Session 21 December 2012

Q: (L) Okay, we've got this Denver UFO thing. Obviously, it's a UFO, which means it's what?

A: Hyperdimensional as we have discussed before.

Q: (L) Is this anything new, or is this something that's been going on for a long time?

A: Longer than you suspect.

Q: (L) Well, obviously it doesn't show up on cameras unless you slow the film down...

I just wanted to mention that on the 18th of December I was outside and it was very cloudy with grey skies.

I happened to glance upward and for just a second or less, I saw a large darker grey mass right over head. It was there for only a second, but it was clearly a UFO, which sounds stupid because it was suppose to be an invisible UFO, only it wasn`t invisible, for that split second.

A few days before this, probably on the 14th, while outside having a cigarette at work, I noticed a bright orangery colored line, about a inch long, fall out of the only large cloud in the sky right in front of a jet liner headed on a collision course with this bright line thing.

The jet turned very abruptly to the left to avoid the line and you could actually see this maneuver in the contrail it left in the sky. The contrail looked like a number 7, just hanging there in the sky which was the most bizarre thing I have seen in quite awhile. I made the "boss" come outside to see it and even he agreed that it was one of the strangest things he had ever seen.
Interesting and pointed description above Laura about Volume II of the Secret History series (Comets and the Horns of Moses). Thanks for this additional focus, looking forward to reading more about our human history.
Thanks all for the great session!
The part with the food shortages gives me another kick in direction for canning meat and bone broth.
Best think happened last week, friend of mine is a butcher :D and I did not know it.
Thanks again, very informative.
I feel compelled to say that the sessions in 1994 where Cassiopaeans mentioned of the invasion didn't feel the least symbolic to me... It wasn't symbolic... They admitted that grays were planning to openly take over the planet, 36 million nephilim arriving in 3 ships and this would happen within 18 years from then......

they mentioned the realm border to wave to arrive in that time....... just saying, to point out conspiracy of psychopaths, how they will be implementing their ideas and food crisis doesn't seem like a very higher intellegence to me.....

why couldn't you have done a session before that date to say absolutely nothing is gonna happen? what i see is that you are not really standing up for anything...
excellence372 said:
I feel compelled to say that the sessions in 1994 where Cassiopaeans mentioned of the invasion didn't feel the least symbolic to me... It wasn't symbolic... They admitted that grays were planning to openly take over the planet, 36 million nephilim arriving in 3 ships and this would happen within 18 years from then......

they mentioned the realm border to wave to arrive in that time....... just saying, to point out conspiracy of psychopaths, how they will be implementing their ideas and food crisis doesn't seem like a very higher intellegence to me.....

why couldn't you have done a session before that date to say absolutely nothing is gonna happen? what i see is that you are not really standing up for anything...

It might be worth remembering, particularly at that time, that some difficult people were present and the C's openly admitted that their accuracy rate was not 100% . Perhaps 36 million refers to pathological viruses arriving on three ships (comet debris) - tricky stuff these matters.
excellence372 said:
I feel compelled to say that the sessions in 1994 where Cassiopaeans mentioned of the invasion didn't feel the least symbolic to me... It wasn't symbolic... They admitted that grays were planning to openly take over the planet, 36 million nephilim arriving in 3 ships and this would happen within 18 years from then......

they mentioned the realm border to wave to arrive in that time....... just saying, to point out conspiracy of psychopaths, how they will be implementing their ideas and food crisis doesn't seem like a very higher intellegence to me.....

why couldn't you have done a session before that date to say absolutely nothing is gonna happen? what i see is that you are not really standing up for anything...
It sounds to me like you're using this material in a selective way. I see from your other posts that you are a fan of Bashar and that you have read the Cassiopean transcripts for several years. Question is, have you read the Cassiopean transcripts "in context"? I mean, have you read the Wave series? Because your question here is pretty much answered there. If you're looking for a short, easy answer, I'm afraid you might not find one.
Voyageur also has a valid point above about corruption of information and the fact that no source is going to be 100% accurate - accuracy depending on the channel.
There was a thread devoted to predictions started here several months ago. If you read that you will see that nobody was expecting the Nephilim. Also, I think the fact that they waited for December 21st to do a session suggests that they expected to be doing business as usual as opposed to fighting off spaceships ;)
This session was very enlightening, especially to confirm that all the efforts from the chateau crew and everyone in the group(SOTT writers and others) for seeking and following the clues, is going in the right direction.
Thanks a lot for sharing. It was very very interesting, as always.
excellence372 said:
I feel compelled to say that the sessions in 1994 where Cassiopaeans mentioned of the invasion didn't feel the least symbolic to me... It wasn't symbolic... They admitted that grays were planning to openly take over the planet, 36 million nephilim arriving in 3 ships and this would happen within 18 years from then......

they mentioned the realm border to wave to arrive in that time....... just saying, to point out conspiracy of psychopaths, how they will be implementing their ideas and food crisis doesn't seem like a very higher intellegence to me.....

why couldn't you have done a session before that date to say absolutely nothing is gonna happen? what i see is that you are not really standing up for anything...

I don't believe they ever said that explicitly:

Q: (L) Well if the Nephilim were brought here 9 to 12 thousand years ago...
A: Last visit. Have been here 5 times. Will return.
Q: (L) The Nephilim are going to return? Where do the Nephilim currently live?
A: Orion.
Q: (L) They live in the constellation Orion? Where is their planet?
A: Don't have one. In transit.
Q: (L) The whole dadgum bunch is in transit?
A: Three vehicles.
Q: (L) How many Nephilim does each vehicle hold?
A: About 12 million.
Q: (L) Are they coming to help us?
A: No. Wave comet cluster all using same energy.
Q: (L) Using same energy to what?
A: Pass through space\time.

Their 'arrival' was associated with the wave, which was not and is not time specific. They also said that the Nazi eugenics efforts to create a 'master race' was an attempt to create an 'advance party'. So right there you had the clue that the idea was to create 'evil humans' i.e. psychopaths to set the scene for an attempt to rule over humanity in 4th density.

Also, you are clearly mistaken in saying "absolutely nothing is going to happen".
Strangely enough all this talk of plague and destruction has me rather excited and hopeful. Sadly nothing is more clear than the fact that this civilisation has reached heights of madness and apathy of such gigantic proportions that it is well overdue for a cleansing. The cosmos coming to our aid and giving us the possibility of a level playing field is very liberating. I can think of nothing more miserable and terrible than the current system simply maintaining it's course indefinitely. That is not a world that I, or any sane person would want to live in, and it has reached such a momentum that we can't seem to even begin to halt it at this point in time.

So I guess I understand the Cassiopaean message of Joy to come, despite the hardships that we all may face soon, which are afterall only lessons and opportunities for growth. I can definitely feel things accelerating and becoming more intense, I feel that we are truly approaching the endgame now. I am just overwhelmingly glad to have found you people 'in time'.

Thanks for an interesting session, and I absolutely cannot wait for the new book :D !
Thank you Laura, Cs and all crew for the transcript! Impressed that it got up so fast! Your dedication to us all is felt and greatly appreciated!

Excellence37 2:
I feel compelled to say that the sessions in 1994 where Cassiopaeans mentioned of the invasion didn't feel the least symbolic to me... It wasn't symbolic... They admitted that grays were planning to openly take over the planet, 36 million nephilim arriving in 3 ships and this would happen within 18 years from then......

Voyageur's response:
It might be worth remembering, particularly at that time, that some difficult people were present and the C's openly admitted that their accuracy rate was not 100%

I think Voyageur has an excellent point here. Remember that anyone involved can shade the information with expectations and anticipations and thus vary the quality of information, and therefore it is up to us not to take the session material literally, but take everything transmitted simply as information - from any source. It doesn't matter the source, the information matters. Figuring out if it is valid, of any use to us and so forth is our task, the task through which we grow in excercising our abilities.

Also, I think an at-glance view demonstrates that the taking over of Earth by alien forces of any kind could easily imply a Cosmic "Good vs. Evil" symbolism, with the thinking inhabitants of Earth symbolizing STO/Good and the Nephilim and Psychopaths, et al symbolizing STS/evil. That is simply one interpretation.
"Perhaps 36 million refers to pathological viruses arriving on three ships (comet debris) - tricky stuff these matters".(voyageur)
This is another interpretation (one based on some very interesting research/information about viruses and pathogens originating on comets, et cetera and the universe being full of microscopic life that is fused into organic possibilities right on comets, et al flying through space!, I might add. Very interesting article at, especially under the header "The Cosmic Origin of Disease").
Voyageur also points out for us in his quote the subtley of interpreting anything as symbolic or not in the first place.
Not being able to find any kind of symbolism whatsoever in a message that "there will be an attempted take-over of the Earth by [alien forces of any kind]" seems to me like perhaps, as stated by another forum member "you're using this material in a selective way".
The same forum member also said "If you're looking for a short, easy answer, I'm afraid you might not find one". I think that this applies here also. Perhaps the message, as you understood it, that "grays [are] planning to openly take over the planet, 36 million nephilim arriving in 3 ships and this [will] happen within 18 years from then" really IS to be taken literally! Maybe its not? Maybe its symbolic of something none of us has thought of yet? It is for us to figure out using the clues the Cs, et al give us.
I am sorry to be long-winded here, but I think what I'm trying to say is that "Only you will know, and only will it make sense when you have uncovered the clues by the sweat of your brow" (Cs).

why couldn't you have done a session before that date to say absolutely nothing is gonna happen?

I personally think that "absolutely nothing" is far from what's happening in our world. Have you read any SOTT articles lately? I find it hard to believe that nothing is happening in our world. Clearly MANY things are happening, and the Cs are giving us clues to help us figure out just what it is that is happening and what our optimal role can/will be.

what i see is that you are not really standing up for anything...

I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard time understanding how you could have been reading the Cassiopaean material for any length of time at all and find that they stand for nothing.
Alternately, you may have meant that the 12/21/12 session showed that they are "not really standing up for anything".
Of the many ways it could be pointed out that this session stands for 'anything', I will point out what I think is the most important aspect of what the Cs say to us - that all is for us to figure out. I think that the answers that Cs give us and their general answer format show us that they stand for us figuring things out for ourselves. They don't spoon-feed many answers; most are lead-ins and 'perhaps's, and so forth. They help lead us towards the correct path. They also stand for us NOT taking their predictions literally, as it seems to me that you have, and instead using the information they give us as 'points of interest' to examine in our individual quests for the Truth.

I enjoy seeing you question the Cs openly and not taking what they say for granted. While I end up (one way or another) believing most of what the Cs say, I think that to take the transcript material as infallible would certainly (and admittedly by the Cs) be a big mistake. You've acknowledged that in a way.
However, I see certain places in your post where you fail to acknowledge certain things the Cs have said, such as to the future always being open. If you've been reading the Cs material as you say you have, I think perhaps certain aspects have not 'sunk in' properly.
Perceval has had some excellent comments illuminating further on this since I began this post.

Overall, I'm simply pondering the various messages transmitted by the Cs, et al during this most recent transcript, remain eternally grateful for it and all efforts by the contributing parties, and hope that my personal insights haven't been too far off. Late nights with an exhausted brain are probably not the very greatest times for me to be posting, heh :)

Also - VERY much looking forward to the newest book! It's almost as if Laura, et al accomplishes some of the very grandest of dreams I could envision in their published and soon-to-be-published materials! The depth of my gratitude for your all of your efforts goes deep indeed! Thank you! :D
Cs clearly said Nephilim won't get here until wave arrives, that is 'transportation mode' for them and many others:

Session Nov 2 1994 said:
Q: (L) Now you say there are 36 million Nephilim heading this way, are they 4th density beings?
A: No. They live in 4 d but are 3 d. They are as physical as you. Behave like gestapo. Gestapo was inspired by Nephilim through Lizard beings’ influence over Hitler. It was a practice run.

Q: (L) Are any of the Nephilim going to be friendly toward us?
A: No.

. . .

Q: (L) I am assuming that if the Nephilim are 3 d that they die like we do. Is this correct?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, we can shoot them and they will die?
A: Correct. But wrong approach.

Q: (L) What is the right approach?
A: Knowledge protects.

Q: (L) Well, if a 15 foot tall guy comes at me and wants to knock me around, what is knowledge going to do to protect me?
A: You will be in 4th density.

Q: (L) So, before they get here we will be 4 d?
A: Crossing.

Q: (L) All three of us?
A: Yes, and many others.

Q: (L) So, we are not going to have to deal with the Nephilim?
A: Not correct.

Q: (L) Does this mean that there will be 3 and 4 d beings on the planet at the same time and that some will have to deal with these guys and some won’t?
A: But you will have to too.

Q: (L) I don’t understand. Are these Nephilim coming here to transition to 4 d also?
A: They already live there as 3 density beings. Demonstration: When you are abducted you are 3rd density but you are taken into 4th density.

(emphasis mine)
Again, a huge Thanks to you ALL for sharing this great session! and so quickly. It's my wife's birthday today, very bright, sunny, unusually warm, and surrounded by her family. A great gift for her to be lucky that the Universe allowed her and us to have found this SOURCE.

Hope or I'm sure that DCM will give you back (soon), Laura and crew, all what you've been able to give US all here. What can be more STO? I wonder.
Turgon said:
Thanks for the session!

WK said:
Makes me wonder if comets and other cosmic phenomena are 'attracted' like magnets to certain regions. I had been thinking about that because there have been a few reports of fireballs over certain places and then a few days later over the same place again. Or, I keep hearing about sightings in some places more than others, etc. If space rocks are flying randomly out there, there is no reason why they should hit some places more than others, but I get the impression that sometimes they do.

What about the possibility of hotspots on the planet, kind of like how the Bermuda Triangle used to have all sorts of weird happenings. If there is some connection between electrical charges and gravitational forces, perhaps that attracts smaller objects like meteors or fragment pieces.

I've been thinking of something similar. Even there are historical meteorites found more than one in the same areas. It could be the electrical charges and gravitational forces, and maybe also related to underground minerals? iron or others?

Edit: added: I meant, certain minerals magnetically attracting the extraterrestrial ball.
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