Session 22 July 2012

I have also noticed that it was spot advertisement of Sabadell bank... And yet the tears blurred my eyes seeing this video ... has been a precious moment and, in the context of this session, a nice gift...

People in this video, to me, representing all of us, members of this forum ... I imagined the fireballs falling from the sky and all of us enjoying the concert despite the disaster around us ...

It was like visualize the words of the C's. I even choke up when I think about it again.

A: Joy to the World!
Yeah, I find it hard to enjoy anything except the most simple things at home with the people I love and our guests and the forum (most of the time). It really is so bad "out there" that I'm ready to take the first comet on the head personally! Sure, I'd like to come out on the other side, but nothing is guaranteed.

That is such an honest and heartfelt perspective and I can certainly agree, Laura. :)

THANK YOU so so much for this session everyone at the château and THANK YOU Eionjoya and the C's! Happy Anniversary!
Zesty refreshment from the Chateau Crew and Eionjoya!

Strangely I find I can chime in with the feeling of joy being talked about, result of a dream which must have happened very near to the time of the session (possible coincidence, I am not trying to link the two). In the dream a book was being talked about, entitled Way to Go - Live! ('Live' as in 'a-live', or as in 'live' music.) There was 'transitioning' involved, with someone, a male, trying his luck at some sort of 'board' game, patiently, playfully and keenly trying different postures on different polygonal shapes on the floor. Hit the right posture, breathe the right way, hit the right vibration of thought and ping! he'd be through! Any moment now, he's getting closer! With it the idea of no need to get too hung up or ensnared by physical events, more or less whatever they are (this followed a painful argument with my partner the day before) there is transitioning and stuff going on that will relegate these concerns that seem so pressing into yesterday's news, so redundant there is really not much point! You can if you want, but it doesn't make any sense. Otiose, like worrying about a detail like a loose tile in a house you are about to vacate in favour of a much bigger better new house. All this illumined by a sense of freedom and lightness and liberation around this idea. Very simple. I hadn't particularly identified the emotion as joy, but that's what it was, that cool lightness!

Q: (L) So humanity is sick...
A: It is more than just one species involved here!
Q: (L) What do you mean, like animals and stuff, or...?
A: Partly but think of the planet and its entire biosphere and which species is behaving like a virus.
Q: (L) Human beings?
A: Not all, but most are carriers.
Q: (Perceval) Psychopaths.
A: Yes and those that "infuse" them.
Q: (L) So, you mean 4D STS?
A: Yes.

I relish the use of the term 'biosphere'. We think of (or at least, I do) 4D as hyperdimensional, so rather abstract, but of course it's a paraphysical influence. Pretty much invisible, intangible, undetectable, but as real in determining our environment as wind or rain or temperature, so very much part of the planetary biosphere. In fact more of a determinant of life on the Big Blue than our ant's nest of humanity (we being the lower form, with less awareness). I read the cosmic cleansing as reaching into the areas we cannot see that are oppressing and distorting human life out of true. It's a slanted playing field, much of the grubbier human manifestations are determined outside the human realm, so it is there the cosmic cleanout will start!

'A: It also helps to care more about others than yourself.' Useful words, that can bring relief, if you can suppress the inner Me-Lizard and remember and align to a different frequency. An instant salve when applied to a situation that may be vexing you and sucking you in a negative direction. If you apply it...

Although, yikes, not much fun, I guess, if your memory lapses and patchy focus and moodiness are signals of onset of zombification...

Way to Go - Live!
For some of us who are way out here, away from both the action and the proximity of like-believers, looking out for Laura and Team's sessions with the C's in these dark days is almost like expecting the arrival of The Wave.... it's one of the very few things left to look forward to...

Thanks Laura, Chateau folks and C's from the bottom of our hearts.

Thanks too for all the inputs by everyone and the responses from Laura and members for it encourages even more insight :)

And the moving musical clip from Christian... for me, the music expresses hope in our 3D existence that has transcended the phases of change and destruction over exactly 212 years (a coincidence with just the zero missing??), since the year 1800 when Beethoven wrote it.
Thank you for the historical 18 year marker session Laura & Chateau crew. :) Things pretty much stink out here in the main as y'all know, in a mass manipulated way. It is so heartbreaking watching this dynamic played out upon humanity with the almost seemingly total acceptance of these ways. The news is so transparently bad, like trying to comprehend the wost B film. The tragedy of same, the reality, is likened to a human mining operation where people don't comprehend they are the ore. The PTB, like peacocks, are just so full of themselves these days, where not much honor is left to behold; has been sold out long ago.

"Joy is coming", after a general sweeping of matters from above that begets balance. Hope it is soon and whatever happens in 3d land, will be at peace knowing a few good souls will make it out to the other side to aid the future. Here is to your critical work! :cool2:
Thank you for the session!!

I believe timely to put some quotes of Bringers of the Dawn
[...]If human beings do not change-if they do not make the shift in values and realize that without Earth they
could not be here-then Earth, in its love for its own initiation and its reaching for a higher frequency,
will bring about a cleansing that will balance it once again. There is the potential for many people to
leave the planet in an afternoon. Maybe then everyone else will begin to wake up to what is going on.
There have been events all along stimulating you, encouraging you, and bringing you to the realization
that there must be global change. There are grass-roots movements that are going to grow
phenomenally. What happens to Earth depends on how willing everyone is to change.

What is your responsibility in this? How willing are you to change? The time has come not to just talk
about it but to do it. As you commit to change in your own life, you automatically make the change
available to the entire planet.
Earth is striving for its integrity. The planet feels at this time deprived of its integrity, dishonored, and
unloved. Earth loves you and gives you a place to operate; it is a living organism. Earth is about to
reestablish its integrity and let you understand the importance of loving yourself by loving Earth. Love
yourself and love Earth, because they are the same.[...]

[...]Earth changes will also bring
about a joining and triumph of the human spirit because men and women will go out to help other men
and women when disasters occur. This bonds people.[...]

[...]Many human beings do not want to put themselves on the line and stand up in integrity because they are
afraid of getting into trouble. They say, "I will just keep my job and my security; what the heck." One of
the most incredible things that can happen in any society occurs when everyone's security is taken away.
Courage begins to blossom like a freshly planted garden because people have nothing to lose. Humans
begin to stand up.[...]

[...]When enough people create their own reality-consciously create it-you will create a new planet. There
will literally be a splitting of worlds. This splitting will more than likely not occur for more than twenty
years. In the meantime, Earth will more than likely be ravaged by war quite a few times. You will have
some very puzzling and confusing space dramas take place with some space cousins who need to figure
out quite publicly who they are.
Earth is on a dimensional collision course, and many dimensions or probabilities will intersect one
another my this decade. Some of these realities will be shocking, depending upon the level of shock
each person needs
to kick their consciousness into another paradigm
. Shock does not mean destruction,
necessarily. It can simply be a method to alter the way you view reality. Whenever you are shocked by
something, you can no longer grip reality the way you gripped it the moment before. There is an
instantaneous kick in the stomach, and everything changes. The world is in for numerous shocks, and
not simply on a national level. We are talking about global intersections of dimensions by which
realities will seem to come tumbling down only for those whose realities need to crumble.

[...]There is a great polarization of energies occurring, with many participants and observers. Many who
have come to observe have come to disrupt as well; they have come to learn their "stuff" in this time.
There are also participants who are completely intent on creating a world that will be quite glorious. As
we see it, as the probable worlds begin to form, there will be great shiftings within humanity on this
planet. It will seem that great chaos and turmoil are forming, that nations are rising against each other in
war, and that earthquakes are happening more frequently. It will seem as if everything is falling apart
and cannot be put back together. Just as you sometimes have rumblings and quakings in your lives as
you change your old patterns and move into new energies, Earth is shaking itself free, and a certain
realignment or adjustment period is to be expected. It will also seem that the animals and fish are
departing Earth.[...]

[...]The people who leave the planet during the time of Earth changes do not fit here any longer, and they
are stopping the harmony of Earth. When the time comes that perhaps twenty million people leave the
planet at one time, there will be a tremendous shift in consciousness for those who are remaining. When
a large group passes over together, they create an impact upon the consciousness of those who remain.[...]

[...]When Earth does its shifting, not everyone will experience the same thing. Those who need to
experience destruction will experience an Earth shift or rotation with destruction because they will not
fit with the new frequency. Those who are prepared to hold a higher vibration will experience a
frequency shift. So for one person there may be the end of their life as they know it and dire destruction,
while for another there will be a state of ecstasy(JOY???)

The outside world represents to you what is going on internally
with you. So if the world is falling apart, what does that represent? It represents the falling apart or
collapsing of what is inside in order to create the rise of a new system and a new energy.
It is imperative for you to love and bless the changes within societv and not move into fear or anxiety
about what is presenting itself. It is your task to be in the vibration of knowing, even without sense, that
in every event there is an opportunity for Spirit to do its work and to uplift
. You are an exceptionally
lazy species. You give your power away to anyone who will do things for you, whether it is your boss or
your wife or husband. You give your power away over and over again. In order to turn you toward
yourselves, you need some events to put you in charge of your lives. Bless these changes that come to
Earth and, in these events, trust that what you want with clarity will be manifest. You will find yourself
tested. You will say, "Am I a victim here? Is the world collapsing around me? Or is it uplifting itself
around me while everything is seemingly in the midst of collapse?[...]

[...]An important primary belief for you to hold is that you will be in the right place at the right time doing
the right thing. Intending that you will be in the right place at the right timemore than intending it,
knowing it-will open you to guidance.
Perhaps without even looking for it, a piece of land or an
opportunity to connect with someone else will be put before you. You will recognize it and say, "This is
for me. I shall take this."
Believe it or not, there will come a time or let us say, there could come a time-in many of your lives
when you will shut the door on life as you now know it. Literally, you may give up the house that you
have and walk out of it with only a few possessions. It does not seem possible now, does it? Something
inside of you will say, "My God, has the world gone mad? What are my values? What is the most
important thing now for my survival?" And Spirit will come in and guide you to tell you what is the
most important thing for your survival. That may mean simply carting off a few possessions. Some of
you in this life will literally stand on the threshold of your houses, look within, and it will all be
meaningless because the most important things will be your spiritual values and your life. All those
material possessions and collections of things mean nothing in light of what you are becoming. Can you
imagine the events that will be needed to move you to that action? They are not going to be small

[...]We recommend that all of you intend that the Native American teachings come your way. Begin to
explore them through sweatlodges, drumming, dancing, and so on. This will awaken many things in you
and teach you much about Earth. You are coded to ritual; when you perform ritual, your body begins to
remember who you are and what you know.
After being distracted from the work over the past few weeks, this session could not have come at a better time. Thank you to Laura, the Chateau crew and the C's for this session which snapped me out of my unproductive reverie. :-[

The cosmos is going to clean house, this is something my husband and I have been talking about and anticipating for some time now, and we know its both overdue and necessary. Although it is still alarming knowing there are so many that have no idea, and that suffering in one form or another is inevitable. I trust in the knowledge that we will be where we are meant to be when the time comes, and most will eventually end up in either 4Th or 5Th density. I am eternally gratefull to all those involved on this forum for giving me the insight to know this much at least.

Thank you to Christian for the video link. I did not realise this was an advert for a bank (of all things). This is one of my favourite pieces of music, and the tears did flow for me as well. In the video I saw how just a few people striking the right chords at the right time, can have a profound effect on those around them. I think this is something we can all strive to do in our own way.

I would like to add my favourite poem, which has helped me through the dark times in the past and no doubt will inspire me (and hopefully others) to persevere in the future whatever that may bring. In the meantime I will hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and deal with what comes, that's all any of us can do. I am just grateful to be here, now.


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

William Ernest Henley

Quote of Gonzo:Yesterday at 08:35:18 AM »

"but the one that stood out for me was Bob Dylan's I Shall Be Released, as played by The Band, during The Last Waltz farewell concert"

Thanks Gonzo for sharing that song, to many years of not listening.
Sounds ominous if you ask me, considering all of the dreams I've been having lately related to world destruction. But I guess that's just my/our point of view.

Laura said:
Q: (L) And where do you transmit through or from?

A: New year coming!

What does that mean, 'new year coming'? I took it to mean their earlier prophecy of 2014 is getting closer. Any other thoughts anyone?

If you read some of the books that talk about cycles or yugas of evolution, we seem to be in the last age, the 'iron' or age of kali / destruction. The point being, the world goes through cycles of positive to negative environment and this is just par for the course! If you are born in one of these dark ages, expect more 'fireworks'!

Thanks for the session team!
Galaxia2002 said:
Thank you for the session!!

I believe timely to put some quotes of Bringers of the Dawn

Thanks Galaxia2002 for compiling and posting these extracts, it was a fascinating read in light of this session.
Anyone notice how MANY times this Session has been viewed since yesterday? Wow!

It was only at around 130 views when I last posted here if i remember somewhat correctly.

Everyone must have been very keen to see what was going to be transcribed next, from inside the forum AND outside i reckon.

Totally understandable, with so many kooky things happening around the world.
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