So I decided to treat myself (well twice actually cause I felt I got kind of jipped out of the first) and go order out from a local restaurant, however over half of the menu was covered up because they were out of stock on items. This happened the second time at a different place as well.
I know I've been reading it for years but this is the first time I've actually seen it in person that there will soon be no more food. Really drives home the point that in places that are still locked down, what will they open to in a few weeks or months?? When Gretchen Whats-her-face wakes up with her head on a pike and the people finally leave their house, what's going to be left?
Curious about how long it will take once the flood gates are open before the realm border, cause I'm assuming still that it's not an event you can really miss, even if time is elongated here, as it involves some kind of TDARM (trans dimensional atomic remoleculizer or something like that?) And if I recall correctly the 1000-year period was to come after the transition to 4D assuming one even makes it there. This could all be wrong and it turns out it is very pragmatic the whole way through from our point of view. Wouldn't that be hilarious
So here is my current synopsis as I understand the drama:
As the lockdowns end and/or people step outside and discover everything's been essentially trashed, they get angry and do something about it, viva la Revolucíon! Meanwhile, back on the farm, the weather is growing more and more intense, storms are showing up in places they usually don't form in, earthquakes and hundreds of volcanoes erupting all at once, food has all but disappeared, somewhere in this we may see people or places phasing in and out of this reality; monsters, ghouls, aliens and their ilk become visible; then finally, somewhere, an asteroid or swarm of them impact the earth, and I believe based on what Pierre was asking in the latest session and the C's response was that at the moment of impact either with the earth or the atmosphere, the energy released allows for a portal to open to other densities, either for escape or insertion of viruses et al, and then also becomes the mechanism for the rapid cooling and subsequent ice age due to the dirsuption of the atmosphere and change in cosmic environment, and/or the elevation of the entire planet and her people into 4D, depending on which timeline you end up on. And of course there will be plot twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat.
The reason I didn't mention war or nuclear bombs is cause frankly, if we believe (and I certainly do) that life interfaces with itself in kind of a self-perpetual growth mechanism, and if we've been at "5 Min to Midnight" for years now, then I think if anyone launches one or starts a war of that scale, it's game over from a cosmic point of view and the comets probably wouldn't take much longer. But part of me feels that everytime someone take a step closer to the light, and especially when humanity as a whole or a large group takes that step, my gut tells me we are rewarded with "just a little more time."