November 4, 1995
Q: (L) Bases are transdensity. (T) So the bases are transdensity, in other words they exist throughout the densities in the same location. No, no, that won't be right... (L) they exist in a trans-density state. (T) So they exist in third...
A: Yes.
Q: (T) They exist in third, fourth, whatever...all at the same time. (L) Maybe they could come in to our density when necessary and then go out of our density when necessary.
A: No.
Q: (L) They are in another density.
A: No.
Q: (L) They are in another dimension. (T) They are in all densities...
A: Trans.
Q: (L) They transit at all densities?
A: Start at three.
Q: (L) They start at three... (T) They go through four, five is not the density they can go into, so they go through six...
A: Assume.
Q: (L) Assume; you're assuming... (T) No, I'm asking, they start at three, you say; where do they go from there?
A: To five.
Q: (L) Three to five. (T) They cover three, four and five?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Why do they cover five? You've said that five is the level of contemplation... (L) Why not? That makes sense, to have one there, too.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) They can take them through there. They work there. (T) Well, I need to understand this, they've said different things about the fifth density, in different sessions. OK,
A: No.
Q: (L) I'll tell you, hold on. One of the things that came through: it was the session when I was asking questions about [my son's] experiences under hypnosis, so it was back fairly early on. And I asked a series of questions about what he perceived. Now, he had an alien abduction experience that he described in another lifetime, seemingly. He described what amounted to having this screen thing put over his face, and the red dots, and the programming and the beings in the silver robes standing around, and then being shunted through this tunnel, and finding himself in this dark space where there were all these black-hole things all around him. I asked, was this an alien abduction in another lifetime and they said no, it was a fifth density life review. I said, are some of these beings we perceive as aliens, and some of these experiences we perceive as alien abductions, actually events or experiences on fifth density? And they said yes.
(J) Life review... that's real important.
(L) Right. So what they're saying is, and when they're talking about taking souls on the battlefield, and so forth, obviously we have fifth density "alien" and they've said that the term is used loosely. I mean, we might perceive them as alien, but they were fifth density workers, so to speak. That was their job, to do whatever it was they did, or they perceived it as their job. So that, to have these bases transit the densities up through fifth, would make perfect sense because of the kind of work they're doing. Is that...
A: There is so much extremely vital stuff about this subject, that it would be wise to stay with it until completion.
Q: (T) We plan on staying with it, we're trying to understand this...
(L) You remember when my brother was here, they kept wanting us to come back to the subject of the bases. And we didn't, we wandered off.
(T) Our problem is, we wander a lot of the time. We're worse than Carl Sagan as a group here. We wander off on tangent ideas, and go from one thing to the next. We never stay on a subject. OK, the bases are trans-density bases; they go from the third density to the fifth; they exist in the third, fourth and fifth density all at the same time, is this correct so far?
A: Close.
Q: (T) Now, when a being, a soul, whatever, is in the base, do they exist in all three densities at the same time?
A: No.
Q: (L) Hold on, I've got an idea...
A: When you are in a skyscraper, do you exist on all floors at the same time?
Q: (J) No, but you have got to know where the elevator is! (L) Is there something like an elevator that can move you, if you're in these locations, from one density to another, and experience these bases, these trans-density bases, at different levels?
A: It is an elevator!