Session 23 November 2024

Awesome session! The spooky info about stones and time travelling reminded me of an old UK film I found last Christmas, called "The Stone Tape". Back in the 70's, people in the film industry in the UK really went out there in their storytelling. Intellectually and spiritually, the modern creatives are so moribund and bodycentric by comparison. Anyway, it's a good film and worth a watch if anyone has the spare time.

Good find SlipNet and definitely a story that's sits well with this session had forgotten about this and your right this would not get made now.
Many thanks to Laura and the whole team for another amazing session.

A small, in this case, unprincipled clarification. Just my 5 kopecks.
The second photo of "Putin" could not have been taken earlier than 1943. It was then, in January, that the Red Army introduced shoulder straps, which are visible in the picture. Also, the order and badge, which are visible in the picture, appeared only in 1942.

Огромная благодарность Лоре и всей команде за очередную потрясающую сессию.
Небольшое, в данном случае непринципиальное уточнение. Просто мои 5 копеек.
Вторая фотография "Путина" не могла быть сделана ранее 1943 года. Именно тогда, в январе в РККА ввели погоны, которые видны на снимке. Также орден и значок, которые видны на снимке, появились только в 1942 году.
(Chu) No. You just mentioned it on her thread that you were thinking of asking about her circumstances.

(L) Oh yeah... I've been thinking about that... Her circumstances where she had to live, she had to hide who and what she was from her husband and her children. And she was basically alone. And even though she had a husband and children. And I wondered, did that contribute to her illness?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) If she had been able to assert herself in some way, would she have been able to get well?

A: Possibly.

Caesar's words come to mind here: "You must be true to your own nature and fear nothing." I guess it isn’t a call for bravery on the scale Caesar demonstrated, but also on a smaller scale of our daily lives.

May our dearest sister Istina rest in peace now that she is in a place where she can finally be herself 🌷
(L) Well, I think they just answered that when they were talking about the imbalance. Okay, moving on:

(Ennio) Tucker recently stated in an interview that he woke up one night over a year ago in pain to find claw marks on his ribs and shoulder. Whatever happened, his wife and four dogs, all light sleepers, slept through the attack or event that caused the injuries. The alleged attack, whatever it was, seemed to have a deep enough effect on him that he started reading scripture. We also know that Tucker made some interesting statements in some interviews over the past year to the effect that he believes there is a spiritual battle occurring and that there is an alien reality. So the question here is just what happened to him that night?

(L) Now, Ennio, you read The Wave, right? Where are you? Where is Ennio?

(Ennio) Yes.

(L) And you read about the gal who was interacting with the reptoid types and had scratches and you saw the picture and you've read, I'm sure, quite a few books about abductions and interactions with ultraterrestrial critters, et cetera, haven't you?

(Ennio) Of course.

(L) Then why did you ask that question?

For those who haven't seen Tucker's account of the attack:

What would have been a much better phrased question, btw, (and which would have sounded less ignorant on my part!) would've been:

"Was Tucker attacked by something ultraterrestrial or demonic, and if so what was the attack intended to do?". Simple, to the point, and takes into account what's known about the phenomena itself, among other things Tucker shared about his experience.

Having said that, the discussion in the session so clearly reflects the matter of fact way in which experiences like Tucker's are understood here - and adds up to yet another interesting data point about who other-dimensional STS types consider an enemy or threat to their agendas (though it isn't a big stretch to assume such a thing in Tucker's Carlson's case).

As for Tucker himself, I don't think he's done with this topic even if its definitely not a big area of focus for him, and if he's generally been putting his particular episode in spiritual/religious terms. If this recent interview with Clayton Morris is any indication, he seems fairly familiar with the whole UAP subject too. So It'll be interesting, I think, to see what connections he makes, and where he goes with it in the future.
(Andromeda) What are the conditions that make it so that something is recorded?
A: EM intersection.
Q: (L) EM intersection. What kind of... EM what?
A: Local and from emotional generation.

Lethbridge said the recordings were due to a difference in Potential, like electricity, differential in potential voltage, but here the delta in pv is emotional, and whatever "thing" has a lower potential e.g. a granite stone - it receives that change in potential as a recording... but i think consciousness, of both parties, is a function here also, although i don't know how.

Thank you for the session !
That Princeton physicist talked to Ark a while back. I originally knew about him (and Ark) via Tony Smith's website.
astonishing... how DID YOU know about him???
Tony Smith talked about both Robert Neil Boyd and Ark. Tony died 5 years ago and Tony's website isn't there any more though Tony put his whole website in an enormous e-book available here:

I originally came across Tony's website via some web search like maybe quaternity and quaternion.
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