Session 24 June 2022

As long as it doesn't hit Earth, we'll get to enjoy it. This one's WAAAY bigger than the one that killed 3/4s of ALL life on Earth 66 million years ago. If it did hit, I wonder if they'd discover fields of fossilized human bones millions of year into the future? :shock:

I hope it comes nowhere near Earth. We've got enough problems with politicians without having space rocks on top of that.

If it actually comes close enough to get pulled toward the moon, couldn't the moon pull back? Maybe a 'moon wobble'?
Wait and see I guess.
You have 4 things taken three at a time: 4x4x4=64. The crop circle could be three at a time via that line after the first group of 8 perhaps taken as a codon separator but it would be 2^8=256 things taken 3 at a time which would be 2^24 instead of the 64 of DNA/RNA codons.
The C's (first) crop circle used ASCII as the format. ASCII has 256 characters including the extended characters. So the word length works outs for 8 bit binary expression. So for the circle: 2^8 characters taken 4 times for a 4-character message would be a little over 2^32= 4.29 billion different possible messages, (of which only a subset would be meaningful). Message length is 4 x 16 or 64, enough to express 4 ASCII characters. So a lot of possibilities but the actual message is short - using ASCII and considering its 'length'.

2^24 = is almost 17 million different possible 'messages for 2^8 things taken 3 times. So what would be a good letter or word length if we wanted to encode DNA stuff? What would the message length be? 24 is between 2^4 = 16 and 2^5 = 32. Numbers 24, 16...

If we had some new kind of computing hardware, binary, octal etc., considerations may not even be in play.

The hardware designers, programmers, bio-informatics people, and geneticists have designed some elegant formats and computer systems for genetics and the storage of genetic information. With an eye toward what, though? Hoping some research not focused on the bottom dollar will come out regardless. [Edit:clarity]
Same here. No luck with the Donbass thread for about 3 days now. Xpan is experiencing it also.😕
Same with me. 😕. I’m also unable to donate now from my phone, my wife still can but we haven’t been able to recently as inflation has caught up to us. It is on our mind and we are hopeful that we will be able to again in the future. We still have much love and the whole group is still in our thoughts and prayers.
The C's (first) crop circle used ASCII as the format. ASCII has 256 characters including the extended characters. So the word length works outs for 8 bit binary expression. So for the circle: 2^8 characters taken 4 times for a 4-character message would be a little over 2^32= 4.29 billion different possible messages, (of which only a subset would be meaningful). Message length is 4 x 16 or 64, enough to express 4 ASCII characters. So a lot of possibilities but the actual message is short - using ASCII and considering its 'length'.

2^24 = is almost 17 million different possible 'messages for 2^8 things taken 3 times. So what would be a good letter or word length if we wanted to encode DNA stuff? What would the message length be? 24 is between 2^4 = 16 and 2^5 = 32. Numbers 24, 16...

If we had some new kind of computing hardware, binary, octal etc., considerations may not even be in play.

The hardware designers, programmers, bio-informatics people, and geneticists have designed some elegant formats and computer systems for genetics and the storage of genetic information. With an eye toward what, though? Hoping some research not focused on the bottom dollar will come out regardless. [Edit:clarity]
As I think someone mentioned earlier, the idea of having a double message with both ASCII and DNA is certainly something the Cs can do. Since DNA changes are a known concept here, the DNA message might be something different than the normal 4x4x4 DNA codon "word" as in the 256x256x256=2^24 codon "word". The DNA changes could theoretically relate to an upcoming more psychic/channeling reality and very oddly enough I have seen the 24 bits of 2^24 related to channeling of sorts not that I overly understood the idea:

My conjectures about Urim v'Tumim begins with the assumptions that:

  • its purpose, along with the breastplate/stones/letters, is to communicate from the Mind of G-d, considered as the Minds of Spirit Beings, to Humanity;
  • the Minds of Spirit Beings communicate thought/information by Quantum Information Theory;
  • the Minds of Humanity mostly communicate thought/information by Classical Information Theory.

Here I should note that, since human minds have Quantum Consciousness, some human minds can communicate directly by Quantum Information Theory resulting on occasion in direct enlightenment of some individuals, but most inter-human communication is by written/spoken/gesture language using Classical Information Theory.

Given the above, my conjectures are:

  • Urim takes Quantum Information in the form of the Quantum Code [[256,0,24 ]] whose word length 256 corresponds to the 256 Odu of IFA and to the dimensionality of the Cl(1,7) Clifford Algebra of the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 VoDou Physics model ) and transforms it into Classical Information in the form of the Golay Code C24 [24,12,8]. Thus it is said that Urim is like the light of observation that acts to decohere the superposed Quantum State to produce an observed decohered Classical State.
    • Note that [[256,0,24]] has 256 qubits, only 2^0 = 1 word ( a coherent state of superposition of many possibilities ), and minimum distance 24 corresponding to the dimensionality of the Leech Lattice.
    • Note that [24,12,8] has 24 classical binary bits, 2^12 = 4,096 words, and minimum distance 8 corresponding to the dimensionality of the E8 Lattice.
  • The breastplate contains an array of 72 letters on stones corresponding to 3 binary 24-bit words of the Classical Golay Code C24 [24,12,8]. Each of the 3 columns of stones would carry 1 word. Each of the columns could then be regarded as an array of 4 rows, each row being 1 stone with 6 letters, making up a 4x6 array of letters, corresponding to the 4x6 array structure of the MOG (Miracle Octad Generator) and the hexacode C6 [6,3,4], whose letters are in the 4-element Galois Feild GF(4) and whose 3^4 = 64 words have 6 letters.
  • Tumim corresponds to symmetry structure of the Golay Code C24 [24,12,8], including its Steiner system S(5,8,24) and its symmetry group, the Mathieu group M24 of order 24x23x22x21x20x48. The symmetry/perfection/truth of Tumim allows for determination of whether or not each of the 3 words of the breastplate/stones/letters belongs in C24 and for correction of errors. Computational techniques of Tumim include the MOG and the hexacode C6.
Basically the idea is that the 24 bits of 2^24 are related to an error correcting code.
(Joe) Recombination WITH the space virus?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Oh yeah.

(Joe) So a space virus that isn't necessarily that bad, but because of the recombination as a result of the mass vaccination program, it makes it worse basically.

Another new Variant as the cross-contamination among the Vaxed continues 🧐

(Gaby) When the next plague arrives, will it be preceded by obvious cometary explosions?

A: Small ones.

Q: (Andromeda) And then the big ones come after.

(Pierre) Small comets, uh... It's something, eh? It's not meteorites.

(L) Alright, I think I'm done. I can't think of anything I want to ask in particular. Anything that we need to ask that we didn't ask? Consider it asked.

A: Carry on as usual!! Goodbye.
If I remember right Joe and Niall had considered that the PTB could use this event as a Russian strike as means to escalate the war against Russia. It looks like the deep state and FEMA are possibly grooming the GP for the next 9/11.

By Isabella Steger July 12, 2022 at 4:09 AM GMT+2
The city of New York released a public service announcement video outlining the three steps that residents should take in case of a nuclear attack.

The video, released Monday on NYC Emergency Management’s YouTube channel, says New Yorkers should do the following in the case of “the big one”:
  • Get inside fast, and don’t stay in the car
  • Stay inside, and shut all doors and windows. Head to a basement if possible. Remove and bag all outer clothing if exposed outdoors
  • Stay tuned to the latest information
The city department did not give details on how or when a nuclear attack might happen and said on its website the likelihood of one occurring in or near New York City is “very low,” but added it’s important New Yorkers know what to do in such a situation.

This month, researchers at Louisiana State University ran multiple computer simulations to assess the impact of global and regional nuclear conflicts on the world’s oceans. It concluded that any conflict would plunge the world into darkness, cause temperatures to plummet and wipe out much of the world’s sea life in what it said would be a “nuclear little ice age.”

That study comes as the specter of nuclear war was raised following Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warning in April that there was a “serious” risk of nuclear war.

Jul 11, 2022, NYC Emergency Management shares important steps for New Yorkers to follow if a nuclear attack occurs.


All the above is just my humble opinion!


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In this session the Cs said that the belligerents will fold quickly due to a "shock and awe". Laura mentioned the bombing of Baghdad and Joe mentioned a "sudden unexpected bombardment of some sort.."

In the past, the Cs said "no nuclear war" and in any case there are "natural bombs" referring logically to comet impacts. They said also that the United States is on the comet bombing schedule.

Q: (L) What is driving Bush to have his war with Iraq?

A: Orders. Bush knows little in any respect as to what or why he does anything.

Q: Is the war drama merely a play being put on to keep us all distracted and in a state of fear?

A: More or less.

Q: Yet, you said the United States would be bombed, and on another occasion you said there would not be a nuclear war.

A: "Bombs" are not all "nuclear." And, there are "natural bombs."

Q(Perceval) There's something I've been saying to various people, and I'm wondering if it's true or not. The stories in Richard Dolan's books about US nuclear missile sites being disabled by UFOs at various places so that they couldn't fire anything way back in the 60's at the height of the Cold War. Was that a message to the Powers that Be that no nuclear war would ever be allowed? Did 4D STS send a message in that way that nobody would be allowed to push the button because you'd kill everybody. Since this world is like a farm, their cattle would all be killed. Is that anywhere close to the truth?

A: Close

The Cs also said that it is very close to the truth that 4D STS would not allow a nuclear war. But this does not mean that they would not take advantage of a natural bomb, to increase to totalitarian levels the control over the world population. The impact of a comet on a major city would be enough. I imagine that this would be propagated through the media as a nuclear attack and not as a comet impact. It remains to be seen how long they can hide the truth.

It appears that TPTB are aware of this "Celestial intention".

A New York City Emergency Management video titled "Nuclear Preparedness PSA (Public Service Announcement) appeared yesterday july 11 to inform New Yorkers of the steps to take if a nuclear attack occurs.

On a Twitter account where this announcement was posted, for example, it was taken either as a sign of a false flag attack or as a real russian attack, but no one mentioned a comet impact... there were even funny comments.

Most people are not aware of the danger that looms over our heads.

Unfortunately, the PSA video will be worthless for the majority of the population in NYC. Most people aren't going to survive the shockwave and those that do aren't going to have the protection they need inside a building unless they can get in a basement.

This PSA is quite as worthless as "Duck & Cover"

Victor Cube's phrase takes on greater meaning these days "We do not need the celestial threat to disguise Cold War intentions; rather we need the Cold War to disguise celestial intentions!"

And the fall of Babylon (rev.18)

“The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes anymore"

“They will say, ‘The fruit you longed for is gone from you. All your luxury and splendor have vanished, never to be recovered."

"The merchants who became wealthy by selling her these things will stand at a distance, terrified by her great torment. They will weep and cry out,"

“’Woe! Woe to you, great city..."

And not only the above, astrologers mention the return of Pluto for July 11. For example:

What has happened in previous Pluto returns?

No human on Earth has ever experienced a Pluto return because our life spans are much shorter than the 248-year cycle of this mighty planet. However, empires and nations have experienced them — and many have seen multiple Pluto returns. While turmoil, scandals and times of upheaval often occur during a Pluto return, they often provide a very important turning point for the nation or empire to assess everything that it has created in the previous cycle while burning down what isn’t working to prepare for a whole new era
What can we expect during the United States’ first Pluto return?

Pluto will return to the exact same position it was in when the United States was born on three dates in 2022: Feb. 22, July 11 and Dec. 28.

What is a Pluto return on 2/22/22 and what does it mean in astrology?
Why the U.S. would withdraw from the war in Ukraine if not for a national emergency?

Is it a coincidence that the Cs tell us about shock and awe and the release of the NYC Emergency Management video?

We will undoubtedly have some strange days ahead
Thank you for the session ... I apologize in advance for just bumping in without even skimming through your interesting recollections around this session ... but anyhow I like what happened yesterday, and maybe will be interesting to some of you too ... if we consider that all in this 3D plane is a story projection from 6D fractalization to 3D and back, where our English simplified global language is confusing the objectivity, but still connecting the dots of all-around synchronicities let me try to read this images = On the 4th of June 2022 = 4+6+2+2+2 = 16 = 1+ 6 = 7, Cassiopeia came on a white horse to celebrate Scott and Juliana's wedding and love and yesterday on 12h of July 2022 = 1+2+7+2+2+2 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7, she brought the crown and chess board ... for us to continue to play and through the playfulness, to create a new world with love :cool2::flowers::knitting:


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In this session the Cs said that the belligerents will fold quickly due to a "shock and awe". Laura mentioned the bombing of Baghdad and Joe mentioned a "sudden unexpected bombardment of some sort.."

In the past, the Cs said "no nuclear war" and in any case there are "natural bombs" referring logically to comet impacts. They said also that the United States is on the comet bombing schedule.

The Cs also said that it is very close to the truth that 4D STS would not allow a nuclear war. But this does not mean that they would not take advantage of a natural bomb, to increase to totalitarian levels the control over the world population. The impact of a comet on a major city would be enough. I imagine that this would be propagated through the media as a nuclear attack and not as a comet impact. It remains to be seen how long they can hide the truth.

It appears that TPTB are aware of this "Celestial intention".

A New York City Emergency Management video titled "Nuclear Preparedness PSA (Public Service Announcement) appeared yesterday july 11 to inform New Yorkers of the steps to take if a nuclear attack occurs.

On a Twitter account where this announcement was posted, for example, it was taken either as a sign of a false flag attack or as a real russian attack, but no one mentioned a comet impact... there were even funny comments.

Most people are not aware of the danger that looms over our heads.

Unfortunately, the PSA video will be worthless for the majority of the population in NYC. Most people aren't going to survive the shockwave and those that do aren't going to have the protection they need inside a building unless they can get in a basement.

This PSA is quite as worthless as "Duck & Cover"

Victor Cube's phrase takes on greater meaning these days "We do not need the celestial threat to disguise Cold War intentions; rather we need the Cold War to disguise celestial intentions!"

And the fall of Babylon (rev.18)

“The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes anymore"

“They will say, ‘The fruit you longed for is gone from you. All your luxury and splendor have vanished, never to be recovered."

"The merchants who became wealthy by selling her these things will stand at a distance, terrified by her great torment. They will weep and cry out,"

“’Woe! Woe to you, great city..."

And not only the above, astrologers mention the return of Pluto for July 11. For example:

Why the U.S. would withdraw from the war in Ukraine if not for a national emergency?

Is it a coincidence that the Cs tell us about shock and awe and the release of the NYC Emergency Management video?

We will undoubtedly have some strange days ahead
Is she the whore of Babylon otherwise known as Ishtar, Astarte, Inanna and Isis?


For those interested, I attach a link to an interesting and thought provoking article where the author asks the question whether the Statue of Liberty is the Whore of Babylon mentioned in Revelation chapters 17-18, and whether New York City and its port are the new Babylon, as described in Revelation chapter 18?
In Revelation 18:17-19 the following is written:

17 'For in one hour such great riches came to nothing.' Every shipmaster, all who travel by ship, sailors, and as many as trade on the sea, stood at a distance 18 "And cried out when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, 'What is like this great city?' 19 "They threw dust on their heads and cried out, weeping and wailing, and saying, 'Alas, alas, that great city, in which all who had ships on the sea became rich by her wealth! For in one hour she is made desolate.'

If we just replace the author's references to nuclear strike(s) with a cometary burst, then this could be NYC's fate in line with what the C's have said, as you rightly pointed out in your post:

A: "Bombs" are not all "nuclear." And, there are "natural bombs."

And it has happened before to the Eastern Seaboard: See Carolina bays - Wikipedia

Carolina bays are elliptical to circular depressions concentrated along the Atlantic seaboard within coastal New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and north Florida. In Maryland, they are called Maryland basins. Within the Delmarva Peninsula, they and other coastal ponds are also called Delmarva bays.


Although I believe there is an ancient science (Atlantian) underlying astrology - which may be tied-up with quantum entanglement and Bell's non-locality theorem - I am puzzled why the mini-planet Pluto figures in modern astrologers' predictions when this planet was not known of until 1930 and cannot possibly have featured in Babylonian, Sumerian, Persian and Egyptian astrology, which underpins the ideas and practice of modern astrology.​
That's odd. In my last post I originally typed in the expression "-jezebel- of Babylon" but when I uploaded the post it changed the expression to "Jezebel of Babylon". Most curious! Is there some inbuilt censorship operating here? Was it the C's?

To my knowledge, the forum software picks up on, and changes, certain swear/curse words. So i'm guessing that's what happened here.
Good morning all, and belated thank you for the session and congrats on the wedding!

I know the main topics here right now are time travel and the crop circle, so I don't want to disrupt that, but I came across this video this morning and wanted to share my thoughts and observations.

Self-Assembling Wires That Plug Themselves In

His title, not mine, seems a stretch but ok. What interested me was the way I sort of saw this as our solar system, and how it might play in to the twin sun model.

C's said our sun is a proton and it's twin was an election if I'm not mistaken, but essentially a positive and negative charge in relation to one another and/or the environment.

So in this video, what if our sun is the center point (+ charge) and the Oort cloud or even just representative of any given point of the twin sun, is the outer ring of his setup (- charge). The way the steel balls kind of flow outward reminds me of solar flares, and what if when one of these configurations (I don't know enough to know what they might represent) actually makes that connection with the twin sun, it sends sparks and mega lightning down the thread, and grounds the system maybe?

I don't know, shooting in the dark, but I just wanted to share, see what others think.

Hope everyone is well, keep on keeping on.
To my knowledge, the forum software picks up on, and changes, certain swear/curse words. So i'm guessing that's what happened here.
Thank you for explaining this. However, the expression I used was a famous one, equivalent to the modern word "prostitute" or "harlot". Changing it to Jezebel rather changes its meaning somewhat. That being said, "Jezebel" is a name derived from "Bel" the ancient Babylonian (and Celtic) god otherwise known as "Baal". The poet and author Robert Graves believed that the name "Bel" originally derived from the earth mother-goddess "Belili" and only became Bel or Baal after the male supreme god dethroned the mother-goddess, as Laura discussed at length in the Secret History of the World. From Wikipedia:​

Belili was first a Sumerian minor goddess called Gesht-inanna, sister of Dumuzi, and wife of Nin-gishzida (the door keeper of An). She was later included in the Babylonian pantheon with the name of Belili or Belit-ili (also spelled Belet-ili), acquiring in some time a much higher status as the wife of Bel (the Assyrian and Babylonian equivalent to Baal).

The Canaanites called her Baalat or Baalit, the wife and female counterpart of Baal. As the wife of Bel she can be associated with Ishtar for Assyrians and Babylonians, with Astarte for Semites, and with Asherah for Philistines; in this sense Belili can also be associated with sacred prostitution and human sacrifice (of children, by fire).

Some authors, however, relate her with Lilith, who is commonly associated with the demon Asmodai and considered a female demon with the function of acting as a succubus. Other authors say that she could have been a fertility goddess (this connects her again with Ishtar, Astarte and Asherah), and some Neopagans consider Belili a mother goddess.

Hence, somewhat ironically, the automatic censorship by substituting Jezebel in place of the term I had originally used brought us full circle back to the goddess Ishtar. It is my contention though that these mother goddesses were ultimately deified figures or cyphers for the Holy Grail, Merkaba or Matriarch Stone, which originally came from Kantek.​
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