Session 22 July 2012

Be said:
Humanity as problematic virus infesting Earth. It's quibbling, but is the thrust of the virus joke not departing from the strict sense of the meaning given in the session transcript?

Yes, it's quibbling. It's been stated very clearly that the virus is psychopathy (which is basically 4D STS influence in 3D physicality) - the infusion of 4D STS - and all that entails. Unfortunately, being a carrier of a virus often means the carrier is destroyed as well as the virus.
egzopolityka said:
All the difficulties to understand what I wrote about STS and STO% come from unclear Cs answers and also the questions to them were not asked in a correct way. I have noticed that very clearly so decided to learn more from Ra channelings and they explain that. For example there are psychic attacks on good souls and the aim is to move their polarity more towards STS, so it is rather obvious to me, that the situation in the Earth is very different to those at other planets, as a soul here can be both partly STS and partly STO. Besides, souls moved to the fourth density, will get a 1000 years period to decide whether they want to be STS or STO. This also indicates that at the fourth density, planets are mainly not STS and STO at the same time but only in one direction of the two.
Is it possible for you to consider that perhaps the difficulties with 'understanding what you wrote about sts and sto' may have to do with lack of understanding and the filling in of blanks on your part as opposed to 'unclear C's answers'? If you clearly understand, you should be able to explain your thoughts and be understood by others.
A: The cosmos is going to clean house!!!

Q: (Perceval) Doesn't sound very peaceful. (L) Yeah, that doesn't sound very peaceful to me!

A: Believe us it will be after!

Cass may be talking about the comets. When i was little, i was taught that comets are 'broom star' (sorry for the vague translation from chinese) due to them having broad comet tails. And earth needs lots of brooms to clean out the virus. :lol:
Gonzo said:
Sheesh, and I thought the Cs have been quite clear that since the fall, Earth is an STS planet and it inhabitants are all STS, and the best one could hope for is to be an STO candidate.

Is there a chance, egzopolityka, that you have misinterpreted or cherry picked what you have read? I've only been on this forum for a few years, but I've only heard mention of everything here being STO. Certainly there's a spectrum with respect to how STS one is, but everyone is STS nonetheless, even Laura, from what I understood. In fact, I thought the only way we could become STO would be to become n STO candidate before the wave arrives. I expect others further along in their studies will correct me if I'm somehow misunderstanding this.


Well said.

But one does not need to be 'fully' STO in order to graduate. That is impossible.

I'll give it a shot. Feel free to correct me if anything.

FWIU, we are quite indeed all STS at least at some point. A great example is that we need to take life away in order to maintain our biological functions (food). Just like the 4D STS feed themselves off our emotions etc. Similar concept, diffrent relams. We agreed to be part of this. But sadly, few know that 4D STS forces are doing the same thing to us. They use us as mere cattle.

Now as Gonzo have pointed out, there is a whole spectrum in between the STS and STO duality. We may very well want to be STO but one shall not dwell into the trap of wishful thinking and hope to get there simply by wanting it. You gotta be able to look at yourself objectively within this perspective and figure out where to improve. All of your behaviors. There is good vs bad but there is STS and STO. Two very diffrent concepts. Lastest being the objective one, former being the subjective one.

Now I am aware of what Ra have said about 'graduation'. Either 95% STS or 51% STO. Question is; what does it exactly mean? Can we simply take out these numbers and make up a nice chart and calculate our way out? I don't think so.

The Wave comes because frequency of awarness (may not be the best term, feel free to correct) is rising and frequency of awarness is rising because the Wave comes. It's a completely natural phenomenon. STS leads to disorder, imbalance, chaos and dissolution. So now what we are experiencing is nature's way to restore balance as a result of these conflicting energies (what people often refer to as the 'battle' between STS and STO). The Illusion is fading for some of us and that is exactly what the STS Forces don't want.

So knowing what's coming, their only option is, in my opinion, to try as much as possible to prevent people from gaining Knowledge and Wake Up. They won't win anything by simply killing us all. They need people (cattle) to enslave and feed off from. And for us to Wake Up is for them to endanger their 'race'.

That's it for now. Feel free to comment. I'm here to learn.

JayMark said:
Gonzo said:
Sheesh, and I thought the Cs have been quite clear that since the fall, Earth is an STS planet and it inhabitants are all STS, and the best one could hope for is to be an STO candidate.

Is there a chance, egzopolityka, that you have misinterpreted or cherry picked what you have read? I've only been on this forum for a few years, but I've only heard mention of everything here being STO. Certainly there's a spectrum with respect to how STS one is, but everyone is STS nonetheless, even Laura, from what I understood. In fact, I thought the only way we could become STO would be to become n STO candidate before the wave arrives. I expect others further along in their studies will correct me if I'm somehow misunderstanding this.


Well said.

But one does not need to be 'fully' STO in order to graduate. That is impossible.

I'll give it a shot. Feel free to correct me if anything.

FWIU, we are quite indeed all STS at least at some point. A great example is that we need to take life away in order to maintain our biological functions (food). Just like the 4D STS feed themselves off our emotions etc. Similar concept, diffrent relams. We agreed to be part of this. But sadly, few know that 4D STS forces are doing the same thing to us. They use us as mere cattle.

Now as Gonzo have pointed out, there is a whole spectrum in between the STS and STO duality. We may very well want to be STO but one shall not dwell into the trap of wishful thinking and hope to get there simply by wanting it. You gotta be able to look at yourself objectively within this perspective and figure out where to improve. All of your behaviors. There is good vs bad but there is STS and STO. Two very diffrent concepts. Lastest being the objective one, former being the subjective one.

Now I am aware of what Ra have said about 'graduation'. Either 95% STS or 51% STO. Question is; what does it exactly mean? Can we simply take out these numbers and make up a nice chart and calculate our way out? I don't think so.

The Wave comes because frequency of awarness (may not be the best term, feel free to correct) is rising and frequency of awarness is rising because the Wave comes. It's a completely natural phenomenon. STS leads to disorder, imbalance, chaos and dissolution. So now what we are experiencing is nature's way to restore balance as a result of these conflicting energies (what people often refer to as the 'battle' between STS and STO). The Illusion is fading for some of us and that is exactly what the STS Forces don't want.

So knowing what's coming, their only option is, in my opinion, to try as much as possible to prevent people from gaining Knowledge and Wake Up. They won't win anything by simply killing us all. They need people (cattle) to enslave and feed off from. And for us to Wake Up is for them to endanger their 'race'.

That's it for now. Feel free to comment. I'm here to learn.

What Gonzo and you both wisely said made me remember that transcription part :

28 August 199
A: (...) You are confused because you seem to think you must be STO to be an STO candidate. You are STS, and you simply cannot be otherwise, until you either reincarnate or transform at realm border crossing.

Maybe it will help to a better understanding :)
Ekios said:
What Gonzo and you both wisely said made me remember that transcription part :

28 August 199
A: (...) You are confused because you seem to think you must be STO to be an STO candidate. You are STS, and you simply cannot be otherwise, until you either reincarnate or transform at realm border crossing.

Maybe it will help to a better understanding :)

Indeed. That confirms it.

Once the choise has been made to experience this 'reality', you can't just back up and say; wait a minute, I want a refund you scoundrels! You didn't tell what would happen!

We have been fooled, that's true, but that's because we have let it happen. So the only thing we can do is to accept the concequences of our actions, learn from them and make better choises. All there is is lesson.

It would be also important to note that once in 4D, we are certainly not going to end up in 'heaven' and drink wine with [insert deity name]. We will have more/other issues to overcome. Nothing is free.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but did anyone else notice the joy in the name in this session?

[quote author=Laura]
Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Eionjoya

Scratch the question -- found a previous post alluding to it here

Thanks for the fascinating commentary everyone, and some wonderful links!

Edit: link to post about Eionjoya :lol:
... it seemed that the more I tried to control the feeling of anger the stronger it became, probably because the trampling continued. I struggled against this anger which became white hot as it were. I absolutely could not unleash it once it overcame a certain threshold; I had to hold this fire within me and feel it the whole time while simultaneously putting up a calm demeanor, after this period of struggle, the white hot anger became blue and cold and I attained to an inner state where I could look upon this situation, act in it however I chose, feel everything, but yet be inside myself, looking out upon the world while being inside.

Bngenoh, keep on keeping on is all I can say, one addict/fellow sufferer to another. Sounds like you're in the trenches in the front line. Doesn't sound like your bottling up and surfing the negative energy is quite the real deal though? (Mouravieff, esoteric Christianity.) Where in the micro moments before the negative emotion goes ballistic (with oneself a balloon hanging off the top), you snaggle it up ('catch it before it passes above the neck'). The negative half of the emotional centre doesn't get the juice, but the positive half of your emotional centre does this time. If it's done right, the positive half of the emotional centre is supposed (I can only rehash the 'clinical' literature, I've not got the T-shirt myself) to feel so good at receiving this sudden high-octane energy, which it is normally craving but never gets, that it is difficult not to smile at your petty tyrant, so much so that you actually have to mask it from your tormentor in case he realises and changes tack!

What you're achieving is a kind of variant? But you're very close? A split second quicker next time?

Sounds like you got yourself a good petty tyrant/ petty tyrannical situation going there ;) (with bitter flavour)

You remind us how situations that charge us up with negative energy are actually opportunities - for transmutative awareness. It's crazy and downright counter intuitive, we're so built to seek out pleasure as a continuous expectation. But what other way out of the trap should we expect? It's a crazy lobster pot we're in.
Anart, we agree 'it is more than just one species involved here!' (The joke mentions only one: humanity. The virus carrier. And psychopaths aren't a species.)

Regarding 'behaving like a virus', or acting out virus-affected behaviour, a hopeful (or devastating?) chink in the transcript is this:

Q: (L) Human beings?
A: Not all, but most are carriers.

What happens if the non-human-species part of the equation (the one infusing the virus) is weakened in a cosmic re-balancing? Will the virus weaken at that moment and to the same extent in its carriers?

Thinking out loud, but I hope it is not just noise.
Be said:
Anart, we agree 'it is more than just one species involved here!' (The joke mentions only one: humanity. The virus carrier. And psychopaths aren't a species.)

Regarding 'behaving like a virus', or acting out virus-affected behaviour, a hopeful (or devastating?) chink in the transcript is this:

Q: (L) Human beings?
A: Not all, but most are carriers.

What happens if the non-human-species part of the equation (the one infusing the virus) is weakened in a cosmic re-balancing? Will the virus weaken at that moment and to the same extent in its carriers?

Thinking out loud, but I hope it is not just noise.

I'm not sure that you can say "psychopaths aren't a species".
my understanding is that from a certain perspective Psychopaths are a natural result that "infects" a ignorand population that could have the possibility of being more then STS. like a natural force that that the universe creates when a species with"higher" potential is to ignorand.
it could be like a balancing force that ultimatily forces the universe to bring things into balance again through cataclysmic events.
from a certain perspective they might be as natural as we are.

also it would be nice if you could always give a reference from wich session an expert that you are posting from the C's is .

1st Laura thank you for another session and cong for the 18 years of communication :D

When this part come up an light was tunred up in my head

(L) But, the fact still remains, in my opinion, that there are a LOT, LOT, LOT of planes flying above us in the past few years! Whether they are dumping anything on our heads, or what, there are an extreme number of planes flying in these upper level criss-cross patterns. Now, whether they are just playing war-games, or they are spy planes, they are doing SOMETHING! What is the reason for all of this upper level flying that results in these criss-crossed contrails that everybody is seeing?

I recall my past years and when me and my friends where sitting next to the sea and looking at the sky we have noticed that there are so many airplanes flying. We have airplanes but we are in small region Istra in Croatia and in past we saw maybe 10 airplanes a day and now we see 100 of them. All time we have them on sky like an large airport in the sky over us. And each time after clear sky and sun we had strange clouds and high pressure so you can not be outside....
Now we have them even more ... an in our parts we did not have rain for more that 2 months. We have water reduction in days and no rain can be seen in next days even till end of August. :cry:

All times we have many signs all around us that all is changing and feeling inside me is scary some times but somehow you can feel that all will be "ok" as it need to be as it will be and with knowledge you can move forward untouched by this feelings that seems like attack you from all sides.

From my point of view attacks are from all sides, as pressure is on me to by my own flat ( this can be done only with an bank loan ), family pressure that I am almost 30 years and no family, also sexual pressure from all sides as girls seem to offer me them self all time, even girls that in past would not look at me now want to have an contact with me etc....

it is confusing as I have an girlfriend and she is good but when we talk about all this " let's call them " alternative subjects we come to an block :huh: it seem that I am in large mess ...
From one side it seem that only people who understand me are ones that are on my computer screen, as my friends do not communicate with me from past as I stop-ed smoking weed and moved from their part of town and they choose to believe that all things will blow up an that heir problems will vanish to air and they will start from all over in 4D where all will be perfect as they have read this in CAS, or wave etc....

In any case I am glad to read to see that as hard it sometimes it gets you need to know that each choose is yours to make and if good knowledge is put on right place there is no fear and that we are all what we are and if we use our brain cells on correct way we can look forward to the "future".

Thank you Laura and CO one more time

Ko smo said:
it is confusing as I have an girlfriend and she is good but when we talk about all this " let's call them " alternative subjects we come to an block :huh: it seem that I am in large mess ...
From one side it seem that only people who understand me are ones that are on my computer screen, as my friends do not communicate with me from past as I stop-ed smoking weed and moved from their part of town and they choose to believe that all things will blow up an that heir problems will vanish to air and they will start from all over in 4D where all will be perfect as they have read this in CAS, or wave etc....

Most of us here deal with this, think of it as a great exercise in External Considering and self control. It is a lonely path at first, but when you come to know yourself and the world, and truly live according to your knowledge, you may start to see it much more positively. The hardest thing to remember is, it's not all about you. We all must suffer in some way, so at least try to do it consciously :)

Ko smo said:
In any case I am glad to read to see that as hard it sometimes it gets you need to know that each choose is yours to make and if good knowledge is put on right place there is no fear and that we are all what we are and if we use our brain cells on correct way we can look forward to the "future".

Indeed. Keep breathing, keep learning, and don't give up hope :)
A situation that I am very familiar with. My spouse of 32 years just does not want to hear about anything that disturbs her picture of reality. When I have talked about such things in the past it generats anger and rejection, so I avoid such topics.

If I happen to make reference to things beyond the "normal", these days, the reaction is "whatever" and not wanting to think about it. I hate to think how she will cope when things escalate and the infrastructure of our status quo breaks down.
pstott said:
A situation that I am very familiar with. My spouse of 32 years just does not want to hear about anything that disturbs her picture of reality. When I have talked about such things in the past it generats anger and rejection, so I avoid such topics.

If I happen to make reference to things beyond the "normal", these days, the reaction is "whatever" and not wanting to think about it. I hate to think how she will cope when things escalate and the infrastructure of our status quo breaks down.

Well it's not surprising to me after reading this article by Chris Hedges the other day:

Here's the part that really brought home to me the point you've made above:

In Claude Lanzmann’s monumental documentary film “Shoah,” on the Holocaust, he interviews Filip Müller, a Czech Jew who survived the liquidations in Auschwitz as a member of the “special detail.” Müller relates this story:
“One day in 1943 when I was already in Crematorium 5, a train from Bialystok arrived. A prisoner on the ‘special detail’ saw a woman in the ‘undressing room’ who was the wife of a friend of his. He came right out and told her: ‘You are going to be exterminated. In three hours you’ll be ashes.’ The woman believed him because she knew him. She ran all over and warned to the other women. ‘We’re going to be killed. We’re going to be gassed.’ Mothers carrying their children on their shoulders didn’t want to hear that. They decided the woman was crazy. They chased her away. So she went to the men. To no avail. Not that they didn’t believe her. They’d heard rumors in the Bialystok ghetto, or in Grodno, and elsewhere. But who wanted to hear that? When she saw that no one would listen, she scratched her whole face. Out of despair. In shock. And she started to scream.”

I see it a lot when sharing links on Facebook. Most of the 'likes' when it comes to certain topics come from forum friends. I know, for example that certain people I know who are not involved here do see my posts because they click like on anything 'nice' or 'sentimental' but anything to do with climate change or comets? No chance. I guess all we can do is make the info available. Who knows, maybe some day in the not too distant future, people will remember what we share and may turn to us for help and advice? Don't give up!
Don Genaro said:
pstott said:
A situation that I am very familiar with. My spouse of 32 years just does not want to hear about anything that disturbs her picture of reality. When I have talked about such things in the past it generats anger and rejection, so I avoid such topics.

If I happen to make reference to things beyond the "normal", these days, the reaction is "whatever" and not wanting to think about it. I hate to think how she will cope when things escalate and the infrastructure of our status quo breaks down.

Well it's not surprising to me after reading this article by Chris Hedges the other day:

Here's the part that really brought home to me the point you've made above:

In Claude Lanzmann’s monumental documentary film “Shoah,” on the Holocaust, he interviews Filip Müller, a Czech Jew who survived the liquidations in Auschwitz as a member of the “special detail.” Müller relates this story:
“One day in 1943 when I was already in Crematorium 5, a train from Bialystok arrived. A prisoner on the ‘special detail’ saw a woman in the ‘undressing room’ who was the wife of a friend of his. He came right out and told her: ‘You are going to be exterminated. In three hours you’ll be ashes.’ The woman believed him because she knew him. She ran all over and warned to the other women. ‘We’re going to be killed. We’re going to be gassed.’ Mothers carrying their children on their shoulders didn’t want to hear that. They decided the woman was crazy. They chased her away. So she went to the men. To no avail. Not that they didn’t believe her. They’d heard rumors in the Bialystok ghetto, or in Grodno, and elsewhere. But who wanted to hear that? When she saw that no one would listen, she scratched her whole face. Out of despair. In shock. And she started to scream.”

I see it a lot when sharing links on Facebook. Most of the 'likes' when it comes to certain topics come from forum friends. I know, for example that certain people I know who are not involved here do see my posts because they click like on anything 'nice' or 'sentimental' but anything to do with climate change or comets? No chance. I guess all we can do is make the info available. Who knows, maybe some day in the not too distant future, people will remember what we share and may turn to us for help and advice? Don't give up!
Well said and thank you for the quote, this is very true in my experience as well.
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