Session 2 May 1998

Huh i've stumbled today (Adventures with Cassiopaea) upon expression crank - eccentric person - handle? - and crank is very similar to Crania (Slovenia)... just some coincidences :huh:


So this is my understanding of the Jacob and Esau story plus the Cs' Blue Apples comment.
June 21 1997
Q: Funny spelling! But, what is the contrast between the concept of the shepherd and the agriculturalist? This goes back to the very roots of everything? There is Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Isaac and Ishmael...
A: Are not you “abel” to figure this out?
July 5, 1997
Q: Okay. I will. Is there a significant relationship between the story of Achilles Heel, and Jacob, the Supplanter? Jacob means “he who seizes by the heel.” And, Jacob obtained the birthright by deception. That whole story is strange!
A: This reference merely means heel, as in the last line of defense, last trailing physical part of the subject. Thus, it is seized when one has let their guard down, before being completely departed from the realm of danger

There is a pattern here: Jacob and Esau, sheep farmer and hunter. Cain and Abel, plant farmer and animal farmer. Jacob literally means deceiver and supplanter in Hebrew. He later founded Israel tribe, which worship the STS "god". Those who are deceived are the sheep. Similarly, Cain is the head of a tribe, using deception to control his tribe. The awareness level of 1st density plants is less than 2nd density animals. Cain's people are compared to plants. Cain in Hebrew means political leader and politics involves deception. Abel's slaughtering of animals may mean removing the yoke of flesh to get closer to STO. The one who is less STS however would find opposition from the more STS people.

August 16, 1997
A: Trampled leaves of wrath.
Q: This is what Jacob gave to Esau?
A: Yes, and what is the "core" meaning there?
Q: I don't know. What is the core meaning?
A: Leaves are of the Tree of Apples, from whence we get the proverbial "grapes of wrath", the Blue Apples incarnate!
Q: Why are these leaves 'trampled'?
A: Removes chlorophyll.
Q: What is the significance of the chlorophyll?
A: When the chlorophyll dies, the autumnal equinox is at hand.

Note that in Revelations, there is the harvest of the "vine of the earth" from Babylon thrown into the "winepress of the wrath of God". The vine aka leaves I'm guessing are people with souls and their souls form a larger oversoul aka tree. Jacob's tribe ends up fighting Esau's tribe, resulting in many deaths aka bodies without divine sparks since souls leave dead bodies. This is the trampled leaves of wrath - leaves without chlorophyll can no longer utilize light to make food.

Autumn is linked with harvest. What Cs are saying is, when many people are dead, harvest is coming soon.

I find two meanings for Blue Apples.
According to Blue Apples - 13, blue apples refer to Holy Grail, which was once and maybe still is hidden in Rosslyn Chapel. Ros means wisdom. So blue apples may simply mean wisdom, having the right soul frequencies for the flood.

Another meaning for wrath has to do with all the natural disasters we are seeing now and predicting in the future. "Grapes of wrath" can mean comets flying down from all directions, which are mentioned by the Cs. Blue Apples can mean comets and planetary bodies arriving in the future.

Note the taboo of not eating blackberries after Samhain (All Hallows' Eve). Are blackberries somehow symbolic of comets? After all, comets = "Rain of Iron".

Anthocyanins are what give blackberries and grapes their color. Anthocyanins give a blue color in alkalis, but give a red color in acids. Anthocyanins bonded to iron give a blue color.
Does this mean during realm border crossing aka the deluge, the comets are going to flood the earth with "iron"? Note that the word anthocyanin comes from the Greek words anthos (meaning flower) and kyanos (meaning blue). Those who have the right frequencies, a "blue" soul, when in contact with the iron comet, will become "blue" 4th density beings, as in blue inside and outside.

September 19, 1998
Q: I also mentioned the fact that this professor of Hematology in Gainesville told me that the only thing they know of, aside from some pathological process, that increases the red blood cell count, thereby the hemoglobin, and thus the iron content of the blood and brain, is smoking tobacco.
Tobacco increases psychic power by increasing red blood cells and thus iron.
June 7, 1997
Q: Is it something that holds one more firmly in 3rd density, and the elimination of it enables one to switch densities... or...
A: Tis magnetite that acts as a conduit, and perhaps, just perhaps, allows for transference back and forth at will?!? And what about the legend about the alchemists? Is not the key term there really transformation?!? And has not the “smoke screen” really been delivered so effectively by all the concentration upon the substance?!? And does not this remind one indeed of all the misguided concentration upon substance rather than meaning that one finds so regularly on 3rd density??

Q: I get it! So, it is the magnetite in the body, that collects and holds the charge, and it has absolutely nothing to do with an external substance at all! Is that it?
A: You are getting “warmer.”

Q: Am I right, we need more iron for magnetite, or am I completely off base here?
A: You are right, but, do not underestimate the significance of that just delivered! What better deception than to divert the meaning of alchemy, by focusing upon substance, then addicting those souls bound to 3rd density to the substance?

Q: Okay, it is the magnetite that acts as a conduit. And the concentration is upon the substance, that is, the magnetite. Let me conjecture that the thing that is believed to be distilled out of the alchemical operations is magnetite, is that correct?
A: No, because no need, if not deceived by other efforts.
Even though iron has some realm transference properties, focusing on substance only cannot make one STO. Seeing through deception is the true goal of alchemy.
So to get back to Eisenstadt, I once lived near that town.
Its name come from a smal river called Eisbach, in english it would be ice-river. But maybe ice and iron came from the same root.
But maybe we have to serach for an ice-wine in Eisenstadt, there it comes to (but only my interpretation) Eszterházy.
They own a very big ammount of the Area from Burgenland and general from the Pannonia.
So therfore they have/had thery own winemakers.
But that, I think is only the link to Eszterházy.
For now I don't know how to go further with that, maybe the relatinship to Vlad tepes (Dracula), but so far I just found out, they weren't realy relatives, the Eszterházy's only sayd that they were. (As seen in Burg Forchtenstein) (Because of that I believed it)
But maybe ice and iron came from the same root.
But maybe we have to serach for an ice-wine in Eisenstadt,
Hi Claus, check Muxel’s posts in this thread for more information about the language roots of ice and iron:

I don't feel that "Ice" applies here. The results show "Eis" is found in two Celtic languages and one Hittite language. However the "Eis" we want is a Germanic one, if that makes any sense. So, I think "Eis" comes from the Germanic "*īs". Which makes sense because then "Eisen" would be the adjective form of "Eis".

"But eiswein translates to ice wine—it says so on Wikipedia!" you exclaim. "Not so," answered I. Ice wine is basically the grapes being left out to freeze so a more concentrated wine can be produced. Raisins are a recommended source of dietary iron for anemics; they're more "efficient" than grapes because they've been dehydrated. One could say the iron has been "concentrated". Same with eiswein—would it be a stretch to say that it's iron wine because it's concentrated?
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