Session 24 June 2022

You say that you can achieve this DNA awakening by "continuing on with what many here already know and love - developing the Faith and Reason within ourselves, enabling us to make good decisions, which then allows us to step onto branching life-paths of better outcomes of increasing Goodness, Beauty, and Truth". I agree with what you say here. However, this does create something of a disconnect for me between the messages the C's gave Laura in the past, which seemed to stress the need to build up her knowledge base in order to prime the magnetic centre in advance of the Wave, and the message being promoted now of achieving simple Karmic understandings.

Yeah, to be clear, I'm not knocking the drive to gather Knowledge, yours or anyone else's. What I'm getting at is that there's a very specific epistemology that Laura learned during her years with the C's. If I was to parse it simply, it is that we cannot trust our own minds. In a way, it's the basics of science. Begin with problem or a mystery, generate an idea or hypothesis, collect data, check authors and sources thoroughly, weigh with common sense, network about it, ponder, hit the hypothesis with a strong test, rework what's shaky, have a smoke, repeat, etc.

This amounts to the attempt to use my energy in a good way, and one that contributes to increasing clarity, if at all possible, by clearing away the chance of lies taking hold. It's also a way of 'paying back' what I've gained from the hard work of others here - to apply the method as much as I am able so I'm not wasting energy, and able to contribute something meaningful.

There has to be a very skeptical weeding process when taking in any data, and the dial needs to be turned up to 11 before coming to any conclusions. Rigour is necessary in general for truth-seeking, but all the moreso now, given the very ponerized state of the study of just about any field, including history, and perhaps especially paranormal or esoteric history.

These high standards were important to me for mainly theoretical reasons at first. Lately, it has become much more personal - as the saying goes, false knowledge can be much more dangerous than no knowledge. I have learned that one the hard way.

I appreciate that we have recently discussed the issue of what the Holy Grail is on the Alton Towers thread and it can certainly mean different things to different people. I think the Grail can assist in the reactivation of certain 'so called' junk DNA within man's genome in order to transform him back into the creature he once was prior to his fall from grace 320,000 years ago since it is, amongst other things, a resurrection device. However, I am not claiming the Grail is technology in the conventional sense but rather that it is a psychic aid that will help to facilitate the process you speak of - think of it as a Kundalini/illumination inducing artefact. Indeed, I will stick my neck out and suggest that the Holy Grail is the pure crystal skull the Templars found and called 'Baphomet' (the Baptism of Metis or Wisdom). It might even be viewed as a super duper Kentakkian version of the Mitchell-Hedges Skull, supposedly found by the English explorer Mitchell-Hedges in Belize in the 1930's, which according to the C's had been used by the Maya for soul reflection and focusing. After recently re-reading comments Joseph Farrell had to say on the extraordinary properties of the Mitchell-Hedges Skull (I can post them here if people want), it made me realise that the special optics built into this skull (which may be Atlantean in origin) can actually trap light and apply it in unique ways beyond the capability of known technology. Those who are psychically sensitive and have come into contact with the skull, speak of its pronounced psychic effects on them. These powers and effects (including potentially a vast store of information downloaded into the skull) inherent in the Mitchell-Hedges Skull may be small beer compared to those found in Baphomet, which was created on Kentak.

This paragraph is a pretty good example of what I was wondering about.

For instance, there's a thread on Joseph Farrell. Have a look if you haven't already. We can read:
Regarding this book, I notice that he cites a whole lot of "alternative researchers" like Sitchin, Childress, Hancock, Picknett and Prince, Tom Bearden, Richard Hoagland, and so on. He contradicts himself regularly, and also regularly tells his reader that what he is saying is just a "wild hypothesis." In one instance, he declares that one hypothesis is evidence that another hypothesis is true.

Right at the beginning, he discards cometary cataclysms as possible causes of many of the anomalies noted in Earth's history and repeats this dismissal in several other places which indicates that he has apparently NOT researched the topic. On the other hand, maybe he has and that is his "assignment," to give support to wild and crazy ideas and dismiss what might be factual. He writes:

"So, lacking an adequate physical model of the spontaneous explosion of planets by natural causes, the evidence of such a planetary catastrophe having occurred at some time in the distant past of our solar system constitutes corroborative evidence of the weapon hypothesis of the Great Pyramid advanced here and in my previous book, the Giza Death Star." [...]

I should stress that the deliberately exploded planet hypothesis is only corroborating evidence to the hypothesis that the Great Pyramid was a weapon of mass destruction employing scalar physics on a planetary scale. The Weapon Hypothesis does not stand or fall on the truthfulness or falsehood of the exploding planet scenario. However, the scenario would constitute corroboration of the type of physics posited for the Giza Death Star, and hence thoroughness requires that it be investigated."

I guess he figures that his readers are too dumb to realize that he is right here pulling the wool over their eyes. He talks about a LOT of things that interest us here, but his knowledge base seems to be rather naroow - or, conversely, it is wider than he lets on and he is deliberately misleading.

I would love to hear what Ark has to say about the physics after reading Farrell's material.

Well, I got him to read that part and he chuckled at how thoroughly Tom Bearden has bamboozled people.

And yes, I agree that Farrell makes some interesting deductions but it is important to remember that most of the authors he cites are the second level disinfo. Overall, he mainly dismisses the hyperdimensional ultraterrestrial hypothesis and the comet hypothesis for his "weapons" and 3 D space wars ideas, which effectively manages to divert attention away from the two most likely realities. He writes some strange things for somebody educated at Oral Roberts...

You are also right that it does give one a good synopsis of the books of others - most of whom are the New Age disinfo crowd.

From this very brief search, and as someone totally unfamiliar with Farrell's work, I can suggest that it is a good idea to take anything he's saying with a grain of salt. Instead, it looks you're taking him at his word, and jumping to conclusions about 'super-duper Kantekkian skulls' and the 'pyramids of Giza as MASER howitzers'. Let's just say we may have to 'agree to disagree' on that.

Speculation is fine, especially when talking about the hyperdimensional nature of reality and 4D technology. But I think it needs to be counter-balanced with common sense, facts, and thorough research. That's the only way one can stay grounded in reality and not get lost in the magical Land of Woo.

There are numerous good examples of a reality-based approach in several forum threads I've read recently. The most recent example is a discussion of the claim that 'viruses don't exist'. Another example is the long, drawn-out process that began decades ago with Laura questioning the Bible as an historical document, culminating in the book 'From Paul to Mark', laying the groundwork for the likelihood of Jesus as Caesar.

You've said that you understand the warning about getting caught up in a wild goose chase, but I'd posit that you may not have taken the warning to heart fully - that the warning remains theoretical, as it did for me, before some recent encounters with a large amount of pain. Certain lines of thinking can be hazardous to one's health.

If you are right, and I am not saying you aren't, what then was the point of all the clues the C's were giving Laura not just about the Grail but the Nordic Covenant and the special bloodline etc., which they suggested would eventually lead her to her chalice (the grail?). Was it just intended as some sort of mystery school test to prepare her as an adept? Maybe so. Nevertheless, it was the C's who promoted the need for Laura to obtain specific knowledge and then start connecting dots as you say, including assisting Ark in discovering the UFT along the way. Are you inferring this was some sort of subtle trap on their part to induce a '353535' wild goose chase or just a means of teaching some sort of karmic lesson? I really don't know the answer here.

I'd say that it was the process of learning how to learn.

Are you therefore suggesting it is a waste of time now pursuing answers to these old clues, for there are many others on this Forum besides me that are still doing so? Say if the C's really wanted these clues to be solved prior to the Wave's arrival - after all they told Laura the answers to these clues would come in phases. Yes, I appreciate that they once warned Laura of the perils of spilling the beans over the internet too soon before the Forum had achieved a certain level of notoriety. Perhaps we are beyond that point now as times become very interesting indeed.

No, I wouldn't say it is a waste of time to pursue answers to old clues. All there is is lessons, after all. However, there's a solid epistemological process that can be deployed to make sure we're going in a good direction.
Yeah, to be clear, I'm not knocking the drive to gather Knowledge, yours or anyone else's. What I'm getting at is that there's a very specific epistemology that Laura learned during her years with the C's. If I was to parse it simply, it is that we cannot trust our own minds. In a way, it's the basics of science. Begin with problem or a mystery, generate an idea or hypothesis, collect data, check authors and sources thoroughly, weigh with common sense, network about it, ponder, hit the hypothesis with a strong test, rework what's shaky, have a smoke, repeat, etc.

This amounts to the attempt to use my energy in a good way, and one that contributes to increasing clarity, if at all possible, by clearing away the chance of lies taking hold. It's also a way of 'paying back' what I've gained from the hard work of others here - to apply the method as much as I am able so I'm not wasting energy, and able to contribute something meaningful.

There has to be a very skeptical weeding process when taking in any data, and the dial needs to be turned up to 11 before coming to any conclusions. Rigour is necessary in general for truth-seeking, but all the moreso now, given the very ponerized state of the study of just about any field, including history, and perhaps especially paranormal or esoteric history.

These high standards were important to me for mainly theoretical reasons at first. Lately, it has become much more personal - as the saying goes, false knowledge can be much more dangerous than no knowledge. I have learned that one the hard way.

This paragraph is a pretty good example of what I was wondering about.

For instance, there's a thread on Joseph Farrell. Have a look if you haven't already. We can read:


From this very brief search, and as someone totally unfamiliar with Farrell's work, I can suggest that it is a good idea to take anything he's saying with a grain of salt. Instead, it looks you're taking him at his word, and jumping to conclusions about 'super-duper Kantekkian skulls' and the 'pyramids of Giza as MASER howitzers'. Let's just say we may have to 'agree to disagree' on that.

Speculation is fine, especially when talking about the hyperdimensional nature of reality and 4D technology. But I think it needs to be counter-balanced with common sense, facts, and thorough research. That's the only way one can stay grounded in reality and not get lost in the magical Land of Woo.

There are numerous good examples of a reality-based approach in several forum threads I've read recently. The most recent example is a discussion of the claim that 'viruses don't exist'. Another example is the long, drawn-out process that began decades ago with Laura questioning the Bible as an historical document, culminating in the book 'From Paul to Mark', laying the groundwork for the likelihood of Jesus as Caesar.

You've said that you understand the warning about getting caught up in a wild goose chase, but I'd posit that you may not have taken the warning to heart fully - that the warning remains theoretical, as it did for me, before some recent encounters with a large amount of pain. Certain lines of thinking can be hazardous to one's health.

I'd say that it was the process of learning how to learn.

No, I wouldn't say it is a waste of time to pursue answers to old clues. All there is is lessons, after all. However, there's a solid epistemological process that can be deployed to make sure we're going in a good direction.
Thank you for your considered response. You make a lot of good points, especially about being careful with the works of alternative researchers.

Many of these alternative researchers have certainly done good research but have at times reached false or erroneous conclusions. That is true, for example, where Farrell speculatively links his Giza Death Star hypothesis with the destruction of the planet Tiamat, since we know from the C's that Kentak was destroyed as much as 70,000 years before the Great Pyramid was constructed. I must admit that I haven't read the Forum thread on Farrell. There are so many threads on the Forum that one can't simply read them all. Unlike Laura though, I wouldn't rush to judgement on Farrell by suggesting he is a conscious disinformation agent. He does critique people like Sitchin and Childress Hatcher and doesn't necessarily agree with their deductions. Please note that I never take anything I read as gospel. I trained and worked for over 40 years as a lawyer, so am used to weighing things up, as lawyers instinctively do.
As to the alternative researchers Laura mentioned in that extract, I would point out that the C's last year suggested people should read Graham Hancock's work on the subject of giants, which I read as an endorsement. The C's also had this to say about Hoagland in 1999:

Q: Everybody in the world is posting crazy, bizarre theories on the internet, and writing these elaborate web pages about their visions and their information from other 'sources,' and that the pyramid is a giant bell, or a clock that resets time, and so on and on....

A: Hoagland.

Q: Fine with Hoagland! He was on the radio the other night saying that Leedskallen moved his Coral Castle because he wanted to align it with Hoagland's proposed grid theory. That is clearly the most obvious foolishness since Hilliard told us about the moving of the Coral Castle and that it was because of some county regulatory reasons. That is the most ridiculous bunch of poppycock I have ever heard!

A: Whatever else you find true about Hoagland, just remember that genius resides adjacent to insanity!

Q: (A) What is the meaning of this remark about Hoagland?

A: Some of his stuff may be "poppycock," but some is right on the money, honey!

Q: (L) Well, what did Hoagland ever say about the pyramid? (A) He said that the way the Coral Castle was built was the same way the pyramid was built. (L) Well, we know that because Leedskallen said that himself! That's not news. Hoagland talks about this 19.5 degree latitude line and this double tetrahedron, but I don't know how that relates to something that is located at about 29 degrees of latitude such as the pyramid. That's about 10 degrees off. Has Hoagland ever opined about the pyramid itself?

A: Look it up!

I think the C's are employing here the approach that in England we would call 'not throwing the baby out with the bath water'. Incidentally, Hoagland did in fact write a long detailed article on the Great Pyramid, which I vaguely remember reading back in the 1990's. I don't know if Laura ever did look it up. I appreciate though that his work comes with a health warning.

However, you are absolutely right in advising that one should use great discernment when reading these various researchers' works. If they are not deliberate disinformation agents like Courtney Brown, then they are human and fallible just like us and can sometimes make 2 + 2 add up to 5. That doesn't discount all their research though, as some of it may still be valuable - witness Hancock who I have met and spoken to. He struck me as a nice chap, who happily answered my questions.
If it helps, when I research a matter before writing an article, I do as a rule use statements the C's have made on the subject in question as my starting point. When collecting all the material/evidence together for an article, I seek out what tends to support the C's statements. That is true, for example, where you say I might be "jumping to conclusions about 'super-duper Kantekkian skulls' and getting lost in the "magical Land of Woo", since that had nothing to do in fact with Farrell but came from the C's themselves. As an example of the clues the C's have given about the Grail, these are some of the extracts I have used and applied in my articles with additional comments by me inserted in red:

Session 26 July 1997:
Q: Okay. I have several books on the subject. I will start tomorrow. Now, when the Templars were arrested, they were accused of worshipping a head, or skull, and also the god Baphomet. Were these spurious accusations designed to defame them?

A: Skull was of pure crystal.

Session 20 June 1998:

Q: What was the head worshipped by the Templars that was supposed to have been called "Baphomet?"

A: Seer of the passage.
[N.B. In the session dated 11 April 1998 (see below), the C's link the Holy Grail to the concept of greater sight.]

Q: What does that mean?

A: Remember, secrets of Knights Templar were kept in caves guided by eternally burning lamps.

As far as I am aware, the C's are the only ones to have made this statement about the skull being made of pure crystal, which makes it a significant clue in my view since many researchers down the centuries have opined on what the nature of Baphomet may have been without making that deduction. I have proposed the theory that the skull could have been the Holy Grail for a number of reasons. One is that pure crystal such as quartz is a fantastic medium for storing vast amounts of data, significantly more than the silicon chips we use in our PC's today. Secondly, the skull has never been found. Third, a crystal skull would not be considered as a technology per se, although it could be used alongside technology, which picks up on something the C's said in the Session dated 2 February 2003:

Q: One of the questions we would like to clear up is the issue of the Holy Grail and the Ark. Is the Ark of the Covenant - the ark thing given to the early pre-Mosaic Jews that you have described previously - the same as the Holy Grail?

A: No.

Q: (L) So there are two completely different technologies?

A: If you wish to term it such.

Q: (L) Why did they answer the question that way? What is the distinguishing thing between them? (A) Maybe 'as such' refers to the fact that you termed it 'technology.' Maybe this is not quite the correct term. Technology can be part of it, but maybe not the most important part. (Galahad) Is one an STS tool and the other an STO tool?

A: Yes and no.
[The Ark was definitely an STS tool but the Grail it seems could be used by either side.]

Q: (Galahad) Thanks guys! That's real clear!

A: This is an issue that will clarify itself soon enough.

Session 2 February 1994:

Q: (L) Who carved the crystal skull found in Central America? [i.e., The Mitchell-Hedges Skull]
A: Mayans.
Q: (L) What was the purpose of that skull?
A: Study brain. Long message follows pause: Now: skull was to learn about soul; reflective remolecularization imaging. Grays do this with abductees. [This point connects with the operation of a TDARM or a time machine.]
Q: (L) Through what kind of instrument.
A: Energy focusing. [A lensing device will, of course, help in focusing - see also extract from the session dated 26 February 2002 below on this point.]

Session 28 June 1997:
Q: Okay. Now, I have an idea that the allegory of the Grail is that it is related to the "head." The head is composed of a core group of seven, which then creates the body via exponential increase in knowledge and energy. Is this correct as far as it goes?

A: Semi.
Session 19 April 1997:

Q: Am I correct in my assessment that the origin of the Grail stories was the story of the Head of Bran? [In Celtic legend Bran also had a cauldron that may be compared to a chest or arc, from which we get the English word arcanum meaning secrets or mysteries.]

A: But what was the "origin" of Brahna? [I have proposed this is Abram or Abraham who may have been absorbed into Hindu Brahmanism culture through the Brahmin caste who would appear to have Jewish roots via the Babylonian diaspora. We also know from the C's that Abraham had the Grail in his possession.]

Q: Well, from the way I am interpreting what I have found, I have two possibilities: One is the Celts from Kantek, and two: a Nephilim hybrid. [(1) We know from the session dated 26 February 2002 (see below) that the Grail, which was a device that in legend could manifest things, therefore would seem to have properties like that of the Matriarch Stone or Merkabah, which the C's say came from Kantek and (2) Abraham may well have been a late version (i.e., albeit much reduced in size) Nephilim hybrid.]

A: Could be one and the same.

Session 11 April 1998:

Q: It seems that the Templars were in charge of building the Cathedral at Chartres, and there is a tableaux on one of the porches of Melchizedek and the Queen of Sheba. Equidistant between them is the Ark of the Covenant in a cart. Melchizedek is holding a cup that is supposed to be the Holy Grail. Inside this cup is a cylindrical object of stone. What is this?

A: Greater sight.

Q: What?! (A) Is it a symbol or a device?

A: Why cannot it be both?

Q: (A) It can be both, but is it both?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) So, it is a device for greater sight like a crystal ball, yes?

A: Only when utilized exactly precisely

Session 13 June 1998

A: What does stein mean, is it "written in stone?"

Q: Stein as in 'grail,' and stone as in 'philosopher's.' So, maybe we are getting close.

A: What does Einstein mean?

Q: 'One stone.' And a stein is a cup and a stone at the same time. So, Triesen is in the 'beautiful countryside between the Rhine and the alpine world.' There is an alp called Lawena, nearby Lake Constance, and the Swiss canton of St. Gallen. You said something about being buried in 'Galle' and this seems to have all the related elements collected together... all the key words... so am I...
[A crystal is, of course, a stone too.]

A: On the right track? It looks good.

Session 10 August 2001:​

Q: Yeah, when I saw that picture on his webpage, I knew he'd been projecting that. He was sitting there focusing on it so I would see it. I told you, I showed it to you, didn't I? That was what I saw, that twisted up figure 8 thing. [Laughter.] I couldn't figure it out, what in the world it was. Is there an object buried in France I'm supposed to find?
A: Yes.
Are we going to find it?
A: Yes.
Q: Can you tell us what year we'll be finding it.
A: Two (tape ended and was blank for some time then picked back up with a segment of what sounded like a heartbeat)
Q: What is the object?
A: Holy grail.
Q: What is the holy grail? {Tape noise gets very, very loud here. Planchette was spinning around and drawing figures.}
Q: Huh. I don't know if they were drawing something or just playing. Guess they're not going to answer that one. Well, anything you want to ask? (A) Yes. It's pretty fun to be talking, so we're talking ... it's fun.

Session 26 February 2002:

Q: (L) Jay Weidner says that there is something in the south of France that is very, very evil. Is correct in this assessment?

A: Not really. But those guarding the secrets might be termed as such. Also they wish to make others think thus. Machiavelli! [The Rosicrucians perhaps, who moved like a thief in the night against the Templars?]


Q: (L) Well it works. Is the place of safety at the end of time to be found in Peru?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is the place of safety a physical location on the planet?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is the place of safety a hyperdimensional state of being?

A: Yes. [Entered through the 'White House' - Casa Blanca]


Q: (L) We were making some theories about this object that Vincent Bridges was looking for - the Ark of the Covenant, or the Holy Grail. I believe that we understand that this is an object that is of great usefulness, some kind of lensing device. Is that correct? [This is where Farrell's ideas about its possible use in the Great Pyramid for aiming purposes (phase conjugation) within a sophisticated weapon system (if his theory is correct) come in to play. Note the C's also say below that the device was in STS hands at one time so that it could have been used for negative purposes.]

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is this something that the STS groups - yeah, we know everybody on earth is STS, but I mean the heavy duty ones - had at one time and then lost, or lost control of?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) How did they lose it?

A: It was not so much "lost" as it was "retrieved" and put away for safe keeping.

Q: (R & L) Who retrieved it?

A: 4th density STO mission.

Q: (L) Who is it that is looking for it? Is it 3rd density STS or 4th density?

A: Both.

Q: (L) If it is a 3rd density device why do 4th density critters want it?

A: It is a trans-density device.

Q: (L) Well if 4th density STS are so technically advanced how come they can't just make another one?

A: This item is tuned by consciousness. It is of such a frequency that STS gifts are not capable of such precision. The range includes multiple possibility vectors. STS operates within a narrow range.

Q: (R) So they can't make it, but they can use it. So they have to find one that is already created. (L) Is that possible? (A) Operated by consciousness. (L) They said tuned not operated. First of all we want to ask whether they mean tuned as in tuned when it was created or as tuned as in using. (A) There is this scenario that they will wait until the STO guy will find it and tune it, and still only then they will jump on 'em. (L) Right. Do you mean tuned as in the tuning of the creation or the tuning of the operation?

A: Creation.

Q: (A) Okay. Once it is tuned, it is tuned, right? (R) Yeah. And if it was similar to our simulation then tuning is done by exposing it to similar frequencies. (L) Or maybe assembling it by virtue of frequencies that are produced. But it still needs to be established whether or not they can see it. So we have theorized that the reason they can't find it, the only reason we can see for why they can't find it, is because for some reason it is protected by frequency or something and that they don't know where it is either. Is this correct?

A: Mostly. They have a general idea.

Q: What specifically prevents them from isolating the exact spot and getting it?

A: Occlusion.

Q: (A) What is occlusion? (R) I think that's similar to ...

A: Frequency fence.

Q: (R) Which is similar to what we've been talking about. If you don't have the same frequency it's ... (L) Or they can set a frequency around it that these guys can't tune to and can't penetrate. (R) It becomes invisible in some sense. (L) But they can still in some way detect a region or something. But it can be like noise or something maybe; so much noise that they can't isolate the signal. Is this the reason these people keep coming after us, because they want us to help them find this thing? Is this the reason?

A: More or less. Though not the only one.

Q: (R) Well I guess another major reason is just to disrupt in general. So more or less yes, but there are other reasons. Well Jay Weidner said that they now think that Frank is going to help them find it, that he is a channel for Set. (A) We don't know if this is true. What Jay Weidner says about their hopes about Frank. If that were true they would already have Frank they would be busy with Frank and they would be leaving us alone. So, I don't think it is so important. (L) I don't either. It was just bait tossed out by Jay Weidner. (R) I was wondering about the possible positive uses of the device?

A: Multiple. In ancient times this object was called the Gift of God. It was used to aid in the manifestation of all things needful for existence.
[See also the reference to reflective remolecularization imaging, an attribute of TDARMs, in the extract from the session dated 2 February 1994 above.]

Q: (A) Manifestation? (R) That sounds like Merkabah. The Matriarch Stone. The Mother Stone. (A) So it can do all kinds of things ... (R) Is this the Merkabah?

A: Mother Stone, yes.

Q: (R) So that's it! This is the real meaning of the Merkabah. Pretty neat. And there is only one of these available. This puts a very strange aspect on all this. (L) Where was it created?

A: Kantek.

Q: Was this what was used to help transport the Kantekkians to Earth at the time of the destruction of their planet?

A: Some of them. Others transported by Lizards.

Finally, this excerpt from the Session 26 July 1997 ,which dealt with comments on the Freemasons and the Knights Templar and may also relate to the Grail:

Q: You previously talked about 'undreamed of treasure in alfalfa fields of Rhineland.' Is this a physical, spiritual or knowledge based treasure?

A: It is all three.

Q: Who put this treasure in the alfalfa fields of Rhineland? [The "alfalfa fields of Rhineland" may be code here for the Merovingian Franks who were Germanics/Celts (clover being linked with the Celts as a kind of calling card) who came from the Rhineland and settled in France after the fall of Rome, occupying much of Southern France, including the area where Laura and the Chateau crew live and the Rennes-le-Chateau area, where legends of Visigoth /Knight Templar treasure being buried in the region persist to this day. However, it is also the area where the C's have implied the Grail may have been hidden, possibly by the Knights Templar who, according to legend and the Grail stories, guarded the Holy Grail - many of the French knights coming from this particular region of France. The reference to a "physical, spiritual or knowledge based treasure" would, I think, be a good description of the Holy Grail, if that is the treasure the C's had in mind here - as may also be the case with the French artist and Rosicrucian Nicolas Poussin in his painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia, which lies at the heart of the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau.]

A: Discover.

Hence, the articles I post on the Alton Towers thread tend to follow where the C's clues lead me. I readily confess that I may have it all wrong here on the Grail but this is where the clues have led me so far. The point is that, like the scientific method you have astutely mentioned, which normally involves a peer review process in relation to published scientific papers, people are welcome to critique these articles, as they often do, and this can then lead to a refinement and improvement of one's theories and ideas or indeed a total abandonment.

As to the analysis of the meaning of ancient symbols, something Farrell frequently goes into, the C's actually had some good instructive guidance on this matter:
Session 22 June 1996:

A: Slowly, but surely. Now, get ready for a message: We have told you before that the upcoming "changes" relate to the spiritual and awareness factors rather than the much publicized physical. Symbolism is always a necessary tool in teaching. But, the trick is to read the hidden lessons represented by the symbology, not to get hung up on the literal meanings of the symbols!

"You've said that you understand the warning about getting caught up in a wild goose chase, but I'd posit that you may not have taken the warning to heart fully - that the warning remains theoretical, as it did for me, before some recent encounters with a large amount of pain. Certain lines of thinking can be hazardous to one's health."

That sound unpleasant. I am sorry to hear that. Did this involve STS forces or something?
Further to my last post, for completeness sake, I am showing here two different mirror images of Nicolas Poussin's painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia, which the C's had suggested Laura should examine:


Note the chalice appearing between the feet of the bearded figure. If you look at the painting from a distance, you will also see that the tombstone forms a skull, with the heads of the bearded figure forming the eye sockets of the skull, rather like skull figures seen in Mayan or Aztec art imagery. Please note that this skull imagery was not proposed by me but by another more observant Forum member. Then there is this alternative mirror image of the painting:


This alternative mirror image posted by Akopirnas in 2013 also produces a chalice plus the double-headed figure in the middle which reminds one of the Roman god Janus who looks both ways at once, one towards the past and the other towards the future, which may in itself be a veiled reference to the Baphomet skull that some have speculated could be double-headed, based on medieval rumoured accounts relating to Baphomet.

The Roman god Janus is associated with doors, gates (of time?), beginnings, and transitions, both in literal and abstract ways. He was also responsible for motion, changes, and time. He was the gatekeeper; his symbols were a porter's staff or virga and a set of keys. To illustrate his importance to the Romans, his name was even mentioned before Jupiter in prayers. Later, during the Renaissance (N.B. Poussin being a late Renaissance painter), this image of two faces would represent not only the past and future but also wisdom - Sophia or Metis, which may provide a link to the name Baphomet, as used by the Knights Templar for the pure crystal skull they possessed.

This idea of Janus being a "gatekeeper" also makes me think of the 'Sword Keepers of the Lock' (linked according to the C's with the Illuminati) who burned down the Library of Alexandria in order to protect important secrets from being discovered. Moreover, the notion of a "gatekeeper" also links in some ways with Poussin’s own personal motto of ‘tenet confidentiam’ or ‘keeper of secrets’. Just how important those secrets might have been may be gleaned from the following account.​

In 1656 while living in Rome, Poussin received a visit from Abbé Louis Fouquet, the brother of Nicolas Fouquet, Superintendent of Finances to King Louis XIV of France. From here he sent a letter to his brother describing his meeting with Poussin. In his letter he makes the following statement:

“He [Poussin] and I discussed certain things, which I shall with ease be able to explain to you in detail – things which will give you, through Monsieur Poussin, advantages which even kings would have great pains to draw from him, and which, according to him, it is possible that nobody else will ever rediscover in the centuries to come. And what is more, these are things so difficult that nothing now on this Earth can prove of better fortune nor be their equal.”

This letter would subsequently lead to Fouquet's arrest in 1661 and his eventual downfall. The charges against Fouquet were extremely general and nebulous. There were vague accusations of misappropriation of funds, and others, even more vague, of sedition. On the basis of these accusations, all Fouquet’s goods and property were placed under royal sequestration. Oddly, however, the King forbade his officers to touch Fouquet’s papers or correspondence. Instead, he insisted on sifting through them personally and by himself. This seems most bizarre behaviour for a king. Although the King (not normally a bloodthirsty man) demanded the death penalty, the court eventually imposed a sentence of perpetual imprisonment on Fouquet in 1665. On the king’s direct orders, Fouquet was kept in strict isolation and he was forbidden writing implements and all means by which he could communicate with anyone. Even more draconian, any soldiers or guards who conversed with him were allegedly confined to prison ships or, in some cases, hanged. Louis XIV persistently endeavoured through his agents to buy ‘The Shepherds of Arcadia’. In 1685 Louis finally managed to do so. However, the painting was never put on display or even hung in a royal residence. Instead, it was confined to the king’s private royal apartments, where no one could view it without the king’s personal authority.

Given such strange behaviour by the great Sun King of France, the painting must have contained a great secret, even more important I think than that of perpetual lamps relating to phosphorescence, as proposed by Laura. I think Louis XIV’s behaviour can be taken to indicate that the painting held a secret of such a devastating nature that the king used all of his considerable power and influence to make sure it remained hidden. I would suggest that the secret was not simply the angle of obliquity of the Earth, as suggested by Gary Osborn (significant though that may have been in the 18th Century), but it had something more to do with royal bloodlines or even perhaps something of such power that its knowledge or possession could decide the fate of nations - i.e., the Holy Grail. It is not for nothing that Adolf Hitler was desperate to get his hands on the Grail - even costing Otto Rahn, the German Grail researcher his life. This point is demonstrated in the session dated 6 June 1998:

Q: Should I just drop the whole bloodline thing?

A: Why?

Q: Well, because you are saying I would approach it in an improper manner, and I am getting roadblocks and frustration, and I certainly don't want that!

A: So, find the proper manner.

Q: I don't know what you mean by proper manner. What's the proper manner?

A: Gradual passage of phases.

Q: Is that the proper manner?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Which phases are passing gradually?

A: The answer to that is the clue you need most.

Q: (T) Phases of what?

A: It is the discovery that fosters the learning.

Q: So, I will discover these as I go along, I guess. One dot leads to the next dot. The only way to learn is to do it. (A) The original questions was whether we should follow this bloodline research... to what purpose?

A: Bloodlines reveal destiny. Why do you think they have been covered up so thoroughly?


Q: {Question lost because of tape malfunction.}
Probably related to the Holy Grail]

A: It was der Fuhrer who tried hardest. But not nearly enough.

Q: {Question lost because of tape malfunction.}

A: Find it in order to supercede the very power structure that created him.

Q: What power structure was this?

A: The "Third Reich."

Q: And who created the Third Reich?

A: Illuminati.

Q: So Hitler thought he could find something that would enable him to take complete control...

A: Sort of like a termite trying to vanquish "Orkin."

Q: {Question lost because of tape malfunction.}

A: Not tried succeeded!


Q: What is it in this bloodline that makes it so important to cover it up?

A: It would lead directly to verity on a scale never before seen on earth while at 3rd density STS.

Q: And what would be the result of this verity?

A: The truth shall set you free... as you are imprisoned

A: The "main danger" is when on reveals too much before one has enough stature or notoriety, on web pages, for example. [Discussion of repercussions of 'Diana' material on web pages after Diana's death]


Q: Alright, I will. Where did these bloodlines originate?

A: Orion region.

Q: For how long were they maintained with any semblance of purity?

A: Indefinite.

Q: Are you saying that they are still maintaining them and manipulating them from other densities?

A: That is for you to discover.

Q: Are these bloodlines carrying a specific codon that is designed to activate at a certain period of time or in response to a certain frequency?

A: Possibly, but why should not that apply to everyone?

Q: Okay, so we have got ticking time bombs in our DNA, all of us!

A: Maybe.

Q: Alright, bizarro... (A) It is not necessarily time bombs, these are bombs which could be ignited by something else, like knowledge. (L) Is that the case, that knowledge could unlock these codons?

A: Yes.

Q: Certain activities such as meditating?

A: Yes. Or... channelling.

Returning to the alternative mirror image posted by Akopirnas, he added the following comments that are of interest here (with my own comments added in parenthesis in red):

Yes, Muxel, here is the picture (clickable images) from that time probably after correct splitting - excuse me my answer after 1,5 year..:
Now we have

1) Low place between stones

2) Two faces of Janus, which associates with trading (once again - german Handl?), rocks, caverns, covered passages, doors and underpassages...

3) Big shadow of some invisible cup...
[The chalice or cup of Christ being the standard concept of the Grail in the Christian Europe of the 18th Century.]

4) Pyramid in dark circle
[Rosicrucianism always linked itself to the traditions and mysteries of Ancient Egypt (including those linked to the Great Pyramid) where we know from the C's that the Grail was based during Akhenaten's reign.]

6) Something shining under pyramid in the form of a crystal.
[It is curious to me that the crystal he refers to looks heart shaped (see blown-up image below) since the Knights Templar apparently used the heart as a code sign for the Holy Grail - it is scratched, for example, all over the walls of the Royston Caves in Hertfordshire, known to have been frequented by the English Knights Templar. The image of a crystal linked closely to the Pyramid may also bear out the notion that the Grail was once to be found either inside or under the Great Pyramid at Giza - a place Poussin had a great interest in.]

7) Place where two rivers merged or now merge (receded and dry/dried stream channels?)
The Renaissance has itself been likened to an underground stream and Poussin's original painting of the Shepherds of Arcadia contains a figure of what would appear to be the god Alpheus, the river god and lord of underground streams (see painting below). Poussin's themes of the underground stream of Alpheus, Arcadia and Arcadian shepherds, all featured in ideas promoted by the Medieval nobleman René d’Anjou, one of the best connected men of the 15th Century. Indeed, it was probably René who helped to introduce the themes of Arcadia, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table and the Holy Grail into Renaissance art. It can be shown that René d’Anjou had connections with Joan of Arc, Christopher Columbus (who he employed), Michel Nostradamus’ grandfather (who he retained as a court astrologer) and the Medici family of Florence. His daughter, Marguerite, married Henry VI of England. His works frequently denoted a fountain or a tomb, both of which were associated with an underground stream. This point picks up on something the C's mentioned in the Session dated 2 May 1998:
Q: Why was the 12th century the focal point for the propagation of the grail legends, the troubadours, the whole thing?

A: Beginning of "Renaissance."

This underground stream is usually associated with the river Alpheus, which is a coastal river located in the actual geographical Arcadia in Greece, which flows underground and is said to surface again at the Fountain of Arethusa in Sicily. The river has always been deemed sacred from antiquity and its very name derives in Greek from ‘first’ or ‘source’ (perhaps a bit like "Zep Tepi" or the "First Time" did to the Ancient Egyptians). The motif of an underground stream seems to have been extremely rich in symbolic and allegorical meaning. Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln the authors of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail stated that "... Among other things, it would appear to connote the ‘underground’ esoteric tradition of Pythagorean, Gnostic, Cabalistic and Hermetic thought. But it might also connote something more than a general body of teachings, perhaps some very specific, factual information; a secret of some sort, transmitted in clandestine fashion from generation to generation and it might connote an unacknowledged and thus ‘subterraneanbloodline.”

Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln had in mind here the subterranean bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene but I would suggest that it might have more to do with the special Grail bloodline that Laura has referred to in the transcripts, which she also mentioned to me at the outset of the Alton Towers thread. This idea of a special bloodline may link up here with something Laura said about the artistic representation of knees again in the session dated 16 August 1997 (which coincidentally was the session that contained references to the 'Sword Keepers of the Lock', the 'Trampled Leaves of Wrath' (Kore/Hagar) and the 'Blue Apples Incarnate'):

Q: One thing that has been driving me nuts is the repeated representation of knees. I mean, they are everywhere. In the zodiac of Dendara, there is even a leg with the knee joint as a constellation. And in the Bacchus and Ariadne painting, someone is brandishing a leg. What is it with this knee? I know that the word is related to genes, and that the word 'patella' is related to the root of platter, and thus 'grail,' all of these funny ideas are connected to the knee. Even my name

A: Yes, so leave it until you have more pieces.”

Q: You mean, I will get more pieces and this will make sense?

A: Yes.

Q: Well, I am lost in a sea of puzzle pieces and I have not even begun to try to assemble them!

A: Step by step.

I would point out here that the bearded kneeling figure in Poussin's painting (who may represent Heracles/Hercules a prominent member of the Argonauts) is down on one knee in between which is a chalice and the skull and, in the other mirror image, the young shepherd is also brandishing his knee, between which can be seen a chalice and the double-headed figure of Janus, which seems to bear out Laura's point. If Poussin's painting is subtly hiding a reference to the Grail and the Grail bloodline, which King Louis XVI was no doubt a member of, it might explain why he was desperate to get his hands on it and had Nicolas Fouquet locked up for life (which perhaps provided the inspiration for Alexander Dumas' famous story The Man in the Iron Mask).

8) A compass or letter A on a pyramid (the compass being a Masonic symbol.)

9) Over compass - swagger stick with vegetative or water motive. Or little skull over a horizontal line dividing a pyramid...

Before anyone mentions pareidolia and seeing Micky Mouse in these images if you really want to (N.B. it has all been said before), these images have been produced on the basis of the mirror image perspective suggested by the C's not me. What is more, it is known that other Renaissance artists used these and other similar techniques to hide encoded information inside their works including: Raphael, Da Vinci, the David Tenniers, Heironymous Bosch and also Albrecht Dürer – and the list goes on right up to the present day. Moreover, Poussin was known to be a very precise painter who knew how to use perspective to its full. Hence, there is little chance these images are merely coincidental.

Given the reference to the Great Pyramid and it secrets, which the author Gary Osborn has shown Poussin took a great interest in, I set out below an extract again from the Session dated 16 August 1997 , which picks up on a possible clue in Poussin's painting that may link it to the Grail:
Q: What was the function of the King's chamber?

A: Balancer to Queen's chamber.

Q: What was the niche in the Queen's Chamber that resembles the crack in the stone in the Arcadian Shepherd's painting
[i.e., Poussin's], as well as the window in the St. Anthony painting. What was this for?

A: Mind accelerator.

If Baphomet, the "seer of the passage" was, and is, the Grail, then it may also function as a mind accelerator.

In passing, I also wonder if the two standalone hands revealed in the image above might just be a sneaky reference to the mummified hands found with the Sword in the Stone of San Galgano mentioned in my earlier post. Just a thought. Poussin lived in Italy most of his adult life, so he could certainly have known about the Galgano Sword and its significance to the Grail legends.​

I must admit that I still don't know which of the two mirror images the C's had in mind here. However, the revealed images are certainly intriguing in both versions. See also the close-up image below:


Poussin's original version of The shepherds of Arcadia (Et in Arcadia ego)
Note the skull on top of the tomb, which is not included in his second version of the painting except in the mirror image perspective. Note also the laurel crown wearing figure of the god in the foreground is pouring water (knowledge?) out of the casket.

So we have skulls and chalices connected to a work that would appear to be connected to the Holy Grail. I would speculate that with his inbuilt references to mythic figures in the painting like Heracles, Ariadne (or a counterpart) and his fellow argonauts, the twins Castor and Pollux, who are all connected in turn to star constellations, Poussin's painting may even be a star map to assist in locating the Grail.

For those who might want to know more about Poussin and his codes, I attach an article on them by the author and researcher Gary Osborn, which can also be found on line. I would just pick out one quote though from Osborn's article, which might be of current significance in relation to imminent celestial events such as a possible supernovae:​

“Well after some months I discovered that aside from the additional symbolism it contains – notably esoteric in origin and association – this painting also contains a direct reference to the Orion star constellation and the Precessional Cycle of roughly 26,000 years [the cycle is in fact 25,772 years].

The two extreme positions on the Giza Meridian of the Orion star constellation, which historians say was used by the ancients as a ‘gauge-marker’ for this cycle, appeared to be present in the painting . . . how Orion appeared 13,000 years ago - i.e., 11,000 BC, and how Orion would appear in 2000 AD. (See presentation The Arcadian Shepherds Version II).”

We know from the C's that II,000 BC is around about the time of the Deluge (10,662 BC according to the C's - with the Great Pyramid being built in built 8,649 BC) and the destruction of Atlantis. We are now, of course, in 2022 and the supernova (Rigel perhaps?) the C's spoke of may just be around the corner. If Osborn is right, were the Pyramid's builders aware of the imminent supernova and was Poussin, as a Rosicrucian, aware of this too? Here is what the C's had to say about the matter in the session dated 22 August 1998, which seems to support Osborn's ideas, i.e., if he is right in his assertion that Poussin incorporated these gauge markers into his painting:
Q: So, there are some that have not been found yet. Now, according to this book, the ‘Message of the Sphinx,’ they are saying that the orientation of the pyramid complex which includes the Sphinx, designates or denotes a time, or replicates on the ground the pattern of Orion related to the constellation of Leo exactly 10,500 years ago. What is the significance of this date 10,500 years ago?

A: Complex, but what about Orion?!?

What about Orion?

A: For you to surmise.

Was this a date when the ships from Orion arrived to go into orbit around the Earth?

A: No. Now you should study all you can about supernovae.

Okay, there was a mention of a supernovae in this book. Was there a supernova at that particular time?

A: Maybe, but the real question should be: Will there be one again, and soon?

They have said that this designates the lowest point of Orion in the precessional cycle, the nadir of the cycle, and that the midheaven would be 2400 AD. If you have the representation of this precessional nadir, what is the next ‘notch’ on the clock? Is it going to be the midheaven of the cycle 400 years or so from now?

A: Best not to assume without adequate date.
[Did Poussin know it?]


Q: Were the Egyptians using the Pyramids to travel in time?

A: Maybe in a crude sense, more like an oracle.


Q: (A) I have one question about the pyramids. There is a complex of pyramids at Giza, and they are now trying to find out if this complex points to some special place, a vanishing point. Is it really so that the three pyramids point to some important place as a complex?

A: Orion.

(A) Not some place on the earth or under the earth?

A: No, no need.


Q: (L) Is there anything we ought to be doing in terms of employment at the present time? Is there any other direction we should be looking at the present time?

A: Not until you reach the crossroads.
[A reference perhaps to the imminent transition from 3rd density to 4th density?]

Q: (L) What crossroads? I don’t like that!

A: Wait and see. Now study supernovae!



Thank you for the session ... I apologize in advance for just bumping in without even skimming through your interesting recollections around this session ... but anyhow I like what happened yesterday, and maybe will be interesting to some of you too ... if we consider that all in this 3D plane is a story projection from 6D fractalization to 3D and back, where our English simplified global language is confusing the objectivity, but still connecting the dots of all-around synchronicities let me try to read this images = On the 4th of June 2022 = 4+6+2+2+2 = 16 = 1+ 6 = 7, Cassiopeia came on a white horse to celebrate Scott and Juliana's wedding and love and yesterday on 12h of July 2022 = 1+2+7+2+2+2 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7, she brought the crown and chess board ... for us to continue to play and through the playfulness, to create a new world with love :cool2::flowers::knitting:
16 = atomic number of sulphur: some portals opening?
Further to my last post, for completeness sake, I am showing here two different mirror images of Nicolas Poussin's painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia, which the C's had suggested Laura should examine:

Note the chalice appearing between the feet of the bearded figure. If you look at the painting from a distance, you will also see that the tombstone forms a skull, with the heads of the bearded figure forming the eye sockets of the skull, rather like skull figures seen in Mayan or Aztec art imagery. Please note that this skull imagery was not proposed by me but by another more observant Forum member. Then there is this alternative mirror image of the painting:

View attachment 61084

This alternative mirror image posted by Akopirnas in 2013 also produces a chalice plus the double-headed figure in the middle which reminds one of the Roman god Janus who looks both ways at once, one towards the past and the other towards the future, which may in itself be a veiled reference to the Baphomet skull that some have speculated could be double-headed, based on medieval rumoured accounts relating to Baphomet.

The Roman god Janus is associated with doors, gates (of time?), beginnings, and transitions, both in literal and abstract ways. He was also responsible for motion, changes, and time. He was the gatekeeper; his symbols were a porter's staff or virga and a set of keys. To illustrate his importance to the Romans, his name was even mentioned before Jupiter in prayers. Later, during the Renaissance (N.B. Poussin being a late Renaissance painter), this image of two faces would represent not only the past and future but also wisdom - Sophia or Metis, which may provide a link to the name Baphomet, as used by the Knights Templar for the pure crystal skull they possessed.

This idea of Janus being a "gatekeeper" also makes me think of the 'Sword Keepers of the Lock' (linked according to the C's with the Illuminati) who burned down the Library of Alexandria in order to protect important secrets from being discovered. Moreover, the notion of a "gatekeeper" also links in some ways with Poussin’s own personal motto of ‘tenet confidentiam’ or ‘keeper of secrets’. Just how important those secrets might have been may be gleaned from the following account.​

In 1656 while living in Rome, Poussin received a visit from Abbé Louis Fouquet, the brother of Nicolas Fouquet, Superintendent of Finances to King Louis XIV of France. From here he sent a letter to his brother describing his meeting with Poussin. In his letter he makes the following statement:

“He [Poussin] and I discussed certain things, which I shall with ease be able to explain to you in detail – things which will give you, through Monsieur Poussin, advantages which even kings would have great pains to draw from him, and which, according to him, it is possible that nobody else will ever rediscover in the centuries to come. And what is more, these are things so difficult that nothing now on this Earth can prove of better fortune nor be their equal.”

This letter would subsequently lead to Fouquet's arrest in 1661 and his eventual downfall. The charges against Fouquet were extremely general and nebulous. There were vague accusations of misappropriation of funds, and others, even more vague, of sedition. On the basis of these accusations, all Fouquet’s goods and property were placed under royal sequestration. Oddly, however, the King forbade his officers to touch Fouquet’s papers or correspondence. Instead, he insisted on sifting through them personally and by himself. This seems most bizarre behaviour for a king. Although the King (not normally a bloodthirsty man) demanded the death penalty, the court eventually imposed a sentence of perpetual imprisonment on Fouquet in 1665. On the king’s direct orders, Fouquet was kept in strict isolation and he was forbidden writing implements and all means by which he could communicate with anyone. Even more draconian, any soldiers or guards who conversed with him were allegedly confined to prison ships or, in some cases, hanged. Louis XIV persistently endeavoured through his agents to buy ‘The Shepherds of Arcadia’. In 1685 Louis finally managed to do so. However, the painting was never put on display or even hung in a royal residence. Instead, it was confined to the king’s private royal apartments, where no one could view it without the king’s personal authority.

Given such strange behaviour by the great Sun King of France, the painting must have contained a great secret, even more important I think than that of perpetual lamps relating to phosphorescence, as proposed by Laura. I think Louis XIV’s behaviour can be taken to indicate that the painting held a secret of such a devastating nature that the king used all of his considerable power and influence to make sure it remained hidden. I would suggest that the secret was not simply the angle of obliquity of the Earth, as suggested by Gary Osborn (significant though that may have been in the 18th Century), but it had something more to do with royal bloodlines or even perhaps something of such power that its knowledge or possession could decide the fate of nations - i.e., the Holy Grail. It is not for nothing that Adolf Hitler was desperate to get his hands on the Grail - even costing Otto Rahn, the German Grail researcher his life. This point is demonstrated in the session dated 6 June 1998:

Q: Should I just drop the whole bloodline thing?

A: Why?

Q: Well, because you are saying I would approach it in an improper manner, and I am getting roadblocks and frustration, and I certainly don't want that!

A: So, find the proper manner.

Q: I don't know what you mean by proper manner. What's the proper manner?

A: Gradual passage of phases.

Q: Is that the proper manner?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Which phases are passing gradually?

A: The answer to that is the clue you need most.

Q: (T) Phases of what?

A: It is the discovery that fosters the learning.

Q: So, I will discover these as I go along, I guess. One dot leads to the next dot. The only way to learn is to do it. (A) The original questions was whether we should follow this bloodline research... to what purpose?

A: Bloodlines reveal destiny. Why do you think they have been covered up so thoroughly?


Q: {Question lost because of tape malfunction.} [
Probably related to the Holy Grail]

A: It was der Fuhrer who tried hardest. But not nearly enough.

Q: {Question lost because of tape malfunction.}

A: Find it in order to supercede the very power structure that created him.

Q: What power structure was this?

A: The "Third Reich."

Q: And who created the Third Reich?

A: Illuminati.

Q: So Hitler thought he could find something that would enable him to take complete control...

A: Sort of like a termite trying to vanquish "Orkin."

Q: {Question lost because of tape malfunction.}

A: Not tried succeeded!


Q: What is it in this bloodline that makes it so important to cover it up?

A: It would lead directly to verity on a scale never before seen on earth while at 3rd density STS.

Q: And what would be the result of this verity?

A: The truth shall set you free... as you are imprisoned

A: The "main danger" is when on reveals too much before one has enough stature or notoriety, on web pages, for example. [Discussion of repercussions of 'Diana' material on web pages after Diana's death]


Q: Alright, I will. Where did these bloodlines originate?

A: Orion region.

Q: For how long were they maintained with any semblance of purity?

A: Indefinite.

Q: Are you saying that they are still maintaining them and manipulating them from other densities?

A: That is for you to discover.

Q: Are these bloodlines carrying a specific codon that is designed to activate at a certain period of time or in response to a certain frequency?

A: Possibly, but why should not that apply to everyone?

Q: Okay, so we have got ticking time bombs in our DNA, all of us!

A: Maybe.

Q: Alright, bizarro... (A) It is not necessarily time bombs, these are bombs which could be ignited by something else, like knowledge. (L) Is that the case, that knowledge could unlock these codons?

A: Yes.

Q: Certain activities such as meditating?

A: Yes. Or... channelling.

Returning to the alternative mirror image posted by Akopirnas, he added the following comments that are of interest here (with my own comments added in parenthesis in red):

Yes, Muxel, here is the picture (clickable images) from that time probably after correct splitting - excuse me my answer after 1,5 year..:
Now we have

1) Low place between stones

2) Two faces of Janus, which associates with trading (once again - german Handl?), rocks, caverns, covered passages, doors and underpassages...

3) Big shadow of some invisible cup...
[The chalice or cup of Christ being the standard concept of the Grail in the Christian Europe of the 18th Century.]

4) Pyramid in dark circle
[Rosicrucianism always linked itself to the traditions and mysteries of Ancient Egypt (including those linked to the Great Pyramid) where we know from the C's that the Grail was based during Akhenaten's reign.]

6) Something shining under pyramid in the form of a crystal.
[It is curious to me that the crystal he refers to looks heart shaped (see blown-up image below) since the Knights Templar apparently used the heart as a code sign for the Holy Grail - it is scratched, for example, all over the walls of the Royston Caves in Hertfordshire, known to have been frequented by the English Knights Templar. The image of a crystal linked closely to the Pyramid may also bear out the notion that the Grail was once to be found either inside or under the Great Pyramid at Giza - a place Poussin had a great interest in.]

7) Place where two rivers merged or now merge (receded and dry/dried stream channels?)
The Renaissance has itself been likened to an underground stream and Poussin's original painting of the Shepherds of Arcadia contains a figure of what would appear to be the god Alpheus, the river god and lord of underground streams (see painting below). Poussin's themes of the underground stream of Alpheus, Arcadia and Arcadian shepherds, all featured in ideas promoted by the Medieval nobleman René d’Anjou, one of the best connected men of the 15th Century. Indeed, it was probably René who helped to introduce the themes of Arcadia, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table and the Holy Grail into Renaissance art. It can be shown that René d’Anjou had connections with Joan of Arc, Christopher Columbus (who he employed), Michel Nostradamus’ grandfather (who he retained as a court astrologer) and the Medici family of Florence. His daughter, Marguerite, married Henry VI of England. His works frequently denoted a fountain or a tomb, both of which were associated with an underground stream. This point picks up on something the C's mentioned in the Session dated 2 May 1998:
Q: Why was the 12th century the focal point for the propagation of the grail legends, the troubadours, the whole thing?

A: Beginning of "Renaissance."

This underground stream is usually associated with the river Alpheus, which is a coastal river located in the actual geographical Arcadia in Greece, which flows underground and is said to surface again at the Fountain of Arethusa in Sicily. The river has always been deemed sacred from antiquity and its very name derives in Greek from ‘first’ or ‘source’ (perhaps a bit like "Zep Tepi" or the "First Time" did to the Ancient Egyptians). The motif of an underground stream seems to have been extremely rich in symbolic and allegorical meaning. Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln the authors of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail stated that "... Among other things, it would appear to connote the ‘underground’ esoteric tradition of Pythagorean, Gnostic, Cabalistic and Hermetic thought. But it might also connote something more than a general body of teachings, perhaps some very specific, factual information; a secret of some sort, transmitted in clandestine fashion from generation to generation and it might connote an unacknowledged and thus ‘subterraneanbloodline.”

Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln had in mind here the subterranean bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene but I would suggest that it might have more to do with the special Grail bloodline that Laura has referred to in the transcripts, which she also mentioned to me at the outset of the Alton Towers thread. This idea of a special bloodline may link up here with something Laura said about the artistic representation of knees again in the session dated 16 August 1997 (which coincidentally was the session that contained references to the 'Sword Keepers of the Lock', the 'Trampled Leaves of Wrath' (Kore/Hagar) and the 'Blue Apples Incarnate'):

Q: One thing that has been driving me nuts is the repeated representation of knees. I mean, they are everywhere. In the zodiac of Dendara, there is even a leg with the knee joint as a constellation. And in the Bacchus and Ariadne painting, someone is brandishing a leg. What is it with this knee? I know that the word is related to genes, and that the word 'patella' is related to the root of platter, and thus 'grail,' all of these funny ideas are connected to the knee. Even my name

A: Yes, so leave it until you have more pieces.”

Q: You mean, I will get more pieces and this will make sense?

A: Yes.

Q: Well, I am lost in a sea of puzzle pieces and I have not even begun to try to assemble them!

A: Step by step.

I would point out here that the bearded kneeling figure in Poussin's painting (who may represent Heracles/Hercules a prominent member of the Argonauts) is down on one knee in between which is a chalice and the skull and, in the other mirror image, the young shepherd is also brandishing his knee, between which can be seen a chalice and the double-headed figure of Janus, which seems to bear out Laura's point. If Poussin's painting is subtly hiding a reference to the Grail and the Grail bloodline, which King Louis XVI was no doubt a member of, it might explain why he was desperate to get his hands on it and had Nicolas Fouquet locked up for life (which perhaps provided the inspiration for Alexander Dumas' famous story The Man in the Iron Mask).

8) A compass or letter A on a pyramid (the compass being a Masonic symbol.)

9) Over compass - swagger stick with vegetative or water motive. Or little skull over a horizontal line dividing a pyramid...

Before anyone mentions pareidolia and seeing Micky Mouse in these images if you really want to (N.B. it has all been said before), these images have been produced on the basis of the mirror image perspective suggested by the C's not me. What is more, it is known that other Renaissance artists used these and other similar techniques to hide encoded information inside their works including: Raphael, Da Vinci, the David Tenniers, Heironymous Bosch and also Albrecht Dürer – and the list goes on right up to the present day. Moreover, Poussin was known to be a very precise painter who knew how to use perspective to its full. Hence, there is little chance these images are merely coincidental.

Given the reference to the Great Pyramid and it secrets, which the author Gary Osborn has shown Poussin took a great interest in, I set out below an extract again from the Session dated 16 August 1997 , which picks up on a possible clue in Poussin's painting that may link it to the Grail:
Q: What was the function of the King's chamber?

A: Balancer to Queen's chamber.

Q: What was the niche in the Queen's Chamber that resembles the crack in the stone in the Arcadian Shepherd's painting
[i.e., Poussin's], as well as the window in the St. Anthony painting. What was this for?

A: Mind accelerator.

If Baphomet, the "seer of the passage" was, and is, the Grail, then it may also function as a mind accelerator.

In passing, I also wonder if the two standalone hands revealed in the image above might just be a sneaky reference to the mummified hands found with the Sword in the Stone of San Galgano mentioned in my earlier post. Just a thought. Poussin lived in Italy most of his adult life, so he could certainly have known about the Galgano Sword and its significance to the Grail legends.​

I must admit that I still don't know which of the two mirror images the C's had in mind here. However, the revealed images are certainly intriguing in both versions. See also the close-up image below:

View attachment 61090

View attachment 61091
Poussin's original version of The shepherds of Arcadia (Et in Arcadia ego)
Note the skull on top of the tomb, which is not included in his second version of the painting except in the mirror image perspective. Note also the laurel crown wearing figure of the god in the foreground is pouring water (knowledge?) out of the casket.

So we have skulls and chalices connected to a work that would appear to be connected to the Holy Grail. I would speculate that with his inbuilt references to mythic figures in the painting like Heracles, Ariadne (or a counterpart) and his fellow argonauts, the twins Castor and Pollux, who are all connected in turn to star constellations, Poussin's painting may even be a star map to assist in locating the Grail.

For those who might want to know more about Poussin and his codes, I attach an article on them by the author and researcher Gary Osborn, which can also be found on line. I would just pick out one quote though from Osborn's article, which might be of current significance in relation to imminent celestial events such as a possible supernovae:​

“Well after some months I discovered that aside from the additional symbolism it contains – notably esoteric in origin and association – this painting also contains a direct reference to the Orion star constellation and the Precessional Cycle of roughly 26,000 years [the cycle is in fact 25,772 years].

The two extreme positions on the Giza Meridian of the Orion star constellation, which historians say was used by the ancients as a ‘gauge-marker’ for this cycle, appeared to be present in the painting . . . how Orion appeared 13,000 years ago - i.e., 11,000 BC, and how Orion would appear in 2000 AD. (See presentation The Arcadian Shepherds Version II).”

We know from the C's that II,000 BC is around about the time of the Deluge (10,662 BC according to the C's - with the Great Pyramid being built in built 8,649 BC) and the destruction of Atlantis. We are now, of course, in 2022 and the supernova (Rigel perhaps?) the C's spoke of may just be around the corner. If Osborn is right, were the Pyramid's builders aware of the imminent supernova and was Poussin, as a Rosicrucian, aware of this too? Here is what the C's had to say about the matter in the session dated 22 August 1998, which seems to support Osborn's ideas, i.e., if he is right in his assertion that Poussin incorporated these gauge markers into his painting:
Q: So, there are some that have not been found yet. Now, according to this book, the ‘Message of the Sphinx,’ they are saying that the orientation of the pyramid complex which includes the Sphinx, designates or denotes a time, or replicates on the ground the pattern of Orion related to the constellation of Leo exactly 10,500 years ago. What is the significance of this date 10,500 years ago?

A: Complex, but what about Orion?!?

Q: What about Orion?

A: For you to surmise.

Q: Was this a date when the ships from Orion arrived to go into orbit around the Earth?

A: No. Now you should study all you can about supernovae.

Q: Okay, there was a mention of a supernovae in this book. Was there a supernova at that particular time?

A: Maybe, but the real question should be: Will there be one again, and soon?

Q: They have said that this designates the lowest point of Orion in the precessional cycle, the nadir of the cycle, and that the midheaven would be 2400 AD. If you have the representation of this precessional nadir, what is the next ‘notch’ on the clock? Is it going to be the midheaven of the cycle 400 years or so from now?

A: Best not to assume without adequate date. [Did Poussin know it?]


Q: Were the Egyptians using the Pyramids to travel in time?

A: Maybe in a crude sense, more like an oracle.


Q: (A) I have one question about the pyramids. There is a complex of pyramids at Giza, and they are now trying to find out if this complex points to some special place, a vanishing point. Is it really so that the three pyramids point to some important place as a complex?

A: Orion.

Q: (A) Not some place on the earth or under the earth?

A: No, no need.


Q: (L) Is there anything we ought to be doing in terms of employment at the present time? Is there any other direction we should be looking at the present time?

A: Not until you reach the crossroads.
[A reference perhaps to the imminent transition from 3rd density to 4th density?]

Q: (L) What crossroads? I don’t like that!

A: Wait and see. Now study supernovae!

I believe that the painting of Arcadia has a direct relationship with this print and with the following thread by Michael BC.

When I visit cathedrals I see the same "pattern" in many paintings and sculptures.35. Enclosure D - Pillar 18 - detail 1.jpg

have you watched this ? pyramid maser

That's interesting. I comment here having seen only 20 minutes of the video and you realize that recreating a vortex effect at the tip of the pyramid, manages to create a coherent beam because at first glance the maser generates a birkeland current. It is known that birkeland currents can be found in the ionosphere and these currents drive the plasma. But there is more to the associated effects. If I am not mistaken, a birkeland current has enough strength in its torsion to induce a gravitational field.
have you watched this ? pyramid maser
Know I haven't. I will watch it with interest, so thank you for drawing it to our attention. Great find.

What I have seen so far seems to parallel what Joseph Farrell has to say in his books on the Giza Death Star. I now appreciate that he is regarded negatively by Laura but good research is still research, even if the researcher reaches or draws the wrong conclusions. That happens all the time in science. I should add that Farrell's theory that it was a phase conjugate, partly acoustic, MASER howitzer weapon is actually based on Christopher Dunn's pyramid as a power generating machine hypothesis - which I think most alternative researchers now accept (as do the C's - see below) since Dunn's hypothesis, as a professional engineer who has examined the Great Pyramid up close and found the tell tale signs that non-technical archaeologists ignore, is very persuasive. Incidentally, a MASER will produce microwaves that can be used to transmit electricity. Here is what the C's said about its various uses and original purpose:
Q: (L) Why was it built? What purpose was it used for?

A: Capture cosmic energy.

Q: (L) And what was this cosmic energy used for once it was captured?

A: Many things. Power, transport, healing, mind control, climate, et cetera.

And in the session dated 22 October 1994:

Q: (L) Zecharia Sitchin proposes that the pyramid was built as a permanent marking system to navigate the solar system, could you comment on that idea?

A: That is incorrect. The pyramids were built as energy storage and transference facilities. They were built by the descendants of those known to you as the Atlanteans who are, of course, your ancestors in soul matters. They were not built to be markers for anything.

This tells us that in 8,649 BC when the Pyramid was built, a post Atlantian society was still operating at a high technological level comparable or superior to ours today. Their reference to "mind control" is also telling. When I first read this, it made me think initially that the Great Pyramid was the Tower of Babel (as does Farrell) but the C's seemed to negate this idea when they said:
Q: (L) What did the Tower of Babel look like? (N.B. the Tower of Babel may have been constructed in Egypt not Sumeria, since the base of a massive, now vanished obelisk, has been found in Egypt, which would have been the largest obelisk in the ancient world in its day, perhaps comparable in size to the Washington Monument).

A: Looked very similar to your Washington monument. Which re-creation is an ongoing replication of a soul memory.

The Washington Monument (a Masonic inspired structure) is, of course, a large obelisk rather than a pyramid. However, the fact that both structures were intended to be used as mind control platforms suggests that the Pyramid builders, or at least those who controlled the Great Pyramid at that point in time, may have been heavily STS orientated. We know from the C's that the Atlantians had used "crystals of power" for mind control purposes - producing mind controlled drones. My question is whether the Holy Grail may have been used for this purpose too, since the C's have suggested it was at one time or another used for negative purposes. To give him his due, Farrell has looked at the issue of whether special crystals were used in operating the Pyramid as a machine (weapon or not) - think here of rubies being used in lasers today. These crystals may have even been created before the Atlantian deluge. He thinks these crystals were deployed in the empty notches to be found today in the Grand Gallery (as does Dunn). They evidently acted as controlling devices. Some of them may have been preserved post the destruction of the weapon, as set out in the Sumerian Lugal-e tale of Nergal - Nimrod or perhaps even Lucifer - and his lost crown. They may have even found their way into the Israelite High Priest's (Aaron's) breastplate - which could explain how the Ark of the Covenant was operated.

The ancient Sumerian/Babylonian and the ancient Sanskrit Vedic texts contain tales of the War of the Gods and the C's have confirmed that these tales do represent evidence for a war in antiquity between the Celts (Aryan Atlantians) and the Parathanas that used advanced weapons, which led to the nuclear destruction of cities. There is certainly evidence for nuclear explosions in Libya and Egypt, which takes the form of a green or golden yellow Tektite glass found in the deserts of Libya and Egypt. Geologists claim they are the natural product of meteorite impacts but as alternative researchers point out, there are no tell tale impact craters to support this idea. Ancient Sumerian tales also support the idea of nuclear war in Saudi Arabia and of course in India - Mohenjo Daro for example. As to who was involved in the fighting on the Atlantian side, the Sumerian tales speak of the Annunaki and the Sons of Anak. Here is what the C's said about them in the
session dated 31 May 1997:​

Q: You also said once that there was a nuclear war in India and that this was what was being discussed in the Vedas when it talks about the 'blue-skinned' people who weren't really blue because they were Celts, and they were flying in aircraft, and they were engaged in this war, etc. Who were the Celts at war with?

A: The Paranthas.


Q: Were the Celts the tall blonds known as the 'Sons of Anak,' who ruled over the Sumerians as described by Sitchen?

A: "Celts" are what remains of the original prototype.

Q: Okay. Kantekkians. When did...

A: Gravity differences account for the height difference.

So now we know who was battling who. Could the Great Pyramid have been adapted during this war to serve as a weapon system? I don't see why not, since it could have been transformed into a scalar weapon system using the enormous levels of power that the structure could generate. What Farrell evidently got wrong was his speculation that if it was a weapon, it may have been used for the destruction of Tiamat (ref. the Mesopotamian Enuma Elish account) - which is Kantek to us and Krypton to 19th Century astronomers.

Such scalar weapons exist today and we may see them deployed by the Russians soon in the "shock and awe" display the C's have spoken of. A scalar weapon is in some senses even more destructive than an atomic or hydrogen (thermonuclear) bomb, without the unwanted nuclear radiation.

At the end of the 'War of the God's, the Great Pyramid was most likely left as a shell by the victors with the key machinery, including the power crystals or stones of fire, being removed. I would suggest something similar befell Stonehenge too. The C's have hinted at this where they spoke of the Pyramid being remodelled in the session dated 31 December 1997:
A: Formed/built... you think it means the same thing, eh???

Q: It was built before it was formed? (A) According to this Ra material, was never built at all, it was formed by thoughts... Well, we are talking about facts, numbers.

A: If your house at 6322 Montana Avenue is remodelled, then it takes a new form. Now, reread sentences in question carefully.

Q: 'The first, the Great Pyramid, was formed approximately 6,000 of your years ago. Then, in sequence, after this performing by thought of the building or architecture of the great pyramid, using the more local or earthly material rather than thought form material to build other pyramidal structures.' Now, C's say: 'The Great Pyramid was built by Atlanteans 10,643 years ago.' The problem with this sentence is, we are not specific - we know we mean the Great Pyramid at Gizah. Okay...

A: No, Laura, no no no no !!!!! If your house is remodelled in 1998, is that when it was built?

Q: No, that is not when it was built. Did the sentence you took out of the text say Atlanteans? (A) Yes, first you asked when and then by whom...

A: Atlantean Descendants, not Atlanteans!!

This would suggest that around 4000 BC, the empty shell of the Pyramid was repurposed by an Egyptian Pharaoh or possibly by the alien Greys or Lizards, given the C's have spoken about the interaction of peoples in the jungles (Mayans) and deserts (Egypt) with aliens in their spaceships:
A: If you were living in the desert, or jungle, about 7,000 years ago, as you measure time, would you not be impressed if these Reptoid "dudes" came down from the heavens in silvery objects and demonstrated techno-wonders from thousands of years in the future, and taught you calculus, geometry and astrophysics to boot?!?

Q: Is that, in fact, what happened?

A: Yup.

There is supposedly a preserved Egyptian account of alien spaceships arriving in Egypt around 4,000 BC but I can't recall which Pharaoh this account was made under. I will conduct a search but if anyone knows the name, please feel free to post it ahead of me. I would add that the Egyptian people the Reptoids appeared to were almost certainly not the same people who had constructed the Great Pyramid complex in 8,649 BC, since they were evidently Aryans (Celts). Here is what the all knowing!!! Wikipedia states on the matter:

By about 5500 BC, small tribes living in the Nile valley had developed into a series of cultures demonstrating firm control of agriculture and animal husbandry, and identifiable by their pottery and personal items, such as combs, bracelets, and beads. The largest of these early cultures in upper (Southern) Egypt was the Badarian culture, which probably originated in the Western Desert; it was known for its high-quality ceramics, stone tools, and its use of copper.

The Early Dynastic Period was approximately contemporary to the early Sumerian-Akkadian civilisation of Mesopotamia and of ancient Elam. The third-century BC Egyptian priest Manetho grouped the long line of kings from Menes to his own time into 30 dynasties, a system still used today. He began his official history with the king named "Meni" (or Menes in Greek), who was believed to have united the two kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt.

The transition to a unified state happened more gradually than ancient Egyptian writers represented, and there is no contemporary record of Menes. Some scholars now believe, however, that the mythical Menes may have been the king Narmer, who is depicted wearing royal regalia on the ceremonial Narmer Palette, in a symbolic act of unification.

Note that the C's had told Laura that Pharaoh Rama, who Hermes Trismegistus was a traitor to, lived well before Menes time. I have previously posted pictures of alien Gey representations found on Egyptian monuments on the 23 April 2022 session thread, including a very clearly, Grey looking image of the Egyptian god Ptah (who is sometimes represented in Egyptian art as a dwarf, naked and deformed - Greys, as we know, are capable of shapeshifting, as Terry and Jan discovered in Las Vegas) who possessed a legendary magic flying or levitating throne. He supposedly crafted the world in the design of his heart - was this him using the Grail perhaps and, if so, does this give us a pointer to the 'Rose Croix' of the Rosicrucians and the heart symbolism of the Knight Templar, which they used to represent the Holy Grail?

The high priests of Ptah were particularly sought after and worked in concert with the vizier, filling the role of chief architects and master craftsmen, responsible for the decoration of the royal funerary complexes. Herodotus equated Ptah with the Greek blacksmith god, Hephaestus. I suspect that Ptah may therefore have had something to do with the god Kabeiros, who is usually depicted like Ptah with a hammer in his hand (hammers don't just strike metal though as we know!). Esoteric scholars think Kabeiros was worshipped by an ancient Egyptian/Hebraic group called the Kibeiri, the precursors of the Therapeutate and the Essenes. Thus, in the role the high priests of Ptah fulfilled and the later Egyptian/Hebraic Kibeiri, are we seeing the genesis of the Freemasons, recalling here what the C's had to say about this:

A: ... Masonic creed is intertwined with ancient order of Essenes, arising out of ancient Egypt, from the secret knowledge stored at the base of the Sphinx, as left there by "Atlantean" survivors [Celts].

Which also links up with what the C's had to say about the Essenes and the Celts:

Q: How can I find if there is going to be a connection between the Aryan/Jewish bloodline of Jesus and the Merovingian/Plantagenet bloodline? Does it exist?

A: Only to the extent of the shared origins of the Essenes and the Celts.

Finally, the C's also added these further comments about the Great Pyramid that mentions another aspect of its construction:

Q: (L) Would the great pyramid in Egypt still work if someone knew how to use it?

A: It still works today even though it isn't being artificially used. It was also a preservative chamber. If you were to walk inside the confines of the great pyramid and then leave the body, your body would retain its structure for quite some time. This ability has contributed to the preservation of the actual structure.

Q: (L) What did the original face on the sphinx look like?

A: Looked like a representation of a feline and a human.

Ironically though, there is no evidence for it ever having been used as a royal tomb, as Egyptologists still insist.

I added the additional references in this extract to the Sphinx because it may provide us with a link to the Atlantians and Mars. Richard Hoagland (yes him again!) has speculated that this dual feline/human representation the C's say was a feature of the original Sphinx is also to be found built into the famous Face on Mars (which is genuine despite what NASA may say). He noted that a similar dual feline/human aspect can be found in Central and South American art too. Here may be just one example but there are no doubt numerous others:


I don't think we should be surprised at this since the Mayans (as a Native American people and being red-skinned) are Atlantian descendants too and would therefore have been represented on Mars by Atlantian colonists. The C's confirmed that the Face on Mars and other structures there were built by the Atlantians and some of these still function according to the purpose(s) they were built for. Given the dramatic hyperdimensional effects of the huge underwater pyramid in the Bermuda Triangle (ref. Flight 19), I would tell Eon Musk to beware when he finally gets to Mars.

That's interesting. I comment here having seen only 20 minutes of the video and you realize that recreating a vortex effect at the tip of the pyramid, manages to create a coherent beam because at first glance the maser generates a birkeland current. It is known that birkeland currents can be found in the ionosphere and these currents drive the plasma. But there is more to the associated effects. If I am not mistaken, a birkeland current has enough strength in its torsion to induce a gravitational field.
It may not be related here but I read once that in the 1920's the Editor of the British Daily Telegraph newspaper (at a time when Britain ruled Egypt and you could still climb up the Great Pyramid) tried out an experiment to confirm a theory of his on the Pyramid. Unfortunately, he ended up electrocuting an Egyptian bearer who had helped him with the experiment. The editor got the bearer to hold up a half empty wine bottle with a rolled up newspaper inside, thereby creating a crude Leyden jar capacitor for storing static electrical energy. See:
leyden jar - Leit

The poor fellow probably got a million volts or more through him.
The poor fellow probably got a million volts or more through him.

I knew the story.

Right now I am looking for data because I do not remember well, but I had read that the internal dimensions of the king's sarcophagus in the pyramid are the external dimensions of the ark of the covenant. That is, the ark - the battery - was inserted there.

In the video provided by goggles paisano at minute 12:47 he explains that there was the aligned magnetic material that would focus the hydrogen beam.

The possibility is that the ark was, if not, the essential component that makes possible the functioning of the whole pyramidal machinery.
I now appreciate that he is regarded negatively by Laura but good research is still research, even if the researcher reaches or draws the wrong conclusions. That happens all the time in science. I should add that Farrell's theory that it was a phase conjugate, partly acoustic, MASER howitzer weapon is actually based on Christopher Dunn's pyramid as a power generating machine hypothesis - which I think most alternative researchers now accept (as do the C's - see below) since Dunn's hypothesis, as a professional engineer who has examined the Great Pyramid up close and found the tell tale signs that non-technical archaeologists ignore, is very persuasive.
Dunn is just a trained machinist who worked for the aerospace industry, how his skills with working metal somehow qualifies him as an “expert” to explain the reverse engineering of the pyramid doesn’t compute for me. He’s currently remodeling art houses and might still be giving tours to Egypt through Adept Expeditions, not that there’s anything wrong with that however he certainly doesn’t seem to be suffering from any level of STS attack.
I think they all emigrated to the United States. One of them, Mari-Loli Lafleur, a former resident of Boston, is now dead. She left an interesting prophetic warning about Russia though that may be in the process of being fulfilled - who knows - shock and awe maybe?​

"When Russia will unexpectedly and suddenly overrun and overwhelm a great part of the free world. God does not want this to happen so quickly. In any case the Warning will come when you will see that Holy Mass cannot be celebrated freely anymore; then it will be that the world will most need the intervention of God.

In fairness to the Catholic Church, Church authorities both in Spain and the Vatican have never given any formal approval to the series of apparitions that occurred at Garabandal in the 1960's. They have left it to the piety of the faithful whether or not they wish to believe in them. Indeed, there were many aspects about the apparitions which might give rise to a red flag warning, given some of the strange things that occurred during the visions - see comments in the attached commentary below on this:​

Whatever the nature of the apparitions, I would not doubt the integrity and sincerity of the four seers though for they clearly had an unworldly experience that left an indelible mark on them.

My brother visited Garabandal back in the late 1990's with a friend who knew the area well and had good contacts in the village. Through his friend, he was able to meet with Jacinta, one of the seers, who was visiting the village at the time, although by then she had long been based in the States. He didn't discuss the apparitions with her but found her to be a genuine and nice person. Interestingly, one venerable person who did believe in the authenticity of the apparitions was the Capuchin Friar, mystic and now canonised saint, Padre Pio.


Although people tend to associate Marian Visions with European Catholic countries like France and Spain, there is a strong tradition of them occurring in the Ukraine as well, the most famous being that at the village of Hrushiv three years before the more celebrated apparition at Fatima in Portugal in 1917. See:

For those not aware, although the Ukraine is predominantly an Orthodox Christian country, there is a large Catholic population based there that has suffered widespread persecution both under the dominant Orthodox Communion and under the Soviet communist regime of the 20th Century. One group came in for particular persecution and that was the Uniats, who were Ukrainian Orthodox Christians who had come back into union with Rome (hence their name). Josef Stalin, who had been raised as an Orthodox Christian and was at heart a nationalist, had a particular dislike for the Uniats and encouraged their persecution - presumably viewing them as traitors to Orthodox tradition. Given what is happening in the Ukraine today, I guess it adds yet one further twist to the story.​
Speaking of religious persecution, I came across this Facebook post, which shows the Ukrainian forces in a bad light. Apologies if it has been picked up on the Forum elsewhere or on SOTT:



Michael Wood

5 June
Metropolitan Arsenie of Svyatogorsk served the funeral of his monks who died in an attack by the Ukrainian army against the monastery. The main church and many buildings are destroyed, many refugees have found refuge in this monastery. While retiring, the Ukrainians attacked the monastery where no Russian troops are present. This is another illustration of the blind and demonic hatred of the Ukrainian fascists that permeates all of society and will devour many in Ukraine. Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the Patriarchate of Moscow is the only Church that rejects hate and war and has never become an instrument of propaganda for fascists and the nazis in power in the country by penetrating the structures of government, education, information and even of religion. Metropolitan Arsene preached love and forgiveness. Now he has to bury his spiritual children.
Stefan Weert's latest blog post:

There was no mistake or misidentification here the monastery is obviously a monastery. This was deliberate.

Let's ask the non-Christan billionaire Zelinskiy about it.

MJF: How tragic! There is no excuse for it. This was a war crime.
As "Floyd" was mentionned in the first reponse the C's gave, and instead of posting this in the music (what are you listening) thread, i thought this would better fit here. Look at (a 14m part) of the latest concert of Pink Floyd performed in Montreal this 15 July 2022.
What i retain is that they are much than aware and they say it, and this gave me hope, so i wanted to share it here.
Even if the quality is not terrible it's enough to feel the "ambiance", and it gives chills, good ones this time, so, enjoy a bit of Pink Floyd playing for the good sake of mankind (and also ...(big) texting ^^)
Dunn is just a trained machinist who worked for the aerospace industry, how his skills with working metal somehow qualifies him as an “expert” to explain the reverse engineering of the pyramid doesn’t compute for me. He’s currently remodeling art houses and might still be giving tours to Egypt through Adept Expeditions, not that there’s anything wrong with that however he certainly doesn’t seem to be suffering from any level of STS attack.
I hear what you are saying so I checked Dunn's biography:

Christopher Dunn has an extensive background as a master craftsman, starting as an apprentice at an engineering company in his hometown of Manchester , England . Recruited by an American aerospace company, he immigrated to the United States in 1969. Beginning as a skilled machinist and toolmaker, he has worked at almost every level of high-tech manufacturing from building to operating high-powered industrial lasers, including the position of Project Engineer and Laser Operations Manager at Danville Metal Stamping, a Midwest aerospace manufacturer. He is now a senior manager with that company.

May I say that my own father was a qualified mechanical and electrical engineer who worked on top secret projects for the British Government (including nuclear warheads and rockets). However, he originally started in WW2 as a 14 year old machinist on the shop floor of an engineering factory. After military service he moved to the drawing office and became a draftsman whilst studying by night and day release at a Technical College (Night School). My father was not a qualified physicist but had a very good working knowledge of nuclear physics. He needed it for his work. He was also a brilliant mathematician who taught maths at Night School. He became one of the top production engineers in the country, even writing manuals on the subject and giving lectures all around the country.

The point I am making here is that just because a man starts from humble beginnings, doesn't mean he can't build up an enormous wealth of knowledge in his subject field - much of which comes from the coal face by working on cutting edge projects. My father, like many who came up through the shop floor engineering mill, tended to look with a measure of derision at young engineers who came out of university with good degrees who, whilst strong on theory, were very weak when it came to hands on experience and know how. Engineering, like most professions, is really leaned on the job. Indeed, my father talked me out of an engineering career because in his view you could not be a real engineer until you had rolled your sleeves up and got your hands dirty with engine grease etc.

You will note that Dunn worked on high powered industrial lasers and was a Project Engineer and Laser Operations Manager. Since a maser is a device that produces coherent electromagnetic waves through amplification by stimulated emission, which is similar to how a laser works, being a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation, I would say he is probably well qualified to opine on the workings of a maser wouldn't you.

How can you also be sure he doesn't suffer some level of STS attack. His theories about the Great Pyramid have met with a lot of abuse and derision by Egyptologists and qualified archaeologists, as has Robert Schoch the geologist when he suggested a radical re-dating of the Sphinx. Moreover, Dunn's theory that the Great Pyramid was an energy power plant seems to have been endorsed by the C's in the extracts I quoted, whereas the 'so called' expert Egyptologists/archaeologists are still peddling the fiction that it was just a burial chamber (a highly over-engineered one at that).​
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