Session 24 June 2023

This answer seems to contradict Ra telling us that the U.S. secret government already had 573 of these craft in 1981 and what the C's said themselves in the excerpt from the session dated 18 July 1998 quoted above. One tends to equate the US Military-Industrial Complex with the Secret Government and the Consortium. How do we square this?​
Probably better not to equate the two. 😉
Q: (Jono) There was a 'toxic algae' outbreak a few days ago that killed thousands of fish in Southern Thailand, and hundreds of dolphins and sea lions were also killed by the same in California. Was it simply toxic algae, or something else that caused this? And is it related to the missing Titanic submersible?

(L) Well, how did you go there? [Laughter]

Q: (L) Okay. Was it simply toxic algae?

A: No.

Q: (L) Was it something else?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What was that something else?

A: Underwater leaks from government projects.
Amanda Bartlett SFGATE July 7, 2023, Updated: July 7, 2023, 11:49 a.m.

Denise Christ drove out to the coastline at 8 a.m. on a recent morning, scanning the horizon for a sick sea lion stranded on the rocks at Kiddie Beach, about 10 miles south of Ventura. When she found the pinniped, she realized it was accompanied by two other animals that appeared to be dazed and shaking from seizures, and two more that were already dead and motionless in the sand.

The stranding operations lead for Channel Islands Marine & Wildlife Institute got to work, setting safety perimeters around the sea lions with signs warning beachgoers to keep their distance. She took photos and recorded assessments of each animal’s physical condition to determine resources needed and the best course of action for their care, including possible transportation to their medical facility.

By the time Christ was finished, two more reports of sea lions in distress were already awaiting her response. As she continued her mileslong trek across the shore, seeking out the location of every animal, beachgoers approached to tell her about three or four others in the same vicinity that looked like they were in bad shape — not just sea lions, but short-beaked common dolphins, too. Clusters of the animals floated in the water and smothered the tide line, disoriented and exhausted.

“You can’t help but feel like you are in the middle of a battle zone with sick, dying and deceased sea lions and dolphins everywhere,” Christ said. “The emotional component can be overwhelming at times. We are educating people and consoling children who do not understand what they are seeing. We also feel helpless at times. We want to save every animal and we know we can’t.”

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Since mid-May, the volunteer-led nonprofit organization has responded to hundreds of dead and dying marine mammals in the aftermath of a toxic algal bloom that experts are describing as the largest in Southern California’s recent history, with consistent cases reported from San Diego to Santa Barbara as some forecast models show potential risk of spread to Northern California in the coming weeks. Scientists estimate more than 500 sick and dying sea lions and at least 100 deceased dolphins have washed ashore, but exact numbers have yet to be confirmed because of the sheer scale of the event.

“We’re really just kind of all hands on deck trying to deal with the current situation,” said Justin Viezbicke, marine mammal stranding coordinator for NOAA Fisheries, in a press conference Friday.

Scientists received some clarity on the crisis earlier this week — the first round of test results examined by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Monday confirmed the presence of domoic acid in at least 19 dolphins sickened by the bloom, providing evidence of high food web contamination, Viezbicke said.

The agency believes an unusual rate of coastal upwelling, which occurs most frequently in the spring and summer months as the wind blows from north to south, is the culprit. The phenomenon stirs up nutrients from the cold water deep in the ocean that fuel a type of microscopic algae known as Pseudo-nitzschia. Sea lions and dolphins get sick because squids, sardines and other small fish they prey on pick up the deadly neurotoxin. Then, as the marine mammals consume larger amounts of fish containing Pseudo-nitzschia, they subsequently ingest higher levels of domoic acid, leading to seizures, brain damage, illness or death, and at times, erratic and aggressive behavior.

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An estimated 20 or more sea lions are reported to have bitten surfers, divers and other beachgoers throughout Southern and Central California over the past month, John Warner, CEO of the Marine Mammal Care Center in Los Angeles, said in the press conference. Experts cautioned beachgoers and their pets to steer clear of the animals as the event continues to unfold, and to call NOAA’s stranding network hotline at 866-767-6114 if they see one that appears to be sick.

“With this neurotoxin, they’re not acting normally,” Viezbicke said.

Because so many animals are washing up on beaches across California, rehabilitation facilities throughout Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles and Orange County have reached maximum capacity, forcing them to leave some of the animals on the beach. In an emergency measure, the city and County of Los Angeles worked with NOAA and the Marine Mammal Care Center to set up a sea lion resting area on the beach near Venice to help cordon the animals off from the crowds over the busy Fourth of July holiday weekend.

Ruth Dover, the managing director of Channel Islands Marine & Wildlife Institute, said cases ramped up early in June. Since then, her organization has been “volunteering nonstop for 10 hours a day in the field” and has responded to more than a thousand reports throughout its 155-mile response range from Ventura County to Santa Barbara County.

“It gets worse each day,” Dover said in an email. “The calls, online reports, emails, and texts come in at an overwhelming rate. With 250-350 reports a day, it is impossible for our small nonprofit organization (and most likely many organizations) to handle this unprecedented volume. … There are cases we cannot get to and this is not because we don’t care. It is because there are too many animals stranding with domoic acid for us to physically respond to in a day.”

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It’s currently unclear whether the bloom will spread to the Bay Area. Giancarlo Rulli, a spokesperson for the Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito, said the organization has not yet seen an influx of sick animals; only a handful of suspected cases have been reported in Monterey County, and one in San Luis Obispo County.

The Marine Mammal Center typically responds to 60 to 80 sea lions impacted by domoic acid poisoning each year, but those numbers surged to more than 200 animals in 2009, 2014 and 2015 during blooms that were tied with El Niño patterns and warm water conditions off the West Coast. Rulli said its veterinary team is investigating new therapies to reduce the amount of inflammation and damage a sea lion’s brain experiences while it is recovering from the neurotoxin, and the organization remains prepared should the bloom move farther north.

It’s worth noting this algal bloom is different than the one that killed thousands of fish in San Francisco Bay last year. That strain of algae, Heterosigma akashiwo, is among the species that can cause blooms known as red tides, and typically impact species like sturgeon, striped bass and bat rays, which suffocate due to lack of oxygen as the algae decomposes. The bloom seen in the bay was also likely caused by a lack of wind, resulting in unusually warm, still waters.

Conversely, the current bloom in Southern California, Pseudo-nitzchia australis, is wind-driven and primarily impacts marine mammals at the top of the food chain, though it appears to be impacting more dolphins than usual because it’s happening so far off shore.

Forecast maps by the Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System show the outbreak may ease in the Santa Barbara area, but projections indicate a statewide risk. Clarissa Anderson, the executive director of SCCOOS, said that even if the toxic bloom reaches Northern California, it won’t necessarily harm marine mammals at a rampant scale because their prey needs to consume the algae containing the neurotoxin in order for it to work its way up the food chain, which doesn’t always occur.

“You need that intersection of animals feeding on the right vectors at the right time in the mix of water for this to happen,” Anderson explained.

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Domoic acid poisoning is not harmful to people or pets unless they consume crabs or shellfish that have been infected with it. However, people are advised to stay out of the ocean if they notice any dense discoloration due to risk of irritation from any chemicals that may be produced by the algae or other related biological activity in the water, said Vanessa Zubkousky-White, a senior environmental scientist for the California Department of Public Health. Commercial shellfish are closely monitored by the state to ensure they are safe to eat, and any new health advisories that may arise from the bloom will be shared on the CDPH’s marine biotoxin monitoring program website.

There is no antidote or specific treatment for domoic acid poisoning in animals, but sea lions taken in by wildlife rehabilitation centers are typically given anticonvulsant medications to control seizures and kept hydrated to help flush the neurotoxin out of their bodies. Dr. Lauren Palmer, a staff veterinarian for the Marine Mammal Care Center in Los Angeles, said the longer the bloom goes on, the more the prognosis for treatment narrows.

“What we are seeing now is that the animals that are coming in now are in worse condition,” Palmer said. “They’re thinner. They seem to not be as responsive to the anticonvulsant medications and they’re not turning around as quickly. We don’t have as much time.”

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Despite how inundated clinics are, experts are calling on the public to reach out for help whenever they see a sick sea lion or dolphin in order to increase its chances of survival. Meanwhile, ongoing tests of affected animals will help determine how the toxin is spreading and determine whether other factors are at play.

“I have never seen anything this intense in terms of the numbers of animals in my 20 years of responding to strandings in this area,” said Michelle Berman Kowalewski, founder and director of the Channel Islands Cetacean Research Unit, which has been collecting and examining samples from the animals. “We are trying to learn as much as we can as fast as we can. As difficult as it is to see these animals die, we want to gather information to help understand how and why this is happening the way it is.”

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Laura said:
Q: (seek10) If the Indus Valley civilization peoples are into genetic modification, is the current Indian tendency for rituals the remnant of it through the Dravidian lineage?
Here in Sonora, Mexico, they discovered 25 skeletons with elongated skulls and the director of the institute in charge did not do a real investigation, she only said that they were deformities in the skulls, and that is all the explanation she gave.

Last edited:
I have been inspired to craft a narrative of that fateful November 5th, 1975 night.

As Travis Walton approached the foreboding UFO, his heart pounded with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. The air grew thick with an otherworldly energy, filling his senses with a haunting mix of low beeps and hums reverberating throughout his body. Standing there, heart pounding with a mixture of awe and trepidation, unbeknownst to him on the inside of the craft, the aliens gazed upon him with a twisted sense of anticipation. Little did he know that he was but a pawn in their malevolent game, a sacrificial lamb upon the altar of their dark desires. The very act of approaching the UFO was a trigger, igniting a chain of events that would lead to his demise. Just as he reached the perceived safety of the tree stump, the UFO powered up, ready to soar into the cosmic expanse, the aliens, driven by their service-to-self nature, reveled in the impending tragedy. They were fully aware that the unleashed power would strike Travis with fatal force, extinguishing his mortal existence in a cruel twist of fate. The intentions behind their actions were not rooted in benevolence or salvation, but in the pursuit of their own self-serving agenda.

In that moment, the laws of gravity surrendered their hold on Travis, casting him high into the air like a helpless puppet. The beam, a conduit of alien power, embraced him with an otherworldly force. But alas, the intensity of the beam proved too much for Travis's mortal form to withstand. He crumpled lifelessly, a mere shell of his former self, upon impact with the unforgiving ground.

However, just as they prepared to charge the UFO once more and escape the scene of their wicked deed, a commanding voice from the higher echelons of extraterrestrial authority reverberated through their consciousness. It was a stern admonition, a chilling reminder of their transgressions. The higher entities, recognizing the gravity of the situation, delivered a stark message: "You have erred, and you must rectify your mistake."

Suddenly, the malevolent joy of the aliens transformed into a frenzied scramble to undo the irreversible. They were caught in a web of their own making, forced to confront the repercussions of their actions. The fate of Travis, once sealed by their sinister plan, now hung in the balance, subject to the whims and directives of the higher beings who governed their actions.

The members of Travis's work-crew, witnessing this horrific scene from the safety of their truck, were overcome with shock and terror. The sheer magnitude of power unleashed by the beam left them paralyzed with fear, convinced that they, too, would meet a similar fate. Panic gripped their souls, and in a moment of sheer survival instinct, they sped off, their hearts pounding with adrenaline.

It wasn't until they were a mile or so down the bumpy and winding dirt-road that a wave of guilt and humanity washed over them. The weight of leaving Travis behind on that desolate mountain became unbearable. The work-crew, their minds clouded with remorse, came to a collective decision—they had to return, to face the unknown dangers that awaited them, and retrieve their fallen comrade.

As they retraced their path, anticipation mingled with trepidation. But upon arriving at the deserted spot where Travis had fallen, a chilling realization swept over them—Travis was gone. The lifeless body they expected to find was nowhere to be seen. Confusion and disbelief enveloped them, as they grappled with the inexplicable disappearance of their dear friend.

As Travis Walton found himself drawn into the alien vessel, little did he know that his fate was not one of malevolent intentions but rather a desperate bid for salvation. The beings behind the abduction were not merely captors, but saviors from a cosmic perspective. Their keen understanding of human physiology, while precise for most, stumbled upon an unforeseen factor—the unique nature of red-haired individuals.

In the depths of their advanced medical knowledge, the alien entities failed to account for the intricate complexities that set redheads apart. The distinctive genetic makeup of redheads, it seems, renders their bodies more resilient, requiring a heightened dosage of medications to achieve the desired effect. Unbeknownst to the extraterrestrial surgeons, the standard dose proved ineffective against the natural resistance within Travis's fiery-haired being.

Thus, as Travis woke from the anesthesia, he discovered himself thrust into a bewildering landscape of extraterrestrial technology and unfamiliar surroundings. The momentary confusion that ensued only added to the perplexing nature of his experience. While the aliens, driven by their benevolent mission, believed they had followed the protocols for human intervention, the unforeseen idiosyncrasies of redheads had disrupted their careful calculations.
I thought this bit was interesting and just thought I would share a couple of similar things mentioned in the sessions here as a review. I thought it was interesting that the ruling class on the planet has Nordic affiliation but that it's been mentioned before that any help that might be available would come through STO Nordics aligned with 6th density guides. I'm guessing at some point it may be critical to make the distinction between these two types.

I am curious exactly what STO Nordic power center passed down naturally as FRV essence implies. Is that a kind of heightened awareness capacity or retained memory of the reality structure beyond 3rd density. Maybe someone else understands what this means and could enlighten me further on this subject.

I'm not sure if anyone has replied to you concerning your curiosity with this idea of FRV soul essences, but I too was very drawn to this part of the Session. I still consider myself very much a neophyte around here, despite having been hanging around in the shadows for about a decade. I say neophyte because there is so much to study, so many recommended readings and I have spent most of my life as an autodidact, not having fared well with traditional schooling. Nevertheless, I would like to share my thoughts.

For more than 20 years, I have been interested in a topic known as the Natural Life Energy concept. It involves the idea that humanity is divided into 7 distinct but interdependent groups:

Dynamic Aggressives
Dynamic Assertives
Dynamic Supportives
Creative Assertives
Adaptive Aggressives
Adaptive Assertives
Adaptive Supportives

For the purpose of what was shared in this Session, I want to focus mostly on the Dynamic Aggressives and Adaptive Aggressives. Two things should immediately be taken into account; that we are talking about "energies," and that we are looking at the "Aggressives." I've searched the forum for FRV soul essences, but have only come across FRV (Frequency Resonance Vibration), which I have found plenty to keep me busy for a while; but this may be the first time that the C's have presented it within the context of a soul essence.

Q: (L) And there are, I guess, families that have bloodline connections off the planet to 4D STS, is that correct?

A: Yes

Over the years, I have tried to understand this concept of bloodlines, especially within the context of those who have had power, and have abused that power. What I have come to see each time is that these "powerful" people are almost always Dynamic Aggressives, and to a slightly lesser degree, Adaptive Aggressives. They almost always work in tandem.

Q: (L) And what is the nature of these bloodline connections? I know that's kind of a vague question.

(Joe) Does it mean they're ideologically attuned?

A: This is a difficult topic. Those who are bloodline of 4D STS have power centers.

Despite more than two decades of looking into this topic, I have no idea how these 7 Life Energies came to be part of humanity. All I know is that I can easily identify them, both in my personal life, as well as within society in general, and throughout history. Power centers, for me, automatically bring to mind the Aggressives because they are domineering, power hungry people; some less, some more, and others extreme.

Q: (L) Are you talking about some kind of an extra physical organ?

A: Close.

"Close," I believe, because although it is an "energy," it has been suggested nonetheless that they (the 7 Life Energies) are somehow in our DNA, and that we may find "physical" evidence in the future through the study of codons.

Q: (Andromeda) Like an emotional center or an intellectual center?

A: Yes

Hence, something more along the lines of being non-physical, or better put, energetic.

Q: (L) Similar to an emotional center or an intellectual center... Are they genetically engineered for this?

A: Yes

This is where it starts to get really interesting, as I, and certainly many others, have often wondered how certain people can be so evil in life, and throughout history. And yet, I have met Dynamic Aggressives and Adaptive Aggressives, who despite their domineering nature, were not evil people.

Q: (L) Is there anything corresponding to that on the STO side?

A: In a sense though it was passed on in the natural way.

And this, for me, may help with the latter part of that curiosity. Some have these Natural Life Energies passed on "naturally," and perhaps are less inclined towards evil, and others are engineered with these same energies for the purpose of creating suffering, as is suggested below.

Q: (L) So there are STO individuals with power centers of some sort?

A: FRV soul essences.

🤔 The can of worms is wide open! 🤓
Are the 7 Life Energies FRV soul essences?

Q: (L) So in other words, they have a soul essence of certain FRVs as opposed to genetically engineered power centers that connect them to 4D STS, is that what we're saying here?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Those power centers provide these 4D STS bloodline individuals with capabilities to rise into positions of power or gain positions of power and control?

A: Yes

This is exactly what Dynamic Aggressives and Adaptive Aggressives do, and have done throughout history; obviously I'm expressing this within the context of the Natural Life Energies, and am aware that there are other ideas and fields of research that delve into this issue. I'm just putting forward another perspective.

Q: (Joe) And is it true that they're kind of connected in that sense to a 4D STS mindset? So they would tend towards domination?

A: Yes

Again, an accurate characteristic of the Aggressives.

Q: (L) Does it also mean that these power centers can transmit energy to 4D STS through the 3D individual with the power center?

A: Yes!!

Q: (L) Is that one of their primary functions?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So they are engineered into positions of power for the purpose of transmitting energy up?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Either through what they enact, or you know, they can cause suffering and all that...

Q: (Andromeda) Feeding tubes.

(Niall) Are they mostly British? [Laughter]

(Joe) That's a serious question: Anglo-Saxon stock...

A: Nordic.

This is where it gets a little perplexing for me, but I nevertheless have had some thoughts about how I would approach the issue based on some of the things that I have read throughout the forum. Nordic is generally associated with tall, blond and blue-eyed, but from what I read, that was 80,000 years ago, when the Kantekkians were transported to Earth. After that many thousands of years, it's fair to suggest that their genetics have spread throughout the planet, hence these "power centers" are not exclusively found in people with blond hair and blue eyes. The reason why I point this out is because many of the most evil Dynamic Aggressives we have known throughout history...
  • Adolf Hitler
  • Joseph Stalin
  • Mao Zedong
  • Pol Pot
  • Saddam Hussein
  • Kim Jong-il
  • Idi Amin
...were not blond with blue eyes. So the question is, are these some of the examples of those engineered into positions of power?
What benefits will humans have from Cordyceps, whose main source of protein will be insects
Its benefits have been discussed many times on the forum and there's a number of SOTT articles about it as well. It's traditionally used in Chinese herbal medicines.

This is where it starts to get really interesting, as I, and certainly many others, have often wondered how certain people can be so evil in life, and throughout history. And yet, I have met Dynamic Aggressives and Adaptive Aggressives, who despite their domineering nature, were not evil people.
Have you read about psychopaths and organic portals yet?
Psychopaths rule the world and are the main problem we face in our daily existence. Psychopathy is a genetically heritable trait which explains the existence of evil bloodlines. This topic is explored extensively on the forum and in other resources.
Laura said:
Q: (seek10) If the Indus Valley civilization peoples are into genetic modification, is the current Indian tendency for rituals the remnant of it through the Dravidian lineage?
Here in Sonora, Mexico, they discovered 25 skeletons with elongated skulls and the director of the institute in charge did not do a real investigation, she only said that they were deformities in the skulls, and that is all the explanation she gave.

To give better context to my question:
  • When I said 'India' in the question, I mean current nation 'India' - dots, not feathers.
  • This elongated skulls are not found in current Indian population. But C's seems to be saying long before 6000 BC there is some genetic modification happened and those people moved to Indus Valley civilization, they comprise the current Indian population. See my previous post here. My suspicion is the same population else where too, most probably other places in Middle East too.
Thank you Laura and team for the wonderful session and asking the questions.

Implications of this answer is VERY interesting. I wrote the rationale behind this question in this post. But, C's answer broadened the implications.

In this question, I made few assumptions(based on main stream History and Wiki) to reduce the text size of question.
  • Romani's (Migrants from central and North Western India around 500 AD and 1000 AD) are Gypsies.
  • Romani/Gypsies are remnants of IVC
C's seems to be confirming that Gypsies are INDEED migrants from India and they are remnants of IVC. As per Wiki, they are Aryan Stock. But they are migrated there. That raises few more questions:
  • When and Where this genetic Modification happened? - It is much before 4098 BC. It is reasonable to say it came some where nearer to IVC ( Modern Afghanistan, Pakistan and North Western part of India).
  • When did migrate to IVC: Most probably it is between 4098 - 1033 BCE

Laura's Original 1996 question is based on "Group Cohesiveness" of Gypsies. Gypsies are negligible portion of Indians and they have migrant livelihood and MOST Indians didn't have. But Caste system has "Group Cohesiveness" characteristic, which may not be that relevant in a age of "Nation States". It is hard to say how much Rituals has a relation to "Group Cohesiveness" or not. But, My line of enquiry is identify why "Brahmins" wrote their texts the way they wrote to take advantage of certain tendencies of local people that is ritual belief, though they have no qualms in believing any God of any religion.

It looks to me that C's answer is saying that there is a relationship between ritual and IVC. When I mentioned, Dravidian Lineage, it is the role of Sankaracharya in defeating Buddhists in his theological debates and also contributing for medieval Bhakti movement.

It looks C's are more or less saying genetic modification is not from IVC, but it is from before 4000 BC. Also they also seems to be saying there is something to ritual adherence to the genetic program came through IVC.

But C's repeating of "but see previous answer also" for this question leading to another direction which I was not considering. This needs some explanation.
  • Where did this genetic Modification happened? Since Migrants moved to IVC ( Afghanistan/Pakistan/North Western part of modern day India), they might have migrated to other areas too. Modern day "Near East" where Islam reigns supreme is very nearer to IVC. Is there any connection?
Searching C's session for genetic modifications may give some clues. Here is one done by Atlanteans. So it has to be before the 9th century BC when Atlantis went down for the last time. There are LOT more genetic tweeks happened too and it is hard to narrow down.

Q: (L) What was the origin of the Hebrew People?
A: Genetic construct.
Q: (L) Who did this genetic construct?
A: Guess.
Q: The Atlanteans?
A: Not that simple.
Q: (L) The lizzies?
A: How about joint effort?...

Q: (L) Alright, the Orions created the Hebrews. What was the purpose for which this genetic variation was created?
A: Manipulation....
Q: (L) And what was the desired result of the Hebrew genetic manipulation?
A: Further control through the fostering of mistrust and hostility, leading to enslavement and warring. … Also accomplished renewed and invigorated 3rd to 4th density "feeding."

I picked up this question from John Desouza's book as I wrote it here. it looks the entire human history is a 4D STS movie script , nothing is left to chance.
I took the C's answer as trying to tell you that the genetic tweak took place before the last great cataclysm, pre-deluvual, pre-Younger Dryas. That the Gypsies were refugees from the cataclysm, who migrated to the area after the cataclysm,

Q: If the Gypsies were gene spliced, who were they gene spliced with?

A: Alien race, humanoid, and Atlantean drone workers.
I think if they were gene spliced with Atlantean drone workers, this puts their origination in the time when the Atlantis world wide civilization existed and I think this explains why they answered you - A: No, it was much earlier. Refugees migrated there.
seek 10 said.
• When I said 'India' in the question, I mean current nation 'India' - dots, not feathers.

Very good observation:
Here in Mexico, many researchers and the public in general have wondered why the indigenous people of North America have been given the name "Indians"; It must be clarified that, before, the southern United States and Mexico were a single region.

Some researchers claim that they were given the name "Indians" because they want to hide the fact that these indigenous people actually originate from the Russian steppes. Perhaps they think that this would change the official story.
I took the C's answer as trying to tell you that the genetic tweak took place before the last great cataclysm, pre-deluvual, pre-Younger Dryas. That the Gypsies were refugees from the cataclysm, who migrated to the area after the cataclysm,

Q: If the Gypsies were gene spliced, who were they gene spliced with?

A: Alien race, humanoid, and Atlantean drone workers.
I think if they were gene spliced with Atlantean drone workers, this puts their origination in the time when the Atlantis world wide civilization existed and I think this explains why they answered you - A: No, it was much earlier. Refugees migrated there.
That is what I thought too. According C's cosmology, Last Atlantis destruction is around 9000 BCE , Aryan Invasion into India is around 6000 BCE and Indus Valley civilization is around 4000 BCE - 1000 BCE. That leaves lot of possibilities given that gyspies also have Aryan genes and has to come outside India . Where they were created and when is hard to say exactly.
What benefits will humans have from Cordyceps, whose main source of protein will be insects ❓

Its benefits have been discussed many times on the forum and there's a number of SOTT articles about it as well. It's traditionally used in Chinese herbal medicines.
Thank you Beau for the links.
Those articles confirmed what I had assumed, which is that the benefits of this mushroom have been known for a long time.

In this whole exchange about Cordyceps, I found the "disgusting" part interesting. What is disgusting about that mushroom?
I found out that it grows on (eats) insects.

Agenda: Eat insects, not meat, is recent.
There is a popular saying: You are what you eat. Of course, this forum is also full of advice on the importance of nutrition.
That's why I asked myself, whether the consumption of Coryceps in humans, who will accept a diet of insects, will be equally beneficial or perhaps disastrous.
The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

You've quite a lot of stuff to read through, but I would encourage you to do so.
Back to the forts #orages of yesterday and the progression of the cold front bringing cooler conditions to 3/4 of the country.
38,000 flashes were recorded, mainly from #Auvergne to #Alsace, and gusts at 109 km/h were observed at #Dijon .

Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 10-10-09 King Arthur on Twitter.png



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I have been inspired to craft a narrative of that fateful November 5th, 1975 night.

As Travis Walton approached the foreboding UFO, his heart pounded with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. The air grew thick with an otherworldly energy, filling his senses with a haunting mix of low beeps and hums reverberating throughout his body. Standing there, heart pounding with a mixture of awe and trepidation, unbeknownst to him on the inside of the craft, the aliens gazed upon him with a twisted sense of anticipation. Little did he know that he was but a pawn in their malevolent game, a sacrificial lamb upon the altar of their dark desires. The very act of approaching the UFO was a trigger, igniting a chain of events that would lead to his demise. Just as he reached the perceived safety of the tree stump, the UFO powered up, ready to soar into the cosmic expanse, the aliens, driven by their service-to-self nature, reveled in the impending tragedy. They were fully aware that the unleashed power would strike Travis with fatal force, extinguishing his mortal existence in a cruel twist of fate. The intentions behind their actions were not rooted in benevolence or salvation, but in the pursuit of their own self-serving agenda.

In that moment, the laws of gravity surrendered their hold on Travis, casting him high into the air like a helpless puppet. The beam, a conduit of alien power, embraced him with an otherworldly force. But alas, the intensity of the beam proved too much for Travis's mortal form to withstand. He crumpled lifelessly, a mere shell of his former self, upon impact with the unforgiving ground.

However, just as they prepared to charge the UFO once more and escape the scene of their wicked deed, a commanding voice from the higher echelons of extraterrestrial authority reverberated through their consciousness. It was a stern admonition, a chilling reminder of their transgressions. The higher entities, recognizing the gravity of the situation, delivered a stark message: "You have erred, and you must rectify your mistake."

Suddenly, the malevolent joy of the aliens transformed into a frenzied scramble to undo the irreversible. They were caught in a web of their own making, forced to confront the repercussions of their actions. The fate of Travis, once sealed by their sinister plan, now hung in the balance, subject to the whims and directives of the higher beings who governed their actions.

The members of Travis's work-crew, witnessing this horrific scene from the safety of their truck, were overcome with shock and terror. The sheer magnitude of power unleashed by the beam left them paralyzed with fear, convinced that they, too, would meet a similar fate. Panic gripped their souls, and in a moment of sheer survival instinct, they sped off, their hearts pounding with adrenaline.

It wasn't until they were a mile or so down the bumpy and winding dirt-road that a wave of guilt and humanity washed over them. The weight of leaving Travis behind on that desolate mountain became unbearable. The work-crew, their minds clouded with remorse, came to a collective decision—they had to return, to face the unknown dangers that awaited them, and retrieve their fallen comrade.

As they retraced their path, anticipation mingled with trepidation. But upon arriving at the deserted spot where Travis had fallen, a chilling realization swept over them—Travis was gone. The lifeless body they expected to find was nowhere to be seen. Confusion and disbelief enveloped them, as they grappled with the inexplicable disappearance of their dear friend.

As Travis Walton found himself drawn into the alien vessel, little did he know that his fate was not one of malevolent intentions but rather a desperate bid for salvation. The beings behind the abduction were not merely captors, but saviors from a cosmic perspective. Their keen understanding of human physiology, while precise for most, stumbled upon an unforeseen factor—the unique nature of red-haired individuals.

In the depths of their advanced medical knowledge, the alien entities failed to account for the intricate complexities that set redheads apart. The distinctive genetic makeup of redheads, it seems, renders their bodies more resilient, requiring a heightened dosage of medications to achieve the desired effect. Unbeknownst to the extraterrestrial surgeons, the standard dose proved ineffective against the natural resistance within Travis's fiery-haired being.

Thus, as Travis woke from the anesthesia, he discovered himself thrust into a bewildering landscape of extraterrestrial technology and unfamiliar surroundings. The momentary confusion that ensued only added to the perplexing nature of his experience. While the aliens, driven by their benevolent mission, believed they had followed the protocols for human intervention, the unforeseen idiosyncrasies of redheads had disrupted their careful calculations.
Hi again @Bethenny, may I remind you to make your introduction in the Newbies & Important Notices to All Members area, so we can welcome you to the forum.

Thank you :flowers:
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