I sure never thought of "Floyd" being significant when I spoke it. But before this session began, I was making an extra effort to "tune in" because I knew we needed a good connection. Things are just so crazy these days. The ending of the Dec 28 session pretty much said it all, but we had no idea how immediate and accurate it was going to turn out to be.
As I've said before, the Cs have been so right about so many things, I just hang on to the idea that "this too will pass" and there will be a new reality and somehow, things will sort out.
But of course, one thing I do think about is something the Cs said back in the 4 July 1998 session:
Human cycle mirrors cycle of catastrophe. Earth benefits in form of periodic cleansing.
Then, 23 Jan 2016, they referenced that again:
A: Joy to the world!
Q: (L) And why do you say that?
A: It will be soon now.
Q: (L) What will be soon?
A: Glad tidings!
Q: (L) Why do I distrust that expression? Why am I suspicious? Why do I suspect that, "Joy to the world" and "Glad tidings" is from an entirely cosmic perspective and may not be so perceived by the majority of the people on this planet?
A: Accurate perception. But would you like for the present state to continue on its present trajectory?
Q: (L) Well, no.
A: We once said that the Earth benefits from occasional cleansing. Nothing lasts forever.
Back in those early days, any time the Cs mentioned earth changes, that sort of thing, it made me feel afraid and sad because I thought of all the suffering that innocent humanity would suffer. But frankly, nowadays, when I contemplate such things, my view is very different. I cannot help but think that yes, indeed, the Earth would only benefit from the extinction of the human race.
Humanity, as a whole, has shown itself to be unworthy of the beauty and wonder that is available on this planet if only people could think rationally, react appropriately, and feel gratitude for all the wonders of our world.