Session 18 May 2019

Thank you goyacobol, I do this everytime you quote a session but this time it seems to me that it did not give me the source. Thank you again!


I hope it works now? If not let me know. I try to give the session dates with the links but sometimes I forget.


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This is a cool video of a folding protein in action!

Simulation of millisecond protein folding

ps. The music is a bit dramatic

Thanks for sharing. I'm going to show this to my kids as an example of what is happening inside their bodies :)

P.S. Regarding the music it's Richard Strauss – Also Sprach Zarathustra Part 1. In Russia there is a popular intellectual game called "What Where When" which has been aired on TV for decades and it starts exactly with this music as an intro.
[QUOTE = "goyacobol, post: 802877, član: 8472"]
Prevedeno s prevoditeljem DeepL:
nakon oveveve nitko nis sam siguran gdje živimim u svemiru! Mislim ... Ark sada sada fizički, materielno ima 2 kape? !! Morat ću češće čitatićešću ovu sesiju ... Vremenski uvjeti me tjeraju da osjetim trenutak jezera ili trenutak u kojem je nastupila njegova zaklana skupina :-). Na usluzi, htio bih zahvaliti Lauri i vama na vremenu koje ste proveli na sudu.

Nadam se da će prijevod dobiti nešto od toga točno. Hvala vam zvuči pozitivno i to mi se sviđa.:-)
[QUOTE = "goyacobol, post: 802877, član: 8472"]
Prevedeno s prevoditeljem DeepL:
nakon oveveve nitko nis sam siguran gdje živimim u svemiru! Mislim ... Ark sada sada fizički, materielno ima 2 kape? !! Morat ću češće čitatićešću ovu sesiju ... Vremenski uvjeti me tjeraju da osjetim trenutak jezera ili trenutak u kojem je nastupila njegova zaklana skupina :-). Na usluzi, htio bih zahvaliti Lauri i vama na vremenu koje ste proveli na sudu.

Nadam se da će prijevod dobiti nešto od toga točno. Hvala vam zvuči pozitivno i to mi se sviđa.:-)
So what's this translation ?? !! terrible, you die from laughter .... Why translate ... I wrote in English with the help of google translator

Sorry for the bad translation. If Google Translator works that is much better. I guess the one I used was so bad it makes you laugh. :-)

If you can use Google Translator that will help us to not give the wrong translation. Thanks.
Thank you for such an AMAZING SESSION.
In our house also there have been some quirks.
Our familly is changing as one of my sons is moving in for a few months.... Many twists and turns recently:
Perhaps timelines, big and small, are also shifting and merging a lot more than we suspect.

That's! The change of perception regarding how we perceive the illusion of time.

There was always and there is an interaction between densities / timelines only that the persistent illusion of linear time prevented us from seeing that interaction, to the point of denying what happened.

Everyday and every moment mundane objects appear and disappear. Some to never appear, others to return at the time I needed it most.

But now, knowing that this is the product of a non-linear time, the illusion begins to fall apart.
As I simultaneously translated the session to my partner, her face brightened and she asked the same question that was going though my mind: If a cap can be duplicated and exist in 'real' time simultaneously? COULD THAT HAPPEN WITH A PERSON? cOULD MY MOTHER IN LAW WHO IS LAST STAGE OF ALZHEIMER POP UP LIKE SHE WAS BEFORE THE DISEASE TOOK HOLD?

Now that is interesting to the utmost?
Thank you the C's and ourselves past, present, future!!!!
As I simultaneously translated the session to my partner, her face brightened and she asked the same question that was going though my mind: If a cap can be duplicated and exist in 'real' time simultaneously? COULD THAT HAPPEN WITH A PERSON? cOULD MY MOTHER IN LAW WHO IS LAST STAGE OF ALZHEIMER POP UP LIKE SHE WAS BEFORE THE DISEASE TOOK HOLD?

Now that is interesting to the utmost?
Thank you the C's and ourselves past, present, future!!!!

Yeah. Well, I was hoping that there would be a "new me" too! I mean, if a timeline juncture leaps forward from the past, shouldn't it bring some benefits with it???
It's interesting that the Cs recommend sharing as there's quite a lot that I've been wanting to share on this forum in recent years.

There were too many times to count where I held back due to the public accessibility to the information though...

The public accessibility is both a good thing and a bad thing for me. Good in that it allows people the novel experience of processing the data and building on their awareness of me and the topic. Bad in that I fear that some of the details can be used by not so nice players to meddle with my affairs. Such as what I do for work, who I work for, and what I deal with regarding my family and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), my own heritage (I'm a 'status aboriginal' in my country), and the list can go on and can get weirder.

I believe that some my testimony shouldn't be left to open accessibility else I risk damage to the flow of energy required to protect my family. (Perhaps that damage leads to a better conduit.)

This is what has been holding me back from sharing some sensitive information which very well be the right fodder for eureka moments.

"I should post about this!" moments later becomes "This can hamper some work relationships if they find out I'm here.", or can be "Can goverment ministries use this info against me?" (Systemic racism is terrible against natives in Canada).
It's interesting that the Cs recommend sharing as there's quite a lot that I've been wanting to share on this forum in recent years.

There were too many times to count where I held back due to the public accessibility to the information though...

An area of our forum, The Swamp, is not publicly accessible for the very purpose of providing members privacy to share more intimate details of their life. If I remember correctly, only members with at least 50 posts can access that particular board.
An area of our forum, The Swamp, is not publicly accessible for the very purpose of providing members privacy to share more intimate details of their life. If I remember correctly, only members with at least 50 posts can access that particular board.

I thought of that too and have posted there once if I remember correctly but 50 posts is easy to break.
I thought of that too and have posted there once if I remember correctly but 50 posts is easy to break.

It's up to you of course with what you're comfortable with sharing here, but in my experience, when I had thoughts of that nature (like God!! If someone finds out and reads this, I will be dead! If I do this or that, people will find out and laugh at me/attack me etc.!), it always turned out to be irrational fear holding me back and once I did something (like sharing here or elsewhere such as social media), turns out that I survived just fine :)

So unless there are some legal issues or something of the sort, I would think hard about whether this fear of sharing is really justified. You can also always omit certain details/names if you like. Again, up to you, this has just been my personal experience, so fwiw.
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