Session 18 December 2021

The entries in the notebook describe a version of events that were meant to blur the circumstances to make him look less guilty. The autopsy proved that she wasn’t in the water, wasn’t dying of hypothermia, nor showed any reason why she’d be begging for him to mercy kill him. He strangled her because he was an insecure, paranoid, jealous little shit.
What about the blunt trauma to the head? That surely happened before the strangulation. Would that be from a fall (accidental or because he pushed her), or would it be him knocking her with something like a rock or a tool? (Colonel Mustard with a wrench in the Kitchen 😅)

So that would leave only 2 options:
- He's a psychopath
- He was under the influence of 4D STS (through a spirit attachment or a download or whatever other similar explanation)

What do you think?
What about the blunt trauma to the head? That surely happened before the strangulation. Would that be from a fall (accidental or because he pushed her), or would it be him knocking her with something like a rock or a tool? (Colonel Mustard with a wrench in the Kitchen 😅)

So that would leave only 2 options:
- He's a psychopath
- He was under the influence of 4D STS (through a spirit attachment or a download or whatever other similar explanation)

What do you think?
Are you asking for my opinion or what the series concludes? I have the attention span of a walnut!😂
Your opinion ;)
Haha, okay. That bit about my attention span is actually true. Not to go too deep into it, I get bouts of hepatic encephalopathy, so I literally forget whole series’ a couple of days later. I will have to rewatch the last episode to revisit the details to give you an expansive opinion. I do know that I believed what was concluded. I wasn’t left with any questions nor concerns. I would think that the candlestick would have been mentioned in the coroner’s report though.😄
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