Don Cesar
The Living Force
Good find Kay Kim... In France we said "tu as du nez" ! Traduction "you have the nose" to find (smellI just found another transcript that explain why aliens bodies were emanating nasty smells.

Good find Kay Kim... In France we said "tu as du nez" ! Traduction "you have the nose" to find (smellI just found another transcript that explain why aliens bodies were emanating nasty smells.
Thanks for your hard work with this post, brings back some of the gem's from the Cassiopaeans, to re read these transcripts and your thoughts, very helpful thank youThe ending in Session 28 december, 2019 was this statement:
Considering the possibility that the Floyd coincidence, besides being an expression of Laura being tuned in to what is coming, may have a symbolic aspect in relation to mass consciousness, I will quote some excerpts that together show how mass consciousness and related terms are used in the transcripts, because surely with "[m]any searching for answers" mass consciousness is involved, also when one day many for one reason or another will choose to oppose the lies:
Session 9 May, 2020
If a majority of people can see through the lies, how might that begin? The following session mentions that mass consciousness is aware and driving seeking:
Session 20 June, 2009
Arks blog can be found here: Arkadiusz Jadczyk -- Official Web Site "Many quarters" could be many places on the planet, but also include different subjects of knowledge, and "Mass consciousness" "driving seeking"might mean that mass consciousness can stimulate some individual people to seek answers. The PTB is probably aware of such mechanisms and one tool of control is through mass programming. This may explain why a subject like Earth changes mentioned in the following session have not yet gone mainstream apart from being known as a topic for movies and a very remote possibility in popular science progames.
Session 23 March, 1995
”Bramley” Refers to The Gods of Eden mentioned in numerous places of the forum. This book has many details about the less taught pages of World history, and asks questions one can ponder or research further. Perhaps mass consciousness will warm up to the idea of earth changes. The expression "human endeavors" mentioned above may refer to "human cycle mirrors the cycle of catastrophe and human mass consciousness plays a part" mentioned further on.
Mass consciousness is one concept; there is also mass unconsciousness. The topic appears in the following excerpt at the end of a rather long discussion of the timeline outlook from Session 3 December 1994 which has a list of predictions.
From Session 6 February, 2016 there is:
"[M]ass unconsciousness perceives something in advance." would mean that if one can tune into the mass unconsciousness that perceives something in advance, then one can also pick signs of what is coming for the collective, just like Laura did. The above expression [p]erceives something in advance" also relates to "Mass consciousness is aware and driving seeking from many quarters." used to describe why the number of views went up on Ark's blog, because the subtle perception that there is something to be known precedes the activities that are the outer signs of seeking.
A difference between mass unconsciousness and mass consciousness could be that the former is more subtle aspect, like the subconscious mind is in relation to the conscious mind.
Mass consciousness and the actions of humans, appear to be interactive. Interactive is a the expression used in the next excerpt about the "collective mind" in relation to a small group, but the principle may also have meaning for larger groups and populations:
Session 26 November, 1994
We now have concepts like mass consciousness, collective mind and mass unconscious. The next two excerpts are examples of the principle that "Everything is interactive"
Example 1: California is no longer "paradise"
Session 1 December, 2018
The point with mentioning the above is not the prediction, but the example of how the signalling to mass consciousness may take place through "coincidences" and symbols.
Example 2: The burning of Notre Dame de Paris:
Even if the following event was not fully natural one can consider the signal value with a "20-20" hindsight:
Session 18 May, 2019
If '[e]verything is interactive when it comes to the "collective mind."' then a part of the interactive relation between mass consciousness and the masses is what the masses do or don't do. This is brought out in the following excerpt:
Session 21 December, 2012
Things like assassinations might include the murders of JFK, RFK, MLK, or perhaps the circumstances surrounding the deaths of Lady Diana and Yassir Arafat that are mentioned as markers.']Session 9 January 2005[/URL]
A marker may signify the beginning of a new phase. Whether that means "the next step is prepared" in so far, as few objected to the manner in which they died, or if there are othere subtleties among the markers, I don't know. Perhaps there is, John F Kennedy was a president and named after St. John. Lady Diana was hugely popular, and her name represented a symbol too:
If the previous interactive relations were connected to human affairs, the following excerpt illustrates an interactive relation between human mass consciousness and its environment:']Session 9 January 2005[/URL]
The above example of what Earth does and what happens to humanity relates to the following recommendation:
Session 9 May, 2020
It turns out that what expresses itself on Earth in mass human behavior is a reflection of cosmic conditions
Session May 18, 2019
While there are individual lessons, there are also collective lessons. As such the expression above: "the human cycle mirrors the cycle of catastrophe and human mass consciousness plays a part" can relate to the expression in the following session concerning lessons: URL='']Session 16 November 1994[/URL]
A few month later, there was more elaboration on the subject of the collective consciousness in relation to lessons. One can tune into the collective consciousness:']Session 21 January, 1995[/URL]
If one selects some expressions, one may with slight editing and some ordering say that:
1) Mass consciousness is aware and driving seeking from many quarters
2) mass unconsciousness perceives something in advance
3) Everything is interactive when it comes to the "collective mind."
4) the human cycle mirrors the cycle of catastrophe and human mass consciousness plays a part.
5) mass human behavior is a reflection of cosmic conditions
6) its all just lessons for the collective consciousness
7) It is possible to tune into the collective consciousness.
Finally we are back to: "I feel a Pink Floyd moment coming on"
This is what I found concerning a part of the U.S. going into 4D. It's in Session 951104:Hi!! There I just read that the C's said In Some session that all the south west is going to 4D ? I assume is California ? anybody guess In wich of the sessions they said that?
A: OK, time for us to teach patience. We are going to illuminate you! Why do you suppose there are roads around Dulce NM where people have become confused when traveling on them? Because the 4th density vibrational frequency emanating from the
nearby base more and more frequently resonates on surface.
Q: (L) OK, continue.
A: Then going to 4th density: road seems straight as seen in 4th density, when curved in 3rd.
Q: (J) It seems straight when seen in 4th, but it's actually curved in 3rd? (SV) In other words, accidents! (J) It changes configuration from 3rd to 4th! (T) When people drive those roads out there, as the fourth density seeps out through, and is seeping out
farther and farther, they become confused because they're moving between 3rd and 4th. As the road curves in 3rd, and the car, which is in 3rd, should be curving with the road, the driver sees the road as straight, and drives off the road, because he's
confused by what he sees.
A: Exactly.
Q: (J) It's all about perception! (T) Now, we're back to perception of reality!
A: In 4th, you see full circle from any vantage point.
Q: (L) We talked about that before. (T) So the road looks straight, because you're seeing it from all angles, therefore, instead of it being curved on one, you're seeing it every way, so the road is now straight. But, it's not really straight in 3rd, and you drive
off the road. (L) OK, continue on with what you were saying...
A: The entire New Mexico region is on verge of moving to 4th density permanently!
Q: (L) OK...
A: Because of the bases.
Yeah, I spent a winter in Phoenix, 2002-3. In passing through the four corners area, every time it was like going through some sort of shift. Things seemed just strange, like time stood still and I had entered into another world. It was weird, to say the least. It just felt like that area was not of this 3D landscape. It was even creepier at night so I made a point to drive that section during the daylight. There were other areas in Arizona and New Mexico that had a similar flavor.New Mexico, Arizona basically the four corners area, I believe.
Nienna, great !This is what I found concerning a part of the U.S. going into 4D. It's in Session 951104:
Remember this very interesting! Thanks. Looked on the Internet about local news from New Mexico ages ago, there are lots of strange and unexplained things in this area, even the government had this article about all the electronic devices having issues etc, really interestingThis is what I found concerning a part of the U.S. going into 4D. It's in Session 951104:
I tried watching and couldn’t get past the first few minutes of it...that smarmy, new age speak had my shields full up
If you can ignore a lot of the light worker, 5D you're free speak and get to the bacon of her statements, she has a fairly plausible interpretation of what is happening. From Obama, Hillary, Bill, Elĺen, Trudeau, Queen Elizabeth, Hanks to and etc, the list is long, her statement about them having been replaced by clones makes sense because we have been told about this by the C's. According to her channel, they have been or are in the process of being executed for crimes against humanity.
I'm just saying that even if the video has 30% factual information, it would still make one sit up and take notice. Personally it seems like about 50-60%.
At any rate, from a person who doesn't watch many videos, this one left a bit of a mark.
Yeah, I spent a winter in Phoenix, 2002-3. In passing through the four corners area, every time it was like going through some sort of shift. Things seemed just strange, like time stood still and I had entered into another world. It was weird, to say the least. It just felt like that area was not of this 3D landscape. It was even creepier at night so I made a point to drive that section during the daylight. There were other areas in Arizona and New Mexico that had a similar flavor.
Hi ! Now that you are sharing your experience ..I had more or less something similar, but this was in California in a small little town that I went because of my job , when I was entering the fields and see the houses I felt that the time there was stuck in the fifty's or sixty's..and the family members I had to visit where very strange to me.not that they where rude or something else just the feeling of something was missing in that meeting or viceversa, that I was put there for observation while I was with them I don't know! Hard to explain ..and guess what was the name of the town? .....Corona...Interesting, as I read this I am remembering having an identical experience when traveling through the four corners area in the early 1990's and many years previous to understanding anything about 3D and 4D. I recall the whole area feeling otherworldly and then trying to describe my weird feelings to my family when I returned home. I also remember stopping in a small town to get a snack and getting an impression that the people coming and going were not real people! I cannot even explain it as it was all just a creepy awareness on my part. They seemed to be lacking a soul, or maybe robot like, would be a better description. Again, at this point, my Christian belief system included everyone as having a soul. I was so freaked out that I just skipped the stop and went on my way. Consequently, the whole experience was something I put in a category of a strange experience or just my imagination until now as I am reminded of it through this discussion.
Hi ! Now that you are sharing your experience ..I had more or less something similar, but this was in California in a small little town that I went because of my job , when I was entering the fields and see the houses I felt that the time there was stuck in the fifty's or sixty's..and the family members I had to visit where very strange to me.not that they where rude or something else just the feeling of something was missing in that meeting or viceversa, that I was put there for observation while I was with them I don't know! Hard to explain ..and guess what was the name of the town? .....Corona...This was 10 years ago..but funny right?....
Indeed....Hi Pilangie, yes, it is so interesting how these experiences are so difficult to really explain and yet, the senses clearly alert us to something that is way off from normal.
Internet, as a concept of sharing and networking medium was actually STO inspired, but on this level 3D, which is STS domain remember, everything is STS influenced, and there's Levin's excellent book Surveillance Valley, which makes good case that "the internet was developed from outset as a weapon." Be that as it may, there has always been signal within the noise, and people capable to find it, this forum proves the point.Now as more people are waking up to the lies and discovering the truth behind the PTB, how can they stop people from waking up? And then it hit me, the Internet is an STS version of the Universal Consciousness. People don't seek truth anymore because the Internet provides "truth". The insidious part about it is that it is so easy to fall into the trap of using it for "truth". Forgot the name of that actor in that film, no problem, Google it. No reason to read articles, just read the headlines and that is enough to rile you up and not seek the truth. Google Brain has replaced people's capacity to think. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying pull the plug on the Internet, as this forum shows, there is some good stuff out there. I know this seems basic, but it just struck me so clearly the other day, the dichotomy of the two, and I wanted to share my thoughts with the group.
When I read this I thought of "String Theory", did a google search and found this really funny and cute presentation:Q: (Ark) Okay. One more question: So, there is the option of building gravity out of electromagnetism. Another option is to build electromagnetism out of gravity. And another option is to build a unified field theory. Another option is to... Yeah, okay I know the answer.
(L) I just got it in my head!
(Ark) Unified field theory, of course.
(L) If you build gravity, you will have it...
(Ark) Okay.
A: Yes
Q: (L) In other words, if you build gravity, you'll have UFT.
(Joe) To build gravity, you need a scaffold.
(Niall) We have a cement spinner as well if you need that.
(L) You need some concrete for that gravity?
(Pierre) A lot!