Session 19 October 2024

Pierre it was lovely to hear from you and bless you all at the Chateau for the session,keep Strong all through the explosions and revelations to come and Joe spot on about about the Hurricanes.Best to everyone and much love.🙏
Thank you for the wonderful session and sharing this with us! Hearing from Pierre was special, I’m glad that he is adjusting to his new environment and is happy & free from pain. 🙏

A: The point was to convey the cosmic nature of the spectacle and to remind all of you that you are NOT your body!

Q: (L) I'd say that they wanted that underlined.
And thanks for asking about ‘enjoying the show’ Joe. With certifiable insane people in power leading us to destruction, it’s important to really grok that all there is, is lessons. We are spiritual beings having a human experience, not humans having the odd spiritual experience.
Many thanks for sharing another insightful session.
It was very interesting to hear an echo from your old good friend in 5D. Didn't realise that they might have a real physical body they had in the past lifetime?
All saints day is upcoming in a few days and I guess all our dear people who passed away might be near us during these days. Good time to send thoughts to them with warm words.
Thanks for the session!!

I just wanted to clarify vitamin D. The amount needed in supplementation varies from person to person. Ideally, you should supplement to get your blood level to 60-80 pg/ml. Higher levels are safe too up to a point but this is the ideal level. Most people do fine on 2500-5000iu with vitamin K2 added to D supplements. Some people require 10,000iu. The reason it can be toxic is because it is a fat soluble vitamin so it is stored in your fat cells as opposed to water soluble vitamins like B and C which you pee out if your levels are too high. But, with the way we live today, spending most of our time indoors, it is very uncommon to hit toxic levels.
Thank you for another wonderful and informative session.
Yes - this was amazing, as always. Great questions!
It's a great blessing to hear from Pierre, just wonderful to hear that he is happy. Also his insights about the afterlife and his experiences there are totally fascinating.
So happy you were able to speak to Pierre - I cannot believe it's been a whole year since he passed. Happy to know he is doing well and is in a lovely place - but that's not at all surprising!!
(L) Yeah. Well, there was also, I think in ancient hominid types, that they had the ability to produce, manufacture, generate whatever you do.. vitamin C, but somehow we lost that, which is why our vitamin C levels have to be constantly supplemented in order to have really enough vitamin C. So if anybody can find anything on that, I'd be interested to hear it.

I'd say it maybe has to do with gut bacteria.

Oral supplementation with probiotic L. reuteri NCIMB 30242 increases mean circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D
Unlike many lactobacilli, which generally cannot synthesize folate, several strains of Bifidobacterium, including B. adolescentis, can produce and release significant amounts of this vitamin, which they do via the para-aminobenzoic acid (pABA) pathway for folate production.

Piles of ancient poop reveal ‘extinction event' in human gut bacteria Treponema bacteria, for instance, are virtually unknown in the industrialized gut microbiome and appear only occasionally in people living nonindustrial lifestyles today. But, "They're present in every single one of the paleofeces, across all the geographic sites," Kostic says. "That suggests it's not purely diet that's shaping things." He hopes future experiments on coprolites from other time periods will make it possible to isolate when the biggest shifts took place and what prompted them.

Urban vs Rural: The Battle for a Healthier Gut
The differences in lifestyle between rural and urban residents shape their gut microbiomes in distinct ways. Rural individuals tend to have a more diverse and richer gut microbiome, which is associated with a lower prevalence of modern allergic and metabolic diseases.

Studies have shown that rural people have more butyrate-producing genera like Marvinbryantia and Turicibacter, which help prevent inflammation. In contrast, urban populations have a higher Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio, associated with metabolic disorders such as obesity. The intestinal microbiota of rural people also contain more bacterial species needed to digest fiber and lower levels of amino acids and biogenic amines, indicating lower protein consumption. Additionally, cellulosome-producing bacteria found in the microbiomes of cows and sheep have been identified in rural individuals due to their close interactions with these animals.

This data suggests that urbanized individuals should adopt regional and seasonal diets and interact more with nature to cultivate a diverse, rich, and healthy microbiome.
Thank you for the session! I could not help but tear up a bit with Pierre ( tears of joy of course). I’m glad he’s doing fine and at peace.

I’m sure most of us feel things heating up as the day passes. With the US election being a couple days away, anything could happen. I get the feeling that both the US and Israel do not want to go down by themselves and will throw a tantrum and pull anyone with it. The interesting part will be how many people across the word will see through it?

It’s an honor to be able to communicate with all of you in here. God bless Laura & crew for all the hard work. God bless those that are doing their part and resisting the evilness of the world. God bless you all!
I have an insight in my head that about every hundred years (it doesn't matter how long it is) knowledge and technology is taken away and everything repeats itself every time, reinventing the wheel, weapons and so on. I want to get out of this wheel, I see the remnants of those who were before us, I see descriptions of demiurges, reptiles, white gods. It's all there and I wonder how to get out of it, there must be somewhere this knowledge and technology, is there no way to do something, but only wait for 4d through all this meat grinder?

You're in luck! If you read Laura's book The Secret History of the World and How to Get Out Alive, there is an extensive discussion of how to 'get out' of the 3D cycle. And on that basis, there's plenty to do. Definitely give it a read if you haven't already - it's a life-changing book.
Much love and gratitude for the session, I was thinking how intense that would have been emotionally with regard to connecting with Pierre. 🌷 The moment I started reading it, my hand went to my heart and I felt such a flood of emotion. A great joy to know he is doing well, I pray this is the case for all other forum members who have transitioned. I hope his message eases your minds and soul. I really liked that Laura asked Pierre 'how do we really know this is you? - always being as detached as possible, paying close attention to objective reality right and left, not wanting to be 'hoodwinked' or manipulated in any way.
Or also the knowledge of the situation and its evolution has something to do with it.

People started to ask him about 5D as is normal (curiosity) and "I must go" ends the communication.

What was allowed was up to there.

My impression about this.
Perhaps, but my feeling is that it is also draining for those on the board because of their deep emotional connection and the fact that pain is still acute, they are still processing deep grief and the loss of Pierre from this physical realm; I can imagine it would likely be draining to sustain the communication for Pierre, as others have mentioned. Energy was also needed for the rest of the session, so perhaps he withdrew out of awareness / respect for this. I felt that was a lot of information to bring through.

Also, there is this from the session last December
I am constantly trying to communicate but it is not so simple. This is a strange state to be in when there were so many things I wanted to get done.

Q: (L) Are you glad to be out of your state of restriction, pain and suffering?

A: (Pierre) Oh yes!!! It is like a freedom you cannot understand. But still there is that desire to communicate that frustrates me. I don't want any of you to suffer or be sad. But I do want you to know that I love all of you.
that would likely also make it hard to communicate clearly for long periods, if at all.

And then this:
think amplification of war/bombs, NOISE! lies/disinformation via media, many people repeating and amplifying that 'vibration', election campaigns, protests, extreme weather, great suffering from natural and manmade events, intense emotion / rapid cycling thoughts / anxiety / fear / grief / rage / hatred / anger etc.
A: (Pierre) Mostly everything you have learned via Cs is the way it is. What I see now is the great noise surrounding Earth that makes it so difficult to get a clear and true message.

Q: (Joe) So, the great noise is chaos or uncertainty...

(Niall) Disinformation...

(L) All that kind of stuff. Is that what we're talking about? Chaos, disinformation, lies?

A: (Pierre) Yes.
I honestly think it's a bit of a miracle that Pierre is able to come through so clearly! He must have been practicing 🤩
And Laura, I never doubted your abilities to connect with him at all.

(L) Well, it's getting to the point where, "Blessed is the one who's passed over"!

(Joe) That's what I'm wondering, yeah. Probably.

A: Yes
I have been thinking this more and more.

(Joe) Is he aware of all of his past lives?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Well...

A: Love all of you and many thanks for you tolerating all my conflicts and things I did that were hurtful

I must go

Goodbye for now
I got the feeling that an answer about past lives would have required a lot of energy, maybe in another session Pierre will share, if it is appropriate. Interesting that he has again acknowledged things that he sees personal issues with clarity / seems to have residual pain over on some level in connection to his interactions with others / his own ways of being - and needing to acknowledge this, it was important to him. It feels to me that in some ways he cannot show his gratitude enough for all he was gifted from those closest to him, that he sees things more clearly and objectively, how much he wants to convey his love - for his chateau family / fellowship friends not to suffer.

Q for native speakers : what does that mean ?
"chilluns" = children it's a slang / affectionate term
unless Laura was being extra witty about the ice age rapidly approaching :lol:

A: Pay attention to last final messages. Things are really heating up. There are certifiable, insane persons in positions of power. Goodbye.
Maybe more people are really finally starting to see this. I don't know many people that haven't been saying more and more:
the world has gone bonkers, it's crazy, what the hell is wrong with people, this is madness, are we INSANE?! Well a lot of people clearly are.

'Heating up' - as in unbearable temperature...
or bombing the bejeesus out of defenceless everyday people, setting everything on fire?
Or all of the above and more... volcanoes, eruptions? Meteors?

The show must go on...
Light and 💛 love to all.
🌈 (yes that's a rainbow folks, it belongs to everyone, I reclaim it for everyone in the name of innocence, beauty, light, inspiration, joy, creativity and the endless wondrous mysteries of the Universe 🤗 (and whatever the heck lies 'beyond' that!):umm:

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