Session 23 May 2020

So I realise my posts are a bit intense lol. Truth is, most of my close family have been taken from this world, through various attacks. They were people with pure heart and true creativity, so it's not surprising.!So here it is, the pain can be and has to be turned into good power. My mother is a amazing singer of folk music from Persian Zarathustra philosophy, she was beautiful. then got really sick for so many years and I've had to care for her. If ever there was an example of the divine feminine it's her! So I'm not going to let them get away with it lol😅😅 and that means that they won't have 'ones energy any more! I'm going to use it to share her music and write music, stories about Zarathustra and the philosophy, it's all really positive. He says it's possible to create and canalise the positive energy, and strengthen the connection through prayer, dance, music and martial arts kind of. And good visualisation. Dance is amazing I find 😊

Hello Delores and don't worry it's so good to have a bright and joyful spirit joining the forum! I look forward you sharing all these things about Persia, Zarathoustra, art and other things. 😉
Hello Delores and don't worry it's so good to have a bright and joyful spirit joining the forum! I look forward you sharing all these things about Persia, Zarathoustra, art and other things. 😉
OMG that's such a cute reply. Thank you! Much love to you and bless you ryu, yes it's very uplifting, so I feel like it's helped me to maintain a good mind in the face of all their relentless nonsense and noise of STS. We must not let it into our minds, and this philosophy really helps! I'm not there yet.. But it's much better now. I feel a duty to share as its not good to keep to one's self.. As others I hope will benefit. Won't over do it tho lol I'm still having trouble with these few posts 😅😅took ages to get head round it. Thanks again 🌄🌄🌄🎆🎆🎆🐆🐆🐆
So, people saying they're ready for the end ... I'm not sure how I feel about that.

On the one hand, this satanic global prison state that is being constructed cannot be allowed to reach completion. So much of the human species has been so degraded and polluted that it's spiritually painful to see. The idea that the planet could get locked in to an eternal dystopia, with a tiny number of parasites lording over the rest and reducing humanity to a state far less than human, is for sure a fate worse than death. It would indeed be preferable to see the world scoured clean, than for that hellscape to come to pass.

On the other hand, there are hopeful signs all over, of humans at least partially waking up to what's going on, pushing back against this agenda, and reclaiming sovereignty over the bodies, minds, and souls. Humanity is not totally irredeemable. The fact that even a small portion of the species is able to resist in this way, and even to move in the opposite direction from that intended, despite a lifetime of indoctrination in an all-pervading matrix of lies and biological poisoning, demonstrates that STS is far from all-powerful.

So, I'm still hopeful. There will be catastrophes, but only to the degree necessary to 'even the playing field' and wake up a sufficient number of people. Not to the point that the species is rendered extinct. This 'civilization' can be destroyed, and good riddance; but the species itself must continue. After all, all those souls who aren't quite ready to graduate are going to need bodies in which to continue their lessons during the next cycle.
So, people saying they're ready for the end ... I'm not sure how I feel about that.

On the one hand, this satanic global prison state that is being constructed cannot be allowed to reach completion. So much of the human species has been so degraded and polluted that it's spiritually painful to see. The idea that the planet could get locked in to an eternal dystopia, with a tiny number of parasites lording over the rest and reducing humanity to a state far less than human, is for sure a fate worse than death. It would indeed be preferable to see the world scoured clean, than for that hellscape to come to pass.

On the other hand, there are hopeful signs all over, of humans at least partially waking up to what's going on, pushing back against this agenda, and reclaiming sovereignty over the bodies, minds, and souls. Humanity is not totally irredeemable. The fact that even a small portion of the species is able to resist in this way, and even to move in the opposite direction from that intended, despite a lifetime of indoctrination in an all-pervading matrix of lies and biological poisoning, demonstrates that STS is far from all-powerful.

So, I'm still hopeful. There will be catastrophes, but only to the degree necessary to 'even the playing field' and wake up a sufficient number of people. Not to the point that the species is rendered extinct. This 'civilization' can be destroyed, and good riddance; but the species itself must continue. After all, all those souls who aren't quite ready to graduate are going to need bodies in which to continue their lessons during the next cycle.
🐅🐅Love this🐺🐺🐺 yes a cleansing could mean many things, I'm an idealist can't help it. . I enjoy visualise all of them being sucked right into the black hope from whence they came, with the very forces of nature🎁➡️ 🌊whilst charging up the centre of the earth, and the crystals with knowledge and love, pure good intention. And music and dance simultaneously, it actually helps lol, honestly. Know it sounds strange but it's good outcome. They messed with my mum! Thats one step too far lol, got to find a way 🥰😅😅😅😅🦅🦅🦅🦅🐥🐥🐥🐥
So, people saying they're ready for the end ... I'm not sure how I feel about that.

On the one hand, this satanic global prison state that is being constructed cannot be allowed to reach completion. So much of the human species has been so degraded and polluted that it's spiritually painful to see. The idea that the planet could get locked in to an eternal dystopia, with a tiny number of parasites lording over the rest and reducing humanity to a state far less than human, is for sure a fate worse than death. It would indeed be preferable to see the world scoured clean, than for that hellscape to come to pass.

On the other hand, there are hopeful signs all over, of humans at least partially waking up to what's going on, pushing back against this agenda, and reclaiming sovereignty over the bodies, minds, and souls. Humanity is not totally irredeemable. The fact that even a small portion of the species is able to resist in this way, and even to move in the opposite direction from that intended, despite a lifetime of indoctrination in an all-pervading matrix of lies and biological poisoning, demonstrates that STS is far from all-powerful.

So, I'm still hopeful. There will be catastrophes, but only to the degree necessary to 'even the playing field' and wake up a sufficient number of people. Not to the point that the species is rendered extinct. This 'civilization' can be destroyed, and good riddance; but the species itself must continue. After all, all those souls who aren't quite ready to graduate are going to need bodies in which to continue their lessons during the next cycle.
That reminds me of the group that was brought to Earth, roughly 70 thousand years ago, from Kantek. The group was a mixture of STS and STO beings. Somehow, we need each other to progress.
🐅🐅Love this🐺🐺🐺 yes a cleansing could mean many things, I'm an idealist can't help it. . I enjoy visualise all of them being sucked right into the black hope from whence they came, with the very forces of nature🎁➡️ 🌊whilst charging up the centre of the earth, and the crystals with knowledge and love, pure good intention. And music and dance simultaneously, it actually helps lol, honestly. Know it sounds strange but it's good outcome. They messed with my mum! Thats one step too far lol, got to find a way 🥰😅😅😅😅🦅🦅🦅🦅🐥🐥🐥🐥
Sucked into a Black 'Hole'. Not hope lol, sorry I'm at work rushing
However, it is worth asking (with what we know so far about OPs, ascension, etc.) which race? Until now and after understanding that the work is to generate a soul capable of resisting the onslaughts that come from the A influences, part of the trick - as far as I think I understand - lies in learning to change the point of view and/or perception of reality without letting it dissolve the foundation of being. (soul smashing event) I say this because anyone who has survived such extinction is basically someone who can walk through hell itself.

I agree, that the house should be cleaned periodically. And I understand that the C's are promoting in us the attitude of being able to walk on these fires.

Maybe I'm wrong. But it is what comes to me at this moment when I see all the madness around me and when I examine myself, I can with relief find that I have not been consumed by this voracity, and that with all the difficulties I am still standing and keeping my sanity.
Love the poem at the end shivers. Thanks
The Grand Cycle on the Earth is about to close, and I was wondering, is there more STO candidate’s somewhere? And I found out that the millions more people will be contact through this forum in near future!
The reason is maybe something to do with positive virus mutations! So more and more people are waking up and looking for the answers. Thus will gathering here.
No wonder, Cs keeps saying that “wait and see,” “trust, watch, look and listen.”
Are we ready to welcome millions new members? I think so.
That will be the Earth’s one of other phenomenal events too.

A: Wait and see. That is not the only source of such phenomena!

Date: May 9th 2020

(Joe) This virus that got out of Fort Detrick or Wuhan or whatever, they said it underwent some positive mutations. Is it true to say that depending on the person, some mutations of a virus are NOT deleterious, that they're actually positive?

A: Yes
(Joe) In terms of populations' reactions to this, it seems to be kinda split. ...
So, I was just wondering if a majority of people can actually see through the lies?

A: Not yet. Wait for it!

March 14, 1998

A: My dear, all of these maladies are correctable and you are close to the heart of an enormous and expanding knowledge base that will prolong your current 3rd density existence if only you will allow the lessons to "click" into place.

Networking with those in your presence now has already proven to be an explosively positive and expansive experience for you. It is potentially beneficial to millions who will be contacted through networks that are yet to be realized.

, trust... watch... look... listen... and learn... Grow and expand, evolve and transform and rejoice with the quadrillion times quadrillions to benefit from this sharing!!!

Q: (V) My god, that was spastic on there! (L) Yeah, it was trying to fly off the board! (F) Quadrillions times quadrillions? That's a lot! (L) Maybe they are just talking about individual cells! (F) Maybe they are talking about civilizations! (L) Stars, maybe! Why stop with Earth! (V) Well, you know, there is something going on with me lately, and that might be what that 'click' is about. I feel like I am standing aside a future. (L) You need to make a choice of some sort?

A: Think!

October 24th 2009

Q: (L) Well, yes I noticed that a lot of forum members were starting to take care of newbies and answer questions and analyze things – and doing a darn good job of it, too! They're starting to think out of the box. Anything else that I should be noticing?

A: Their connections are forming at higher levels.
I sure never thought of "Floyd" being significant when I spoke it. But before this session began, I was making an extra effort to "tune in" because I knew we needed a good connection. Things are just so crazy these days. The ending of the Dec 28 session pretty much said it all, but we had no idea how immediate and accurate it was going to turn out to be.

As I've said before, the Cs have been so right about so many things, I just hang on to the idea that "this too will pass" and there will be a new reality and somehow, things will sort out.

But of course, one thing I do think about is something the Cs said back in the 4 July 1998 session:
Human cycle mirrors cycle of catastrophe. Earth benefits in form of periodic cleansing.

Then, 23 Jan 2016, they referenced that again:

A: Joy to the world!

Q: (L) And why do you say that?

A: It will be soon now.

Q: (L) What will be soon?

A: Glad tidings!

Q: (L) Why do I distrust that expression? Why am I suspicious? Why do I suspect that, "Joy to the world" and "Glad tidings" is from an entirely cosmic perspective and may not be so perceived by the majority of the people on this planet?

A: Accurate perception. But would you like for the present state to continue on its present trajectory?

Q: (L) Well, no.

A: We once said that the Earth benefits from occasional cleansing. Nothing lasts forever.

Back in those early days, any time the Cs mentioned earth changes, that sort of thing, it made me feel afraid and sad because I thought of all the suffering that innocent humanity would suffer. But frankly, nowadays, when I contemplate such things, my view is very different. I cannot help but think that yes, indeed, the Earth would only benefit from the extinction of the human race.

Humanity, as a whole, has shown itself to be unworthy of the beauty and wonder that is available on this planet if only people could think rationally, react appropriately, and feel gratitude for all the wonders of our world.
I feel in that message that you are tired Laura, if I mistake - sorry for that but, if you tired I could fully understand that. Thanks to your work I could understand that there is a reason and that we are here not by coincident. I know that world could be better when people could be better, and that they could do this in every minute of their life, but in other side maybe because we are who we are, there couldn't be other option? What is the world we live in? Is it beatifull or sick? Good or bad? Real or fake? There is a reason or not? We still can't be shure about answers so it's hard to say what is good or bad. But I belive that we could be happy, we could feel love. I'm not happy about all of this that happend in this world, and I'm not really sure that this higher dimension reality would be better than that but we are where we are, for me if it all end in some dark point, it could be, and I don't have power or knowledge to change it. I'm where I am and I could only do what I could do to be good and nice for me and others (not in the "new age" way :P ). We are who we are. You Laura, are doing great work and I'm sure that you are tired. If there would be a day when you want to rest, and even if this world would colapse you have right to rest. There is nothing bad in it. I think that everyone here is greatfull for what you do. The new world is knocking and we will se what it would be :-) All of this is just a battle and it's normal that in war there is a tragedy. I'm glad that I could read about it all and I could meet all of you, soo head up, for sure there is always evil ahead and help that will come :-)
The Grand Cycle on the Earth is about to close, and I was wondering, is there more STO candidate’s somewhere? And I found out that the millions more people will be contact through this forum in near future!
The reason is maybe something to do with positive virus mutations! So more and more people are waking up and looking for the answers. Thus will gathering here.
No wonder, Cs keeps saying that “wait and see,” “trust, watch, look and listen.”
Are we ready to welcome millions new members? I think so.
That will be the Earth’s one of other phenomenal events too.

You are making some massive assumptions there. Be careful that you do not add two plus two and come up with five.
You are making some massive assumptions there. Be careful that you do not add two plus two and come up with five.

It may be an assumption, but I wouldn't regard it as a 'massive' assumption. In this session the C's said that 24% of the population got the 'virus' and that 37% of that 24% got the 'positive' virus, so the people that got the positive virus would amount to millions of people.

What exactly does it mean, or what effect that will have in this 'time' of transition, I do not know. But I'm pretty sure it will be something very positive.
You are making some massive assumptions there. Be careful that you do not add two plus two and come up with five.

Yes, maybe it is just assumptions but the information come from transcript March 14, 1998.

It is potentially beneficial to millions who will be contacted through networks that are yet to be realized.
So, trust... watch... look... listen... and learn... Grow and expand, evolve and transform and rejoice with the quadrillion times quadrillions to benefit from this sharing!!!“
I've also used lard as a spread on cold meat - like a slice of the previous nights roast. I sometimes warm lard up and season it for that purpose. My favourite is to just salt it, but I've sometimes put other herbs and/or spices in it for variety.
Yes, maybe it is just assumptions but the information come from transcript March 14, 1998.

It is potentially beneficial to millions who will be contacted through networks that are yet to be realized.
So, trust... watch... look... listen... and learn... Grow and expand, evolve and transform and rejoice with the quadrillion times quadrillions to benefit from this sharing!!!“
I wonder when the Cs refer to quadrillions times quadrillions if they mean multiple souls across multiple realities being affected by the wave all joined together by the common event? Bit hard for me to decipher
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