Session 29 July 2023

I was happy and energized while reading about this subject. Thank you for asking those questiosn guys. The reason is that I've thought about this subject in the past and concluded that there must be a cat and mouse game with predictions and other stuff between the Cs and the PTB. now i have a better understanding.

Yeah, the cat and mouse game sure is fascinating.

I was thinking there's also third party to the game, tho - us 3D humans. Although Niall in the session suggested that the C's prevented a plague event, I think it's important to note that it was the questions asked by a bunch of 3D humans in the session that allowed the C's to do so.

So this is another way of looking at the importance of our role as potential conduits of higher energies IMO.
Thank you so much for an incredible session!

I would second reading the books by David M. Jacobs who did a fantastic job of piecing together the big picture regarding the objectives and methods of our alien overlords.

A: They are "human" in appearance, but the energy is different to those who are sensitive.

In Jacob’s book The Threat an abductee described an abduction experience whilst under hypnosis where she was looking at a scene. She had to try to spot the hybrids from normal humans. She saw people in a park with flowers, families playing with a ball, the sun shining and a feeling of happiness. A utopian scene. It felt like an advertisement or a programme with her as an investor.

She found it almost impossible to tell the “us” from the “thems”. She felt that “they” are very proud of this accomplishment. It took them very long time and a few generations of breeding humans with hybrids to achieve their objective.

She then realised that the only way to tell is by the energy field around them, but unless you can see it, you’ll never know. She said she couldn’t see it, but a few people will. There will be an uprising about it, and those people will be terminated. No wonder the C’s didn’t want to give us any clues as to the identities of the “hubrids,” as Jacobs terms them.

There is a lot more important, though scary information in Jacob’s books, so I would definitely recommend reading them, if you can.

I also appreciate the jokes and good humour in the sessions, which help so much in dealing with the crazy truths!
She then realised that the only way to tell is by the energy field around them, but unless you can see it, you’ll never know. She said she couldn’t see it, but a few people will. There will be an uprising about it, and those people will be terminated. No wonder the C’s didn’t want to give us any clues as to the identities of the “hubrids,” as Jacobs terms them.
Well, so that means that the C's prevented Zuckerberg from being terminated before he'd have the chance to be 'terminated' by Musk! Glad to see that the C's are 'enjoying the show' just as we are!
Well, so that means that the C's prevented Zuckerberg from being terminated before he'd have the chance to be 'terminated' by Musk! Glad to see that the C's are 'enjoying the show' just as we are!
No, most unfortunately, the people who out and protest against the hybrids will be terminated apparently.

I forgot to say that Jacobs mentioned hybrids are apt to suffer from skin rashes, but that’s not terribly useful for spotting them. Anyway,I hope those rashes are extremely itchy and sore.

According to Jacobs’ findings, the hybrids also possess psychic capabilities, such as telepathy, memory-wiping, and mind-scanning.
I'm always wearing sunglasses when I go outside (they're prescription sunglasses). Can they see my eyes? The study also mentions eye contact. Now, I freely admit I'm probably getting waaaay to nitpicky, but I know that I hardly ever look into crows eyes. They're so small. Do they look into ours?
You’ve asked a couple questions, and although it’s not pertinent to this thread, probably more appropriate in the “Critter” section, I’ll drop a couple info bits, and leave it up to you if your interested in researching the fascinating new discovery's about avian species and what they “see”.
Check this out:
“IN THE EARLY 1970s, A RESEARCHER testing the ability of pigeons to discriminate colors discovered by accident that the birds can see ultraviolet (UV) light. The finding was deemed curious but not too important. “It was natural for scientists to assume that bird vision is like human vision,” says Geoffrey Hill, an Auburn University ornithologist and the author of Bird Coloration. “After all, birds and humans are both active by day, we use bright colors as cues. ... No one really imagined birds might see the world differently.”

The anthropomorphic smugness of the founding “experts” strikes again!

“[…]the eyes of most birds probably are even more sensitive to ultraviolet light than they are to what we call visible light. Scientists also have learned that many birds have plumage that reflects UV light. Together, these discoveries “made us realize there could be new answers to old questions,” says Drake University biologist Muir Eaton. Birds rely on vision to choose mates, find food and scan for predators, for example. “If you assume birds see exactly what we see, you could have the wrong framework for understanding bird behavior,” Eaton says.”

If anything, with my shades on, I make my eyes a lot bigger and 'expressionless black' unless they can see through the lenses.

Again, from the article quoted above:

“How do birds detect ultraviolet (UV) light?
To answer this question you must understand avian eye structure. The human retina has three kinds of cone cells (receptors used for color vision): red, green and blue. By contrast, birds active during the day have four kinds, including one that’s specifically sensitive to UV wavelengths. There’s another difference: In birds, each cone cell contains a tiny drop of colored oil that human cells lack. The oil drop functions much like a filter on a camera lens. The result is that birds not only see UV light, they are much better than humans at detecting differences between two similar colors.

What does the world look like to a bird with UV vision? “We can’t imagine,” says Auburn University ornithologist Geoffrey Hill. Since birds can detect more colors than humans can, scenes may appear more varied. And colors that already are bright to human eyes are—if amplified by UV reflectance—probably even brighter to birds.”

To that crow that you previously described to me, I’m guessing you probably looked something like this,
but with bright, colourful splotches, iridescence from detergent residue and lint all over you! :lol::lol::lol:
I’d get away as fast as I could, as well, lol!
Thank you very much for the session. I haven't had time to read the thread yet which is always a golden mine of thoughts. Will keep me busy for a while. i can't say more before reading the thread, don't want to repeat what has already been discussed. Thanks everyone!
No, most unfortunately, the people who out and protest against the hybrids will be terminated apparently.
Wow, I thought the hybrids would be retired and/or cycled, just like the politicians when the population gets tired of them. Killing people without fooling them with another savior, that's next-gen democracy! Perhaps this is the point where 'they will go too far.' 🤔

If revealing a hybrid is akin to discovering UFT, i.e. a deadly secret, somebody somewhere must be really scared of losing power!
Absolutely fascinating discussion, thank you for sharing. Oh my, I always thought the rumours about Obama's wife were a bit crazy TBH, well shows how much I know. I also thought the whole adrenochrome stuff was a bit over the top too; truly amazing the dark things that go on on this planet.:shock: It seems at this point that absolutely anything is possible. Good to know that Grusch is legit as a whistleblower as well. I'll be keeping my attention primed for psychopathic types with a weird energy about them! Honestly, this session has staggered me a fair bit, lots of details are now being clarified in my mind.

I think I'm gonna re-read "The Threat" by David Jacobs, seems appropriate following this session. He saw all this coming 20 years ago, Thanks again, this discussion has left me with loads to think about.

yes for david jacobs. i wanted to post about him but you said it all. the last fourth of his book deals about replacing us. i hope their girls are also pretty...
Thank you for the session and good questions Germans too lol! Thanks for the humor without which it would be utterly depressing. Today I read an article on RT saying report coming from Ministry of Home in India found missing numbers of adult women and underage girls is about 1 million for women and 250 000 for girls, who went missing between 2019-2021. It's hard to contemplate what probably happens to these unfortunate peeps out there.

In bellow tweet talks man and woman about the movie Monsters inc. how it represents allegory of actual torturing of children harvesting for Adrenochrome, though I never seen the movie myself so I cannot say more about it, but I shudder it is movie for children? Here is transcript of their talk:

the children make me think of the dutroux affair in belgium, many years back... and isnit that the eu hq is in brussels...???
For background, Netanyahu's coalition government is now made up of the most extreme settler and religious political parties in Israel. These groups are overt in voicing their hatred of Palestinians and continuing the conflict against them by continuing to build more settlements on their lands, among other policies. Netanyahu is relying on these extremists to stay in power, otherwise he risks being out of office and, perhaps, more subject to jail for corruption charges.

The situation has steadily come to a crisis and breaking point for the last several months - ever since the Netanyahu government proposed judicial reform that takes veto power over the Knesset (Israel's governing body) out the hands of Israel's supreme court (which seemed to have little power already) - effectively giving the most radical of the Zionist bunch no checks on power and freer reign to remove democratic liberties ( and to effectively bring on the eschaton it seems.)

Much of Israel appears to see through these maneuvers and is up in arms about the power grab and the dangers it presents to the country as a whole because the public protests against the reforms have been enormous. What's interesting, also, is how even former Prime Minister Ehud Barak (an Israeli Deep Stater if there ever was one) came out publicly against it. A former Mossad head too - though how much of that is a ruse is hard to say. Its possible though that there are different factions in Israel just like anywhere else.

(All this is to say nothing of continued attacks against Syria, Lebanon, sabre rattling and subterfuge towards Iran, etc.....)

The following piece gives a good idea of what's going on:

And this one may just be a matter of Mossad putting up appearances:

thanks for explaining...


"I think it's important to note that it was the questions asked by a bunch of 3D humans in the session that allowed the C's to do so."

Dear C’s…?

This raises the question how much do we, and how much can we influence the present paradigm? I’m slowly coming out of the position of we are just lowly cogs in the wheel, and setting back and observing is the best we can do. That seems to be true in part, but it is starting to look like there is more.

The C’s said the great battle that changed us into STS was fought through “us”. How?

How does one pick up a certain FRV of humans a go through them, or use them to affect an outcome? (and not molest free will)

“Because you asked” I think the C’s have said this a time or two in reference to Laura and us, asking for help in gaining knowledge and so forth. Which leads to the idea: asking = help is “possible” no-asking = no help.

I can easily put myself in the position of 6DSTO and say look, no one care or tries or even asked for help, they just want their own comfortable lives restored (blind cry-babies). No help for them. But looking at a group within the mob seriously asking for help doing their best to see objectively and get the hell out of the spiraling state of affairs. Then saying hey we can work with these people, so let’s give help, maybe something can be salvaged.

Does raising certain questions, and asking for help in specific situations allow help from higher densities to operate? Help is on the way…help is near…help is “here”. So ask the right, well crafted questions, to pop open the can of help. It wouldn’t mean we get what we want per say, but may open-up new possibilities for a better outcome.

I wonder if “sometimes” a request would work as well as a question? Example: Dear C’s, please help us diffuses or eliminate the CBDC’s as we need what little free will we have left to continue in our struggle. Would that request leave the field “open” for STO factions, that are here now, to help?

Dear C’s: please help the Palestinians to obtain the best possible outcome in their struggle.

Dear C’s: please strengthen our brothers and sisters in spirit who are falling prey to lies.

Dear C’s: Please help administer karma and balance here on earth as it is in heaven for the best possible outcome. No answer required to the request, just leave it hanging there on the battle field bulletin board for all to see.

Take what I’ve written here FWIW, I’m still trying to understand it myself, but if we have just learned that our thoughts and question can actually change outcomes, at least to some extent, then crafting questions and request becomes more interesting.

(I see that what I have written here as the word “request” could also be considered a prayer, and the C’s did say recently to pray. But if that request was overheard during a session, it “might” carry more weight. Dunno?) By the same token there are things that should not be discussed in the sessions.)

(We should consider that all communications we have with the C’s is monitored by TPTB, and all the way up to the dark lord. That in itself should come as no surprise, but it’s kind of in our face right now.)
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Hello, many thanks to everyone who made this session possible.

It is curious that now that there was this declaration of the existence of alien bodies in the possession of the US government we are still surprised by these issues while the normies are apathetic and take it more as entertainment, one so ephemeral that it only matters until the appearance of the next distraction, the next placebo.

It is also incredible that the film industry has presented here and there the cosmic drama of our human condition on this planet. Another movie that introduces us to the use of adrenochrome by an elite is "Jupiter Ascending". Here are some very interesting quotes said in the movie by the Abrasax family and some answers given to us by the Cs over the years.​

● Balem Abrasax: My mother made me understand that every human society is a pyramid and that some lives will always matter more than others. It is better to accept this than to pretend it isn't true.

● Balem Abrasax: My mother... My mother taught me what was necessary to rule in this universe.
Jupiter Jones: By killing people?
Balem Abrasax: I create life! And I destroy it. Life in an act of consumption, Jupiter. To live is to consume. Now, the human beings on your planet are merely a resource waiting to be converted into capital. And this entire enterprise is just a small part in a vast and beautiful machine defined by evolution, designed to a single purpose... To create profit.

● Kalique Abrasax: Each of us has a code for our optimal physical condition. The problem is our genes have an expiration date which is transferred to our cells. A long time ago, someone figured out how to replace deteriorating cells with new ones. Today, it's as easy as changing a light bulb.
Jupiter Jones: Where do you get these light bulbs?
Kalique Abrasax: You grow them.
Jupiter Jones: Like clones?
Kalique Abrasax: No. Clones lack genetic plasticity. Several million years ago, a gene plague caused by cloning, nearly annihilated the entire human race.
Jupiter Jones: I was told that the House of Abrasax seeded the Earth. Is that where you get it?
Kalique Abrasax: Your earth is a very small part of a very large industry... Feel my skin.
Jupiter Jones: [touches Kalique's hand] Oh, wow.
Kalique Abrasax: In your world, people are used to fighting for resources... like oil, or minerals, or land. But when you have access to the vastness of space, you realize there's only one resource worth fighting over... even killing for: More time. Time is the single most precious commodity in the universe.

●Balem Abrasax: Understand this, Mr. Night. I will harvest that planet tomorrow... before I let her take it from me.

● Jupiter Jones: How can one person own the earth?
Kalique Abrasax: It's just a planet, Jupiter.

what an interesting post!
reminds me of my children legends where ogres eat children.
and if the highest reward of the universe is profit, this only shows that americans are already in space through the secret space program. why not ask the cass??
Thank you very much for your time and work. The "underground cities" subject has brought to mind some thoughts and questions.

The information the C's have provided strongly suggests that the composition of the inner earth is not at all in line with our conventional theories. For example, according to the C's there are cities at a depth that would be considered to be within the earth's core, and these cities remain at a comfortable temperature.

There is a victorian-era book called Etidorhpa about hollow cavities within the earth, and this book makes an interesting claim that the interior of the earth is not in fact filled with magma. Rather it claims that the earth contains gigantic oceans of water, and during certain internal upheavals and pressures, the waters of these oceans reach incredible temperatures and race toward the surface, melting solid rock along the way. When we see lava erupting from volcanoes on the surface of the earth, what we are seeing is in fact rock from within the earth that has been melted by superheated and super-pressurized water from oceans deep within the earth.

The interesting thing about this idea is that under this model, cities could conceivably exist far below the earth, where conventional theories suppose only red-hot layers of magma exist.

Just wanted to share this idea with you guys. Thanks Laura and others for your time and work.

and this super hot water would mix with methane to create petrol under granite layers where no biomass ever was present.


"I think it's important to note that it was the questions asked by a bunch of 3D humans in the session that allowed the C's to do so."

Dear C’s…?

This raises the question how much do we, and how much can we influence the present paradigm? I’m slowly coming out of the position of we are just lowly cogs in the wheel, and setting back and observing is the best we can do. That seems to be true in part, but it is starting to look like there is more.

The C’s said the great battle that changed us into STS was fought through “us”. How?

How does one pick up a certain FRV of humans a go through them, or use them to affect an outcome? (and not molest free will)

“Because you asked” I think the C’s have said this a time or two in reference to Laura and us, asking for help in gaining knowledge and so forth. Which leads to the idea: asking = help is “possible” no-asking = no help.

I can easily put myself in the position of 6DSTO and say look, no one care or tries or even asked for help, they just want their own comfortable lives restored (blind cry-babies). No help for them. But looking at a group within the mob seriously asking for help doing their best to see objectively and get the hell out of the spiraling state of affairs. Then saying hey we can work with these people, so let’s give help, maybe something can be salvaged.

Does raising certain questions, and asking for help in specific situations allow help from higher densities to operate? Help is on the way…help is near…help is “here”. So ask the right, well crafted questions, to pop open the can of help. It wouldn’t mean we get what we want per say, but may open-up new possibilities for a better outcome.

I wonder if “sometimes” a request would work as well as a question? Example: Dear C’s, please help us diffuses or eliminate the CBDC’s as we need what little free will we have left to continue in our struggle. Would that request leave the field “open” for STO factions, that are here now, to help?

Dear C’s: please help the Palestinians to obtain the best possible outcome in their struggle.

Dear C’s: please strengthen our brothers and sisters in spirit who are falling prey to lies.

Dear C’s: Please help administer karma and balance here on earth as it is in heaven for the best possible outcome. No answer required to the request, just leave it hanging there on the battle field bulletin board for all to see.

Take what I’ve written here FWIW, I’m still trying to understand it myself, but if we have just learned that our thoughts and question can actually change outcomes, at least to some extent, then crafting questions and request becomes more interesting.

(I see that what I have written here as the word “request” could also be considered a prayer, and the C’s did say recently to pray. But if that request was overheard during a session, it “might” carry more weight. Dunno?) By the same token there are things that should not be discussed in the sessions.)

(We should consider that all communications we have with the C’s is monitored by TPTB, and all the way up to the dark lord. That in itself should come as no surprise, but it’s kind of in our face right now.)

what an interesting post! jesus: knock and it will open, ask and it will be given, pray and you will be heard, but pray in secret and silence, think, and it will be done via the ether, etc..., dont you know that you are gods??
As far as the supreme leader of the Orion Union goes, I was envisioning something more along the lines of this guy...
View attachment 79156View attachment 79157
It's the spirit of the abyss from the Andromeda series, who is considered the God of all of the evil aliens in the series. He's more energy than matter but can instantaneously manifest a physical body at any location and any time of his choosing, although his bodies can only contain a diminutive portion of his power and always appear to be overflowing with energy, so he prefers to remain in his nonphysical form most of the time. In the series, he is older than the physical universe and seeks to return it the eternal stillness and order of nothingness that existed before the Big Bang. According to the lore of the series, he could be said to be working in opposition to another group of immortal entities who believe that the fulfillment of the physical universe is the expansion of consciousness through creative chaos.
the jwst allows to envisage an eternally existing universe without a big bang at the beginning. sounds logical to me if you accept red shift as light getting tired over long distaces...
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