Session 25 January 2025

Always a pleasure to read the Cs and the group. Thank you chateau crew & forum for providing more interesting insights in those troubles times. Its hard to keep up with everything that is going on but it feels unique in a sense. Some masks are falling and some thread from the puppet show are now showing. This season of "Earth the Human experience." is really packing up!
Stay frosty everyone.
Today's Joe Rogan Experience has Ky Dickens, the creator of the Telepathy Tapes podcast. Nothing too mind-blowing so far that I've heard, but for those interested in hearing more about it, could be worth a listen.

why would there need to be an elevator used by 4D sts to take 3D people to 5D? It’s a really interesting question to me.

Indeed it is. Very interesting question indeed.
I suppose the motives or reasons could be diverse.
Right now I am thinking about one of those possible reasons, of course totally speculating.

One of many other things that 4D STS does, is to be modifying and tinkering with the 3D physical bodies, in order to maintain their dominance and/or nourishment.

Possibly, the fact that while a person is incarnated they are connected (through the silver thread) to their physical body, could be a fundamental detail and, something that 4D STS needs to solve. And it solves it with this advanced technology.

To understand what I mean, I need to expand a little.
There is a well-known natural phenomenon. When we are sleeping or even in some state close to that sometimes, while our physical body is resting, a certain non-physical part of us can go for a walk, so to speak.
The detail is that even though we are walking around without our physical bodies, we are nonetheless connected to it by means of the silver cord.

In this natural situation, although the physical body is resting, it is still somehow sensing and reading the physical environment in which it finds itself. And in the event that it senses that something is wrong, such as a sudden change in environmental temperature, gusts of wind, sudden noises, or whatever makes it feel that there is some danger, it will immediately call the part of our consciousness that is wandering around, and this will immediately return to the body, thus reestablishing the capacity for action in a physical environment. That is, you will be able to move again, prepare breakfast, kick someone's butt who is trying to harm your body ;-), etc.
(This call is by a sort of tug on the silver thread, which as we said, while we are incarnated this thread keeps us connected to our physical bodies).

My main suspicion is that this, what I have called “capacity of action”, is the obstacle that 4 STS faces when they want to do certain manipulations or use for something, living physical bodies of living people. And to overcome that obstacle they use advanced technology.
In short, what they need to achieve is that the physical body cannot warn the rightful owner or occupant of the physical body that something very bad is happening. And this they must do without the silver thread of the individual being opened.

Perhaps, what they take somewhere in 5D is the non-physical part of the individual, leaving him floating around for a while, momentarily cut off from his body, for the duration of the utilization or intervention of that physical body. The latter could consist of attaching information to the molecules of that body.
Then they return the non-physical part they had set aside, reuniting it to the modified or simply used body.

This part of the speculation is as to “why they do it”.
The next thing is as to “how they do it”.

I am thinking that a physical body is made up of a bunch of molecules, organized, associated, communicating with each other, etc.
The particular association of these atomic particles, grouped together and transmitting information to each other, form a particular or unique physical body.
These molecules stay together forming a particular group (body), due to the particular information that associates them. This information also includes the experiences of the individual.

Now let's think of a technology that manages to separate these molecules and, at another time, put them back together again.
A clue could be something that Wandering Star quoted that the Cas said:
“ Gravity unites all that is physical with all that is ethereal through unstable gravitational waves! ”

If the molecules of a body are held together due to the binding and associative information they possess, then the separation of these molecules can be achieved by detaching the information they possess or is attached to these molecules. I am referring to detaching information paid to the molecule.

Here I am considering the molecules as the physical and the information as the ethereal. Do you understand what I am saying?
A molecule temporarily stripped of information, loses the link it might have with another molecule, i.e., the factor that held them together is not present and thus, they separate.

I am asking myself some questions.
We always hear and think about electromagnetic fields involved, in this matter of molecular separation, remolecularization, etc., but the truth is that we have many questions in that regard.

For example:
Following the reasoning above, where I put molecules as the physical and information as the ethereal. And, that the Cas said that the physical and the ethereal come together through unstable gravitational waves, then I wonder:
Could the separation be through STABLE gravitational waves?
Would this advanced technology have anything to do with stabilizing gravitational waves? 🤔

Translated with (free version)
Mother ships , smaller ships , round orbs , round saucers ,egg shaped, tear drops , oval shaped, triangles, boomerangs and arrow heads, cloud cigars , probes , in shades of silver red dotted , luminous grey , translucent , metal hard black, floating, eerily silent, skimming on oceans, changing into impossible speeds , drones, drones,.... they have always been here, same same but only different this time. This time the veil is thinning , they are seen by more and more. Starting with a trickle , I wonder will it turn into an open sewer ?
I wonder if same mutinous watchers and beautiful beguiling demons are once again coming to serve humans on a platter and be again the cause for a wrap up of The Age.
I thank all questions and answers that were given . Very elucidating concerning Chat GPT , AI , Stargate. Thank you all. I do wonder if they when required will also become hosts to walk ins. I have no reason to believe in the good guys spiel.
As for "Trump is easily misled by those of eloquent persuasion " it is not only about his drones that bothers me..his lies, his dodging hurdles ,but also his claims that hypersonic missiles were stolen by the Russians from America during Obama's reign.
With that he also turned into a clown.

The newest ChatGPT's 4.5 name is... Orion. That is funny, isn't it?

By the way, 3.5 sucks, it has imprinted political correctness and makes a lot of mistakes, kind of like a student trying to pretend having knowledge or having limited knowledge and using round words. It even pretends knowing things - simply making up facts and pretending it was research. Using it I felt like it was used to manipulate dumb, like keeping them in a sleep. But fortunately not everyone is dumb - 4.o is already decent. Of course, it can mislead you, but it became useful. More professional if to say so. There are side effects, though.

Google has already taught people to search for everything possible. In general, the network's operation causes something similar to ADD (attention deficit disorder). It's not the same as the old, analog "zapping" of television. Although even then, advertisements strained neurons with their tempo and music. (Today, the TV mechanism is different - from a media studies perspective, stress is pumped into people, e.g., through infotainment and crime porn, to later sell products as cures for stress. Adrenaline is addictive but must be reduced later. It's a kind of media speedball).

You can take notes and have your spelling checked right away, translate automatically, and check information by clicking. Of course, this replaces your normal brain function. It speeds it up a bit, a bit like cheating. I don't know; there is a subconscious, a thought process, but it's probably like working out in a gym with some light accelerators. The Cassiopaeans have already suggested "thinking XYZ" instead of "Googling XYZ."

I think Internet impacts our use of short-term and long-term memory. Besides, the network largely reflects our neurons, which is why people often lock themselves in their network of neuronal associations, somewhat tamed by the simplified and prosaic media message of people who know how to use it (of course, mainly for financial purposes). But on the other hand, more intelligent people learn faster, exchange information, and are not as susceptible to influence. When they fall into a thought bubble (e.g., socio-political worldview) - it no longer takes them years or decades to work it out; sometimes months are enough.

What was considered conspiracy theories (the so-called "yellow caps" from old YouTube videos or "silver hats") - for many people, also of high social status and objectively intelligent, is information to consider.

After all, we also used encyclopedias, dictionaries, books. Maybe it was simply more at the pace of our brain than the computer? More thoughtful. Then again, we use computers ourselves and we keep up because we use it at our own pace, in our own ways. We can use the computer for research and communication, or for artistic expression, not just funny videos, at our own pace, in our own way. However, at some point the channeling sessions advised us against using the network (as well as using AI, and yet... our curiosity and sense of freedom prevail).

I recently watched a program from the 80s, where people who actually died in an accident later, based on simple electronic devices, predicted the emergence of the "technological man." Maybe not to the extent of Johnny Mnemonic. But basically predicting the mass use of technology, access to information, personal freedom built on it, and, to some extent, the network. I think it is irreversible unless there is a global catalyst. That was AI with some worldview imprinted, with some... thinking. In that sense, it could actually be part of a supervised evolution program, if we look at it from that perspective. If there was a cataclysm, like a global war, there is Starlink. The network was predicted to be indestructible, because it is decentralized - individual transmitters or servers will not shut down the network. Although in the Matrix, there was also an electromagnetic signal that destroyed devices.

Either way, Google is currently losing its importance. It has stopped in time a bit - it overtook website directories, but it did not keep up with AI, and in addition it promoted useless, advertised content, being susceptible to spam. I predict that within a year it will turn into an Application similar to GPT or Grok; otherwise, people will start to use such applications instead of Google instinctively.

As we have already said, the introduction of paid apps would probably destroy the Web, or limit it to "pseudo-elites," who, however, always need an audience, whether for narcissistic reasons or for profit. So it probably won't happen; besides, paying for a subscription or additional options has only partially caught on.

I think we don't have to predict the worst right away. Although we are at a point where it is hard to predict what will happen next. For about 100 years, the world looked pretty much the same. It developed at a multi-year pace. The most optimistic approach is that AI will make things easier for us. Just like the industrial era or access to computers. And the side effects, well. They are marginal, felt by everyone, leveled and inevitable.
@Professor Chaos It really bugs me that Google now uses AI as its default engine. There’s also no way to defeat it. Starting last year, any time you search something on Google, it displays an AI Overview. You have to scroll down to find non AI answers. Talk about conditioning!

Yeah I know what you mean. People notice it. Google promotes commercialized websites. Bing was also like that - but less commercial, more 'gentle'. It becomes like an overlay. Sadly, Google was quite powerful. You could use more advanced research like g something +something -something, or g "this and that". It starts bringing a 'give us the old Google' vibe. I think it was already there when they changed image search.
I think people can get used to using GPT or Grok as their search machine. There was already some fuss over it, like it shows people the results of many sites that can't earn from commercials anymore.
Google isn't yet drowning, but I think they would make it an app.

The possibilities I see are that, for example, Google will promote commerce, but people are annoyed by it. They are annoyed by the eavesdropping that is easy to notice (someone mentions something, and it is displayed to you, although you have never searched for it). They will fail at this, so they will either fall or go in the direction of Bing - almost imperceptible political correctness. Their main advantage, however, was access to information. Whether it will still be needed depends on whether people do not unlearn to search for facts on their own - and I am not even talking about how deep they go, but whether they even try - without interpretation served on a plate.
What if Meta creates its own search engine? And it comes down not only to ads, but also to the state of mind of people you have among your friends. What they recommend, click, read, is promoted at the top. We have already had a certain test called a pandemic. It turned out that the majority of society cannot think differently than the crowd (although there are exceptions who do not admit it). Virtually everyone is subject to this (including social stratification, the position of opinion leader, or insignificant person), so it's an interesting phase of the land of Oz created earlier by TV... or, if to not view it such drastically, just a phase of social development. It's not about "enlightening" everyone with your knowledge. People use things they need. They don't always care about the deep truth. Sometimes it's about sympathy through similarity, easier adaptation. From that point of view, it might be OK. From ours, we might need a better device.

Recently, I asked Grok to "dissect" or criticize Elon Musk. Funnily, it was made to have less political correctness and have sharp language. So it did criticize him quite ruthlessly and very well.
Maybe we should just treat it like a radio show - a journalism, a more or less true or interesting perspective. Simply, one of the possible sources, if you prefer.
@Professor Chaos It really bugs me that Google now uses AI as its default engine. There’s also no way to defeat it. Starting last year, any time you search something on Google, it displays an AI Overview. You have to scroll down to find non AI answers. Talk about conditioning!
Talk of the devil, that's the first thing that showed on my IG after answering you (prob a coincidence lol)
Been searching but not finding, in a ssession where the C's said that autism is essentially caused by the vaccines, childhood probably, but did they mention if this is mostly or completely a PreAdamic thing or Adamic or both?
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