Q: (L) Are you aware of us all the time?
A: (Pierre) No.
Q: (L) So, you have to think about us to be aware of us. Is that it?
A: (Pierre) Yes.
Q: (L) And what makes you think about us? Is it because we think about you, or we reference you, or we have you on our mind, or something like that? Is that close?
A: (Pierre) Yes.
Q: (Joe) And can you see us?
A: (Pierre) Yes.
Pierre: [snip] The bodymind can be quite blind and fearful
Perhaps there will be another reason to
John Milton, 1626
I gather this would be the same for the southern Hemisphere also like where I live in Australia? So both hemisphere's are going to get a lot more rain. Our local weather agency (BOM) is saying we are in for hot and drier weather in the coming years.(Ellipse/Navigator) Were there any technological or environmental factors that could explain Hurricane Helene's unusual behavior, such as its strength while inland and in mountainous regions?
(L) Now you've gone and asked a compound question. Don't do that! Okay, so we'll ask first: Were there any technological factors that could explain Hurricane Helene's unusual behavior such as its strength while inland and in mountainous regions?
A: Not much though seeding was employed.
Q: (L) Were environmental factors involved in the unusual behavior?
A: Just the general earth sickness. Consider all similar recent similar [sic] events.
Q: (L) So in other words, things like all the flooding in all the other places, so that what was going on in North Carolina was just the US getting some of what everybody else was getting?
(Joe) What I've been saying repeatedly, over and over again, on the forum...
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) Monsoons
(Joe) Is this flooding we'd had over several years, really, that we document every month on our Earth Changes videos, and they're pretty much dominated by floods and all that kind of thing, massive rainfall... Is this the manifestation of what they said years ago about the belt or the band of great precipitation, which is kind of like the monsoon belt around there moving further north? Is that causing a lot of this flooding?
A: Exactly. And that is precursor to the arrival of colder times.
Q: (Joe) I mean they pretty much said years ago that's what would happen. It's global warming and it's not manmade. It's part of cycle global warming in the northern hemisphere and this band of rain tends to move towards the warmer oceans and the warmer part of the hemisphere. So it tends to move north and you get a lot more precipitation all around a band all around the northern hemisphere, further north into North Africa, into Europe - not uniformly, but spots here and there - massive downpours. And then eventually that falls as snow around the pole at the Arctic region, which then causes a glacial rebound.
(L) Okay...
(Joe) Colder times like this winter?
A: Wait and see. Good that you had insulation installed!
(benklerk) How strong of an X flare solar storm would it take to take out our technology network now?
A: X plus 5
Q: (L) What is that? Well, all right.
(benklerk) What is the percentage difference with current strength of our earth's magnetic field compared to the Carrington event in terms of global average?
(L) That's not a very clear question. Do you mean to ask: Is there a difference with the current strength of the Earth's magnetic field compared to the time of the Carrington event?
(Andromeda) Yeah, I think that's what he means. The average then compared to the average now.
(L) Okay, what is the percentage difference with current strength of the earth's magnetic field compared to the Carrington event in terms of global average?
A: 13 percent less.
Q: (Andromeda) Now.
(L) Well, I'm curious: What good does it do us to know that?
(Joe) Not much. Just that if there was a Carrington event-level flare, then we'll have a Carrington event.
(Niall) Or not, because our tech is better protected now. So it would take more, no?
(L) I think we're extremely vulnerable technologically. I mean, and not only just in terms of how interconnected and fragile the system is, but in terms of the fact that the whole infrastructure - of the US, for sure, other places, I'm sure - is so degraded. And I mean, they've been giving away all this money, giving away all this equipment. They don't even have stuff for the people in the USA! I mean, it's just ridiculous. Okay.
(Chu) Somebody explained on the chat that the flares go from one to five, they can start on one and go up, and Carrington was estimated to be X45.
(Gaby) And the US election is a few weeks away.
(Andromeda) Yeah, elections are coming up.
(L) Yeah, it's what, 15 days or something? Or 16? I mean, it's not everybody's election, but, yeah. All right, then chilluns, almost my bedtime. You know that.
I look at the same site, but more for general space weather then amateur radio. X5 is still pretty weak, but they do cause HF degradation on the sunlite side. I'm more wondering if they mean X10 or X15, as its been quite a long time since we had a earth facing flare that strong.Thank you all for such an interesting double session! It was good to hear from Pierre. I must admit I still get a lump in my throat every time I look at the cover of his book in my bedroom. Hard to believe it's been a year already- and what a year it's been.
Being an amateur radio operator, I monitor the flares/CMEs on solarham.com since they greatly affect radio waves and propagation. In the current solar cycle, there have been 6 so far at X5 or above.
If as the C's say an X5 can take out our technological network, then we've already had 6 potential catastrophic flares. The strength isn't the only factor, as a destructive flare would need to go off while that particular sunspot was Earth facing- which most of them have not been.
As to what good there is knowing that, I would venture a guess that since the effects of these flares take 48-72 hours to reach Earth, knowing a flare/CME's intensity when it erupts combined with it's direction (Earth facing or not) would give some warning before it actually hit Earth. This would give a short amount of time to take any actions needed before the impact.
It was only an X5.8 on May 11th this year that caused the aurora to be seen almost down to the equator, and knowing that now has changed my response to the flares in the current cycle. Anything above an X5 now, I will disconnect the electrical mains from my house since all those thousands of miles of powerlines across the country will energize and overload anything connected to them. Sure, there's still the wiring in the house that will be charged by it as well, but 48-72 hours is enough time to unplug every device to prevent a possible fire.
None of this matters at the end of the day as such an event would instantaneously put us back to the pre-Industrial Era. But I must admit that watching all of this happen is fascinating, and I really want to see how all of this ends.
I don't really know Pierre to well, that he is a very long term friend of the group. But from the ton of information I have read it sort of fits in to what I know. In 5D depending on which level in 5D you have the option to have a body that you can manifest, you can somewhat keep your appearance or make yourself look like at any age you want, I really don't know about changing your appearance to whatever you feel like.Q: (Joe) Does he have a body of any sort?
A: Yes like it used to be
Q: (L) So basically some form of body that's restored to health from before you got sick?
A: Yes
It was looked at years ago from the perspective of the Eskimo, "which include the Inupiat and the Yupiks of Alaska, the Canadian Inuit and Inuvialuit, Inuit Greenlanders, and the Siberian Yupiks..."(L) Yeah. Well, there was also, I think in ancient hominid types, that they had the ability to produce, manufacture, generate whatever you do.. vitamin C, but somehow we lost that, which is why our vitamin C levels have to be constantly supplemented in order to have really enough vitamin C. So if anybody can find anything on that, I'd be interested to hear it.
As for vitamin C, the source in the Eskimo diet was long a mystery. Most animals can synthesize their own vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, in their livers, but humans are among the exceptions, along with other primates and oddballs like guinea pigs and bats. If we don’t ingest enough of it, we fall apart from scurvy, a gruesome connective-tissue disease. In the United States today we can get ample supplies from orange juice, citrus fruits, and fresh vegetables. But vitamin C oxidizes with time; getting enough from a ship’s provisions was tricky for early 18th- and 19th-century voyagers to the polar regions. Scurvy — joint pain, rotting gums, leaky blood vessels, physical and mental degeneration — plagued European and U.S. expeditions even in the 20th century. However, Arctic peoples living on fresh fish and meat were free of the disease.
Impressed, the explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson adopted an Eskimo-style diet for five years during the two Arctic expeditions he led between 1908 and 1918. “The thing to do is to find your antiscorbutics where you are,” he wrote. “Pick them up as you go.” In 1928, to convince skeptics, he and a young colleague spent a year on an Americanized version of the diet under medical supervision at Bellevue Hospital in New York City. The pair ate steaks, chops, organ meats like brain and liver, poultry, fish, and fat with gusto. “If you have some fresh meat in your diet every day and don’t overcook it,” Stefansson declared triumphantly, “there will be enough C from that source alone to prevent scurvy.”
In fact, all it takes to ward off scurvy is a daily dose of 10 milligrams, says Karen Fediuk, a consulting dietitian and former graduate student of Harriet Kuhnlein’s who did her master’s thesis on vitamin C. (That’s far less than the U.S. recommended daily allowance of 75 to 90 milligrams — 75 for women, 90 for men.) Native foods easily supply those 10 milligrams of scurvy prevention, especially when organ meats — preferably raw — are on the menu. For a study published with Kuhnlein in 2002, Fediuk compared the vitamin C content of 100-gram (3.55-ounce) samples of foods eaten by Inuit women living in the Canadian Arctic: Raw caribou liver supplied almost 24 milligrams, seal brain close to 15 milligrams, and raw kelp more than 28 milligrams. Still higher levels were found in whale skin and muktuk.
As you might guess from its antiscorbutic role, vitamin C is crucial for the synthesis of connective tissue, including the matrix of skin. “Wherever collagen’s made, you can expect vitamin C,” says Kuhnlein. Thick skinned, chewy, and collagen rich, raw muktuk can serve up an impressive 36 milligrams in a 100-gram piece, according to Fediuk’s analyses. “Weight for weight, it’s as good as orange juice,” she says. Traditional Inuit practices like freezing meat and fish and frequently eating them raw, she notes, conserve vitamin C, which is easily cooked off and lost in food processing...
I didn't know much about Darryl Anka and spectacle is entertaining. These people who say 'They take ownership for consequences from revelation of results' neither had a clue of consequences either. It sounded to me like comedy show and the moment you go out of room, you forget every thing.I don't know how many of you watch Bashar channeled by Darryl Anka. But in one of his most recent channels he talked about the US election. I'll post the link here for people to have a look at and decide what to think. I'm staying neutral to what ever way the outcome happens in a weeks time, coming from someone who doesn't live in the USA.
Probably we got too much "benevolence" for this world to be as it is now.Darryl Anka, known for channeling the extraterrestrial entity Bashar, has a positive view of aliens. According to Bashar, extraterrestrial beings are generally benevolent and are here to help humanity evolve and understand the universe better. Bashar emphasizes the importance of vibrational alignment and expanding human consciousness to make contact with these beings