Session 20 June 2009

I am glad that I just ordered a Eiriu Eolas DVD few days ago. And today I have read this transcript! From this incredible information, make me determine to do exercise every single day when it arrive. Thus detox the body, mind and heart.
And now I have memorized 'The Prayer of the Soul' it makes my heart to sing, it is perfect nothing need to add.
Thank You, C's, Laura, The Teams and all the Replier, everyone helped me to gain more knowledge! Learning is fun, it's a fact.
Kay Kim said:
I am glad that I just ordered a Eiriu Eolas DVD few days ago. And today I have read this transcript! From this incredible information, make me determine to do exercise every single day when it arrive. Thus detox the body, mind and heart.
And now I have memorized 'The Prayer of the Soul' it makes my heart to sing, it is perfect nothing need to add.
Thank You, C's, Laura, The Teams and all the Replier, everyone helped me to gain more knowledge! Learning is fun, it's a fact.

Just a note that it is not recommended to do the entire program everyday. The Beatha (Ba-Ha/round breathing) part shouldn't be done too often - not more than twice a week - as the emotional releases can be overwhelming with not enough time to process everything that comes up.
Hello, SeekinTruth,

Thank You very much for your guidance on Eiriu-Eolas exercise.
I will follow your advice and do it twice a week.
And I also think this network-group is a my true family.
On June 20 2009, the C's said '5 more years' and then :oops: ?, that means it is next month. With so many countries preparing for 'war games' in July-September and accidents always seem to happen during these war games, we are in for an interesting time...

Somehow, I think the lyrics of 'Lord of the Ages' of Magna Carta (1973) go well with what the C's have been saying....
Surprisingly, today a small dragonfly has flew into the kitchen of my flat (urban). The downside is that cats are chasing the insect. :rolleyes:

This event in somehow relevant to me because one day I had a vision of this animal (It's been a while since...) I had a vision of this animal when doing EE.

Puma1974, you seem to be using a pirated copy of the sessions. These people who have made this copy of the sessions available have no respect for other people's privacy. Laura respects people's privacy so does not use their real names. Also, there are legal reasons for these names not to appear on this forum, or anywhere else, for that matter.

It would be more considerate if you stop using that copy of the session and use what Laura has provided here, and/or on the forum here.

I have changed the real name of one of the participants and replaced it with the name that Laura uses.

I just became aware of this issue thanks to Niall. I apparently got distracted from the chore of getting all the sessions up (it was tedious) and then, later, thought I had finished them all.

I'll get on it in the next few days. Have to go through them and remove a certain name to cover the legal issue.
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