Session 19 October 2024

I have a small question. Or a wish. Phrases like "Great suffering is coming for many" are often encountered. But people are already suffering, thousands are dying of hunger, wars does never not stop, it only changes its forms and participants. Therefore, I would like to understand what is meant in relation to the degree of changes, suffering, etc. When is something unusual meant (like a plague epidemic, a world war like WWI and WWII), and when is it a description of the same suffering that already exists?

У меня маленький вопрос. Или пожелание. Часто встречаются фразы по типу "многих ждут большие страдания". Но люди и так страдают, тысячи умирают от голода, войны не прекращаются столетиями, только меняются их формы и участники. Поэтому хочется понять, что имеется в виду за степенью изменений, страданий и так далее. Когда имеется в виду что-то необычное (как эпидемия чумы, мировая война), а когда это описание тех же страданий, которые и так существуют?
I'm happy to hear from Pierre! Thank you for sharing this exchange with him 🩷
I was almost sure there would be a session soon where you would talk with him since it was the 1 year remembrance.

Anyone could explain more on this subject? Or point to a thread that does?
Q: (ScioAgapeOmnis) What is the strength difference in terms of the percentage of the magnetic field over North America relative to over Russia?

(L) And then over here, there's an excerpt from a session that was from 2014:

--(session from 1994 quoted not showing)--

(L) So there was a 10% difference in 2014. So probably the question should be framed in terms of that. Does that difference still hold?

A: Same but greater by 3 to 7 percent.

Q: (L) So you mean the same difference between America and Russia, is that...?

A: Yes.

It seems that Canada is being spared from major disasters for now. I wonder what's in store for the future though... I don't think it will be safe in the long run, but at least we have a reprieve at the moment, which gives us some time to "prepare" / "get ready".
Last Quebec winter was unusually warm and had little snow...

Slice of life:
Last weekend I finished watching a 50 episodes Chinese TV show. It was all very unexpected; me starting to watch it in the first place because I wasn't planning on doing this (Netflix was listing it as "Leaving Soon"), I didn't know anything about this show in particular and there are many other Chinese shows to choose from (so why choose to watch this one anyways?)...
By the end of it, I got emotionally triggered (I still need to figure this out, and I was thinking about opening a thread about it), and I felt compelled to start learning Mandarin. It's a feeling of "it's fun" but also "it's important" for some unknown reasons.
I guess it's one of those "wait and see" situations =^.^=
Thanks for the session!

Pierre's comment "I must go" is interesting. Does that imply that his energy due to the communication was waning or that he has a schedule of some sort? Both alternatives suggest that there is a for us unknown "time" aspect in 5D. I mean, if energy is waning, there's a before and after reaching a threshold level. The C's have repeatedly said that there is no time in 5D, but based on this exchange and also some NDE literature, it appears that we're missing something. Maybe it's something that we'll never be able to undestand in 3D, as is discussed in the other thread.
Thanks for the session!

Pierre's comment "I must go" is interesting. Does that imply that his energy due to the communication was waning or that he has a schedule of some sort? Both alternatives suggest that there is a for us unknown "time" aspect in 5D. I mean, if energy is waning, there's a before and after reaching a threshold level. The C's have repeatedly said that there is no time in 5D, but based on this exchange and also some NDE literature, it appears that we're missing something. Maybe it's something that we'll never be able to undestand in 3D, as is discussed in the other thread.
Well, perhaps the basics of the basics can be of help to us, yes, there is time; but not as we perceive it, under its measurement framework, energy is still lost-declines in some way, perhaps the discrepancy occurs when one wants to translate that into a linear measurement of time like ours... in any case, I agree that it is an idea that needs more exploration.
Thanks again for the session. Very helpful especially the insights from Pierre. I was thinking about him late last week at dawn when I say my prayers. Hard to believe it's been a year since his passing. The days and months have gone by so quickly lately. Reminds me of the passage from Revelation where it states time will seem shorter to those who can weather the intense storms and suffering around them. One of my daily prayers is for me to have strength, wisdom and patience. Whether I transition out or by some miracle survive to see a new world I will do my best to be calm and understand what and why things are the way they are.
(T.C.) I'll try and find it, but years ago I remember some archeologists found the body of a very early human, from maybe it was like 10, 20,000 years ago. And somehow they determined that this human, or humanoid, had died from an overdose of vitamin D. They couldn't figure out for ages how it would be possible for that being to consume such a highest level of vitamin D. And I'm pretty sure from memory they came to the conclusion that it must have eaten the liver of some sort of animal. So I'll see if I can find that and if I can, I'll put it in the session thread.
For some years I was fascinated about stories about Arctic and Antarctic explorers. I seem to remember that in one of the books I read - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was also near the area! - it was said that you should never eat the liver of a polar bear. It's fatal and you will die.
Thanks for the session and the opportunity to hear from Pierre again. The world 'out there' seems to be getting more... symbolic somehow. The universe seems to be signaling to us that "Hey, there's more and it's way different than you've been taught, or can even imagine."

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