Session Date: August 11th 2018
What I want to know is: What is the foundational impetus for... What is the motive force, the push - I mean, we have an idea that there's consciousness involved and all these kinds of things, but it looks like consciousness itself developed and evolved along with matter - so, what is the impetus - the push - that crossed the barrier from a world of just pure information that was shaping and directing matter into life-bearing containers? What was the impetus?
A: Gravity.
Q: (L) So
gravity is the bridge between information and matter?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) What is the purpose of life?
A: Learning by organizing information bits. Expanded being.
Q: (Ark) What is the purpose of learning?
(L) Expanded being. I think that's why they added that.
(Joe) So it's a fundamental dynamic of all reality: to expand.
Gravity and information... So matter is...
A: Unstable gravity waves, electromagnetism/light.
Q: (Joe) Ark, do you know what a gravity wave is?
(Chu) Do you know what an unstable gravity wave is?
(Joe) If he doesn't know what a gravity wave is, he doesn't know what an unstable one is.
(Ark) I don't know what gravity is.
(Joe) Is there anything else that...
Electricity is a manifestation.
Q: (Scottie) Well, we knew that.
(Joe) We did?
(Scottie) Yeah, they kinda said so years ago.
(Ark) I don't know what gravity is. That's the problem.
Gravity is all information.
Q: (Artemis) So it's light in a way.
So gravity is all information, but gravity is also the impetus for going from pure information into matter.
(L) I guess gravity is all information, and the unstable gravity waves are information crossing the bridge.
A: Close.
(L) Honey, you have questions?
(Ark) Yes. It's a mathematical question. One thing is to talk about gravity, and another thing is to do something about gravity. Apparently, geometry is important somehow for understanding gravity. We know our space is 3 dimensional. Well, why? Well, probably there is some reason. And then
we know there are other dimensions. How many, we don't know...
Necessary for expression of thought in sequence.
Q: (Ark) I don't see any reason for that. It could be 2 or 1 or 4.
(L) Apparently, in order for it to be in sequence, maybe thoughts are something more than 2-dimensional things?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Well...
Geometry of thought requires it.
Q: (Ark) Yeah, geometry... So, for some reason we have 3 dimensions. It's good for some reason, but we don't understand. This is not an answer that explains anything. We don't know the geometry of thought. So, it's explaining an unknown by an unknown. It's not a good thing. So, anyhow, we have 3 dimensions. There are also other dimensions. We don't know how many are really necessary. And in these other dimensions, our world is somehow floating. We don't know. However, with mathematics and prime numbers and whatever, it has some clues. It means that there are exceptional mathematical structures that somehow have been chosen by creation because they are in some sense exceptional. Not any would do. Now, there are exceptional structures in 3 dimensions that are called Platonic solids. And there are only 7 of them.
A: Help for your problems is coming soon!
Q: (Ark) Yeah, but I didn't finish. [laughter] So, uh...
(L) What's the question?
(Ark) The question is that
there are 5 exceptional Lie groups which are being used for a long time to unify physics, explain gravity using String Theory, branes, multiverses, and so on. People are using these exceptional Lie groups and there are only 5 of them. Some people, like Klee Irwin who organized a group and has made million-dollar grants and engaged Tony Smith, and you know... Klee Irwin is on YouTube talking about one of these Lie groups, E8. Okay? E8. They like it. But there are others like E6 which is 78-dimensional [Ark shows printouts of Lie groups] with such a big diagram. There is E7 with such a diagram. And this one has 133 dimensions and is a beloved structure that a friend of Jack Sarfatti, by the name of Paul Sirag, is trying to relate to gravity. There is G2, which is simple 14-dimensions only. E8, etc.
Okay everybody in String Theory is doing E8. And there is F4 which is 52-dimensional and kind of nasty-looking [he's not kidding]. Now my question is:
Are any of these exceptional mathematical structures of importance in my search for unifying gravity, consciousness, and everything?
No. Lie groups lie in wait to entrap the unwary.
Q: (Joe) His name is a lie?!
(Ark) He's Chinese, you know, like Lee. But L-I-E.
(L) They look like spider webs...
A: Indeed.
Q: (Ark) Every symmetry is described by a Lie group. So, symmetry is unimportant? Because this is a mathematical tool for description of rotations, translations, propagation of waves, so... It's all bad.

So what is good??
Which mathematics is good?
A: Geometric algebra.
Q: (Ark) Lie groups are at the foundation of geometry and algebra, and they are bad. So, I don't know what to do.
A: You need to be wary.
Q: (L) I guess that means that Lie groups are useful, but you don't need to be entrapped by them.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Any more questions?
(Ark) Yes.
I want to ask if imagining that our 3-dimensional material universe is a kind of a brane floating in more-dimensional space, is it good picture?
A: Very close.
Q: (Ark) In that case, if this is very close, how many dimensions this external universe has?
A: Infinite.
Q: (Ark) Infinite! Very good... [laughter] I can go now happily to bed.
(L) Why?
(Ark) No, because infinity is a good number. It's not like 5 or 6 or 7. [laughter] I always had hope that it might be 12. But no, it's infinite.
(Joe) What did you say it was? A brain floating in space?
Brane: B-R-A-N-E. Like membrane, not like a brain-brain! [laughter]
So, if our universe is a brane in this infinite dimensional universe [laughter], are there other branes floating there? [laughter]
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Can they meet?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) And it has to do with unstable gravity waves?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) And the information field that you were talking about, is it going only within the brane, or is it goes also between the branes?
A: Between, outside, inside.
Q: (Ark) And electromagnetism: Is it working only within each brane, or also between branes?
A: Both if conditions are right.
Q: (Joe) Is that what's going to happen as a result of the Wave? Two branes are going to intersect...?
A: Part of it.
Q: (Joe) Will that cause a Big Bang? Was that what the Big Bang was?
A: More or less.
Q: (Chu) I thought it all comes down to information...
A: Information is gravity.
Q: (Ark) Infinite dimensions. There are two kinds: countable like 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on, and uncountable like number of points on a line where you cannot count it.
A: Uncountable.