Session 22 July 2012

Don Genaro said:
pstott said:
A situation that I am very familiar with. My spouse of 32 years just does not want to hear about anything that disturbs her picture of reality. When I have talked about such things in the past it generats anger and rejection, so I avoid such topics.

If I happen to make reference to things beyond the "normal", these days, the reaction is "whatever" and not wanting to think about it. I hate to think how she will cope when things escalate and the infrastructure of our status quo breaks down.

Well it's not surprising to me after reading this article by Chris Hedges the other day:

Here's the part that really brought home to me the point you've made above:

In Claude Lanzmann’s monumental documentary film “Shoah,” on the Holocaust, he interviews Filip Müller, a Czech Jew who survived the liquidations in Auschwitz as a member of the “special detail.” Müller relates this story:
“One day in 1943 when I was already in Crematorium 5, a train from Bialystok arrived. A prisoner on the ‘special detail’ saw a woman in the ‘undressing room’ who was the wife of a friend of his. He came right out and told her: ‘You are going to be exterminated. In three hours you’ll be ashes.’ The woman believed him because she knew him. She ran all over and warned to the other women. ‘We’re going to be killed. We’re going to be gassed.’ Mothers carrying their children on their shoulders didn’t want to hear that. They decided the woman was crazy. They chased her away. So she went to the men. To no avail. Not that they didn’t believe her. They’d heard rumors in the Bialystok ghetto, or in Grodno, and elsewhere. But who wanted to hear that? When she saw that no one would listen, she scratched her whole face. Out of despair. In shock. And she started to scream.”

I see it a lot when sharing links on Facebook. Most of the 'likes' when it comes to certain topics come from forum friends. I know, for example that certain people I know who are not involved here do see my posts because they click like on anything 'nice' or 'sentimental' but anything to do with climate change or comets? No chance. I guess all we can do is make the info available. Who knows, maybe some day in the not too distant future, people will remember what we share and may turn to us for help and advice? Don't give up!

Yes, I do agree with you Don Genaro, the same here with my FB account. The same I also can see with some of my family members or close persons. They do not want to hear, see or touch anything which could make crash their faiths and believes in their own life. It has something a little disturbing, but I am learning how it is difficult to me, how it affects me to see around nobody except my husband who is able to understand those points. So, as you, I continue to share wishing one day they will be able to hear or see. In the meantime, I decided to not let me crashed by this anymore. I am too emotional and have to work hard on it so I guess this kind of discussion with some people who do not want to ear or see could be more negative to me than expected.
As many of us experienced before learning about strategic enclosure and external consideration, it is quite easy to upset our partners by sharing what we come across. Unless they ask to know what we know, and do so in full awareness of what would be in store as a result, we are best to seek expression and share such ideas only among those who have indicated and interest and inclination.

The information we come across is depressing and terrifying and, if a person is not prepared to deal with the horror, it can cause serious damage to their mental health. To put it simply, when we share such information, we have to take responsibility for its effects, including the violation of another person's free will.

My poor wife, who was already suffering from depression and anxiety, had to listen to a constant bombardment of negative, terrifying information from me as I sought to share my horrors. I was most blessed that she was able to effectively communicate the harm I was doing to help me take note of how selfish I was being and how much damage I was doing to her.

I still slip up occasionally, but have made considerable strides in building my enclosure and respecting her free will.

Gonzo said:
As many of us experienced before learning about strategic enclosure and external consideration, it is quite easy to upset our partners by sharing what we come across. Unless they ask to know what we know, and do so in full awareness of what would be in store as a result, we are best to seek expression and share such ideas only among those who have indicated and interest and inclination.

The information we come across is depressing and terrifying and, if a person is not prepared to deal with the horror, it can cause serious damage to their mental health. To put it simply, when we share such information, we have to take responsibility for its effects, including the violation of another person's free will.

My poor wife, who was already suffering from depression and anxiety, had to listen to a constant bombardment of negative, terrifying information from me as I sought to share my horrors. I was most blessed that she was able to effectively communicate the harm I was doing to help me take note of how selfish I was being and how much damage I was doing to her.

I still slip up occasionally, but have made considerable strides in building my enclosure and respecting her free will.


Thank you Gonzo for remaining this, it is also one of the reason (even if I did not mentioned it previously) why I stopped, because I could feel they were afraid, and I understood how much I was wrong, for me and for them. I am sorry about your wife Gonzo, and you're right about selfish, it surely has something to do with me too. But I should be clear about subjects shared, because I do not share comets information with others members than my husband and to a lesser extent my young daughter (16 years old). About ponerology, comets, etc., I only share by WebSite as FB.

These subjects are not approached with the other persons, so much the difficulty making messages pass relative to the health, do not allow me to believe that I may make it so much with the others informations. But I surely have something in the kind where I deliver the "message" which could not work because of me and not only because of them. I also am working on it by understanding how the message is also important as the messenger in certain cases.

Modified for spell checking.
This reminds me this phrase from the book of Clarissa Pinkola-Estés from her book Women run with wolfs:

[quote author=Clarissa Pinkola-Estés - Women run with wolfs - Chapter 9-Note 13.]The complex of the "dedication to all" urge the woman to act as if she was the "big quack". Yet, for a human being, to try to embody an archetype is as to try to be God. We cannot reach there, but the efforts which we spread in this purpose are very testing and very destructive for the psyche.[/quote]

I am sorry for the translation which is not certainly exact as it can be in the book (I read it in French).
Thank you for this newest session Laura and chateau family. Happy Anniversary to the C's and you all. I am always amazed at the intellect buzzing around the room when the sessions happen. This one especially, because for the most part, you already have the answers or are on the right path. It is very inspiring for me to witness the amount of knowledge and discernment you all bring to the table.

To comment a little on the joy the C's have expressed for the coming times, I would like to say that I felt a sense of relief. At this stage, I feel I could never "go home " meaning close my eyes to the madness on this planet and return to such a superficial life. Any hopes or dreams I had for my children's future were based on the narrow minded reality I lived in. Even if life as we know it continued for years to come on this planet, how could anyone be truly happy knowing the amount of pain and suffering others endure daily?
Gonzo said:
As many of us experienced before learning about strategic enclosure and external consideration, it is quite easy to upset our partners by sharing what we come across. Unless they ask to know what we know, and do so in full awareness of what would be in store as a result, we are best to seek expression and share such ideas only among those who have indicated and interest and inclination.

The information we come across is depressing and terrifying and, if a person is not prepared to deal with the horror, it can cause serious damage to their mental health. To put it simply, when we share such information, we have to take responsibility for its effects, including the violation of another person's free will.

My poor wife, who was already suffering from depression and anxiety, had to listen to a constant bombardment of negative, terrifying information from me as I sought to share my horrors. I was most blessed that she was able to effectively communicate the harm I was doing to help me take note of how selfish I was being and how much damage I was doing to her.

I still slip up occasionally, but have made considerable strides in building my enclosure and respecting her free will.


I still regret "sharing" the information we discuss with people I know. The worst part was that I had no idea about what I was talking about!
I wonder, would posting the occasional SOTT articles on facebook be a violation of freewill and strategic enclosure?
Gonzo said:
As many of us experienced before learning about strategic enclosure and external consideration, it is quite easy to upset our partners by sharing what we come across. Unless they ask to know what we know, and do so in full awareness of what would be in store as a result, we are best to seek expression and share such ideas only among those who have indicated and interest and inclination.

The information we come across is depressing and terrifying and, if a person is not prepared to deal with the horror, it can cause serious damage to their mental health. To put it simply, when we share such information, we have to take responsibility for its effects, including the violation of another person's free will.

My poor wife, who was already suffering from depression and anxiety, had to listen to a constant bombardment of negative, terrifying information from me as I sought to share my horrors. I was most blessed that she was able to effectively communicate the harm I was doing to help me take note of how selfish I was being and how much damage I was doing to her.

I still slip up occasionally, but have made considerable strides in building my enclosure and respecting her free will.


I did the same thing. In my egotistical zeal, I was on a "mission" to tell everyone I knew, family members included, about what I have learned from Laura & the crew's research. Let's just say that most of my family views me in a different light. An uncle of mine actually seemed scared, and became defensive about all of it. I did not think of it at the moment, but now that I look back and analyze that day, I realize I was very selfish in trying to display my perceived knowledge to him. I never considered what he was feeling, and it makes me feel uneasy, to say the least.

I also slip up from time to time- especially about food (LWB book and thread, ketosis, etc.) I find it very difficult to stay quiet, watching those I love eat nothing but carbs and poisonous foods like they are going out of style. Even my wife doesn't want to talk about it anymore, even though she stated she was up for going gluten-free. This is a very painful lesson for me.
Timey said:
Gonzo said:

I still regret "sharing" the information we discuss with people I know. The worst part was that I had no idea about what I was talking about!
I wonder, would posting the occasional SOTT articles on facebook be a violation of freewill and strategic enclosure?

I don't think sharing the ocassional article on FB would violate freewill any more than leaving the Dot Connector magazine out on a table would. People can ignore it if they want and read at their own pace. Others mightnthink otherwise though.

QuantumLogic said:
Gonzo said:
As many of us experienced before learning about strategic enclosure and external consideration, it is quite easy to upset our partners by sharing what we come across. Unless they ask to know what we know, and do so in full awareness of what would be in store as a result, we are best to seek expression and share such ideas only among those who have indicated and interest and inclination.

The information we come across is depressing and terrifying and, if a person is not prepared to deal with the horror, it can cause serious damage to their mental health. To put it simply, when we share such information, we have to take responsibility for its effects, including the violation of another person's free will.

My poor wife, who was already suffering from depression and anxiety, had to listen to a constant bombardment of negative, terrifying information from me as I sought to share my horrors. I was most blessed that she was able to effectively communicate the harm I was doing to help me take note of how selfish I was being and how much damage I was doing to her.

I still slip up occasionally, but have made considerable strides in building my enclosure and respecting her free will.


I did the same thing. In my egotistical zeal, I was on a "mission" to tell everyone I knew, family members included, about what I have learned from Laura & the crew's research. Let's just say that most of my family views me in a different light. An uncle of mine actually seemed scared, and became defensive about all of it. I did not think of it at the moment, but now that I look back and analyze that day, I realize I was very selfish in trying to display my perceived knowledge to him. I never considered what he was feeling, and it makes me feel uneasy, to say the least.

I also slip up from time to time- especially about food (LWB book and thread, ketosis, etc.) I find it very difficult to stay quiet, watching those I love eat nothing but carbs and poisonous foods like they are going out of style. Even my wife doesn't want to talk about it anymore, even though she stated she was up for going gluten-free. This is a very painful lesson for me.

Sometimes it is not that simple. I find it upsetting when people pretend to act interested just to fulfill societal or intellectual standards.

People lie to us and claim they want to know "why". We explain why and how, and then get the general law acting on us through them. That is what makes me sometimes want to withdraw and not say anything at all.

How can we be sure that we are properly practicing external consideration when people pretend and fool us? It makes me upset that many people cannot state their true feelings. It reminds me of the books on narcissism: how we are expected to "read minds". By trying to read their minds, we end up being drained, or so I have felt. Maybe I am running around in circles mentally... or looking for an easy solution, or an excuse to hide?

I agree that in the cases when people can voice their apprehension to the topics discussed, we should back off and respect their free will. However, how can we be sure when some people can't even display proper emotions to guide us as to what they want?

I suppose the only thing we can do is watch for signs where they display passive or covert aggressiveness. The difficulty is determining what is causing those responses. It's disappointing when I can't determine when someone is really asking or not.

This is something that upsets me at times, perhaps because I wish things were clearer in this world. It would make things easier, but we didn't sign up for an "easy lesson". It's just so aggravating at times and I can understand when people say "bring on the comets". It would be even better if the comets just happen for those who are ready to "take the leap", because thinking of the added suffering of people out there who enjoy life on 3d upsets me. It upsets me that there are time limits to things. But, yeah I suppose its karmic... however, it's still disappointing because here, as the C's said, things are not on an even playing field.
I've never met someone who was fooling about wanting to learn, but I've certainly met people who think they want to know something but recoil in horror once they hear the answer. Since they had no idea how ugly the truth was, they couldn't really make an informed decision to ask.

I guess one way of dealing with it would be to provide minor, only slight horrific information first and gauge their reaction before proceeding with incrementally more scary knowledge. I don't know how practical it would be but it would certainlyprovide the requestor the opportunity to signal when they've passed their threshold.


Edit: typos
Also if someone asks a question, asking them why they want to know could give some guidance as to how to answer or how much information to give. Even if someone is recoiling in horror, this may not be indication in and of itself that they do not wish to continue learning. Like looking into the abyss - we may recoil from doing that, and may turn away from it - but we may also choose to keep looking anyway regardless of the short term pain. So I guess that one could also keep checking and asking if the person wants to know more or where to find more information.

As far as Facebook goes, I generally share SOTT articles that have a common theme in discussions that are already happening. For example recently there was some discussion about Autism and I shared an article that talked about polyvagal theory, austism and relating.
Timey said:
I still regret "sharing" the information we discuss with people I know. The worst part was that I had no idea about what I was talking about!
I wonder, would posting the occasional SOTT articles on facebook be a violation of freewill and strategic enclosure?
I do that too, posting from time to time SOTT articles, but most of the time I post the SOTT sources. I post like that the news about food since, when people get a webpage with a "Dr .." written in big letters, they start reading.
truth seeker said:
egzopolityka said:
All the difficulties to understand what I wrote about STS and STO% come from unclear Cs answers and also the questions to them were not asked in a correct way. I have noticed that very clearly so decided to learn more from Ra channelings and they explain that. For example there are psychic attacks on good souls and the aim is to move their polarity more towards STS, so it is rather obvious to me, that the situation in the Earth is very different to those at other planets, as a soul here can be both partly STS and partly STO. Besides, souls moved to the fourth density, will get a 1000 years period to decide whether they want to be STS or STO. This also indicates that at the fourth density, planets are mainly not STS and STO at the same time but only in one direction of the two.
Is it possible for you to consider that perhaps the difficulties with 'understanding what you wrote about sts and sto' may have to do with lack of understanding and the filling in of blanks on your part as opposed to 'unclear C's answers'? If you clearly understand, you should be able to explain your thoughts and be understood by others.

Not at all. I understand correctly. Cs just explained the situation in a very short way (which is, by the way, typical of them). What they told is very close to my knowledge. In my opinion almost all people living in the Earth now are between 5 and 10% STO, which equals to being 90 to 95% STS.
egzopolityka said:
Not at all. I understand correctly. Cs just explained the situation in a very short way (which is, by the way, typical of them). What they told is very close to my knowledge. In my opinion almost all people living in the Earth now are between 5 and 10% STO, which equals to being 90 to 95% STS.

Would you mind to please develop the mathematical way you used to get to those numbers please ? :)
Ekios said:
egzopolityka said:
Not at all. I understand correctly. Cs just explained the situation in a very short way (which is, by the way, typical of them). What they told is very close to my knowledge. In my opinion almost all people living in the Earth now are between 5 and 10% STO, which equals to being 90 to 95% STS.

Would you mind to please develop the mathematical way you used to get to those numbers please ? :)
That would be going to far. I gave you enough information already. My conclusions are based mainly on years of watching people about me, and they come from a very powerful intuition, which I have had since I was born. And by the way, I was born on next day after assassination of president John Fitzgerald Kennedy, which probably is not a coincidence.
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