Session 17 August 2024

I have a question... how do you know that this group isn't being deliberately mislead by 4D STS entities? Have you approached other psychics to verify the information you're getting?
In any case, as has been repeated many times the communications with the Cs are the inspiration, only 10% of the work, the remaining 90% is perspiration (Laura's saying)...So it's mostly hard work to test everything we know so far. Networking and everything else. All there is is lessons.
Rhetorical question for everyone who is thinking about running away/refugee:
What happened to the idea of...
Do you have to be in a specific place to be a lighthouse? Can you be a lighthouse in a different place?

To me this is a similar question as to whether staying in Nazi Germany was a good idea, if you had the chance to go somewhere else. The choice is quite personal and depends on many factors. But knowledge protects can mean taking proactive action, in my view.
Have any of you ever experienced a time where you had an amazing insight; and then when you try to write it down, it is gone?

Say you had an experience you cannot put into words, but you had such clarity, certitude of the experience...

I think it is like a seed planted into your psyche. But its creator was your own experience - to be. It isn't for you to relay, as it must be realized first, and in its own property, bare its fruit.

Another way to think of it is... In your seeking - either of idle curiosity or trial, you entered into your subconscious mind and glimpsed what the subconscious perceives... Again, it isn't for you to fathom, but draw from.

So, it was a sliver of perception upon which is yours to conceive, and its stuff is your experience, reflected back at you and forthcoming.

So, it isn't for naught without words - you had a vision. It isn't necessarily a testament that becomes of it in time. But it is yours, and a mirror of possibilities.
Say you had an experience you cannot put into words, but you had such clarity, certitude of the experience...

I think it is like a seed planted into your psyche. But its creator was your own experience - to be. It isn't for you to relay, as it must be realized first, and in its own property, bare its fruit.

Another way to think of it is... In your seeking - either of idle curiosity or trial, you entered into your subconscious mind and glimpsed what the subconscious perceives... Again, it isn't for you to fathom, but draw from.

So, it was a sliver of perception upon which is yours to conceive, and its stuff is your experience, reflected back at you and forthcoming.

So, it isn't for naught without words - you had a vision. It isn't necessarily a testament that becomes of it in time. But it is yours, and a mirror of possibilities.
I love what you wrote. A perfect description of something I have experienced and knew I couldn't tell anyone because there were no words. It did feel deeply personal each time and my perception is always positive after I analyze it from every angle.

"Again, it isn't for you to fathom, but draw from."
Yes. Perfect.
It is a very interesting interview and depressing at the same time. You think after knowing many things over the years, that you can get over scenarios like the ones mentioned in the interview, but no.
I finally finished watching the entire video, and the analogy Brett gives towards the end about being in a canoe headed for a water fall is quite apropos to our current situation- we don’t give in to despair and keep paddling as hard as we can, and maybe just maybe we can keep from going over. If we don’t try, we are doomed to certain failure. Great video, a must watch in my opinion.
Rhetorical question for everyone who is thinking about running away/refugee:
What happened to the idea of...

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I don’t even like the ocean that much, it makes me itch and it’s too unpredictable, and in that second image it looks like the lion from wizard of Oz sticking out his tongue as to say ‘ this just a small wave, no amount of courage is gonna save you from a tsunami’
So if I could choose, my beacon of light is firmly situated on top of a hill, where I can watch the waves come crashing in with some comfort that I’m in a safer place.

I loaded that with metaphors.
Do you have to be in a specific place to be a lighthouse? Can you be a lighthouse in a different place?
My country is perhaps the last one where you can't become a captain/skipper if you don't pass terrestrial navigation. Although the students protest, the professors insist (in case of electronic equipment failure, they must be able to orient themselves - knowledge protects ;-) .)
In addition to orienting by stars, navigation charts, they must also know lighthouses.
Lighthouses differ in frequency of flashes, so they know exactly where they are based on the number of flashes (whether the lighthouse is on an island or coast and in which part of the sea).
They also differ in the color of the light, so captains must know which side of the lighthouse they must sail from (whether they will run aground on underwater rocks depends on this).

The location of the lighthouse is very important to those who set up the lighthouses and to those who use them.
Changing positions can cause confusion and potentially catastrophe.
In short, the lighthouse is a source of information about the environment where it is located.

It doesn't matter to the uninitiated (tourists), for them lighthouses are just inspiration for interesting selfies on social networks.

To me this is a similar question as to whether staying in Nazi Germany was a good idea, if you had the chance to go somewhere else. The choice is quite personal and depends on many factors. But knowledge protects can mean taking proactive action, in my view.
I think those from the Paperclip project know this best.

Is this the moment for questions:
- Why did I incarnate at this time and in this place?
- Am I a lighthouse? (I am designed to be and last where I am placed.)
- Am I the captain? (I steer my ship and choose the direction. What drives me to travel; profit, adventure, the desire to find out what lies beyond the horizon?)
- Am I a tourist? (I leave it to others to organize and do everything, and I reserve the right to enjoy myself and to complain about the service and the price I have to pay, and if I am not satisfied, I will change the organizer)

Axj, thanks for the answer, it encouraged me to dig deeper into my first impulse and understand what really "stings" me. Namely, everyone who wants to move knows exactly (has defined) their wishes (needs) from the environment to which they want to move. I wonder if they think about what they are offering. What qualities do they bring to the culture and people they come to. Do they think about the well-being of the host to the same extent as they think about their own well-being.

So if I could choose, my beacon of light is firmly situated on top of a hill, where I can watch the waves come crashing in with some comfort that I’m in a safer place.

I loaded that with metaphors.
Lighthouses that get such a location (high on a cliff) are themselves very impressive; massive and tall, so that they can reach (be visible) as far as possible in the open sea and in the dark. They signal; here is land, here is rest. They show the direction, but not necessarily the location of the port....
Mostly regardless of its size and location, the lighthouse has always been a metaphor for loneliness for me.
My country is perhaps the last one where you can't become a captain/skipper if you don't pass terrestrial navigation. Although the students protest, the professors insist (in case of electronic equipment failure, they must be able to orient themselves - knowledge protects ;-) .)
In addition to orienting by stars, navigation charts, they must also know lighthouses.
Lighthouses differ in frequency of flashes, so they know exactly where they are based on the number of flashes (whether the lighthouse is on an island or coast and in which part of the sea).
They also differ in the color of the light, so captains must know which side of the lighthouse they must sail from (whether they will run aground on underwater rocks depends on this).

The location of the lighthouse is very important to those who set up the lighthouses and to those who use them.
Changing positions can cause confusion and potentially catastrophe.
In short, the lighthouse is a source of information about the environment where it is located.

It doesn't matter to the uninitiated (tourists), for them lighthouses are just inspiration for interesting selfies on social networks.

I think those from the Paperclip project know this best.

Is this the moment for questions:
- Why did I incarnate at this time and in this place?
- Am I a lighthouse? (I am designed to be and last where I am placed.)
- Am I the captain? (I steer my ship and choose the direction. What drives me to travel; profit, adventure, the desire to find out what lies beyond the horizon?)
- Am I a tourist? (I leave it to others to organize and do everything, and I reserve the right to enjoy myself and to complain about the service and the price I have to pay, and if I am not satisfied, I will change the organizer)

Axj, thanks for the answer, it encouraged me to dig deeper into my first impulse and understand what really "stings" me. Namely, everyone who wants to move knows exactly (has defined) their wishes (needs) from the environment to which they want to move. I wonder if they think about what they are offering. What qualities do they bring to the culture and people they come to. Do they think about the well-being of the host to the same extent as they think about their own well-being.

Lighthouses that get such a location (high on a cliff) are themselves very impressive; massive and tall, so that they can reach (be visible) as far as possible in the open sea and in the dark. They signal; here is land, here is rest. They show the direction, but not necessarily the location of the port....
Mostly regardless of its size and location, the lighthouse has always been a metaphor for loneliness for me.
I love everything that you wrote. It made so much sense to me and was really well written.
My participation with this topic however, will have to wait until the caffeine kicks in. ☕
I have a question... how do you know that this group isn't being deliberately mislead by 4D STS entities? Have you approached other psychics to verify the information you're getting?
That's really two questions. Of course they are being deliberately mislead by 4D STS entities.... That's the job of 4D STS enties) - it's a given. One must always assume. Um, what makes you think that 'other psychics' aren't also being 'mislead by 4D STS entities'? Do they check?
That is then, this is now? How can you not understand the differerence between the two? That's foolish.
"1. If they really wanted Trump dead, how could they have failed if they got JFK so easily?"

Also keep in mind the C's said that some people make soul contracts to leave (even together, as in Princess Diana and Dodi).
I'm sure Trump's response to such a contract was "No dice" (lol).
Since I live in Argentina, and I know firsthand what happens... I am not surprised. Even before his presidential race, you could see the red flags... well, those of us who did not buy into the illusions saw it...but the rest of the population... no. Who to this day you can see that they are under a spell, a collective hypnosis, etc. Well, yes, this is the state of things all over the planet, but here it is gross.

Yes. Great question, Bluegazer... I'd like to recommend The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts and its Spanish translation: El Canto de Sirena de los Fantasmas Hambrientos.
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I am very interested in finding out about methods to accelerate the process to make direct connections to our higher center. Could it be reiki with attunement, anything else?

Laura said:
Q: (L) In other words, there's no hope for our planet or our species if normal human beings do not come together and get over these varied pathological belief systems and religions and "your truth" and "my truth" and all that sort of thing?

A: Yes. All of that was created and spread by pathological types under the influence of their hyperdimensional masters for the purpose of turning this planet into a "hell on earth" with them as the masters. They have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. What is needed is for many people to begin to make direct connections with their higher centers. This has been done via the "work" up to now, but there are other methods to accelerate the process and obtain the needed assistance.
I have a question... how do you know that this group isn't being deliberately mislead by 4D STS entities? Have you approached other psychics to verify the information you're getting?

A longer document summarized by AI:

1. **Introduction to the Cassiopaea Experiment**:

The Cassiopaea Experiment, initiated by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, involves channeling purported hyperdimensional beings known as the Cassiopaeans. This experiment is documented in the Cassiopaea Experiment Transcripts, available online at Cassiopaea Forum , which span from 1994 to the present. The communications cover a wide range of topics, including metaphysics, history, and the nature of reality.

2. **Systematic Approach**:

Unlike many other channeling efforts, the Cassiopaea Experiment employs a systematic and scientific methodology. Knight-Jadczyk and her colleagues have conducted regular sessions for over thirty years, aiming to apply scientific standards and critical thinking to their investigations. This approach is often described as "scientific mysticism."

3. **Extensive Documentation**:

The experiment is meticulously documented, with transcripts of sessions made available for public scrutiny. This transparency allows for ongoing analysis and evaluation of the material, contributing to its credibility within the parapsychological community. The extensive documentation also includes annotations that provide context and insight into the experiment.

4. **Interdisciplinary Connections**:

The material channeled through the experiment aligns with various esoteric and mystical traditions, including the teachings of Sufi master Ibn Al-'Arabi, the Fourth Way Teachings of Gurdjieff, and ancient Altaic Shamanism. This interdisciplinary connection broadens the scope of the experiment and integrates it into a larger context of spiritual and metaphysical studies.

5. **Use of Spirit Board**:

The experiment utilizes a spirit board, chosen for the optimum conditions of conscious feedback it offers. This method differs from other channeling techniques and is intended to provide more controlled and interactive communication. The spirit board method is noted for its clarity, speed, and complexity of the transmitted information.

6. **Quality and Quantity of Information**:

The Cassiopaean transmissions are noted for their clarity, speed, and complexity. They often deliver full paragraphs of intricate material at a rate of one to two letters per second, with high content density and accurate spelling. Over the years, the experiment has produced more than one million letters of transmitted information.

7. **Scientific Mysticism**:

Knight-Jadczyk describes their approach as "scientific mysticism," where mystical claims are subjected to rational analysis and testing. This blend of mysticism and scientific inquiry is rare and adds a unique dimension to the study of parapsychology. It also involves modifying scientific proofs to account for evidence from theorized realms outside our own.

8. **Thorough Preparation**:

Laura Knight-Jadczyk prepared for the Cassiopaea Experiment through extensive research into the channeling phenomenon. She studied the history of channeling, mediumship, and parapsychology, examining their strengths, weaknesses, and potential dangers. This comprehensive background knowledge informed the experiment's design and execution.

9. **Historical Studies**:

Knight-Jadczyk's historical studies focused on several key areas, including the history of channeling, mediumship, and parapsychology. She also analyzed the inherent strengths and weaknesses of these practices and investigated potential risks and dangers based on historical accounts. Her exhaustive review of standard literature provided a strong foundation for her experiments.

10. **Significance and Contributions**:

The Cassiopaea Experiment is considered a pioneering effort in channeling and parapsychology, offering a blend of rigorous scientific inquiry and mystical exploration. Its unique combination of scientific rigor, long-term commitment, interdisciplinary scope, and extensive documentation sets it apart from more traditional or less structured channeling practices, making a significant contribution to these fields.
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