Session 24 June 2023

Meditation and intense Prayer go hand in hand.
Just as teaching the art of music and the art of painting were customarily done together in the Middle Ages. Because the two beautifully complement and strengthen each other!

A: Pray and meditate and build your network in the hyperdimensional spaces. Much turmoil coming. Be awake, alert, aware, and utilize knowledge. It really does protect if you can set limiting emotions aside. Goodbye.
Thank You for this session! Prayer is excellent for protection! I think it also helps to realize / complete your mission in this incarnation, which will give you a lot less regret and much satisfaction during your Life-Review in 5thD! :D

Curious, how the C's mentioned it - I guess, for protection and hardening against Lizzie STS deception in our times, I picked up serious meditation a month ago and now cannot imagine my workday without it!

As was discussed earlier - as others shared about the boons of meditation - it gives you more "energy" to focus on your job.

Meditation - especially, the type described below - interestingly gives you better reflexes, improves short term memory. Gives your mind & thoughts more cohesion, more order, more organization. Reduces mind-fog and gives you less forgetfulness, the ability of better selection of tasks: so most or all your planned tasks for the day will be carried out beautifully giving you the satisfaction of real progress.

Therefore it prevents depression.

Because you'll see how much you achieved, how many chores you have done in one day. This will result in satisfaction. You will trust your own power of will. Puts you into the state of the exact opposite of depression. If you are frequently depressed, there is your cure! So meditation is amazing!

The critical importance of daily meditation and prayer cannot be emphasized enough!!

I'm using the Buddhist / Shaolin type combat power-meditation for warrior monks, because of (what I believe) my military background. A light version of it was also described in Dr. Rick Strassman's book, The Spirit Molecule:
pg. 26:
In addition, it soon became apparent that the experiences described by volunteers under deep psychedelic influences were strikingly similar to those of practitioners of traditional Eastern meditation. The overlap between consciousness alteration induced by psychedelic drugs and that induced by meditation attracted the attention of writers outside of academics
Meditation or prayer also may elicit deeply altered states of consciousness. Pineal DMT production could underlie these mystical or spiritual experiences.

Millennia of human trial and error have determined
that certain "sacred" words, visual images, and mental exercises exert uniquely desired effects*. Such effects may occur because of the specific fields they generate within the brain. These fields cause multiple systems to vibrate and pulse at certain frequencies. We can feel our minds and bodies resonate with these spiritual exercises. Of course, the pineal gland also is buzzing at these same frequencies.
*Remember the C's refused to disclose that specific powerful Reiki symbol going hand in hand with that unrevealed secret "Omm"-type sound that (IIRC) must be produced while focusing on that unrevealed very powerful Reiki symbol. C's said the effect of that symbol + sound and IMO meditation would be way too powerful for us to handle!

How might meditation evoke the pineal DMT response?
Several meditative disciplines bring about an intense fine-tuning of attention and awareness; for example, one-pointed focus on the breath. The brain's electrical activity, as measured by the electroencephalogram, reflects this synchronization, or bringing together, of brain activity.
pg. 74:
Many studies have reported that experienced meditators produce brain wave patterns that are slower and better organized than those found in every day awareness. The "deeper" the meditation, the slower and stronger the waves

The technique is very simple. Sit or lie down in your best position where you also can concentrate your best. As you can see the Buddhist monk prayer pose varies. You can do it sitting [on a chair] or sitting in Japanese seiza. Then later if you fancy - while your meditation is in progress - you can stand up and do various Tai-chi moves, while maintaining heightened focus. All above is recommended and easiest to do when in pitch-black dark at night in your room, at the time, when the C's said:
Earth's energies have quieted down.
Then just focus on your breath and try to maintain and [if you lose focus, then] re-gain absolute focus on point-light structures right before you in space or at your third eye position / height, ~ a feet or two before you in space.

Follow Laura's advice: if any time anywhere in the field of your vision suddenly the 'Light of Consciousness' flares up in white-silver-purple intense color, you focus-hold onto that! When it disappears, you continue meditating.

Otherwise just do above for 30-40 minutes. You'll now, when you entered the required focused state of mind, which will set you for the day in the required Iron-Willed-Assertiveness™© mode. :) This exercise works just like body-building, but you exercise and develop the "muscle of your mind".

Otherwise there are visualizing meditations. Then there are the silent prayers without thoughts, without words as described in the priests book, that was discussed here on the forum.
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build your network in the hyperdimensional spaces
Could the spiral columns transceiver, talked about in Cs sessions in 1996, be the device that facilitates that?
I built one in June last year and keep using it almost daily, which is covered in Fluted columns

So far, I have not noticed a direct response but there are some "feedback loops" that may indicate that it works. I am not writing about it, since it also could be a wishful thinking and my speculations.

Thank you for sharing. Every session is a gift from Heavens.
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Many thanks to Laura, Andromeda, and the whole team who participated in the session and asked such interesting questions.
I am grateful to С's for their greeting:
A: Love to all from Cassiopaea. Roillia here. We know your prayers for all and will help in the ways we can.
It's good that the situation with Prigozhin was clarified so quickly.
Events are developing very fast, there is too much news.
We need meditations, prayers and a network.🙏💞
Thank you all for another great session! So much to learn and digest.

I can see how that can be very dangerous. It's thinking about it as a distant, disconnected phenomenon where aliens sort of jump through dimensions using technology and what not, when what's really going on is that our reality is *embedded* in their reality, a higher reality where thoughts, feeling and physicality are much more directly connected and fluid. This means our minds and emotions are also literally connected to that higher reality, and if we are not aware, awake and vibing on a frequency of truth and goodwill, and pay attention to what we consume, think and how we interact with reality daily, we open ourselves up to these forces, with no need for space ships or what have you. Being aware of what used to be called demons, possession etc. primes you to at leadt think along such lines and not get sidetracked if you strive towards the good, the true and the beautiful. So, again, it's dangerous to think about ufos in semi-materialist terms, even if you accept extra-dimensions and the like.

I am very grateful for your explanation, emphasizing, that our reality is "embedded" in their reality, that it never has been a distant phenomenon. All here, now and real. Thank you for this lesson. Another thick veil lifting.

To strive connecting to reality as it is, to be continuously confronted with the scale of implications, what an impact our thoughts and emotions have - if not aligned to frequencies of truth, goodwill and networking - I am continuously grateful for another necessary lesson.

And thanks so much to all who have prayed and continue to pray in truth and love to make all this souled learning possible. 🙏
(Joe) Cordyceps.

(L) What about cordyceps? They are disgusting things.

(Joe) Despite their disgustingness, are they good for us? To take the supplement, the extract of cordyceps mushrooms? Just a yes or no. Should we put aside our disgust?

A: Yes.

(Joe) Oooooh!

(L) They're disgusting, I don't want them!

(Joe) But they're good for you.

Q: (L) I don't want 'em, none of them"

(Joe) But they activate your brain.

(Andromeda) Which part?

(Joe) All of it.

(Andromeda) Aaargh!

I can tell an attitude problem when I see one!
Thank you for the session to the Ladies at the board, Chateau crew and everyone involved in making the session possible with all attendees.
Fascinating topics, questions and answers that provide many food for thoughts.

Session Date: June 24th 2023

Q: (L) All right. Well, okay, here's, this is kind of bizarre... Is happyliza here? So happyliza says:

(happyliza) I’m interested to know whether John DeSouza is aware or mentions in his book about Terra Terrestrials - that is, the underground race.

(L) She could read the book and find that out, but he's obviously not. He's not aware of the underground race or reasons for harvesting of human materials.

(happyliza) The preparations can just as easily be for an invasion of the millions in Earth's center and various places on Earth too. Also the motherships, both of which the C's have talked about.

(L) So, I think that's probably what we're looking at. Is that true? That it's preparation from an invasion from underground and from like motherships carrying - what do they call 'em? The Nephilim-type things?

A: Yes.

The terrestrial invasion of the Earth from its underground civilization could be seen by many -if not most of- people on the surface as THE veil lifting, while it would conceal the main threat about STS hyperdimensional beings that could keep their power upon us all -both people at the surface and inside Earth, maybe they will not all come to the surface?

By the way, I wonder if these underground people look completely like us, or if they show physical and/or physiological differences, however slight they may be?

I also wonder at which time of the ahead Cosmic/Terrestrial big turmoil they would show up and "invade us -whatever that could mean practically- under the guise of saving us". Or could it be progressive? Future is open, so I guess we should not focus too much on this and instead do what we have to do with intention, love, comprehension and knowledge applied, everyday. The show is ongoing anyway. 🍿

This tweet was posted on yesterday at 9:41 PM, i.e. 21 minutes after Laura posted the session. Talk about an almost instantaneous form of morphic resonance à la Rupert Sheldrake... Or is it just a coincidence? Gallagher could have publish its tweet the day before or today, but no, he did it 21 minutes later... 21 is an interesting number: See Wikipedia.
Thanks Laura, Andromeda, and the whole FOTCM Fam for another awesome session!

Regarding the Travis Walton case:
A: He was used for sperm harvesting and memories were wiped.
So Walton's case might actually be both an abduction and NDE in one!

Q: (Joe) They did also create conditions, or waited for conditions where a lot of people all die in traumatic circumstances - meaning they're a bit confused, they don't go into the light - and then shove them all into new bodies.

Q: (L) Could they do that?

A: Yes yes yes
This is fascinating and suggests that the process of "incarnation" as we know of it depends a lot less on the physical status of the "container", ie. body, but rather the awareness and willingness of the soul to inhabit it. There have been numerous documented NDEs where the subjects claimed they didn't realise at first they were dead, so if a mind is confused about their state and "expects" to be alive, and 4D STS point out a new "container" and say, "Hey, that's your body over there, better get back into it!", and there's also a close genetic and "vibrational" match, a person might succumb to the manipulation and suddenly "wake up" in a body they previously hadn't inhabited, with no doubt significant potential for difficulties understanding their situation and reorienting themselves. Could this have been part of the mechanism of the "Fall"?

Cs Session 28th August 1999 said:
Q: Okay. The 'Fall' occurred. It seems like, and some of the archaeological studies indicate, that for many thousands of years, there was a peaceful existence and a nice agrarian society where the goddess or female creative forces were worshipped. At least, this is what a lot of present-day books are proposing...
A: No. These events took place 309000 years ago, as you measure it. This is when the first prototype of what you call "modern man" was created. The controllers had the bodies ready, they just needed the right soul matrix to agree to "jump in."
Q: So, prior to this time, this prior Edenic state...
A: Was more like 4th density.
Q: But that implies that there was some level of physicality. Was there physicality in the sense of bodies that look like present-day humans?
A: Not quite.
Q: What did these pre-fall...
A: Cannot answer because it is too complex for you to understand.
Q: Does this mean that the are experienced... that the bodies we possibly would move into as 4th density beings, assuming that one does, would also be too complex for us to understand? You are saying that this 'sort of 4th density' pre-Fall state, in terms of the physical bodies, is too complex to understand. If going back to 4th density is anything like coming from 4th density, does that mean that what we would go back to is something that is too complex to understand? This variability of physicality that you have described?
A: Yes.

Q: So, was there any kind of worship of God, or religious activity in this pre-Fall state; this Edenic, 4th density state?
A: No need when one has a clue.
Q: What I am trying to get at here, what I am trying to understand, is the transition from the goddess worship to the god worship; the change from the understanding of cyclical time as expressed in the feminine cycles, and expressed as the goddess; to the concept of linear time, expressed as the masculine principle. It seems to me that these were stages of inversion of concepts which gradually led to the ideas that the Lizzies are imposing on us, and seem to have been working in this direction for millennia - the dominator experience which expresses as: believe in something outside yourself that will save you, otherwise you are damned because the world is gonna end, and you are going to get judged. This is the concept I am trying to deal with here. I am trying to understand what was worshipped. Okay, we had these guys; they fell from Eden, but they were still fairly close to the original concepts, in some terms. Once they jumped into the physical bodies, as you put it, what was their level of conceptualization regarding the universe? Did they still retain some understanding at that point?
A: Kind of like the understanding one has after severe head trauma, vis a vis your normal understanding in your current state.
Cs Session 23rd October 1994 said:
Q: (L) We were originally seeded somewhere else? Where? Orion? What is the name of that planet?
A: D'Ankhiar. Ankh is ancient symbolism of this planet. Is female symbol. Stands for mother planet.
Q: (L) Is this other planet our original home?
A: Yes.
Cs Session 16th November 1994 said:
Q: (L) So, the star expanded and the mother planet was turned into a cinder. If this was the case, it means that it must have turned into a cinder very close to the point, using time loosely, when human beings were created?
A: You can't even use it loosely.
Q: (L) Would you help me out here. I'm trying to figure out why, if that planet was turned into a cinder, why were human beings seeded there... what was the point in being brought into being on a planet that was very shortly to become a cinder... a crispy critter...
A: Okay. Now: "Shocker" For you. It hasn't become a cinder yet.
(L) Okay. What is it. You told us it was a cinder... burned up... what is the real story here?
A: It will be at the same "time" that you go to 4th density. The human race is currently being formed on D'Ahnkiar.
(L) What do you mean that the human race is currently being formed on that planet? Is that because that planet is this planet?
A: No. That closes realm grand cycle.
(L) Are you saying that there are human beings being created on that planet at this current time...
A: Yes, you are. Your race is forming there.
Q: (L) How?
A: Realm crossing understand?
Q: (L) Are you saying that there are 4th density bodies being formed there...
A: No. 3rd.
(L) There are 3rd density bodies... are we going to leave the bodies we are in and go into other bodies?
A: You are drifting... Think carefully. Realm is derivative of reality. Cycle.
Q: (L) So the human race is being formed on this other planet at the present time...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And at the time of the realm border crossing, this other planet will then become cindered... burned up...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Where will the human beings go that are being formed on that planet at the time of the realm border crossing?
A: Ancient earth.
(L) They will go to ancient earth?
A: There is no time as you know it; its all just lessons for the collective consciousness.
(L) So at the closing of this grand cycle everything will just start all over again?
A: Not exactly; you see, there is no start.
Q: (L) Are a lot of souls on the earth going to recycle into these new bodies coming onto the earth?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) As ancient mankind?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And do the whole thing all over again?
A: Yes.
(L) So, in other words, a lot of people are going back to square one?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Is this punishment.
A: No. Nature.
Q: (L) Are some of the souls, at that point, going to move into a higher density level?
A: Yes.
(L) Could you give us a percentage on this?
A: No. Open at this point.
Q: (L) Now, getting back to the planet, if at some point in the cycle, bodies were generated on this planet and brought to earth, who brought them?
A: Realm crossing.
(L) It was not a who, it was a what, is that correct?
A: All is who and what.
Q: (L) Well, the other night you mentioned something about the Transient Passengers hauling these bodies off that planet and bringing them to earth, is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well, are these Transient Passengers Realms?
A: Yes. So are you.
(L) Do you guys know what you are doing to the linear mind here?
A: Can of worms.
Q: (L) You said something the other night when we lost the tape about the expansion of the star being conducive to creation. Could you give us a little bit on that aspect?
A: Transdimensional Atomic remolecularization.
Q: (L) What is Remolecularization.
A: Being reassembled.
(L) Reassembled from what to what?
A: Complex. Density collision.
Q: (L) Collision of one density with another. Which?
A: Learn 4 level assembly.
Q: (L) How?
A: Study.
Q: (L) Does this mean that this was a point in space time when pure energy could form around a framework of a thought pattern and thus become solid matter?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Is this transitioning of energy from higher densities into third density or solid matter kind of a traumatic event for universal energy?
A: Subjective.
Q: (L) Is it a form of death?
A: Death and birth are the same.
Q: (L) Was it a requirement to be on a planet with a dying star for this remolecularization to take place?
A: If 3rd density remolecularization.
Cs Session 26th November 1994 said:
Q: (L) Okay, at the time this "Mark of Cain" came about, were there other humans on the planet that did not have this configuration?
A: It was added to all simultaneously.
Q: (L) How did they physically go about performing this act? What was the mechanism of this event, the nuts and bolts of it?
A: Are you ready? DNA core is as yet undiscovered enzyme relating to carbon. Light waves were used to cancel the first ten factors of DNA by burning them off. At that point, a number of physical changes took place including knot at top of spine. Each of these is equally reflected in the ethereal.
(L) Is that all?
A: No. But, do you need more?
Q: (L) Well, the question I do have is, how many people were there on the planet and did they have to take each one and do this individually?
A: Whoa.
Q: (L) How many people?
A: 6 billion.
Q: (T) That's 500 million more than there are now.
A: No, 200 million.
Q: (L) Okay, there were this many people on the planet, how did they effect this change on all of them?
A: Light wave alteration.
(L) And light waves, actual light waves, affect DNA?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) What was the origin of the light waves?
A: Our center.
Q: (L) What is your center?
A: Our realm. STO.
Q: (L) So, how did the Lizzies use the light from the Service to Others realm...
A: They used sophisticated technology to interrupt light frequency waves.
So, a brief "chronology":

* Human beings existed in a 3D STO/bi-density state on D'Ankhiar for ~309,000 years.
* D'Ankhiar's sun began to enter the initial phases of supernova/nova, expanding in size, which made the planet uninhabitable.
* 4D STS took advantage of these conditions to create new 3rd density bodies on the planet, and instituted a "sales campaign" to manipulate the souls of humanity to agree to inhabit them.

One can imagine the pitch: "Hey, your planet is going to burn up into a cinder very soon, but don't worry, because we can transfer your consciousnesses into these new bodies suitable for living on this awesome planet called Earth, and once we take you there, you can live in safety and peace and have heaps of awesome sex!"

* Despite the actions of 4D & 6D STO - "Folks, this isn't a very good idea!!!" - humanity falls for the sales pitch, and has their DNA altered en masse by the light wave "filtering" technology of the Drachmonoids in what might have amounted to a planetary-scale abduction and remolecularization event. This raises some interesting speculations about the similarities and distinctions between a "typical" (ie. etheric/remolecularization) abduction and "Near Death" experiences. Is the former something like an artificially induced version of the latter?

* Realm Border Crossing is used to migrate humanity to 3rd Density Earth, D'Ankhiar becomes uninhabitable. However, from the new perspective of humanity, their residence on Earth is at the beginning of the new Grand Cycle, thus, they have effectively travelled 309,000 years backwards in time, before D'Ankhiar burned up.

* Humanity spends hundreds of thousands of years recovering from 'head trauma', but as per 4D STS plans, a ponerised 'elite' is also created that continually co-opts the advanced civilisations that arise, sometimes requiring direct 4D STS interference, each time resulting in cataclysms that reset humanity back to a primitive state.

* After another 309,000 years, the Realm Border Crossing again arrives in this sector of space/time, beginning Earth's transition to 4th Density and the next stage of the Drachmonoids' plans: assimilation of Earth, its resources and the souls of humanity into the 4D STS reality. However, at this stage, many human souls have realised that the Drachmonoids and their servants are purveyors of false promises, nothing but out and out conmen, and consciously intend to use the Realm Border Crossing to escape Drachmonoid domination and control.

* Unfortunately for the Drachmonoids, even a small percentage of the population who are aware of their games can significantly effect the outcome. Thus, as the multi-thousand millennia Grand Drama draws to a close, the Wave is upon us, and 4D STS and their elites are scrambling not to lose control as the pressure builds and their plans fall apart.

* What's next? I guess we'll "wait and see"!

Q: (Joe) At the same time as you were talking about reading this book about DeSouza and talking about it, there was the event a couple weeks ago in Las Vegas, which seems to have produced a bit of a... not a flap, but an opening up of discussion about UFOs including among politicians and Congress and stuff. Is that part of a planned process?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it planned by humans or hyperdimensional beings?
A: The latter in kahoots with the former.
(L) So, I think that's probably what we're looking at. Is that true? That it's preparation from an invasion from underground and from like motherships carrying - what do they call 'em? The Nephilim-type things?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay.
(Joe) And is this latest conditioning of, or opening up of the question of UFOs with this Las Vegas event, is that part of a longer process? It's not imminent, but instead it's something like a bit of conditioning, and then leave it for a while, and…?
A: Fits and starts.
Q: (L) [..] So do those individuals in that so-called secret government, are they aware of the full nature of the phenomenon and what it means for the future of Earth humanity and even themselves?
A: They are aware of the nature but believe that they can control it. Wishful thinking dominates at all levels of the STS hierarchy.
Q: (Keit) Do they require more people believing in them? Do they need more people believing in them?
A: Better to not believe.
Q: (L) So in other words, their true nature still needs to be concealed.
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Are they going to reveal themselves as some kind of descendants of a former civilization on planet Earth that went to some other planet and inhabited it hundreds of thousand years ago and now they're coming back? So they're technically humans.
A: Close!
Q: (L) Okay. Is there anything that we haven't asked that we should have asked? Consider it asked. We all need guidance.
A: Pray and meditate and build your network in the hyperdimensional spaces. Much turmoil coming. Be awake, alert, aware, and utilize knowledge. It really does protect if you can set limiting emotions aside. Goodbye.
There's another aspect regarding the fireballs and dimensional windows that's worth discussing, but I'll save that for a subsequent post.
I am curious exactly what STO Nordic power center passed down naturally as FRV essence implies.
Think of it as Caesar's / Putin's essence. Incorruptible Light inside ones body. Highly religious. Infused with and guided by the Holy Spirit of The Christ. Extremely strong faith with high probability of causing knowledge infusion from the information field / higher density STO sources. FRV automatically non-edible to Lizzie 4thD STS. Probably how the soul vibe of Kore of the Last of the Perseid family line might have looked and felt like.

On a hypothetical STO planet, a true bearer of this Nordic power center is similar to above, I think, only probably vastly more powerful.

For example: if the alleged alien visitors of Eisenhower - those who offered not weapons of mass destruction, but the Spiritual Technology of Healing and Faith - were a delegation from an STO planet, then I think, its no wonder that the little detail mentioned in that tale might have been valid: They requested that Eisenhower's receiving human party keep from them a good distance separation at all times. I think they definitely wanted to avoid / did NOT want to be corrupted by the sickened STS miasma of the human delegation. That's why they made this weird request, I think. The probably STO-affiliated alien Nordics[?] wanted to minimize their inevitable developing disease of Aural Poisoning, while on Earth. I think, as soon as they left, they began their Protective Prayers of Cleansing. To clean their spirits of the aural contamination inevitably received from Eisenhower and his generals / aides in tow
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Q: (L) Yes, but remember we had a session years ago, when we were talking about Courtney Brown, if anybody wants to use that as a search term: "Courtney Brown". We had a discussion about this, and that was years ago.

(Joe) What was it about?

(L) About how the alien presence would be gradually introduced, and so forth?

(Joe) As aliens?

(L) Well, no, not necessarily as aliens.

(Joe) No. As what?

(L) Well, they said that they would be like survivors of a cataclysm that have lived underground, and are now coming out to save humanity.
Here is that Courtney Brown session from November 23, 1996:

Q: (L) Okay, let's move on to Courtney Brown. (T) We all know who he is, and what he is writing about in regard to remote viewing... what is it all about?
A: Vague.
Q: (T) Is the book Courtney Brown wrote, "Cosmic Voyage," concerning the Martian population...
A: It is true that there are underground bases on Mars, but they are Orion STS.
Q: (T) Are there Martians as portrayed by Courtney Brown?
A: Not exactly. He is portraying the Orion STS as the Martians.
Q: (T) Is Courtney Brown a government disinformation agent?
A: More as an "agent provocateur."
Q: (T) Is he working for the government?
A: Not directly, and remember, the government is not one entity.
Q: (L) Who is primarily backing Courtney Brown?
A: Rockefeller group.
Q: (L) And, is Mike Lindemann and company part of this Rockefeller group at this time?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Linda Howe?
A: No.
Q: (T) Did Courtney actually do remote viewing to obtain the information in the book?
A: Not really. Not needed.
Q: (T) Does this mean that the whole story is concocted on his part?
A: Semi. Elements of it are factual.
Q: (T) Yes. I could see that there were factual elements. I could also see that there was a LOT that was questionable; that conflicts with EVERYTHING else that has come
out from other researchers. This is all totally twisted and different.
A: Close.
Q: (T) Is Courtney able to do remote viewing?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) But he did not use it with this book?
A: No.
Q: (T) So, the book was made up the way it is. It is a story. Some factual information, some invented information, some pure BS thrown in to fluff it out. So, the book is
NOT an account of work that has come from remote viewing sessions?
A: No, but not needed.
Q: (L) You have said twice that remote viewing was not "needed." Where did he get his information?
A: Secret sources. Agents of the nation "of the third eye."
Q: (J) What or who - is the "Nation of the Third Eye?"
A: Terran civilization under the surface.

Q: (L) Now, wait a minute. I remember that when they said the Aryans were brought from Kantek and that they were "sturdier or something like that, and I remarked that it
seemed that they would be less sturdy - and the C's answered "on the surface." Now, that has always bothered me. I don't think they meant "surface appearances." Have
the Aryans been glorified as the "master race" because they are more suited to living underground?
A: Close. All types there are "Aryan."
Q: (L) Okay, is this a Terran underground civilization that has been 'managed' by Orions, or did it develop on its own?
A: One at a time.
Q: (L) Did the underground civilization develop on its own?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it managed or manipulated by Orions as well?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are these "managers" Orions from other densities?
A: Yes and no.
Q: (L) I don't understand. Are there some that are 4th and some that are 3rd?
A: The human types there are "bi-density."
Q: (L) Holy Shiite Moslems!
A: Grays and Lizards are 4th density. They can "visit" 3rd density, but they must keep returning to 4th in order to "regenerate."
Q: (T) Are you saying that the human/Aryan types can exist as long as they want in any density?
A: In 4th and 3rd.
Q: (L) They can move back and forth, existing with equal ease on either density?
A: Well, not with "equal ease," because 4th density is easier, naturally.
Q: (T) So, the information Courtney Brown was given to write this quasi fiction book, is about the Aryans and not about the Martians?
A: "Martians" is easier to understand for the less well- informed, not to mention any discussion of the densities!
Q: (T) Absolutely. Martians are easier to accept. A lot easier to understand than densities! (L) Okay, Third Eye. What is this?
A: That is what they call themselves when pressed for an explanation by surface types, such as yourselves. They were the inspiration for Masonic lore and Illuminati, too.

Q: (L) Does this "Third Eye" designation have a connotation of third eye abilities as we understand them?
A: Psychic.
Q: (T) Does Courtney know he has been had?
A: He has not been "had." He is under the employ of those who pull the levers, so to speak.
Q: (L) You said "pull the levers." Is Courtney Brown a robot, Greenbaumed, mind-controlled, implanted, or any or all of the above? (T) Or is he just foolish?
A: No. Not so foolish, he does not worry about paying the power bill. As Forest Gump said: "Stupid is as stupid does."
Q: (L) Are you implying that I am foolish or stupid because I DO worry about paying the power bill?
A: No, we are not implying that you are stupid, or foolish, for that matter... But, Courtney Brown is not either. Who is he hurting? And, he has hit the jackpot with this one.
Knowledge can be procured by reading literature, then analyzing it.
Q: (T) Is the time table that he has given correct?
A: Close.
Q: (T) So, the powers that be are going to follow this time table and present the Aryans as Martians?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are the Aryans going to present themselves as Martians?
A: Initially. In order for the Terrans to get used to the idea of EBEs.
Q: (T) But, they are not the good guys. Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
A: Some of the "good guys" are identical in appearance.
Q: (T) Is this a subterfuge on the part of the Aryans so that they can slide in quietly and take over?
A: No, they do not need that at all. It is a way for the "government" to introduce everyone to the new reality of the existence of intelligent life all over the place, not just here.

Q: (T) So, they have their own agenda, but it is not what Courtney presented in the book.
A: It does not matter. The book is a somewhat altered "New Reality 101."
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