Session 22 July 2012

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Great session, very inspiring. As soon as I read "Joy to the world" that old TDN song started playing in my head...its one of the tunes that inspired me to become a musician.

Thank you Christan for the wonderful vid....cleansing tears are always good.

Quote from: Gonzo on Today at 05:24:05 PM

I find it interesting that some could not experience, or allow themselves to experience, the beauty of the flash mob, either because it was contrived and not spontaneous or because it was associated with a bank. To me, this is a classic case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

I too feel a kind of sadness for those who "missed" the joy. Is it not one of the main points of Laura's and this networks aim in "waking us up" so one can SEE? see that everything here at this time is of a dual see both the horror AND the joy, and to conscientiously choose how you orient your self to it? Please understand that I am not denying that this beautiful event was contrived by a rotten entity, but if one can reap the joy and give nothing to the entity who sponsored it, you might just be helping to convert sts "wishful thinking" energy to sto energy in your heart....which can then help you give.

Is it also not possible that there is a few sto oriented people inside of that rotten entity who are doing what they can to spread a little joy?

Posted by: Marctavius
« on: Today at 05:47:28 PM »

I understand finding and appreciating beauty where you can, but it seems a little like the bread and circuses that the PTB have been using for eons.

Again, I think its a matter of ones own orientation....does the joy received give one energy to give others joy...or does it merely feed your need to be "entertained", and "consume" others energy?

Here's something that can help one stay in the present, and not miss the joy...(and also let go of things)

He who binds to himself a Joy
Does the winged life destroy;
He who kisses the joy as it flies,
Lives in Eternity's sunrise. William Blake

One other thing in the session that kind of gave me a little shiver was the C's comment about the missiles/comets freaked me out how close it was to my comment on SoTT: :shock:: kinda just "popped" into my head after reading the article.... really makes a strange feeling about those "ideas that aren't mine" and their origin...

Also, thank you Galaxia for TBotD quotes, very pertinent....and the most excellent poem from nobodysslave.

This session also reminded me of something from an old session (don't know which one) that spoke of the coming change as a "birthing process....bloody and painful but ultimately joyful.."

Thanks again, Dave

(PS...Dreamgod found the session I was speaking of while I was writing this!)
Gonzo said:
I find it interesting that some could not experience, or allow themselves to experience, the beauty of the flash mob, either because it was contrived and not spontaneous or because it was associated with a bank. To me, this is a classic case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Ditto. L.v. Beethoven didn't compose this piece for them after all, so why should i mind that they are using it for a bank commercial or as EU anthem and let them ruin my pleasure and joy for listening this beauty.
Talas said:
This session is a waymarker showing us the end and the beginning and that we are not alone on our journey but have friends who have helped us find the footprints in the snow and light our ways with such brilliance.

Very very beautiful words. Every day coming here, reading and thinking is a lesson or part of a lesson. The comments, the sessions, the inputs. The possibility to grow.

Thanks Laura.

This year should be interesting to say the least.

The whole olympic games thing dosen't look good to me. I had 2 or 3 recent dreams about it (posted in dream section). It wasen't looking good.

Anyways, we wait and see. Shouldn't take long. Show has already started.
Appreciators of the music (including the "Ode to Joy") may find the following useful and instructive:
"Musica universalis" (music of the spheres) at
A brief quote: "Musica universalis (lit. universal music, or music of the spheres) is an ancient philosophical concept that regards proportions in the movements of celestial bodies—the Sun, Moon, and planets—as a form of musica (the Medieval Latin name for music). This 'music' is not usually thought to be literally audible, but a harmonic and/or mathematical and/or religious concept. The idea continued to appeal to thinkers about music until the end of the Renaissance, influencing scholars of many kinds, including humanists."
thank you very much Laura and the Team for the session,it is informative and much to ponder,for me for example the part of the session which has interested me particularly was about people who are deteriorating much faster at this point in time,telling the truth observing myself in the last couples of months i've began to notice a change in my behavior ,being more frustrating,lamenting and even aggressive :( ,which i'm not proud of myself and can't forgive it to me.I'm reading the recommended books and practicing EE breathing,but for sure i don't pay accurate attention on muself and don't work enough to clean "my house" of all the dust and dirt which i fell there is plenty, but i don't give up,step by step i will try to learn to change for my family for myself because i don't like what i see in me at the moment,there is still hope for me and for everyone else who wants to grow and change ,everything is in(my) your hands,there is no free lunch and don't expect to do your work others,how you will make your bed so you will sleep(all this i wrote above applies in the first place to myself and off course to anyone who feels the same),thank you one more time Laura, the team and all the members of the forum for your comments, from which always i can take something very useful and informative.
P.S. i'm very sorry if my comment makes some noise,.
Thank you for your work, Laura. When I think how much I knew 3 months ago and what I know now: quantum leap. In my environment, so much has changed. Gurdjieff, Ouspensky - all the books I've devoured (Amazon was happy). Inside me is a joy to know about what I do now, the search had a purpose. But it also makes me very sad when I look at the people and the world - but it is free will to live and not to be waking up. It gives me great joy that I got to know this forum.
Jean d`arc said:
Thank you for your work, Laura. When I think how much I knew 3 months ago and what I know now: quantum leap. In my environment, so much has changed. Gurdjieff, Ouspensky - all the books I've devoured (Amazon was happy). Inside me is a joy to know about what I do now, the search had a purpose. But it also makes me very sad when I look at the people and the world - but it is free will to live and not to be waking up. It gives me great joy that I got to know this forum.

Happy to be on this quest with you friend.

Finding this material have finally put some sense in what I had been looking for all these years.

This sensation is priceless.

Gonzo said:
I find it interesting that some could not experience, or allow themselves to experience, the beauty of the flash mob, either because it was contrived and not spontaneous or because it was associated with a bank. To me, this is a classic case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. While it is always important to try to understand a person's intent and know their historic behaviour in order to discern danger from their actions, it should, in my mind, be a separate process from appreciating whatever beauty may have resulted from their efforts, be it by accident or by intent.

I certainly appreciate the disdain toward banks, but I think it is important to recognize that large corporations are always sponsoring events, be it for publicity or for tax breaks, that can be enjoyed by us mere peasants. To judge an act by the actor put one in a position of missing the gems in the cracks of the pavement, perhaps missing messages from the divine through the most unexpected of messengers. If a bank decided to fund a food bank for the poor, does that somehow change the nutritional aspect of the food, even though the poverty was partially a result of the bank? If they sponsored a comedy festival, are the jokes less funny?

Willfully closing one's eyes and heart to the reality around oneself because an aspect of that reality is unpleasing just doesn't make practical sense, OSIT.

They chain the pens to the counter so you can't take them. I say take anything you can from them that you can, including whatever creative beauty they may produce and enjoy it.


I think you are right, in fact, I didn't say what I experienced was good. :/ When I realized that it was a bank ad, I just put immediatlely alert, and tried to analyze anything I could, to not " get distracted" with the music (a possible wanted effect by the author of the ad to mask other things, as usual, I thought). But when I saw it wasn't much more on that, I felt bad and a little paranoid-who-sometimes-can-not-get-some-break.

In fact I needed to watch the video again to "breathe" and enjoy. :-[
Thanks for this session and again for all your hard work - as usual.

I think it is very important to focus on others during this time. I get bogged down in bills, my job, etc and all the things that seem to be there just to dissipate my energy and disrupt my focus. All are lessons however, and I always come back to the realization that we are here because we must, in a sense learn some things the hard way - and to learn that what is important is what we can give to life and to each other.

I am glad that the suffering of so many, especially children, in this world will at least be over soon.

I hope that those who have fed so long on said suffering will be left without a food source.

I hope that the "triple bad day" comes soon for those who have profited from the suffering of so many.

I look forward to an end to the "terror of history".

To think that there was, now largely unknown to modern man, a golden age. To think that that golden age is still around somewhere, outside of time somehow, like an archetype, and that the earth may have a chance to embody that archetype again. Didn't the C's say once somewhere that the distant past will be the future again in "time"?


Eion - joy - a said:

Eion - as a boy's name is a variant of Ian (Scottish, Gaelic), Ion (Greek) and John (Hebrew), and the meaning of Eion is "God is gracious".


[edit: wording, grammar]
anart said:
Of course it was staged and, yes, it's an advertisement - but can you see beyond that to the joy that human beings playing music together can bring and how just that simple event can evoke powerful emotions in people trapped in a world gone mad? Having an open and active emotional center is really - really - important. In fact, you can't get any where esoterically without one. Perhaps videos like this can help stir a little positive emotion in a world where it's very hard to find impetus for such? Just a thought.

Thanks for that, anart. It brought tears to my eyes. :)
Thank you Laura and crew for this uplifting session!

The music video of Christian (thank you too :) made me be able to connect to this joy with tears in my eyes. A beautiful feeling that I deeply enjoyed in a period where everything has gone mad and people sadly withdraw more and more into their bubbles. I have too noticed that it was a bank promotion but the performance and the music in itself were just beautiful and uplifting for me.

The image of the Earth cleaning her house resonates within me deeply and its happening in my personal life too. I am now into serious detox as very high amount of lead (from leaded water tubes in the flat I live in) plus amalgam is cleansed out. Finally. After a three year odyssey as I was rapidly deteriorating physically. So the image of the small window left to make a change (hopefully) I take literally, while remembering not to rush. One step at a time.

And here is a well known joke, that came to my mind, concerning Earth cleansing her house:

Two planets pass each other in space, one of them is Earth.
Says the 1st planet to Earth: "You look quite miserable these days. What up?"
Earth: "Yeah, I've caught a virus."
1st planet: "Poor you. Whats it called?"
Earth: "Its called Homo Sapiens."
1st planet: "Don't worry dear, it will pass soon..."
My reading of the C's excitement is that they are confirming the reality of a future where Earth is cleansed. From the multitude of possible futures, this is now a reality to be. Which makes me think that it is also confirmation of mission accomplished for Sott in big picture terms.

Personally this session has lightened my mood in a way. There is a deep sense of relief. Any fears of the future I can put aside but I still feel a sadness for the many who will not come to the knowledge Sott has manifested.
How the initial stages of "cleaning the house" look like:
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