Session 22 July 2012

Akar said:
anart said:
Christian said:

Thanks for the link, Christian, it brought tears to my eyes.

thank you! and in Sabadell, just 20km away from BCN, in a public place I have been many times, and with a song that has its lyrics that I learnt in primary school and that have been always a tribute to joy. Thank you, thank you.

A few tears from me as well. Thanks, Christian. Beethoven's Ode to Joy.

Thanks for the Session. There are rough times near at hand, no doubt. Hopefully, a new era just beyond.

I don't fear whatever may come, I am more fearful of a future where the Paths continue to rule. That would, indeed, be a near hopeless prospect.

This session gives me new energy to work ever harder to clean myself, body and spirit, in preparation. Time is short, the signs are unmistakable.

I'm 66 so my body does not have the strength and resiliency it once had. So, perhaps, I won't make it through the dark period. But, who knows, maybe after some counseling and rest in 5D I could be one of the first babies born in the new era!

Whatever happens, I am grateful for this group, to learn and share, to have the opportunity, if I make the effort, to Awaken.

As always, very interesting and some more information to consider. Thanks Laura and all of you fabulous inquisitive folks who resonate with this forum, who all make these sessions possible. I guess we're in for an interesting time in the months to come. Best regards to all!
Mac said:
I'm 66 so my body does not have the strength and resiliency it once had. So, perhaps, I won't make it through the dark period. But, who knows, maybe after some counseling and rest in 5D I could be one of the first babies born in the new era!

I often feel too old and too tired myself, Mac. That's when I turn to this part from Ulysses, which came to mind reading this new session, thank you Chateau crew!

There lies the port; the vessel puffs her sail:
There gloom the dark broad seas. My mariners,
Souls that have toiled, and wrought, and thought
with me—
That ever with a frolic welcome took
The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed
Free hearts, free foreheads—you and I are old;
Old age hath yet his honour and his toil;
Death closes all: but something ere the end,
Some work of noble note, may yet be done,
Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods.
The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks:
The long day wanes: the slow moon climbs: the deep
Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends,
'Tis not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And see the great Achilles, whom we knew
Though much is taken, much abides; and though
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

Mac said:
Whatever happens, I am grateful for this group, to learn and share, to have the opportunity, if I make the effort, to Awaken.

Me too!

And that clip was simply beautiful, Christian. Thank you.
aleana said:
I tend to think that those of us attuned to life, will know or be guided to make the choices necessary – OSIT.
Agreed. I think if we're made of the "right stuff" and we're "open," that events will unfold appropriate to our learning and all we have to do is follow Ariadne's thread even if, being still in the maze, we don't have a bird's eye view.

But I am still seeking true objectivity and honesty with myself.

I did not like the flashmob video. It and its sort feel like unreasonable attempts to stimulate feel-good chemicals, so much that I get turned off quickly. And when the flashmob dissipates, then what? Back to the drudgery of life? My idea of a "good experience" is something more sublime and permanent than that.

Mac said:
I'm 66 so my body does not have the strength and resiliency it once had. So, perhaps, I won't make it through the dark period. But, who knows, maybe after some counseling and rest in 5D I could be one of the first babies born in the new era!
Well I don't think being young and 21 is good defense against comets, myself. Take heart, Mac.
Ana said:
Oxajil said:
I also feel a bit uneasy about the "cleansing" part but I agree that considering the years and years of suffering and destruction that has been going on here, it is understandable that it is what is needed to give this place a fresh start, hopefully.

Big changes are not a bed of roses, but hell most of us have passed for enough states of disintegration so as to be afraid of one at big scale, the house is burning, better that the flames serve creation than destruction!

I find this session very encouraging!

Me as well, lets get it on, and move towards the change that has been needed for a long time.

Thank you for the session, it is inspirational to say the least.

Happy birthdays C's, and thanks again, Laura, Ark, and the crew of the chateau.
:) :halo:
Muxel said:
I did not like the flashmob video. It and its sort feel like unreasonable attempts to stimulate feel-good chemicals, so much that I get turned off quickly. And when the flashmob dissipates, then what? Back to the drudgery of life? My idea of a "good experience" is something more sublime and permanent than that.

Muxel, the point is that humanity is capable of such beauty and joy - that in creation and music one can see the divine in normal human beings and, in that, it's easy to remember why there is reason to hope at all.

muxel said:
... being young and 21

Probably explains your reaction to the video...
anart said:
Muxel said:
I did not like the flashmob video. It and its sort feel like unreasonable attempts to stimulate feel-good chemicals, so much that I get turned off quickly. And when the flashmob dissipates, then what? Back to the drudgery of life? My idea of a "good experience" is something more sublime and permanent than that.

Muxel, the point is that humanity is capable of such beauty and joy - that in creation and music one can see the divine in normal human beings and, in that, it's easy to remember why there is reason to hope at all.

muxel said:
... being young and 21

Probably explains your reaction to the video...

Though when you understand the gravity of our situation, being young is not an excuse to hide behind anymore.

Muxel, I think your reaction to this video can give you something meaningful to reflect upon. Do you see the absurdity in saying that there is no point in enjoying something beautiful because it won't last forever? Nothing lasts forever, and there is no free lunch, so it is important for us to enjoy the good aspects of life when we can. Otherwise we become just as heartless as this world wants us to become.

We have a long way to go before we can experience the "sublime and permanent".
Muxel said:
I did not like the flashmob video. It and its sort feel like unreasonable attempts to stimulate feel-good chemicals, so much that I get turned off quickly. And when the flashmob dissipates, then what? Back to the drudgery of life? My idea of a "good experience" is something more sublime and permanent than that.
Music appreciation is of course subjective, but it looks like you are mixing feelings and mental judgements when you say you feel a mental reason of dislike. I have a roll eye - 'not another superficial feel good distraction' program running when I initially spot a flash mob video, nevertheless I can't stop the emotions and tears welling up, thankfully. I think it's about recognizing that rare unity with people being amazed, enjoying and positviely emotive together in concert with symphonious music that brings memory of how humanity can be like. It's not sentimental- it's a glimpse of potential, which of course easily can be put down by ones disbelief. It's ok to positively dissociate, it's needed.
anart said:
Muxel said:
I did not like the flashmob video. It and its sort feel like unreasonable attempts to stimulate feel-good chemicals, so much that I get turned off quickly. And when the flashmob dissipates, then what? Back to the drudgery of life? My idea of a "good experience" is something more sublime and permanent than that.

Muxel, the point is that humanity is capable of such beauty and joy - that in creation and music one can see the divine in normal human beings and, in that, it's easy to remember why there is reason to hope at all.
Best, explanation, ever. That vidéo gave me a true moment of hope :)

Thx to Christian for it, watched and shared it many times today ... :love:
thanks so much crew..I have mixed emotions about this session..If I try hard enough I can get small glimpe of the joy the C's are talking about, but I am quickly slammed back to the reality that I have a young family and the last thing I want is for them to suffer..also I am alone is this knowledge which makes it hard...oddly enough I had my first dream of impacts last night, scrambling to avoid the shockwave...pretty intense.
Christian said:

I don't want to sound negative, I think the music is awesome, and the feelings that invade your heart are amazingly beautiful, but along the video I couldn't stop thinking "it's a bank advertising, it's a bank advertising, look, all the musicians are getting out from the bank!". Well, of course the intent and act of sharing this video is pure, but sometimes I feel like I'm so alert that I can not enjoy the ride... :/ Of course, other times my alertness is quite low... :zzz:
Carlise said:
Though when you understand the gravity of our situation, being young is not an excuse to hide behind anymore.

I don't see Muxel hiding behind his age, in the context of his response to Mac:
Muxel said:
Mac said:
I'm 66 so my body does not have the strength and resiliency it once had. So, perhaps, I won't make it through the dark period. But, who knows, maybe after some counseling and rest in 5D I could be one of the first babies born in the new era!
Well I don't think being young and 21 is good defense against comets, myself. Take heart, Mac.

I see that your 20, maybe a bit of projecting on your part, but I could be wrong.

Carlise said:
Muxel, I think your reaction to this video can give you something meaningful to reflect upon. Do you see the absurdity in saying that there is no point in enjoying something beautiful because it won't last forever? Nothing lasts forever, and there is no free lunch, so it is important for us to enjoy the good aspects of life when we can. Otherwise we become just as heartless as this world wants us to become.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder as the saying goes, I don't understand why people got all teary eyed, my response to the video was, "okay" It did not move me at all, but that may be due to many things.

parallel said:
Music appreciation is of course subjective, but it looks like you are mixing feelings and mental judgements when you say you feel a mental reason of dislike. I have a roll eye - 'not another superficial feel good distraction' program running when I initially spot a flash mob video, nevertheless I can't stop the emotions and tears welling up, thankfully. I think it's about recognizing that rare unity with people being amazed, enjoying and positviely emotive together in concert with symphonious music that brings memory of how humanity can be like. It's not sentimental- it's a glimpse of potential, which of course easily can be put down by ones disbelief. It's ok to positively dissociate, it's needed.

I understand that, but when I watched it, I was like okay so after this, what are they going to do? back to the same old same old, of the same order to quote Gurdjieff :

In Search Of The Miraculous said:
[G]:Have you ever thought about the fact that all peoples themselves are machines?"
[Ouspensky]: "Yes," I said, "from the strictly scientific point of view all people are machines governed by external influences. But the question is, can the scientific point of view be wholly accepted?"

"Scientific or not scientific is all the same to me," said G. "I want you to understand what I am saying. Look, all those people you see," he pointed along the street, "are simply machines—nothing more."
"I think I understand what you mean," I said. "And I have often thought how little there is in the world that can stand against this form of mechanization and choose its own path."

"This is just where you make your greatest mistake," said G. "You think there is something that chooses its own path, something that can stand against mechanization; you think that not everything is equally mechanical."
"Why, of course not!" I said. "Art, poetry, thought, are phenomena of quite a different order."

"Of exactly the same order," said G. "These activities are just as mechanical as everything else. Men are machines and nothing but mechanical actions can be expected of machines."

When one factors the context of this place and the truth of that statement, glimpses of what could be are essential so as to give our struggle some meaning, but I don't trust images and my response to them anymore, I only trust actions. Joy, love, trust, etc, they are phantoms to me. Serenity is what I seek, I don't care for joy, I only care to know, learn and understand. I still listen to music though, but just as background noise when I am using the computer which is close to the living room and the t.v. It is merely a tactic so that this mind can function better in the midst of all this.

I know that I am just as mechanical and the state I have found as most useful to constantly struggle against this, is not joy, but serenity, so I cultivate that above any other state of mind. With serenity, I can be and observe without expecting anything from anyone or anything, but with such states as joyous rapture the little I have encountered of it that is, my judgement is numbed, I am at peace and do not seek anything, it is not useful for me in my aim and so I do not cultivate it.
Basque Seeker said:
Christian said:

I don't want to sound negative, I think the music is awesome, and the feelings that invade your heart are amazingly beautiful, but along the video I couldn't stop thinking "it's a bank advertising, it's a bank advertising, look, all the musicians are getting out from the bank!". Well, of course the intent and act of sharing this video is pure, but sometimes I feel like I'm so alert that I can not enjoy the ride... :/ Of course, other times my alertness is quite low... :zzz:

I did not want to give my point of vue about this video because I respect the emotions that it gave it. But like Basque Seeker I just saw the advertising of Banco Sabadell. And living in Spain we know how "gentle" the banks are here and how "gentle" they are with all Spaniards. ;)That's why I did not like this video. But please, don't miss interpret me: music unite people from over the world. Music has no frontiers, musicians are magicians. Too bad that our politicians are not musicians.

Instead of listening the advertising of BAnco Sabadell today I listened the wind, another musician.
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