Session 17 August 2024


I had an experience that I guess needs to be shared.

I experienced a big depression (2021) where I was obviously inattentive and something happened. A long time passed when I became aware that I was in some kind of "prison", as if someone had wrapped an invisible wire around me with all the side effects that go with it.

I was freed with the help of EE, Laura and Prayer of the Soul. The deliverance lasted three times every couple of days and always with Prayer.

It also seems to me that the granddaughter was also saved in this way. She is four and a half years old and called me in a panic before the Prayer.

There, that would be it. I don't want to waste too much space in case this event isn't important, but if it is I'm available for further explanation.

In the end, I would like to thank Laura, the team and all the members of the Forum for everything you give, with which you have encouraged my growth and knowledge/cognition out where we live as well as the way we should approach the problem and thereby enable our Soul to grow in all its beauty and glory.

P.S. I know I should introduce myself. I tried many times, but the brake is somehow stronger.

I hope the translation is correct.

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Britain and France planned to attack the USSR in 1940 (Operation Pike), even after the German annexation of both Czechoslovakia and Austria in the years before. Britain and France vastly underestimated the Soviet power after Stalin "lost" the Finland war, which he apparently ended quickly because of the looming British/French attack threat:

Why Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong
Corroborates the article at cited above. - Why Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong

I had the typical "Hollywoodian" understanding of WW2 in my younger years. As time went by, I learned that it wasn't that simple after all: Pearl Harbor was "allowed" to happen, there was no need to drop the A-bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Winston Churchill wasn't such a pristine wartime leader, but actually quite the opposite, etc. (In a way, Churchill "pleaded guilty" when he [allegedly] said that "history is written by the victors".)

My knowledge was still somewhat cursory, so thanks for posting the article, it was an eye opener in its thoroughness.
I listened to the audio version while driving, and a lot of the points mentioned were news to me. For example, I was unfamiliar with Operation Pike and had no idea that after the war, the occupying Allied (US) forces orchestrated the death of million(s) of Germans due to starvation.

Also, when David Irving was mentioned, I remembered seeing him on the evening news back in the nineties and how he was being portrayed as a madman for "denying" the Holocaust. In the snippet shown, people actually spat on him, and there was almost a lynch mob mentality occurring. Apparently it was a smear campaign, arranged to discredit him for presenting a well-researched, differing point of view to the established WW2 history, particularly how the holocaust went down.

I got the impression from the article that the scope and extent of the holocaust narrative has been exaggerated. In reality, it seems to have happened on a smaller scale.

A personal anecdote: I suppose Auschwitz was one of the places where it took place. I visited the camp in 2005 and in my experience, I had this feeling of "uneasiness" and "heaviness" while there. I guess when something bad and negative happens in a location, it can leave its mark and an imprint.
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Q: (Joe) So the program was the planned assassination of Trump?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) And... but it was changed to avoid mass violation of free will. And who made the decision to change the program?

A: Quorum.

Q: (Joe) Right. So they had a good think about it, and thought it was a bad idea.

A: Violations of free will on that scale are similar to violations of gravity in your realm.

Q: (Niall) It's like trying to break a natural law, or something. It's too much.

(L) Yeah, if you jump off the roof and you think you're not going to get hurt, that's violating gravity.
It looks like the Quorum did the 3D gravity equivalent of putting a parachute on! They needed to slow things down or they'd hit the ground at terminal velocity. :lol:

It reminds me a little of Trump winning over Hillary in 2016. It slowed things down and things didn't get as bad as they could, as fast as they would have under the 'Wicked Witch of the West'.
A personal anecdote: I suppose Auschwitz was one of the places where it took place. I visited the camp in 2005 and in my experience, I had this feeling of "uneasiness" and "heaviness" while there. I guess when something bad and negative happens in a location, it can leave its mark and an imprint.
This uneasiness might not be because of what actually happened there, but because that place got turned into a temple of grief and suffering.

Because let's not fool ourselves - those in charge of Auschwitz today WANT people to feel uneasy when going there, and it the entire tour was designed to invoke those feelings. It is supposed to have a negative impact on visitors, and to feed the "Holocaust Was The Worst Thing That Happened To Humanity EVER" egregore.
This uneasiness might not be because of what actually happened there, but because that place got turned into a temple of grief and suffering.

Because let's not fool ourselves - those in charge of Auschwitz today WANT people to feel uneasy when going there, and it the entire tour was designed to invoke those feelings. It is supposed to have a negative impact on visitors, and to feed the "Holocaust Was The Worst Thing That Happened To Humanity EVER" egregore.

That could have played a part in the oppressive feelings I had there. They interestingly began to appear when the bus parked in front of the camp; perhaps seeing the place for the first time, knowing its heavy history, had its effect also. We then walked (I was with a friend) the grounds and visited the buildings on our own.

Yeah, the concept of the Holocaust is taken advantage of and is used for nefarious purposes.
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