Session 25 January 2025

From what C's responded these elevators are 4D high-tech and a 3D person can't just take an elevator to 5D (dying and transitioning to 5D is a natural process and is different) but is being put into such an elevator and transferred to 5D (for whatever reasons). Transferring somebody who is incarnated in 3D to 5D bypassing the natural process of the soul transitioning to 5D after dying is "messing up with 5D" from my point of view.
The topic of elevators from 3D to 5D came up before in 1995:

November 4, 1995

Q: (L) Bases are transdensity. (T) So the bases are transdensity, in other words they exist throughout the densities in the same location. No, no, that won't be right... (L) they exist in a trans-density state. (T) So they exist in third...

A: Yes.

Q: (T) They exist in third, fourth, whatever...all at the same time. (L) Maybe they could come in to our density when necessary and then go out of our density when necessary.

A: No.

Q: (L) They are in another density.

A: No.

Q: (L) They are in another dimension. (T) They are in all densities...

A: Trans.

Q: (L) They transit at all densities?

A: Start at three.

Q: (L) They start at three... (T) They go through four, five is not the density they can go into, so they go through six...

A: Assume.

Q: (L) Assume; you're assuming... (T) No, I'm asking, they start at three, you say; where do they go from there?

A: To five.

Q: (L) Three to five. (T) They cover three, four and five?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Why do they cover five? You've said that five is the level of contemplation... (L) Why not? That makes sense, to have one there, too.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) They can take them through there. They work there. (T) Well, I need to understand this, they've said different things about the fifth density, in different sessions. OK,

A: No.

Q: (L) I'll tell you, hold on.
One of the things that came through: it was the session when I was asking questions about [my son's] experiences under hypnosis, so it was back fairly early on. And I asked a series of questions about what he perceived. Now, he had an alien abduction experience that he described in another lifetime, seemingly. He described what amounted to having this screen thing put over his face, and the red dots, and the programming and the beings in the silver robes standing around, and then being shunted through this tunnel, and finding himself in this dark space where there were all these black-hole things all around him. I asked, was this an alien abduction in another lifetime and they said no, it was a fifth density life review. I said, are some of these beings we perceive as aliens, and some of these experiences we perceive as alien abductions, actually events or experiences on fifth density? And they said yes.

(J) Life review... that's real important.

(L) Right. So what they're saying is, and when they're talking about taking souls on the battlefield, and so forth, obviously we have fifth density "alien" and they've said that the term is used loosely. I mean, we might perceive them as alien, but they were fifth density workers, so to speak. That was their job, to do whatever it was they did, or they perceived it as their job. So that, to have these bases transit the densities up through fifth, would make perfect sense because of the kind of work they're doing. Is that...

There is so much extremely vital stuff about this subject, that it would be wise to stay with it until completion.

Q: (T) We plan on staying with it, we're trying to understand this...

(L) You remember when my brother was here, they kept wanting us to come back to the subject of the bases. And we didn't, we wandered off.

(T) Our problem is, we wander a lot of the time. We're worse than Carl Sagan as a group here. We wander off on tangent ideas, and go from one thing to the next. We never stay on a subject. OK, the bases are trans-density bases; they go from the third density to the fifth; they exist in the third, fourth and fifth density all at the same time, is this correct so far?

A: Close.

Q: (T) Now, when a being, a soul, whatever, is in the base, do they exist in all three densities at the same time?

A: No.

Q: (L) Hold on, I've got an idea...

A: When you are in a skyscraper, do you exist on all floors at the same time?

Q: (J) No, but you have got to know where the elevator is! (L) Is there something like an elevator that can move you, if you're in these locations, from one density to another, and experience these bases, these trans-density bases, at different levels?

A: It is an elevator!
Yes, that was the first time the C's mentioned these elevators.
Sorry, just saw that this 1995 session was actually directly referenced in the current session.

The session from September last year had similar topics too:

Session Date: September 21st 2024

(L) Yeah, I wouldn't want to do that. And then you've got this weird question, which I don't even know why you're asking the question because it's kind of explained in the C's transcript that's provided here about everything living is connected to 5D. "So it sounds like one can literally take an elevator to 5D in such an environment." That's pretty much what the C's said. Yeah... "Is there any other ways to enter five D without dying?" Well, part of you is always there kind of. So I mean that's kind of like self-explanatory in my mind. What about you? I mean, if part of you's always connected there and you can enter there and you can communicate with people there.

(Approaching Infinity) Some of the ideas that we came up with on the forum were like perhaps in dreams and in meditative states, like when you go astral traveling or something, then you can actually visit. And that's an actual entering into a 5D state. I don't know, but that's what I thought

(L) I would think so. So that's a lot of people have written about it and talked about experiences along that line. And here’s another question from Altair... He always gets these questions: "Can some 4D beings enter at will the 5D environment without dying?" Which is similar to the question that you were asking. Well, I guess they can in that way, but they cannot, I would say that they would be restricted from entering it with their full sensorium because that would be prevented because the part of them that is connected to it would be able to enter. They may have the ability to enter some of them.
A: Don't think of it as an elevator such as those who are familiar with. Think of it as a high tech version of "Beam me up, Scottie." [laughter]

Thinking about it, it's possible that the reference is to the mode of transportation in the Star Trek movies, so the elevator would be a mode of transportation.

Following this train of thought, perhaps to transport a person instantly, one needs to use the fifth density or non-physical universe.

More than fifteen years ago I read an article by Billy Meier in which (a long time ago so my memory may not be completely accurate) Billy recounted a trip on a spaceship with his friends.

At one point they warned Billy that they were going to make an instant jump into space and told him that for that the ship was going to enter for an instant into (I don't remember what they called it) something like a non-physical space and that the computer was programmed so that the crew would not be aware of that space, since they experience a happiness, peace and communion that is torture for people to leave there and return to physical space.

I hope I have remembered it more or less well.

Billy is well studied in the transcripts, however I have remembered that detail in which perhaps the fifth density is used to travel.

"Beam me up, Scottie."
Well I found the paragraph, how strange:

Then they make a great leap to one end of the universe, but this time, Ptaah and Semyase adjust the leap to a duration of 7 minutes instead of the normal form of only a fraction of a second, through some adjustments in the computer console. Billy watches over the Cupola as the sky turns gold and then a dazzling silver. That glow fills the Cupola and seems brighter than all the stars in the universe combined, but this does not hurt his eyes. At the same time, he experiences a feeling of being inside a timeless eternity. He feels full of love, peace and tranquility and would like to remain there, inside eternity, where there is no physical pain or sadness.

Semyase shakes Billy out of his deep contemplation and explains that she knows what eternity feels like.

She further explains that they all understand and feel the same way, but they cannot stay in eternity until they have evolved enough in consciousness through many lifetimes. Billy understands, but feels himself fading away, and Semyase holds him until he recovers enough to stand firmly on his own.
Ptaah tells him that they have already reached their destination, the edge of the DERN Universe.
From transcripts , anti-matter / anti-matter universe , relates to travel , since 5th is strictly ethereal , there's a correlation here:

( anti-matter @ transcripts )

Session 19 November 1994 :


Q: (L) I would like to know what is the specific mode of time travel?

A: Complex.

Q: (L) Well, just give us a clue here?

A: Transdimensional transfer utilizing electromagnetic adjustment of atomic structure to alter speed of time cycle convergence.


Session 15 June 1995 :


Q: (L) Can we free associate about these gravity waves since no bookstores are open at this hour? Gravity seems to be a property of matter. Is that correct?

A: And....

Q: (L) And hmmmm....

A: And antimatter!

Q: (L) Is the gravity that is a property of antimatter "antigravity?" Or, is it just gravity on the other side, so to speak?

A: Binder.

Q: (L) Okay. Gravity is the binder. Is gravity the binder of matter?

A: And...

Q: (L) Is gravity a property of light?

A: Not the issue.

Q: (L) What is the issue? Can you help me out here, Frank?

A: Gravity binds all that is physical with all that is ethereal through unstable gravity waves!!!


Session 17 January 1998 :


Q: (A) Now, I want to come back to physics. We have this paper from the French guy Chardin, who speaks about anti-gravity and relates it to a double structure of the universe; that anti-matter is just located, not in our universe, but in another universe...

{Sound of helicopter on tape for the next few seconds}

A: The two are exchangeable, much like an ion exchanger.


Session 25 July 1998


Q: (L) Are you saying that we can unlock doors between matter and anti-matter universes? Is that what you are getting at here?

A: Maybe...

(L) Well, that's kind of a comparable thing in an interesting way. I've always thought, and I think the C's kind of confirmed it at one point, that a lot of the objects that we see, UAPs (UFOs in the old style) are traveling in time, not necessarily in space.
The above might relate to an excerpt from the following session, where the Cs describe the difference between how STO and STS manage the incarnational cycle.
Session 5 August 2000
Q: [...] Okay, last session you brought up the subject of Frequency Resonance Vibration. You suggested that there are certain STS forces who are developing or creating or managing physical bodies that they are trying to increase the frequency in so that they will have bodies that are wired so that they can manifest directly into 3rd density, since that seems to be the real barrier that prevents an all-out invasion, the fact that we are in 3rd density and they are in 4th. Now, I assumed that the same function could be true for STO individuals. It seems that many individuals who have come into this time period from the future, coming back into the past via the incarnational cycle so as not to violate free will, have carefully selected bodies with particular DNA, which they are, little by little, activating so that there 4th density selves, or higher, can manifest in this reality. Is it possible for those energies to manifest into such bodies which have been awakened or tuned in 3rd density?

A: STO tends to do the process within the natural flow of things. STS seeks to alter creation processes to fit their ends.

Q: This Top Secret document and the Anna Hayes material to some extent, both talk about many abductions being "ourselves from the future" who have come back to the past, or what is for us, the present, to abduct their own bodies to make genetic adjustments so that they can advance and not make the mistakes they made in another timeline. Is that, in fact, part of the scenario?

A: Very close to the truth!

Q: Can you abduct yourself in an STO manner and help yourself in this way? Can that be STO?

A: It is not, because that is not STO.

Q: So, when that is happening, and if it is happening, it is occurring in the STS parameter?

A: Yes.

Q: How do the STO manage?

A: They do not concern themselves with such things.

Q: Well, if the STS guys are genetically tweaking themselves to have some kind of different outcome for some reason that we do not perceive, don't you think there should be a balancing action on the STO side of some sort?

A: You are thinking in STS terms. But that is natural, since human 3rd density is STS.

Q: You say they don't concern themselves with that. What do STO individuals coming back from the future into the past concern themselves with?

A: Answering calls for assistance with knowledge.

Q: What do these STS individuals coming back into the past hope to do by genetically tweaking their ancestors? What happened that they want to have happen differently?

A: Infinite number of possible answers to that question.

Q: So, they are coming from all different timelines with all different kinds of agendas - all designed to serve themselves.
From what C's responded these elevators are 4D high-tech and a 3D person can't just take an elevator to 5D (dying and transitioning to 5D is a natural process and is different) but is being put into such an elevator and transferred to 5D (for whatever reasons). Transferring somebody who is incarnated in 3D to 5D bypassing the natural process of the soul transitioning to 5D after dying is "messing up with 5D" from my point of view.
What you said above does not contradict what you asked below.
Q: (Ze Germans) Can 4D STS abduct souls from 5D or interfere with 5D in any way?

A: No.
What you asked is about 5D beings experiencing interference by 4D. What you said above is about a 3D being going to 5D through technology, so that the 3D being is still a 3D being even though he is in 5D. It's similar to a 3D being finding himself in 4D in that he is still a 3D being even thought he is in 4D.
What you said above does not contradict what you asked below.

What you asked is about 5D beings experiencing interference by 4D. What you said above is about a 3D being going to 5D through technology, so that the 3D being is still a 3D being even though he is in 5D. It's similar to a 3D being finding himself in 4D in that he is still a 3D being even thought he is in 4D.
There is the second part of the question you quoted:

Q: (Ze Germans) Can 4D STS abduct souls from 5D or interfere with 5D in any way?

Transferring somebody from 3D to 5D bypassing the natural incarnational cycle is intereference with 5D in my opinion. I may be wrong, though.
In this session, Laura said: "They're basically souping up the model." In an early excerpt, "souping up" also appears:
Session 14 September 2002
Q: (Atriedes) They once said something about bi-density beings. They were like hybrids between 4th density beings and a 3rd density being. Or could such an individual be a genetically enhanced human?

A: Humans were once "bi-density." And some may be again in the natural way. Those of 4D STS "manufacture" are similar. Just think of them as a type of OP with souped up engines.
The context in this session was:
(Joe) These children who I suppose will grow into adults, what purpose are they to serve post changes? Are they meant to be soldiers of...

A: They can be hosts for 4D beings.

Q: (L) Like walk-ins, sort of?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) Like Zuckerberg. [laughter]

(Andromeda) He's an undergrounder. [laughter]

(Joe) So that's probably the primary goal of the genetic modification, to provide that functionality of being walk-ins and the telepathic abilities are a function of that genetic modification, which is almost not important.

(L) They're basically souping up the model. They're making a souped up model that they can utilize and has already the ability for telepathy, which benefits...
(Approaching Infinity & Joe) How can you have a literal elevator that can take a person from 3D to 5D?

A: Don't think of it as an elevator such as those who are familiar with. Think of it as a high tech version of "Beam me up, Scottie." [laughter]

Q: (Joe) "Beam me up, Scottie" is already super high tech! Can't go any higher tech than that!

(L) So, in other words, it would be like an elevator that you would get into, and it would be high tech, and it would demolecularize you and remolecularize you, or something like that?

A: Yes.

This seems to contradict this response:

Q: (Ze Germans) Can 4D STS abduct souls from 5D or interfere with 5D in any way?

A: No.

There's no contradiction. A 3D person taking an elevator to 5D is different than 4D abducting a 5D being.

From what C's responded these elevators are 4D high-tech and a 3D person can't just take an elevator to 5D (dying and transitioning to 5D is a natural process and is different) but is being put into such an elevator and transferred to 5D (for whatever reasons). Transferring somebody who is incarnated in 3D to 5D bypassing the natural process of the soul transitioning to 5D after dying is "messing up with 5D" from my point of view.

On that last point I agree Altair. In fact, that is the style and manner of behavior of STS, that they do not accept or respect natural processes.
But I think Hlat is referring to something else and, if that is what I think he is referring to, I agree with him. I haven't found the contradiction either.

As I interpret it, not being able to abduct 5D souls and interfere with their processes, refers to those who are in the zone of contemplation and who have arrived there through the inner conduit of the silver thread, which opens when the physical body has ceased, thus providing a safe journey to an equally safe place for the soul. That is, to a specific zone of 5D.

That does not mean that to other zones of the 5D, 3D people can not be taken, for whatever.
And in that case we would be talking about 3D beings kidnapped and not 5D beings kidnapped.
It is in that sense that I do not find contradiction between those two answers of C.

Precisely, they do this with people who are incarnated and then have living, or active, or functional physical bodies. A very tempting booty for 4D STS, who do not mind violating the free will of the souls who legitimately occupy those bodies for their 3D life.

This comment about the apparent contradiction but which may not be, is because I am considering something very interesting raised by Innovative Soul:

But then, is there a "contemplation zone" in the 5th density or is the entire density a contemplation zone? I do not remember that it has been mentioned that the 5th density has been described as an "ethereal density" but it is where "ethereal souls" are worked on punctually and that is impregnable by any being of any density. But what is around? Is there something beyond the "veil" where the so-called "contemplation zone" takes place?
I've been keeping a eye on this discussion. I've been trying to find information on this for a while now. But it seems that the information is a bit scarce on this. I know a lot of this information is outside of us. I'm sure if ETs and Cs release more information about this. It could violate free well or cause unnecessary fear about the full process. Instead of giving us a summary.

I've been trying to look into how our dense physical bodies need to adjust to be in 5D. I'm aware that most people have light bodies. But don't we need to go to upper 4D first even before we go to 5D? The big jump from 3D to 5D seems to much of a big jumper. As I have read that we are going to upper 4D as a pit stop before moving up to 5D.

Then comes the other question, do we need to dump our physicals, but this also doesn't make much sense as we go back to 5D anyway when we leave our bodies. Then it comes to the topic that people have been talking about with these high tech elevators. I know if this technology exists it will be way beyond out understanding. But it still has to come down to, how will our bodies adjust to the new very high levels of energy. Everything I have read is that without proper adjusting to these energy levels, our physical bodies will degrade at a very fast rate, so it has to be a very slow process. But as I understand, energy levels are slowly raising on the planet for a while now. But is it enough for 5D or upper 4D? If you look at other ETs around both 3D and 4D still have physical bodies. But the bodies are customed to the environment already. 5D and above have light bodies but can form a body but gets harder the higher D you go.

There is so little information around on how the process works in detail. I have also come across information that Earth a few other 3D worlds in our galaxy are also in the same process this time around.

To make it final. Yes, we are entering a very unique time. Earth is being watched by many higher dimensional beings. As they see this a very interesting period. All eyes are on Earth to see how we will get though this interesting and fun time as they see it. As from what I have learnt, the whole planet and solar system with everyone on them will be ascending as a whole. First time this is happening on a grand scale.

But I do still get the odd dream or 2. That I might be interacting with different ETs in the future with either a light body or physical. My last dream with a ET was a humanoid canine-wolf being, from what I remember talking was both vocal and telepathy.
A session that can perhaps be related to the famous elevator.

Q: (L) Proper technology. Unstable gravity waves. And once you told us to study Tesla coils.... antimatter... destabilizing the gravity waves through EM generation allows the antimatter to interact with matter which then creates a portal... is it in the antimatter universe that all this traveling back and forth is done by aliens when they abduct people?

A: Close. They transport through it,
but most abductions take place in either 3rd or 4th density.

Q: (L) Is this movement through the antimatter universe, is this what people perceive in their abductions as the "wall of fire?" The coming apart? The demolecularizing?

A: No. That is TransDimensional Atomic Remolecularization.

Q: (L) Okay, if a person were passing into the antimatter universe, how would they perceive it?

A: They wouldn't.

Q: (L) Why?

A: No space; no time.

Q: (L) Antimatter universe has no space and no time... so, the antimatter universe is possibly where the poor guys of flight 19 are?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And you can get stuck in this place?

A: Yes. And if you are in a time warp cocoon, you are hyperconscious, i.e. you perceive "zero time" as if it were literally millions of years, that is if the cycle is connected or closed, as in "Philadelphia Experiment." And, on that note, good night.
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