Session 23 May 2020

I don't know much about electricity, but I haven't seen electricity run a double parallel line like the furrows in Malta. I've only seen it branch out from a single trunk. Does anyone have an explanation?
This is how I see it. The C’s explain in this session here:

May 27, 2000

Ark, Laura, Frank, Barry T., Stephanie

Q: (L) Don't play with me on this one! I want to know what is the cause of the so-called "cart tracks" on the island of Malta?

A: Grooves.

Q: (L) Well, I KNOW that! But they are grooved in such a way that they cannot possibly be cart ruts, as they are called. I just recently purchased a book about the archeology of Malta which talks on and on about the temples and so forth, and then, on the very last page, devotes a single paragraph to the "cart ruts." This book says: <snip>

The bottom line is: I want to know what was the cause of these crazy cart ruts that cannot have been cart ruts! They cannot possibly be cart ruts!

A: Energy grooves.

Q: (L) What kind of energy?

A: Something like short circuit at time of disturbance in magnetic field of planet.

Q: (L) Was there something inlaid there that conducted this energy? I mean, did this rock melt like this because it had lines of conductors laid into the ground?

A: Crystal generators were once used to collect and redistribute cosmic and terran energy fields.

Q: (L) How long ago were these ruts or grooves formed?

A: 14019 years ago as you measure it.

Q: (L) Was this before the temple structures were built on Malta?

A: Yes. Survivors built those.

Q: (L) These ruts are certainly in the way. They are a definite hazard to walking. Maybe they filled them in with dirt that later washed away.

A: Magnetic disturbance, human cause.

Q: (L) What do you mean by that? Are you saying that the magnetic disturbance was caused by humans, or that the magnetic disturbance contributed to the cause of the ruts, and that the ruts were caused by humans, in such case, how did they cause the ruts in relation to the magnetic disturbance?

A: No. Calamities caused magnetic disturbances. Picture a short circuit in the global crystal power grid.

Q: (L) So, in other words, a global crystal power grid short circuited due to magnetic disturbances, and these human constructed grid lines all over the planet - I'm sure they must have existed in other places if that is the case - did it just melt the rock?

A: Maltese condition is somewhat unique from a preservational standpoint.

Q: (L) Again, did the rock just melt along these laid out grid lines?

A: More like atomic changes structurally.

Q: (A) I don't understand if they were built or were they natural lines of conduction? Was this power grid artificial or natural?

A: An artificial utilization of natural energy fields.

To me, this is saying they were using some sort of crystals to gather energy from the earth’s natural grid fields. It was also stated they were able to distribute energy via these same fields. If a massive electrical surge struck one of these crystals, it potentially could have created a massive short circuit across all available pathways melting and ionizing anything along those paths.

As an example. If I hooked up a 500 amp motor with some 22 gauge telephone wire, it would almost instantly melt the insulation and wire. You’re pushing way too many amps through a pathway or circuit that is not rated for that.

This obviously begs the question, what would happen to our current electrical grid if it was struck by a massive solar surge with all the copper wire running through every structure.
This is how I see it. The C’s explain in this session here:

May 27, 2000

Ark, Laura, Frank, Barry T., Stephanie

Q: (L) Don't play with me on this one! I want to know what is the cause of the so-called "cart tracks" on the island of Malta?

A: Grooves.

Q: (L) Well, I KNOW that! But they are grooved in such a way that they cannot possibly be cart ruts, as they are called. I just recently purchased a book about the archeology of Malta which talks on and on about the temples and so forth, and then, on the very last page, devotes a single paragraph to the "cart ruts." This book says: <snip>

The bottom line is: I want to know what was the cause of these crazy cart ruts that cannot have been cart ruts! They cannot possibly be cart ruts!

A: Energy grooves.

Q: (L) What kind of energy?

A: Something like short circuit at time of disturbance in magnetic field of planet.

Q: (L) Was there something inlaid there that conducted this energy? I mean, did this rock melt like this because it had lines of conductors laid into the ground?

A: Crystal generators were once used to collect and redistribute cosmic and terran energy fields.

Q: (L) How long ago were these ruts or grooves formed?

A: 14019 years ago as you measure it.

Q: (L) Was this before the temple structures were built on Malta?

A: Yes. Survivors built those.

Q: (L) These ruts are certainly in the way. They are a definite hazard to walking. Maybe they filled them in with dirt that later washed away.

A: Magnetic disturbance, human cause.

Q: (L) What do you mean by that? Are you saying that the magnetic disturbance was caused by humans, or that the magnetic disturbance contributed to the cause of the ruts, and that the ruts were caused by humans, in such case, how did they cause the ruts in relation to the magnetic disturbance?

A: No. Calamities caused magnetic disturbances. Picture a short circuit in the global crystal power grid.

Q: (L) So, in other words, a global crystal power grid short circuited due to magnetic disturbances, and these human constructed grid lines all over the planet - I'm sure they must have existed in other places if that is the case - did it just melt the rock?

A: Maltese condition is somewhat unique from a preservational standpoint.

Q: (L) Again, did the rock just melt along these laid out grid lines?

A: More like atomic changes structurally.

Q: (A) I don't understand if they were built or were they natural lines of conduction? Was this power grid artificial or natural?

A: An artificial utilization of natural energy fields.

To me, this is saying they were using some sort of crystals to gather energy from the earth’s natural grid fields. It was also stated they were able to distribute energy via these same fields. If a massive electrical surge struck one of these crystals, it potentially could have created a massive short circuit across all available pathways melting and ionizing anything along those paths.

As an example. If I hooked up a 500 amp motor with some 22 gauge telephone wire, it would almost instantly melt the insulation and wire. You’re pushing way too many amps through a pathway or circuit that is not rated for that.

This obviously begs the question, what would happen to our current electrical grid if it was struck by a massive solar surge with all the copper wire running through every structure.
I don’t know how to edit a post, but I wanted to add a video showing what happens when too much current is pushed through a wire.
This morning I watched the Keiser Report, not something I usually watch, but there was an interesting discussion regarding phenomena observed in Antarctica. From what I can gather, this was first observed 2018/2020 time frame.

This is the episode in question for reference, posted below. They go into all sorts of mind bending games to explain the phenomena, talking about consciousness, parallel universes and antimatter and bring the discussion around to the world financial system using the phenomena as an analogy.

This article from Live Science published in 2018

And this article published in 2020

Unfortunately for some reason I can't copy and paste text from the articles.

I thought it was interesting in relation to this recent session and the mention of unusual phenoma
Thank you very much for this new and unexpected session (for the short time with respect to the previous one).

When I read the phrase "Better than a roller coaster" it made me wonder if we are in front of other concept with multiple meanings as ocurred with "chills", as lately the Cs like to synthesize in just one expression several meanings.
The roller coaster are originated from the so-called "Russian Mountain", and it is still translated in many languagues like Spanish, of "russian mountain". Then it came to my mind that once the Cs said something like "the irresistible force in front of the immovable mountain" referring to the opposition that Russia represented in front of the plans of the PTB. The roller coaster could well represent the immovable hard rock mountain as well. But now something "Better than a roller coaster" could come along. In other words, it could be a greater threat to the PTB than anything the limited roller coaster-russian mountain has been able to do so far.
A: Soon astronomical phenomena.
Joe) Does that refer back to astronomical phenomena and the close passage of a large body that will cause the current to flow?

(Chu) Well, they said phenomena...

A: Close! Think of the grooves on Malta.

Q: (Pierre) They're talking of electromachining of the surface of the planet...

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Electromachining means basically arcing...

(Joe) Moving lightning along the ground.

(Pierre) Long-lasting moving lightning.

(Joe) Chasing people!

(Andromeda) That's coming soon?

A: Soon enough

Q: (L) Soon enough, but not right away.

(Pierre) Usually this electromachining occurs between our planet and a highly charge body like a comet. Will a comet be the source of these discharges?

(Joe) That's what I just asked.

A: Wait and see. That is not the only source of such phenomena

It seems like that one of phenomenal things going to be cause by Comets, Wave, and Twin Sun. So, three separate cycles coming together from the Cosmic show/drama to completion of Grand Cycle.
And other phenomena is more likely to do with Earth’s Events?
Anyway, according to Cs information, soon, while all the things happening simultaneously, our group will transitioning to 4th density, probably some of other group also moving up as if they match STO profile frequency.
So while we are transiting , probably witnessing unconscious people’s fates that they brings or attracts Cosmic’s negative energies that are corresponding to their inner makeup.

Just like the person got lighting struck seven times, because he’s inner makeup is “triple cycle veil of consciousness body”. I wonder what is exactly this mean?

October 16, 1994

Q: (L) Is the transition to 4th density going to happen before the comets or after?

A: After.

Q: (L) Is the interaction of the comets and the planet earth going to....

A: Precede the transition

July 03, 1999

Q: (A) My first question is: has there been a change in the time schedule in the coming of the comet cluster and 'twin sun?'

A: There is no "schedule," as such.

Q: (A) There is no schedule, but there was uncertainty concerning the disasters that are coming...

A: Disasters?!?

Q: (A) Yes, disasters... these comets will come and some of them are supposed to cause a pole shift and this is certainly a disaster...

A: Whoa! Wait a minute, Arkadiusz! All is according to perspective! Let us not be subjective. If one transits to 4th density in the midst of said "disaster," then how disastrous is this!?! And, how does one suppose to know the "schedule," when it is up in the air, so to speak?

Q: (A) So, it is not going to be a disaster for some - those who transit to 4th density. I understand.

A: And for those who transit to 5th density, it will not be so bad either. Sort of like, "sit back and enjoy the show

Q: (L) We talked before a little bit about information being involved in where earth changes would be manifesting and that locations could be attractors as well as some people can be attractors for cosmic events or electrical things, like they have this negative thing and it fries them in the process. mkrnhr said something the other day about the destruction of information. We were talking in a broad context, but we were talking about destruction of libraries, archaeology, and that war itself was essentially destroying information. It was an anti-information, or the ultimate disinformation so to speak. So I guess my question is how is this going to affect where, when, and how any of these sheets of electrical rain or electrical discharges or whatever manifest? Is this going to be like... I don't even know how to ask the question. (Belibaste) I have a question that might go in the right direction.
During the last session, it was established that if a human population believes in information that is orthogonal to truth, that is, lies, then it can modulate cosmic events.
To understand better the mechanism, I wanted to know where information is stored?

A: Consciousness.

Q: (Belibaste) So this guy we were talking about then, he got lightning struck seven times. He was really afraid of thunder. And his wife was struck once when he was next to her. What is specific in this guy because nobody gets struck by lightning seven times! What is specific in this guy?

A: His inner connections.

Q: (Belibaste) Inner connections are just... (Perceval) Genetic?

A: Can be.

Q: (Belibaste) Inner connections, it means the inner connections are faulty because it's a kind of disintegration that was mentioned before? What kind of connections are we talking about?

A: Triple cycle veil of consciousness bodies.

Q: (Perceval) You asked! (L) I ain't openin' that can of worms! I’ve got other questions to ask. (Belibaste) There are three bodies? What are they? (Perceval) Triple cycle... (L) Triple cycle of what? (Belibaste) What are the three bodies?

A: Psychic/consciousness, genetic, high soul family.

Q: (Athena) That makes it so much clearer! (Belibaste) If it's not correctly connected... (L) Once they said something like hypnosis was opening a door to the unconscious. So I would say then the unconscious is connected to the superconscious, and then the superconscious is connected to other superconsciousnesses at some other level. But an individual must have... (Perceval) It seems like it's an anomaly with this guy. There's something about his makeup that is different. Otherwise he would not be hit by lightning seven times. (Athena) He just really needed a shock. (Ailen) And they're talking about a veil of consciousness. (L) I don't wanna go in that direction. If we start going there, we'll never get all of our other questions in! But I think I remember them saying something about some kind of triple body. And they were talking about tears in some kind of veil, tears in the ethereal body. That's what they were talking about.
(L) Okay, this is kind of shooting in the dark, but... Could it be that somebody who has some kind of genetic, or even an inner consciousness connection to like a negative or entropic entity could attract that sort of thing?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) It's like an exorcism by lightning. (Belibaste) And actually we asked during the last session to what extent having this problem... how they attract these cosmic or electrical events. I think it was said it was partly electric, and partly other. I guess this consciousness connection is... (L) And while you could look at somebody on earth that didn't ask to be born this way, but the very fact that they were born and connected in some higher consciousness way to an overlord of entropy so to speak, is just kind of the way things are. Some animals are born lions, some crocodiles, some are dogs, some are cats. We are what we are.
(Pierre) Usually this electromachining occurs between our planet and a highly charge body like a comet. Will a comet be the source of these discharges?

(Joe) That's what I just asked.

A: Wait and see. That is not the only source of such phenomena!

A few months ago I saw this news in sott, I wonder if it has to do with one of the source of such phenomena

Thanks for this new session

It is enough to see this current world to understand that we are truly in a "deep doodoo". In his article "Gaslighting the Coronavirus" Dimitry Orlov tells us that:

"In 2019, it appears to have come to the common realization that the fracking bonanza in the US has pretty much run its course and that no further expansion in the use of oil, and therefore no further economic expansion, would be possible. But a globalized regime cannot be maintained without constant expansion. The only solution was for the technosphere to fracture into zones, some of which can then be de-funded and deprived of access to oil. In order to realize this plan, the entire planet had to be placed under lock-down, and the only way to do that is to scare everyone with a supposedly deadly virus.

“…t becomes necessary for the technosphere to periodically apply some discipline, in order to keep the dream of infinite technological progress in the service of humanity from starting to look a bit threadbare. The way this is done is by presenting any alternative to endless progress as an unmitigated disaster: it’s either total control or the apocalypse. There are many different varieties of the apocalypse, featuring various combinations of asteroids, zombies, deadly viruses, space aliens, shark-bearing waterspouts over Los Angeles… the list is endless.”

The technosphere looked at the list and picked “deadly viruses.” And there you have it.

Dimitry Orlov mentions that a technological entity that he calls the technosphere is emerging in this post coronavirus reality that political advertising calls "new normal" and that authoritarian followers are promoting and acting.

Dimitry Orlov says that global actors are using the coronavirus pandemic for their very particular purposes. China and Russia may be seeking world supremacy, while Europeans seek to end the European Union and return to the model of independent nations while in the United States the Democrats plan is to undermine the Trump presidency.

Now whatever the goals are there is a common factor in all of them: "It is the absolute control factor: movement restrictions, behavioral restrictions, restrictions on what companies can operate and constant medical tests."

Orlov says.

“The reason for extending life for as long as possible, no matter how little sense this makes, is to be found in the abstract teleology of total control. The technosphere’s compulsion is to control everything. It is unacceptable to it for old people to decide when to die all on their own. Death cannot be left up to a subjective judgment; it must be the objective outcome of a technical, measurable process.”

Technosphere is “…an emergent global intelligence that hates all forms of life, likes physics and chemistry, hates anything that it cannot dominate or control, is adept at using humans for its own purposes, but is quite ready to kill them when they are no longer needed or when they get in the way, which it can easily do because its most advanced and effective technologies are its killing technologies—conventional, nuclear and chemical weapons; germ warfare; and political technologies that send people into battle.”

This technosphere appears to be a hyperdimensional entity like the Bell Witch!!

The C's said that hyperdimensional warfare is largely waged through us and STS hyperdimensional forces require targets to be within a certain bandwidth of resonant frequency to theirs before they can be hooked and manipulated causally. By resonating within their frequency spectrum, they enter a hyperdimensional territory and acquire the ability to physically dominate it.

This is what is happening with the coronavirus pandemic and with the so-called new normal: the hyperdimensional forces of oppression have a crucial interest in reducing the frequency of those who want to enslave so that slaves attract subjugation as their preferred mode of learning . It has been repeated many times, this coronavirus pandemic is not about saving lives and people's health, it is more about control, submission to a force that is inexorably penetrating this reality.

How can you protect yourself from this hyperdimensional war? I think the session of May 18, 2019 is of great importance, please read it again. Remember the Ark incident? Ark's caps and meaning? the merge of realities?

That time the C's said:

There is a match between future and current frequency. We once pointed out that massive human behavior was a reflection of cosmic conditions. Now is the time when everyone should be more vigilant. We also note that STS forces are fully aware of prophetic patterns and will change and twist to discourage and put to sleep those who are lazy in vigilance. Be aware of the human environment and try to imagine what it represents above !! It is like the story of the wise and foolish virgins we have mentioned. Another parallel would be the story of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. Who will be found sleeping?

So beware, nobody is a nobody and everyone has a role to play in this latest cosmic drama.

Laura asked: "What kinds of practices, thinking, behavior, or whatever really help us in our lives to keep us safe from hyperdimensional manipulation or damage that can damage our frequency or murky things?

1. Avoid dissociation.
2. don't feed negative thinking loops
3. look at your diet
4. share impressions and problems.
5. seek redemption by helping others.
6. conserve energy and not feed STS dynamics as GUILT or FALSE EMPATHY. (like stay home saves lifes or we are together)
7. Connect with ancestors and honest holy type people in 5D for protection.
8. pray or sing together.

In that session the Cs asked Is the so-called "normal life" one of expansion of STO or is it one of contraction to STS?

Normal life is new normal now. Laura said:

The problem with people trying to live a normal life is that when they do that, they are surrounded by other people trying to live a normal life according to a materialistic paradigm. Which tends to make it impossible for them to open up, communicate, share ... they can't really do it with many of the people out there because many of them are not adjusted to it. Therefore they become less and less awake and conscious and their antenna [with the universe] goes off. They fall into a kind of black hole of service to themselves. So the so-called normal life is really an abnormal life. The only place where you can really have a normal life is with a group of people SINCERELY looking to grow and change.

Find your group of people. Don't just fight this hyperdimensional war alone.
Thanks for the energy in putting another session out.

Since the C's are getting almost a perfect score in their "analysis of the future", some interesting times are ahead. But like the Chinese proverb goes, "may you live in interesting times".

I'm at about 38% on Plague of Corruption (Kindle version) and I think Mikovits gives a pretty good clue behind what the Cs said that there were experiments at Fort Detrick regarding the creation of a vaccine that would make humans more controllable. Kikovits quotes the following article:

Think of the issues in those with cognitive decline when it's hard to regulate emotions, there's lack of concentration and attention, and people are not open to learn new things or to different perspectives.

Mikovits adds:

I don't think it's that terribly negative, depending on the individual in question. It's a good time to remember Frank Ryan's book Virolution where he extensively reviews this subject and much more. Ryan says:

Remember the ALU repeats from the following sessions:

In October 2014, there was also a reference to truncated flow of liquids in reference to DNA, and here's an article which was commented on that session:

There was so much information in that October 2014 session, that I'm rather quoting Laura's summary:

I think it's important to keep in mind that while there's a heavy bias against viruses, that they are the super evil thing in this planet, the literature is filled with examples of how the opposite is the case. Frank Ryan (Virolution) explains the topic extensively. He also touches the subject of how they found retroviruses in tumors and widely expressed in the brain. He says that retroviruses have a super special genetic code called LTR (long terminal repeat) which contains bureaucratic regions of great power that are only found in viruses, and which have an ability to promote the expression of genes, whether of viral origin or their hosts, which then influence cellular expression of proteins (e.g. embryological development).

Viruses and their genetic code add a powerful toolkit to potentially unlock our genomes. Who benefits and doesn't? Well, Ryan explores how viruses have a dual property. The analogy with fire with its dual propensity to destroy or to create is drawn. He says that from the evolutionary perspective, viruses have this same dual ability: viruses either give rise to evolutionary change, or they give rise to disease. And I think we can add consciousness as part of the answer of who can potentially benefit from interacting with viruses that have interesting architectural features.

Just a reminder ;-)

I don't know if you were coming at this from the angle from Prof. Luc Montagnier, but to add to this connection with the HIV virus, the man
who co-discovered HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) claimed the presence of elements of HIV in the genome of the coronavirus and even elements of the "germ of malaria" are highly suspect, according to a report in Asia Times.

Laura asked: "What kinds of practices, thinking, behavior, or whatever really help us in our lives to keep us safe from hyperdimensional manipulation or damage that can damage our frequency or murky things?

1. Avoid dissociation.
2. don't feed negative thinking loops
3. look at your diet
4. share impressions and problems.
5. seek redemption by helping others.
6. conserve energy and not feed STS dynamics as GUILT or FALSE EMPATHY. (like stay home saves lifes or we are together)
7. Connect with ancestors and honest holy type people in 5D for protection.
8. pray or sing together.
Thanks for posting this Puma1974.

I don't remember reading this before, but if this is true I see that I struggle with the second and third points especially. After doing EE two times I can already see the positive effects regarding improvement in the second point of "not feeding negative thinking loops". I feel that the words and knowledge that Laura is transmitting in the EE program are far beyond my own level and I'm grateful to her for doing what she does. The sound of Laura's voice when she is guiding fills me with something that I can not quite describe.

When it comes to diet I "know" what to eat, but I have a block in implementing because I have a weird relationship when it comes to food. I think that its such a waste of time to have to eat and that it feels so primitive. From an intellectual point, I know very well the importance of providing the body with the right "fuel", but I struggle to really implement it within my belief system. Has anyone else had similar difficulties regarding food/diet and found ways to overcome it? If so, I will be thankful for any suggestions :-)
Thank you for this session. What a ride we're in! Great videos about the electrical phenomenons, it definitely helps to picture it. I'm always amazed and grateful by the Knowledge shared here.
It's hard not to be overwhelmed as it goes "everywhere" and meanwhile, life goes on as @Ant22 said so well.
Faith thou provide!

Q: (L) So in other words, the powers that be that are running the show aren't really as smart as they think they are...

A: Exactly.

Q: (L) They never counted on their satellites getting fried.

(Pierre) And other electronic equipment through which they monitor, control, and influence populations. It's a failing of the electronic control system.

A: Level playing field eventually. Just wait for the current to begin to flow!
It's hard not be worried about electricity being down for extended periods which leads me to also hope we'll be able to communicate telepathically for the next upgrade, if we don't get electrocuted. ⚡Well, worry not.
I thought maybe crystals could act as a protection in some way?
Well, that led me to discover some great videos about them anyway, which I'll share for those interested.

I didn't know this about piezoelectricity :
Piezoelectric effect is also present in some objects that are parts or products of living things. Bones, skin, intestines, aortas, and DNA are piezoelectric. Dentin, which is found in several types of plants and in teeth, can also produce piezoelectricity. Another piezoelectric material is silk.

Great connections with this session too: Session 28 May 2013

(L) Okay, next question. In terms of "preparedness" for the coming - er, currently manifesting – changes, how important is it to truly connect to other people?

A: If that is the only way to achieve truth within the self, it is very important.

Q: (L) I don't think that was quite the way the question was intended. I think it was about having a group that helps each other in material or physical ways in the coming times.

A: If there is truth within that will manifest naturally like the pieces of a puzzle snapping into place.

Q: (L) Next question on the list: How do consciousness, information, and matter relate to each other?

A: Different concentrations of truth.

Q: (L) So I'm assuming you mean that matter would be one concentration, and consciousness would be another, and information like maybe pure information would be the purest form?

A: Not necessarily, information arranged by a truth becomes consciousness. That is why truth and objectivity are so important. Without it, consciousness and individuality fractures and disintegrates.


(Belibaste) Quick question. Is there a connection between information and electricity?

A: Very close.

Q: (Belibaste) So the more information in the body, the higher the electric charge? Is there a correlation?

A: Close.

Q: (L) And the higher the electric charge, the less likely you are to attract. (Belibaste) Depending on the charge. That's where I was going to go: the correlation between positive charge and truth and negative charge and information that is orthogonal to truth. (Perceval) You can say "lies"! [laughter] (Belibaste) I heard Laura saying it, and I thought oh, that's good!

A: Sphere packing tachyons.

Could it be a clue as to avoid getting barbecued?

Well, my guess would be that there will be an astronomical phenomena that would allow people to see the unseen. And that could be either because people will get DNA upgrade or because the technology that manipulates our minds to not see some things will become broken because of this phenomena.

I found this idea and Neil's perspective fascinating too.
This video might be a relevant analogy of how what we perceive might be altered by strobe lights, and it definitely is hypnotic to watch!

Cheers to exposure!

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