Session 23 May 2020

Thanks for posting this Puma1974.

I don't remember reading this before, but if this is true I see that I struggle with the second and third points especially. After doing EE two times I can already see the positive effects regarding improvement in the second point of "not feeding negative thinking loops". I feel that the words and knowledge that Laura is transmitting in the EE program are far beyond my own level and I'm grateful to her for doing what she does. The sound of Laura's voice when she is guiding fills me with something that I can not quite describe.

When it comes to diet I "know" what to eat, but I have a block in implementing because I have a weird relationship when it comes to food. I think that its such a waste of time to have to eat and that it feels so primitive. From an intellectual point, I know very well the importance of providing the body with the right "fuel", but I struggle to really implement it within my belief system. Has anyone else had similar difficulties regarding food/diet and found ways to overcome it? If so, I will be thankful for any suggestions :-)

I think I can understand your nutritional problem a little. You may feel that you are not part of this world. Because of the knowledge we are in a kind of ambivalence. You may not want to be here because at some point in your story you have recognized objective reality. And you say yourself that your mind knows that you have to give your body nutrients. But think that it is primitive. I don't think it's primitive. What you say just shows me that you seem to reject physicality deeply into the whole issue. Your own body. And I can really understand that. I was at the same point.

It is also a fact that your soul wants to have this experience. And for that you need your body. It is your vehicle. Your organic container. This book helped me a lot. And I recommend everyone to read it. Don't let the title confuse you. It is great. It taught me humility before the planet, the creation. And above all, enjoy the right nutrition. And yes, you can enjoy eating without feeling guilty. Because it is part of creation. Removing yourself from this equation is like rejecting creation yourself.

I tried to look for articles on the smell,"strange smell", "sulfur smell" etc. but not finding much. Not sure it is getting censored or not. Most I can find are from Jan 2020. I found one san diego in May 2020 which they attributed to glowing bacteria in the ocean. Other than that not many. May be we need to track them.

Oddly enough it was widely reported in Italy, just got multiple news hit on the 11th of May, and this very brief one: A Parigi strano odore di zolfo e cielo giallo, sui social è caccia alla causa -- ...Same smell and yellowish sky also in Bruxelles and Los Angeles, apparently the same day.
Well I for one am glad the Cs have stuck with us and have not withdrawn from the fray!
Session Date: May 23rd 2020

Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board

Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, PoB, Scottie, Niall, Noko the Wonderdog, Princess Leia

Q: (L) Today is May 23, 2020. [Review of those present] So I guess we begin. Hello, is anybody out there? I feel a Pink Floyd moment coming on...

A: Hello children. Hinokiaea of Cassiopaea. It has been an interesting five months has it not? More to come!

Q: (L) Before we get off on asking questions about any of that, Ark has questions to ask. He is ALWAYS getting left out, so today he gets to be first!

(Ark) I have forgotten how to ask questions! [laughter]

(L) Come sit right here next to me.

(Ark) Oh my goodness... [Ark moves close to the board next to Laura] So, I start with light questions. Yeah.

(Artemis) About light?

(Ark) Well, yes and no. Yes. The first question is that at the end of June there is a conference in Belgium. I hesitate if I should go or not to go. At present, I prefer not to go. But perhaps there are reasons for me to go. What would be the advice?

A: Not much there for you.

Q: (Ark) Okay. To continue this question... Even if I don't go there, I can still publish some kind of a junk paper in their proceedings and people will read and I can communicate something important to people. Should I think of it?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) Oh! Thank you. Good. In fact, it was not necessary for me to ask because anyhow that was my inclination. It was a check. Now, I want to go back to the session from 8 October 2001 when I was asking certain questions. I was asking what should I do if I want to make a real breakthrough. And the answer was: Riemann and Pauli. That kind of surprised me. Riemann was a mathematician and Pauli was a physicist. They suggested to connect Riemann and Pauli. Riemann was a mathematician of geometry, and Pauli was a physicist of quantum theory. So I thought perhaps Pauli has to do with spin because Pauli was famous for inventing spin. But he was also famous for other things. So my question is: Is it really spin that is here about Pauli?

A: Only got a narrow definition. There is more to Pauli.

Q: (Ark) There is more to Pauli... What more? Any hint?

(L) Well, I dunno. What else did Pauli do?

(Ark) What did he do? Well, he introduced spin. He introduced so-called Exclusion Principle which means that fermions cannot be in the same state, but bosons can come together in being in the same state.

A: Add that to geometry.

Q: (Ark) I see. Next... There was also in this session something like, "operators link Riemann to Pauli". I was thinking what that means... One famous known operator is called the Dirac operator, and the other is Pauli operator. So, is it the Dirac operator, Pauli operator, or some other operator that links Pauli to Riemann?

A: Dirac.

Q: (Ark) Dirac? Dirac! Okay... Then, in this same session, I was asking about signs in geometry: signs plus and signs minus. Space has three pluses because there are 3 dimensions. Time is different than space and has a minus dimension. I was asking about these dimensions and whether I should perhaps consider some unified field theory with neither pluses nor minuses, but instead with zeros. And the answer was that I should drop off some of these dimensions - not just put zeros. That was the answer. I was surprised, but now I'm thinking... Is dropping off meaning giving nothing - no plus or no minus?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) Does it mean what I call sub-Riemannian geometry?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) Alright then. Now, another question: There was a guy by the name Mendel Sachs and he invented a kind of a way as to how gravity can be built out of spinors and spin. It didn't work, but I think it can be made to work. Should I continue thinking like that?

A: Spinning and unstable gravity waves?

Q: (Ark) With a question mark, which means I have to think about it. I have another question about these spinors. Are these spinors just the spinors that physicists are playing with, or should they be algebraic spinors like those that Keller - whom I adore - was working with? Algebraic or normal?

A: Yes

Q: [laughter] (Artemis) Blue or green? Yes!

A: Algebraic.

Q: (Ark) Okay, good. Probably the last question for today: On Tuesday I will have a seminar, my first talk in several years. I will be talking about time in quantum theory. Is there anything particular that I should convey to people in this seminar?

A: Whatever you know!

Q: (Ark) Okay. One more question: So, there is the option of building gravity out of electromagnetism. Another option is to build electromagnetism out of gravity. And another option is to build a unified field theory. Another option is to... Yeah, okay I know the answer.

(L) I just got it in my head!

(Ark) Unified field theory, of course.

(L) If you build gravity, you will have it...

(Ark) Okay.

A: Yes

Q: (L) In other words, if you build gravity, you'll have UFT.

(Joe) To build gravity, you need a scaffold.

(Niall) We have a cement spinner as well if you need that.

(L) You need some concrete for that gravity?

(Pierre) A lot!

(L) Alright... Now let's go back to our intro. You said there were lots of interesting things in the last five months, and there's more to come. Last time, you said there are going to be weather issues.

A: Soon astronomical phenomena.

Q: (L) Hmm.

(Artemis) Astronomical phenomena... Didn't they recently broadcast that aliens or UFOs are now real or something like that? Is that related?

A: Yes. Clever you are!

Q: (Joe) Artemis, you just referred to those recent reports about UFOs - the Pentagon stuff. You asked if that was related to the astronomical phenomena?

(Artemis) Yeah.

(Joe) In what way do you think they were related?

(Artemis) Well, you have a pandemic, and then on the side, "Hey! UFOs are real! LOL!" But then let's just sweep that under the rug. Like they got it out of the way because they have to. It's kind of suspicious.

(L) It's extremely suspicious. And meanwhile, they're pushing these investigations into Obama and his gang in a fairly determined way. With the pandemic thing going on, that's kind of... I mean, they can erase that from the front page with pandemic news.

(Artemis) It's almost like they HAVE to reveal the real existence of UFOs because of some reason, but they don't really want anybody to be paying attention.

(L) Yeah. Next questions?

(Pierre) I have a few. They're along the theme of cometary bombardments, mass extinctions, and viruses. First question: How during those cometary induced mass extinctions did new viruses get injected? Three hypotheses, not mutually exclusive: Carried by the comet, materialized by the radiation caused by the comet, and upper atmosphere viruses carried down to the surface by the comet?

A: Realm curtain breeches by EM pulses.

Q: (Pierre) We have injection of new information via those materialized viruses. How do new lifeforms evolve? Example: Dinosaurs demise, mammals appear. This new form, mammals, did it evolve from scratch, did it evolve from pre-mammals, or did it evolve from surviving dinosaurs? Where did it come from? There were these new viruses, but where did the viruses anchor and develop these new forms of life?

(L) Well I can answer that.

(Pierre) What is it?

(L) Well, by the time the dinosaurs were on the eve of extinction, there were already pre-mammalian lifeforms. Proto-mammals. And that would be where they would anchor...

(Andromeda) Anchor and cause mutations.

(L) Yeah.

(Pierre) Another question is, during a viral epidemic there are deaths. Do those deaths mean that the victims are essentially incompatible with the upgrade brought by the virus?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) And last question: In a previous session, it was mentioned that extra strands of non-material DNA... Can you give us more information about those extra strands of DNA?

(L) What was the exact...

(Pierre) Most recent example of Joe who asked how many strands of DNA he has.

(Joe) No, Artemis asked.

(Pierre) Oh. Artemis asked, and the answer was 13.

(Joe) She asked about a few different people. And then I asked but we only have 2 strands... And Laura said that their definition of "DNA strands" is not what we think of.

(L) I think when they talk about strands, they're talking about parts of the genetic code that are shut off by stop codons so that if you have something that all of a sudden opens up, you have another "strand" or string of code that is opened up operationally.

(Andromeda) They're already there for potential activation...

(L) It's not like you increase the number of chromosomes or whatever you call those...
(Pierre) 46 chromosomes.

(L) 46 chromosomes, and each chromosome has 2 strands. So, it's not like you're doubling that or anything. It's just that there are parts of the DNA that are shut down.

(Joe) They're active or inactive.

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Thank you.

(Joe) Do you remember that video of a shimmering wave that went up through a cloud that was over the Middle East? How long ago was that?

(Niall) February.

(Joe) We asked about that, and they said something was coming through. I think they said it was some kind of a breach in the realm curtain or whatever. Did that have anything to do with this pandemic business?

A: Only partly.

Q: (Ark) I have one more question about gravity. Should gravity respect the speed of light, or it's instantaneous or something?

A: Supersedes.

Q: (Ark) Okay.

(Andromeda) Do you want to ask about that smell?

(L) Several places: Los Angeles...

(Andromeda) North of France.

(Niall) Paris

(Joe) A lot of places in France, actually.

(Andromeda) That was about 2 or 3 weeks ago?

(Joe) Yeah.

A: Realm curtain breached.

Q: (L) Remember that the devil is supposed to be accompanied by the smell of sulfur... and Bigfoot!

(Niall) And window fallers.

(Joe) It's a chemical byproduct of trans-density movement?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, that's actually something interesting that should be looked into. What are the properties of sulfur? Why would that be involved in a realm curtain breach?

(Andromeda) Yeah.

(Joe) So what was breaching the realm curtain? What was coming through in Los Angeles and France and wherever else at the same time?

A: Invisible to you as yet, but 4D STS energy beings.

Q: (Artemis) Yeah, so you can kind of see what's going to happen. Pandemic, aliens are real, celestial stuff, 4D STS beings... Put it all together and you know what's gonna happen.

(L) We're in deep doodoo!

(Niall) They're preparing for the eventuality that people will see them.

(Joe) Well, hang on. They said soon astronomical phenomena... Can we know what kind of phenomena?

(L) Wait and see!

(Joe) Is it two arms and two legs, or rocky?

(L) Astronomical. Sky, stars, planets, comets.

(Joe) Supernova!

(Artemis) Didn't something zoom by Earth recently?

(L) Asteroids and stuff. Several came pretty close recently. That would be astronomical.

(Ark) But when is a supernova going to come out... Any moment now.

(L) We should have a supernova. Any other questions?

(Artemis) There was the sulfur smell. Then there was also a glow in the sky that people are reporting. What about this glow in the sky?

A: EM energies stirring comet dust.

Q: (L) Well, I was just reading that the Earth's magnetic shield has dropped even lower, and it's causing problems with satellites. Is that going to be a big issue in the days to come?

A: Oh indeed. Best laid plans fail?

Q: (L) So in other words, the powers that be that are running the show aren't really as smart as they think they are...

A: Exactly.

Q: (L) They never counted on their satellites getting fried.

(Pierre) And other electronic equipment through which they monitor, control, and influence populations. It's a failing of the electronic control system.

A: Level playing field eventually. Just wait for the current to begin to flow!

Q: (L) So in other words, we're all going to get electrocuted!

(Pierre) That might be due to the fact that the magnetosphere protects the planet from most high-energy cosmic rays and other radiations. If you have no magnetic shield, the planet is open to any such radiation.

(Joe) Does that refer back to astronomical phenomena and the close passage of a large body that will cause the current to flow?

(Chu) Well, they said phenomena...

A: Close! Think of the grooves on Malta.

Q: (Pierre) They're talking of electromachining of the surface of the planet...

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Electromachining means basically arcing...

(Joe) Moving lightning along the ground.

(Pierre) Long-lasting moving lightning.

(Joe) Chasing people!

(Andromeda) That's coming soon?

A: Soon enough.

Q: (L) Soon enough, but not right away.

(Pierre) Usually this electromachining occurs between our planet and a highly charge body like a comet. Will a comet be the source of these discharges?

(Joe) That's what I just asked.

A: Wait and see. That is not the only source of such phenomena!

Q: (Andromeda) So with all that stuff going on up in the sky it's probably a good thing there aren't so many people up in airplanes.

(Pierre) For all we know, the source might be even a craft. A big craft.

(Joe) In the last session when they said the lock downs would end after two months because of exposure, has that exposure already happened?

(L) I don't think they said it would end with exposure. They said lock down for 2 months, and ultimately there would be exposure. I don't think they linked them together as cause-effect.

(Joe) I think they linked them together.

(L) No, it wasn't linked together.

[Review of previous session notes]

(Chu) I have it here: "Yes, but that too will backfire due to exposure." No timing...

A: Bigger exposure coming.

Q: (Artemis) Laura asked in a previous session if the virus could manifest in a negative way in some people. Are we talking about an Invasion of the Body Snatchers kind of thing happening here?

A: In some cases it may seem that way.

Q: (Chu) Last time, they gave the percentage of people who had the positive version of Covid-19. But how many people total have caught the virus?

A: 24 percent.

Q: (Andromeda) So 37% of 24% of population had the positive one.

(Chu) And a quarter of humanity had it, so it's not even as virulent as they claimed.

(Joe) So have their attempts to stop people from contracting it worked to some extent?

A: No

Q: (Pierre) So they were REALLY desperate.

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) And even now, despite the lock down and the desperate measures, no improvement was attained. No reduction in contamination.

A: None of what they thought has transpired due to wishful thinking. Just keep eyes and ears open! Lot of surprising twists and turns. Better than a roller coaster.

Q: (Joe) What if you don't like roller coasters? What if you vomit on roller coasters? (Artemis) Any more questions from anybody?

A: Worry not! Goodbye.


Thank you for sharing!!
Thanks for posting this Puma1974.

I don't remember reading this before, but if this is true I see that I struggle with the second and third points especially. After doing EE two times I can already see the positive effects regarding improvement in the second point of "not feeding negative thinking loops". I feel that the words and knowledge that Laura is transmitting in the EE program are far beyond my own level and I'm grateful to her for doing what she does. The sound of Laura's voice when she is guiding fills me with something that I can not quite describe.

When it comes to diet I "know" what to eat, but I have a block in implementing because I have a weird relationship when it comes to food. I think that its such a waste of time to have to eat and that it feels so primitive. From an intellectual point, I know very well the importance of providing the body with the right "fuel", but I struggle to really implement it within my belief system. Has anyone else had similar difficulties regarding food/diet and found ways to overcome it? If so, I will be thankful for any suggestions :-)

I don't think of food as being primitive or a waste of time and I understand its importance but I really don't have any interest in it. I have to force myself to eat so tend to only eat once a day and not much at that. I probably should eat more but I have to force myself as it is. It's a pain.
Speaking of UFO's, there is a strange video on UNICEF website that is urging kids to accept reptilian aliens. I don't know how reliable it is, but still this video was released in Chile by UNICEF:

A Bizarre UNICEF Video Urging Kids To Accept Reptilian Aliens its at UNICEF Chile account and the name is UNICEF Marciano. Also you can view it here:
you need to be in youtube to type the above 2 sites. I don't know how credible this is, but still, UNICEF? of all people
Speaking of UFO's, there is a strange video on UNICEF website that is urging kids to accept reptilian aliens. I don't know how reliable it is, but still this video was released in Chile by UNICEF:

A Bizarre UNICEF Video Urging Kids To Accept Reptilian Aliens its at UNICEF Chile account and the name is UNICEF Marciano. Also you can view it here:
you need to be in youtube to type the above 2 sites. I don't know how credible this is, but still, UNICEF? of all people
Wow that IS very weird! I see the kids are freaked out- but imagine being the only one of your kind in a room full of hateful people.
Q: (Belibaste) So this guy we were talking about then, he got lightning struck seven times. He was really afraid of thunder. And his wife was struck once when he was next to her. What is specific in this guy because nobody gets struck by lightning seven times! What is specific in this guy?

A: His inner connections.

Q: (Belibaste) Inner connections are just... (Perceval) Genetic?

A: Can be.

Q: (Belibaste) Inner connections, it means the inner connections are faulty because it's a kind of disintegration that was mentioned before? What kind of connections are we talking about?

A: Triple cycle veil of consciousness bodies.

Q: (Perceval) You asked! (L) I ain't openin' that can of worms! I’ve got other questions to ask. (Belibaste) There are three bodies? What are they? (Perceval) Triple cycle... (L) Triple cycle of what? (Belibaste) What are the three bodies?

A: Psychic/consciousness, genetic, high soul family.

Q: (Athena) That makes it so much clearer! (Belibaste) If it's not correctly connected... (L) Once they said something like hypnosis was opening a door to the unconscious. So I would say then the unconscious is connected to the superconscious, and then the superconscious is connected to other superconsciousnesses at some other level. But an individual must have... (Perceval) It seems like it's an anomaly with this guy. There's something about his makeup that is different. Otherwise he would not be hit by lightning seven times. (Athena) He just really needed a shock. (Ailen) And they're talking about a veil of consciousness. (L) I don't wanna go in that direction. If we start going there, we'll never get all of our other questions in! But I think I remember them saying something about some kind of triple body. And they were talking about tears in some kind of veil, tears in the ethereal body. That's what they were talking about.

That session often reminded me of the movie Powder:

I don't think of food as being primitive or a waste of time and I understand its importance but I really don't have any interest in it. I have to force myself to eat so tend to only eat once a day and not much at that. I probably should eat more but I have to force myself as it is. It's a pain.

I have the same problem. In my childhood I was overweight and enjoyed eating. A personal trauma led to a sudden refusal to eat - I was unable to eat and I was no longer hungry. I only ate when my insulin was deep in the basement and sometimes it was only after 3 days. So I assumed strange eating behavior. I hardly eat hot food, I rather love everything that is fruity and vegetables. I have no aversion to meat, and yet I rarely like it. Every new trauma always led to total refusal to eat. In recent years, I have therefore been taking 1 week off to gain weight - strangely, I eat a lot and enjoy it on vacation. I have also found that my way of eating gives me a lot more energy and power, I am not tired at all and I am physically very resilient. If I change my eating habits on vacation, I immediately feel an indolence in the head, in the mind and in the body. The changeover to a pure Paleo diet has also brought me nothing, although what I eat goes towards Paleo. It's a shame. But I have the feeling that everyone also has their own pattern, that they have to find out. It is probably my genetic predisposition to have to eat very little and to be able to fast for a long time with complete well-being.
Thank you to the team for the latest transcript; I always enjoy reading the C's escapades.
As to ARK's theorising, when I read that, it brought to mind for 'spin' = von Karman vortices - they spin in opposing directions, but are sublimely connected, like photons; and for 'gravity' = Grebennikov came to mind, he discovered an antigravity force that certain insect wings possess, note that they have 'two' wings, each generating opposing vortices, thus combining the two effects, resulting in flight for the insect.
Not only that, but I have noticed that all vortices are ultimately 'strange attractors', in other words they have a 'High' spin and and a 'Low' spin if you think in terms of 'isobars'.

Interesting video here of these vortices:

A: No. Calamities caused magnetic disturbances. Picture a short circuit in the global crystal power grid.

Made me think of:

Can the violence and the lies spread by powerful elites somehow trigger cosmic reactions? Does human consciousness have any influence on matter as has been suggested by some physicists, occurring at the microcosmic level? How does the observer influence the observed event at the macrocosmic level? Does a group of individuals (the world population, for example) have more influence on an observed event when they all 'resonate' on the same belief frequency? What happens when those beliefs are lies, orthogonal to the reality? And finally, if all the above is correct, what can we do to alter the bleak future that such an idea suggests?

Also from Session 3 December 1994 wherein there is convergence:

Q: (V) I am just concerned about the previously mentioned "convention"...

A: Convention is because of realm border crossing.

Q: (L) And why is there a convention attending this realm border crossing? I mean, is it just a "reely big shew!"

A: It is an opportunity.

Q: (V) As in the windows are all opening at one time so that all these beings can get in at one time?

A: As in an opportunity to affect whole universe. Picture cosmic playing of "Pomp and Circumstance" AKA "Hope and Glory."

Q: (Laura) How can a convention with slews of different kinds and races of people, converging on a single little pin- point planet on the outer edges of an insignificant galaxy, at the farthest reaches of this enormous universe, affect the whole thing?

A: That is your perception.

Q: (L) Well, what is the correct perception? Is the planet earth and the people thereon, and the things that are going on in this spot, the earth specifically, more important than maybe we would ordinarily have thought?

A: The Earth is a Convergence point.

Q: (L) Has it always been a convergence point? Was it designed to be a convergence point? Or, is it just going to be a convergence point this once?

A: Too many questions at once.

Q: (L) Was it designed to be a convergence point from the beginning?

A: Natural function.

Q: (L) Has it been a convergence point all along? Is that why so many weird things happen here?

A: That is difficult to answer because you have no understanding of "time".

Q: (V) Has this type of convention thing happened on other planets with other groups of beings?

A: Has, is, and will.

Q: (Laura) So, in other words, there are other planets, I don't mean similar in structure or occupation, but other planets that are convergence points?

Q: (V) Are they parallel universes?

A: Drifting.

Q: (L) If these convergence points are scattered around the universe, is the convergence of this realm border crossing going to occur simultaneously at all points in the universe that are convergence points?

A: No.

Q: (L) It only happens at say one, or selected, convergence points at any given point?

A: Close.

Q: (L) So, do realm borders have something to do with location?

A: Realm borders ride waves.

Q: (L) And where do these waves come from?

A: They constantly cycle.

Q: (L) Does it have something to do with the movement of the planet earth into it or does it move onto us?

A: Either or.

Q: (F) Does this convention or convergence have something to do with the fact that there are living beings on the earth?

A: Yes. And because you are at critical juncture in development.
Q: (L) When was the last time a realm border crossed as far as the earth is concerned?

A: As you measure, on Earth, 309,000 years ago.

Q: (L) What does this wave consist of in terms of energy?

A: Feeling.

Q: (L) This wave is feeling? It is a wave of emotion?

A: Hyperkinetic sensate.

Q: (L) What does that mean?

A: All.

I thought maybe crystals could act as a protection in some way?
Well, that led me to discover some great videos about them anyway, which I'll share for those interested.
didn't know this about piezoelectricity :

Thanks, that was a nice example of crystal positive and negative charge arrangements on a molecular basis.
Thank you for the session.

John Keel wrote about the smells and sounds that occurred when what he called the superspectrum materialized into our reality. It also made me think about the red eyed monsters, and the men in black wearing sunglasses to probably hide their red eyes.
A: Invisible to you as yet, but 4D STS energy beings.
Maybe those invisible 4D STS energy monsters are not really invisible, but are fully covered up with masks and sunglasses from head to toe, so they blend right in with all the humans masked up.

First question: How during those cometary induced mass extinctions did new viruses get injected? Three hypotheses, not mutually exclusive: Carried by the comet, materialized by the radiation caused by the comet, and upper atmosphere viruses carried down to the surface by the comet?

A: Realm curtain breeches by EM pulses.
(Andromeda) Do you want to ask about that smell?
(L) Several places: Los Angeles...
(Andromeda) North of France.
(Niall) Paris
(Joe) A lot of places in France, actually.
(Andromeda) That was about 2 or 3 weeks ago?
(Joe) Yeah.

A: Realm curtain breached.
I thought the usual spelling of breach is with "a". The Cs decided to spell breech without "a" when discussing the new viruses. Is that a clue?
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