3D planning and execution of the assassination attempt looked retarded, like it was designed to fail.

Regarding the whole "being protected" from legitimate assassination attempts based on the potential breaching of the collective's free will, I fully believe it is a real thing. In fact I believe that is the main reason why Hitler survived so many attempts on his life with a whole bunch of different and unlikely reasons for them failing. What I don't understand is why is Trump so "protected" in this sense now when it looks like he's already done everything good that he was meant to do, and is now just there to be a useless puppet to distract and divide the masses? Why would the deep state event want to try to kill him? Also, why didn't the same breaching of the free will of the masses protect JFK? It looked like he still had a lot of good to do when he was taken out.
Many thanks to Laura, Andromeda, the whole team, and all the participants for this great session.
All the questions were great.

Here is how I understand this:
The Quorum decides to change the program and eliminate Trump. Then they realize that that action will make a mass violation of free will. They can't allow that. Too many people's free will will be violated. Since the program change was started, Trump's higher self made ( or it was allowed) to make that minimal head movement( divine intervention) so he survives. Balance is kept and no mass free will violation is allowed.

I quite agree with that.
I still have some questions though, which is at the beginning part of your planning.
Specifically I was thinking about the following possibility:
Perhaps the plan to kill Trump, all along has been exclusive to STS.
But, the Quorum in assessing the situation, seeing the massive violation of free will that would result from that, with the massive prayers for Trump being the determining factor, finally the Quorum decides to intervene, not allowing the realization of such a plan.

I am aware that I am talking about a plan worked out by someone, in this case it would be STS, and “changed” by another someone, in this case the Quorum.
This I thought for a moment, due to the fact that the attempt to assassinate Trump did take place. That is, the very perpetrator of that plan, is not exactly the one who “changed” him.

On the other hand, in case “a change of plans” should be strictly understood as something that is changed by the perpetrator himself (i.e., someone plans to do something and, then that same someone decides to change and do something else), if that is the case, which seems most likely to me, I am inclined to think of it as follows:

Perhaps the Quorum's initial plan, was not exactly to kill Trump, but to ALLOW that to happen, given the potential that this could have for people to react, increase resistance, etc., for the necessary balance that the C's have already talked about.

But then, in light of the sheer number of people praying for Trump, the Quorum realized that the initial plan, which was to “allow STS to assassinate Trump”, would be a massive violation of free will, given the new circumstances.

In case what I am saying is at least somewhat close to the facts, in that case, I suppose that had the assassination been consummated, the karmic consequences would also fall, and perhaps to a greater extent, on the members of the Quorum, since they were aware of the bigger picture and, with the possibility of doing something about it.

Fortunately they did, and very well.
Incidentally, it seems that the higher self has a part to play in these kinds of interventions.
This topic is very interesting, and I never imagined that we would be talking about and trying to understand what the task of the “Guardian Angels” is all about. :-)
I may be wrong, but it reminds me of that.

Due to lack of time to read, in this comment thread I am only on page 7.
So I apologize if I have been redundant in saying things that perhaps others have already said.

Another thing that seems to me somewhat related, is this business that Kennedy, after the assassination attempt on Trump, has now impressively rallied behind him.
From what I understand, this is an unprecedented, relevant, and very unpleasant event for the PTB.
Could we say this was a “miscalculation”? :-D
Again thanks for sharing the session and for the comment thread.:flowers:

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Thank you again and again to all. There are some critical points I needed which makes me connect all my dots when I look back. My believe it's getting harnessed in every session. "if you are not using Huna, you are working too hard" and the 13h20 wavespell noosphere, it's the order of the day.
I had previously assumed that the attempt on Trump's life was a badly acted and orchestrated staged production of a fake assassination attempt, based on several weird things I noticed regarding the event. To summarise:

There is more, but that's all I can think of for now. Basically I can't figure out how the deep state could fail to kill Trump if they wanted him dead. The alleged breach of everyone's free will notwithstanding, the 3D planning and execution of the assassination attempt looked retarded, like it was designed to fail.

I'm currently reading Tim Weiner's book about the CIA: "Legacy of Ashes". If you read it, you'll understand how truly incompetent they are. They still produce a LOT of evil, but their plans never seem to go the way they plan them. Evil and stupid.

Regarding the whole "being protected" from legitimate assassination attempts based on the potential breaching of the collective's free will, I fully believe it is a real thing. In fact I believe that is the main reason why Hitler survived so many attempts on his life with a whole bunch of different and unlikely reasons for them failing. What I don't understand is why is Trump so "protected" in this sense now when it looks like he's already done everything good that he was meant to do, and is now just there to be a useless puppet to distract and divide the masses? Why would the deep state event want to try to kill him? Also, why didn't the same breaching of the free will of the masses protect JFK? It looked like he still had a lot of good to do when he was taken out.

JFK was not under protracted, outrageous attack for a long period of time, thus alerting people to the dangers present.

We don't know that Trump will do a lot of good things at all. He's kind of a bumbler sometimes.

Actually, with some thinking, I think you could answer all the questions you have posed in your last paragraph. Give it a try and post your results.
I'm currently reading Tim Weiner's book about the CIA: "Legacy of Ashes". If you read it, you'll understand how truly incompetent they are. They still produce a LOT of evil, but their plans never seem to go the way they plan them. Evil and stupid.

JFK was not under protracted, outrageous attack for a long period of time, thus alerting people to the dangers present.

We don't know that Trump will do a lot of good things at all. He's kind of a bumbler sometimes.

Actually, with some thinking, I think you could answer all the questions you have posed in your last paragraph. Give it a try and post your results.
There is a story about Trump that I came across months ago, and have not found it mentioned here. (If it is, I apologize) I had saved bookmarks, links and videos promoting this 'theory', but was recently hacked viciously and all of those are gone from my device. I have tried to find them again but am coming up empty. I will condense the main points here:

Trump is still Commander in Chief and has been since Biden took office. He has the backing of the U.S. military.
He visited various world leaders and used 'whitemail' (as opposed to 'blackmail') to gain their support. He made them aware that he had proof of their shenanigans, and offered them the chance to work with him. Many apparently agreed.
There are lists of names of political officials and celebrities who have been executed, or are awaiting trial at Guantamo Bay. Others are cooperating and wearing gps ankle monitors. The deceased/imprisoned are being portrayed by doubles/actors.
Trump infiltrated the various groups (celebrities, business people, political, etc.) by walking/talking like them and gaining their trust.
He is the only one fighting to save the U.S. and the world. Q are his keyboard warriors and mostly comprised of military members.

Now the C's said that Q was a psy-op. This makes me question all of the above, however by now I'm sure there are many people supporting him because they believe it. I will continue to search for the information/videos that I've lost and will post them if I find them.
There is more, but that's all I can think of for now. Basically I can't figure out how the deep state could fail to kill Trump if they wanted him dead. The alleged breach of everyone's free will notwithstanding, the 3D planning and execution of the assassination attempt looked retarded, like it was designed to fail.
The deep state can present anything that happens in whatever light they want to. If they want to make it look like a botched event or an unfortunate accident, they can do it. If they want to create a vast and all-encapsulating conspiracy, they will also find ways to do it.

And it's not just the big corporate TV networks, but shifting and altering the narratives on social media. Flooding the datastream with changing and conflicting (even contradictory) points is the goal here, to make people confused and disinterested at best, and to start believing lies at worst. The triple letter agencies kept doing it for years, why wouldn't they be doing it now? It was already present during Sandy Hook.
And I still remember people saying that "this blood doesn't look real" and "these victims are not victims, they look like actors" when those Chechens detonated a bomb somewhere in the US around that time. People riled up themselves into believing all of it!

If someone wants to see that things don't add up, and that this entire thing looks as if it was staged, that none of it is real, they will be able to see it. That is exactly the point! It is to give people what they want to see, to make them go into the designed direction, or to make them running around in circles! It already worked with the crazies on the left, who unironically believe that Trump himself staged the assassination!

We no longer live in a world where logic and reason can guide us to truth. All paths to knowledge have been corrupted and altered, leading straight into dead ends.

The only thing that can protect us is the "divine spark" we need to find in ourselves to guide us, that we can ask every time we approach something that doesn't add up: "is this really true"?.
And hope, if we haven't found that spark yet, that there are other people that can beat up our buttcheecks if we go astray.
There is a story about Trump that I came across months ago, and have not found it mentioned here. (If it is, I apologize) I had saved bookmarks, links and videos promoting this 'theory', but was recently hacked viciously and all of those are gone from my device. I have tried to find them again but am coming up empty. I will condense the main points here:

Trump is still Commander in Chief and has been since Biden took office. He has the backing of the U.S. military.
He visited various world leaders and used 'whitemail' (as opposed to 'blackmail') to gain their support. He made them aware that he had proof of their shenanigans, and offered them the chance to work with him. Many apparently agreed.
There are lists of names of political officials and celebrities who have been executed, or are awaiting trial at Guantamo Bay. Others are cooperating and wearing gps ankle monitors. The deceased/imprisoned are being portrayed by doubles/actors.
Trump infiltrated the various groups (celebrities, business people, political, etc.) by walking/talking like them and gaining their trust.
He is the only one fighting to save the U.S. and the world. Q are his keyboard warriors and mostly comprised of military members.

Now the C's said that Q was a psy-op. This makes me question all of the above, however by now I'm sure there are many people supporting him because they believe it. I will continue to search for the information/videos that I've lost and will post them if I find them.

Pretty much all that is said in this story sounds outlandish to me. Sounds like typical “Q“ nonsense to me.
Thank you again and again to all. There are some critical points I needed which makes me connect all my dots when I look back. My believe it's getting harnessed in every session. "if you are not using Huna, you are working too hard" and the 13h20 wavespell noosphere, it's the order of the day.

What is Huna, wavespell noosphere, etc?
I have only listened to a wee bit of this video, and it’s absolutely riveting- and terrifying. I will definitely watch the whole thing, many thanks for putting this up Laura!
It is a very interesting interview and depressing at the same time. You think after knowing many things over the years, that you can get over scenarios like the ones mentioned in the interview, but no.
I have a question... how do you know that this group isn't being deliberately mislead by 4D STS entities? Have you approached other psychics to verify the information you're getting?
That's what I am choosing too, though I think islands usually have more issues than advantages. Many islands cannot be self-sufficient in food and energy, relying on imports. Even popular expat countries like Costa Rica or Panama have the same issues.

Some parts of South America seem to be the best choice if things get really bad around the world. My favorites are Paraguay, Bolivia and maybe Southern Brazil or Chile.

I thought about Nicaragua for a while, but too many volcanoes! Plus there's a chance that gringos might be disproportionately targeted for thefts and stuff in an emergency situation. It already happens to some extent based on some stories I've heard from ex-pats.

The looming issue in the Americas is the same as anywhere IMO, with its own local flavour.

The feel-good cover story is a green new deal based on nature conservation and carbon reduction, probably mixed with some social justice rhetoric and respecting Indigenous rights. But the infrastructure being implemented is based on turning all of nature into a trackable and tradable asset, which entails mass surveillance and population behaviour control, and the erosion of national sovereignty. The end goal looks like turning all of Latin America into something like a Southern version of the EU, an unelected bureaucracy paired with corporations and banks that helps impose a finer order of control on the population.
Have any of you ever experienced a time where you had an amazing insight; and then when you try to write it down, it is gone?
As a songwriter so, yes all the time. They’re melodies obviously, but I think it’s the same. I’ve also dreamt whole songs and the second I woke up with them fresh in my mind, reached for my guitar and can’t play them, even when I knew the chords that were in it. The moment I fingered the chord and went to pluck, it vanished with each note, as if by putting it down I was erasing it piece by piece.
I thought about Nicaragua for a while, but too many volcanoes! Plus there's a chance that gringos might be disproportionately targeted for thefts and stuff in an emergency situation. It already happens to some extent based on some stories I've heard from ex-pats.
That is why I think it may be a good idea to go to the majority white part of South America where you do not stand out as much (Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Southern Brazil). The Caribbean has indeed all the natural disasters you can think of - volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes. South America away from the Andes has basically none of that.

The end goal looks like turning all of Latin America into something like a Southern version of the EU
The question is whether they have enough time to put it all into place, considering that the Western world is in the process of disintegration. And as I said, for many of their plans (the digitally-controlled enslavement system) the necessary infrastructure is not there in many of the "lesser developed" Latin American countries - and even with heavy investment will not be there for quite a while.
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