Session 23 January 2016

Thank you for the session; it is a lovely way to start my day!! I'm looking forward to seeing the changes on our big, beautiful blue marble (although I must say, not without some trepidation). I know I will be aching for humanity regardless of what comes. But I have hope the changes will be positive in the end.
Glad to hear about your positive results, Joe - sorry it was so painful to get there, but at least you know it wasn't all in vain.
Despite the coming horror and destruction,I'm hopeful.This is but a precursor to a new dawn of humanity and i for one,look forward to a new beginning even if it means dying and being reborn in another time and place.Perhaps this time,when the new civilization rises,it won't be ruled by psychopaths.And to all those who survive the coming turmoil,it's your (our?) job to make sure that humanity has immunity to the awful disease known as ponerisation.
Nienna said:
It was interesting to see what the Cs had to say about GMOs; as well as energy blocks.

I was thinking of what was said about "the micro-earthquakes within". Joe mentioned that micro-earthquakes are precursors to "the big one". But micro-earthquakes can also lessen, or even nullify, "the big one". So it could be a good thing.

And the information about the energy-flows....just a really great session overall. :)

Indeed, a great session. Thanks so much. :hug2:

Laura said:
Great find, Shared Joy! That really is helpful.

Ditto to that.
Thank all of you who participate in these sessions. This was so timely and full of wonderful information and confirmation of all that's been happening in my life and all around me. Thank you!
Thanks all for the session :)
Lilou said:
And congratulations Joe, on your newly activated DNA strands. It is apparent that something changed in you, by the postings you've made here on the forum lately. And in a good way! :flowers: :rockon:
I was also going to comment on this. There seems to be a distinctly different "flavour" to your posts Joe, although I can't quite put my finger on how it is different. Kinda just feels more considerate and caring than before.

Thank you Laura and crew for the new session, congrats Joe with the "upgrade" ;D , very intersting session, especially the part about el Nino, planet alignments, possible BIG Earthquake and other earth changes, if my mind remembers correctly, the C's said that earth changes are a manifestation in 3d reality of the STS vs STO higher density entities "battles", as above, so below. And as we saw the earth changes have intensified considerably lately and are continuing to do so, it seems the "battle" has been intensified also.
Laura said:
A: Joy to the world!

Q: (L) And why do you say that?

A: It will be soon now.

Q: (L) What will be soon?

A: Glad tidings!

Q: (L) Why do I distrust that expression? Why am I suspicious? Why do I suspect that, "Joy to the world" and "Glad tidings" is from an entirely cosmic perspective and may not be so perceived by the majority of the people on this planet?

A: Accurate perception. But would you like for the present state to continue on its present trajectory?

Q: (L) Well, no.

A: We once said that the Earth benefits from occasional cleansing. Nothing lasts forever.

What a fascinating session - so much important information! I sure got some chills down my spine reading it, especially the bolded part. Thank you so much :hug2:
Laura said:
A: Joy to the world!

Q: (L) And why do you say that?

A: It will be soon now.

Q: (L) What will be soon?

A: Glad tidings!

Q: (L) Why do I distrust that expression? Why am I suspicious? Why do I suspect that, "Joy to the world" and "Glad tidings" is from an entirely cosmic perspective and may not be so perceived by the majority of the people on this planet?

A: Accurate perception. But would you like for the present state to continue on its present trajectory?

Q: (L) Well, no.

A: We once said that the Earth benefits from occasional cleansing. Nothing lasts forever.

Thank you all for this interesting session. And I'm glad that someone (the C's) is happy about the coming changes that we're going to go through. I am aware that the state of the world cannot go on as it is and that change is needed. So I've decided to look forward to all the coming changes, and use what awareness and knowledge I have gained to move forward through whatever the future holds.
(L) Alright, I'm done. Anybody else have a question? Anything we need to know that we haven't asked?


(All) What?!

(Galatea) It's an anagram!

(Joe) Hang on a minute! Get them back! That's no way to leave us...

(L) For all we know, it's something in angelic language.

(Andromeda) But it's something we're supposed to know!

(L) I think they were pulling our leg. If we have the audacity to ask such an open-ended question trying to trick them into telling us something, they give us something that'll drive us crazy.

I think it may be an inter dimensional text message. LOL, BRB, TTYL, etc.
Thanks all for the really interesting session! :flowers:

Laura talking about Feng Shui lately has gotten me thinking about energy flows in living spaces, so it's interesting hearing about it in relation to the Chateau. And just last night I was thinking of picking up some dowsing rods to experiment with and see what kinds of things show up.

Their comment on GMOs was also interesting--what should be done about that? Even most good quality meat is fed some quantity of GMO food, at least in the US.

Lilou said:
And congratulations Joe, on your newly activated DNA strands. It is apparent that something changed in you, by the postings you've made here on the forum lately. And in a good way! :flowers: :rockon:

I had noticed this too--it feels like there's an added depth of warmth to your posts lately. So congrats Joe! :D
Shared Joy said:
Thank you for posting this interesting session.

This part reminded me of something quite interesting:

Q: (Joe) Can I ask what was the cause of my "Saturday Night Fever"? [laughter]

A: DNA modification!

Q: (Pierre) Those GMO's you consumed! [laughter]

(Joe) By iodine?

A: Yes. Indirectly.

Q: (Data) Is it a positive or negative modification?

A: Positive. New strands online.

Q: (Data) Congratulations! [laughter]

(Galatea) "You have evolved. You are experiencing new feelings: anxiety, fear, terror!" [laughter]

(Joe) Why have I been having these symptoms like anxiety and fear since then?

A: Any DNA activation has far reaching repercussions on multiple body systems. You have experienced swarms of micro-earthquakes within.

here's a passage from C Castaneda’a The power of Silence, at the end of Chapter 4:

....Don Juan lit some kerosene lanterns and we sat down at a sturdy table. It seemed that don Juan was getting ready to eat. I was wondering what to say or do when a woman entered noiselessly and put a large plate of food on the table. I was not prepared for her entrance, and when she stepped out of the darkness into the light, as if she had materialized out of nowhere, I gasped involuntarily. "Don't be scared, it's me, Carmela," she said and disappeared, swallowed again by the darkness. I was left with my mouth open in mid-scream.

Don Juan laughed so hard that I knew everybody in the house must have heard him. I half expected them to come, but no one appeared. I tried to eat, but I was not hungry. I began to think about the woman. I did not know her. That is, I could almost identify her, but I could not quite work my memory of her out of the fog that obscured my thoughts. I struggled to clear my mind. I felt that it required too much energy and I gave up.

Almost as soon as I had stopped thinking about her, I began to experience a strange, numbing anxiety. At first I believed that the dark, massive house, and the silence in and around it, were depressing. But then my anguish rose to incredible proportions, right after I heard the faint barking of dogs in the distance. For a moment I thought that my body was going to explode. Don Juan intervened quickly. He jumped to where I was sitting and pushed my back until it cracked. The pressure on my back brought me immediate relief.

When I had calmed down, I realized I had lost, together with the anxiety that had nearly consumed me, the clear sense of knowing everything. I could no longer anticipate how don Juan was going to articulate what I myself knew.

Don Juan then started a most peculiar explanation. First he said that the origin of the anxiety that had overtaken me with the speed of wildfire was the sudden movement of my assemblage point, caused by Carmela's sudden appearance, and by my unavoidable effort to move my assemblage point to the place where I would be able to identify her completely. He advised me to get used to the idea of recurrent attacks of the same type of anxiety, because my assemblage point was going to keep moving. "Any movement of the assemblage point is like dying," he said. "Everything in us gets disconnected, then reconnected again to a source of much greater power. That amplification of energy is felt as a killing anxiety."

"What am I to do when this happens?" I asked. "Nothing," he said. "Just wait. The outburst of energy will pass. What's dangerous is not knowing what is happening to you. Once you know, there is no real danger."

The assemblage point is described to be a complex issue: all we are and the way we perceive , act, interpret the world is due to the position of assemblage point. I don't want to overlap the two notions, just mentioned here for practical purposes. So one should not always be anxious because one feels anxiety. :)

It' s growth, evolution. Nobody said this is going to be simple, but knowing can lessen the pressure of these new kind of mental-emotional states.

First, I want to say thanks to all for the new session!
Second, this session has brought up some things I have been thinking about.

This crippling anxiety has been happening to me a lot lately. Matter of fact, halfway through reading this session, it started up again. It's been very scary to deal with, you can get really carried away by your thoughts. So far I have had to talk myself through thinking I had a cortisone disorder that caused my sons diabetes( all my test results proved I'm healthy after a trip to the ER) back in October, this past Saturday I had a intense fear that my husband and best friend were having an affair, then just today after reading part of this session and I had to stop reading because I had to leave for a Dr. appt. Fear and panic washed over me and I started to think "omg, is this a sign that I need to cancel my appointment.. What if I'm going to get in an accident and die?!" I said a prayer of protection and headed to my appointment, paying extra attention just in case. Anyhow, the way I have been dealing(after fighting with it for the past three months) is acting as if.. Like What is described in Bringers of the Dawn. Acting as if everything you experience is for your highest and greatest good.

Is that an appropriate coping method for one who is doing "The Work"? I worry that acting "as if" is just another form of wishful thinking. I just didn't see a better option for dealing with the panic and anxiety.
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