Session 19 October 2024

Lovely to hear some words of insight from Pierre. Also interesting to learn that we still have a body of some description when on 5d. My guess is that we're also more youthful in appearance when there.

The world is completely insane these days, so let's hope that the "certifiable ones" get their just desserts soon, I must say I'm getting impatient for justice in our realm. I feel like the Hobbits when they were conversing with Treebeard, lol!:lol:

Thanks for sharing the session, it's cheered me up a bit in these dark times.
(L) Because they've pretty much said... I mean, you remember when they told us last time, I think it was then, that things were going to be explosive?

(Chu) Explosive revelations and events.

(L) And then I'll be darned if every news outlet that showed up on Twitter or whatever it is, started using the term "explosive". They talked about the hurricane, "explosive" development, "explosive" this, "explosive" that. Oh my God, it was weird. Things were definitely explosive. So I guess they're going to continue to be explosive.

(Gaby) And the US election is a few weeks away.

(Andromeda) Yeah, elections are coming up.

(L) Yeah, it's what, 15 days or something? Or 16? I mean, it's not everybody's election, but, yeah. All right, then chilluns, almost my bedtime. You know that.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November,
gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason
why gunpowder treason
should ever be forgot.

Remember how in 2016, before the presidential election, the media were reporting clown attacks all over the world? Then, Donald Trump, called by many a literal clown, became the president, and we have entered Clown World. Honk! Honk! 🤡

It's happening again. Everything seems to fall into pieces by itself, and even the date of the election is perfect as a start for a new explosive reality. As if something was toying with us.

My hope is that the right in the US has proven itself to be unwilling to put the world on fire, so the PTB will be forced to use the crazies on the left, just like in 2016.
Thank you all for such an interesting double session! It was good to hear from Pierre. I must admit I still get a lump in my throat every time I look at the cover of his book in my bedroom. Hard to believe it's been a year already- and what a year it's been.

(benklerk) How strong of an X flare solar storm would it take to take out our technology network now?

A: X plus 5

Q: (L) What is that? Well, all right.

(benklerk) What is the percentage difference with current strength of our earth's magnetic field compared to the Carrington event in terms of global average?

(L) That's not a very clear question. Do you mean to ask: Is there a difference with the current strength of the Earth's magnetic field compared to the time of the Carrington event?

(Andromeda) Yeah, I think that's what he means. The average then compared to the average now.

(L) Okay, what is the percentage difference with current strength of the earth's magnetic field compared to the Carrington event in terms of global average?

A: 13 percent less.

Q: (Andromeda) Now.

(L) Well, I'm curious: What good does it do us to know that?

Being an amateur radio operator, I monitor the flares/CMEs on since they greatly affect radio waves and propagation. In the current solar cycle, there have been 6 so far at X5 or above.

If as the C's say an X5 can take out our technological network, then we've already had 6 potential catastrophic flares. The strength isn't the only factor, as a destructive flare would need to go off while that particular sunspot was Earth facing- which most of them have not been.

As to what good there is knowing that, I would venture a guess that since the effects of these flares take 48-72 hours to reach Earth, knowing a flare/CME's intensity when it erupts combined with it's direction (Earth facing or not) would give some warning before it actually hit Earth. This would give a short amount of time to take any actions needed before the impact.

It was only an X5.8 on May 11th this year that caused the aurora to be seen almost down to the equator, and knowing that now has changed my response to the flares in the current cycle. Anything above an X5 now, I will disconnect the electrical mains from my house since all those thousands of miles of powerlines across the country will energize and overload anything connected to them. Sure, there's still the wiring in the house that will be charged by it as well, but 48-72 hours is enough time to unplug every device to prevent a possible fire.

None of this matters at the end of the day as such an event would instantaneously put us back to the pre-Industrial Era. But I must admit that watching all of this happen is fascinating, and I really want to see how all of this ends.
It's a great blessing to hear from Pierre, just wonderful to hear that he is happy. Also his insights about the afterlife and his experiences there are totally fascinating.

A: Pay attention to last final messages. Things are really heating up. There are certifiable, insane persons in positions of power.

Oh boy, it seems like it's almost showtime at last. Sure feels like we are on the edge of some big, big events, like any day now.

Thank you for the wonderful session!
Thank you all for such an interesting double session! It was good to hear from Pierre. I must admit I still get a lump in my throat every time I look at the cover of his book in my bedroom. Hard to believe it's been a year already- and what a year it's been.

Being an amateur radio operator, I monitor the flares/CMEs on since they greatly affect radio waves and propagation. In the current solar cycle, there have been 6 so far at X5 or above.

If as the C's say an X5 can take out our technological network, then we've already had 6 potential catastrophic flares. The strength isn't the only factor, as a destructive flare would need to go off while that particular sunspot was Earth facing- which most of them have not been.

As to what good there is knowing that, I would venture a guess that since the effects of these flares take 48-72 hours to reach Earth, knowing a flare/CME's intensity when it erupts combined with it's direction (Earth facing or not) would give some warning before it actually hit Earth. This would give a short amount of time to take any actions needed before the impact.

It was only an X5.8 on May 11th this year that caused the aurora to be seen almost down to the equator, and knowing that now has changed my response to the flares in the current cycle. Anything above an X5 now, I will disconnect the electrical mains from my house since all those thousands of miles of powerlines across the country will energize and overload anything connected to them. Sure, there's still the wiring in the house that will be charged by it as well, but 48-72 hours is enough time to unplug every device to prevent a possible fire.

None of this matters at the end of the day as such an event would instantaneously put us back to the pre-Industrial Era. But I must admit that watching all of this happen is fascinating, and I really want to see how all of this ends.
Yes, X5 doesn't make much sense.

It's either X50, or it also occurs to me that saying plus before the number is to indicate adding 5 and 5, that is, X10.

It's not clear.

The term plus may be something else.

Thanks to the C's, Pierre and you guys for the session.
If as the C's say an X5 can take out our technological network, then we've already had 6 potential catastrophic flares. The strength isn't the only factor, as a destructive flare would need to go off while that particular sunspot was Earth facing- which most of them have not been.
At the time I took this to mean the full X range (X10) plus 5, so that would make it X15. There are other factors such as flare duration and the strength of the related CME.
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