Session 29 July 2023

Can a hybrid be detected any more than an OP or a psychopath or a drug addict or a moron? And If you become aware of one, what’s the right response? Are we in the 2023 remake of invasion of the body snatchers; up close and personal? Should we scream and point? Or will they?
It's a good question and makes me think. I think if a hybrid were like the people sitting behind those congressmen, I would have no choice but to sit there while the X Files theme plays through my head. If a hybrid were like Socrates' Alcibiades, Piers Gaveston, or Tartuffe, according to precedent I might inexplicably fall in love with them and refuse to detect and judge them properly. If I were a hybrid (or an OP) I would think "at least I'm a good one."

I wouldn't treat them like drug addicts, whom I'm generally nice to so that they don't attack me. I probably wouldn't act like the woman in the video, but who knows?
Strange enough, this made me think about the 60 so survivors of the Maui wildfire but that couldn't be because family and friends would or wouldn't recognise them. Does it have to be more catastrophic still and on a bigger scale?
Are we going to take this to the Maui fires? I am willing to but was not sure that this was the way to do it. I have family there.
Are we going to take this to the Maui fires? I am willing to but was not sure that this was the way to do it. I have family there.
No, I was talking about the replacing of the human on big scale by underground people. Thinking out loud how it would/could look and nobody would know. Catastrophic events are everywhere at the moment with wars, landslides, earthquakes etc... What are their plans, that's my question.
Maybe there's a variety, but the one reference to hybrids in the transcripts that specifies says Grays (9/9/95 - the Roswell autopsy body), and in Jacobs's last book, I think he makes it pretty clear that it's Grays. (The early hybrids even looked like a mix between the two, with successive variants looking more and more human.)
That makes sense if the goal is to have a population made up of individuals that can easily pass as normal human beings but that are totally under the mental control of a third group, and there are references within the C's material that the Grays themselves ar are "cyber-genetic probes" under the control of the reptilian aliens.
Q: (Joe) Okay. And do they have a mission that they're aware of? Do they know why they're walking around?

A: Indeed. Usually acting as "handlers" or agents provocateur.

Q: (Joe) So from our perspective, their mission, it would be nefarious?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are there any of them running that show over there in Ukraine?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are there any of them handling members of the US government?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Handling high-level members of other governments?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Handling leaders of different types of, like, media or whatever, like influencers and such?

A: Yes yes yes

Q: (Joe) Are any of them on YouTube?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) With large-follower channels?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Give us one name. [laughter]

A: No
That Pasternak guy, who is allegedly a celebrity trainer, fits that description pretty well. He seems to be smart, a celebrity, has a Canadian DoD background, and from what was revealed by Kayne West, was his handler:

From the Wikipedia entry about him:

Early life​

He was born in Toronto, Canada and later moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the fitness industry.[citation needed] Pasternak is Jewish and grew up in a 'typical Ashkenazi household'.[1]

Pasternak graduated from York Mills Collegiate Institute and holds an honor's degree in kinesiology from the University of Western Ontario and a master's degree in exercise physiology and nutritional sciences from the University of Toronto.

During his time at University of Toronto, Pasternak served as a nutrition and exercise scientist at Department of National Defence's Defence and Civil Institute for Environmental Medicine from 2005 to 2007. As a scientist, he focused on performance physiology and nutrition, with a specialty in caffeine and ephedrine. His work was published in the scientific journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise in June 2003[2] and in The Canadian Journal of Sports Medicine. Pasternak is also certified by the American College of Sports Medicine and is an IDEA Master Trainer.[3]

Notable clients​

Pasternak has worked extensively with numerous celebrities.[4][5]

In 1999, Dr. Marvin Waxman introduced Pasternak to producer Don Carmody, who hired Pasternak to work with Jim Caviezel and cast on his film Angel Eyes.[6] After several subsequent films, Carmody hired Pasternak to train Halle Berry, Robert Downey Jr., and Penélope Cruz on the set of Gothika in Montreal. Berry suggested Pasternak move permanently from Toronto to Los Angeles to continue to work together, which he did.[7][6]

In 2004, Berry played the title role in Catwoman, a role for which she trained exclusively with Pasternak. Pasternak appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Showto discuss Berry's training.[8] After Winfrey suggested that he write a book about his program,[9] he published 5-Factor Fitness: The Diet and Fitness Secret of Hollywood's A-List in 2005.

In 2022, Pasternak cut ties with rapper Kanye West after West posted a series of anti-Semitic messages on social media. Pasternak was West's former personal trainer, and said that West had a history of mental health issues.[10] In response, West released a tweet which showed texts between the two, alleging that he had been "drugged out of [his] mind to make [him] a manageable well-behaved celebrity" and that Pasternak had threatened to do that again and put him into "zombieland."[11][12]

More on Pasternak here:
Many thanks for the session! 🙏🏻❤️

If there were several onboard, were they aware of each other or could they have been even a 'team'? The guy on video looks alone, but doesn't mean he hadn't his back covered. My question would be: do they recognize each other as some people say about psycopaths?
(Possibility of Being) Do they recognize each other?

A: Yes
Regarding the 'Plane Lady'-

I just wanted to add this tidbit that I found from this session. The Middle Eastern Guy that they interviewed did seem "OFF" somehow.
To me he looked a bit like a Neanderthal. :-/
The middle eastern guy (looks Persian to me) whilst strange does not strike me as a hybrid - he's rather out of shape for some hybrid :huh:. I find it a bit weird though that he doesn't know what "assault" means but he speaks good English. Assault isn't some fancy word ! So that's kind of weird to me.

Anyways, IF he's a hybrid to me he seems quite similar to millions of other people of a similar profile - middle aged hairy middle eastern / Persian guy with a tummy on him and bald head to boot (c'mon, is he really the hybrid?).
That makes sense if the goal is to have a population made up of individuals that can easily pass as normal human beings but that are totally under the mental control of a third group, and there are references within the C's material that the Grays themselves ar are "cyber-genetic probes" under the control of the reptilian aliens.
That’s my question also. Are the Hubrids also functioning as cyber genetic probes— in (near) constant remote control by a 4d controller that calls the shots? How close is the connection? What are all the implications of this? They seem immense for sure.
A book i'm reading about hybrids (by David Jacobs, tipped by someone in this thread) states that hybrids ought to have larger than average irises: this could set apart a hybrid from an ordinary human. Allthough the latest 'versions' supposedly don't have this distinct exterior treat any more.

I highly doubt one could recognize a hybrid merely by looking at them with your physical eyes. Perhaps in 4d, when the playingfield is supposed to be leveled, it would be more easy to make the proper distinction.
I've not read the book yet but could it be that their pupils are just smaller making the iris look bigger? simple adaptation as there's no sun underground...
also their pupil change as a physiological response may look different, that alone could trigger some people for sure
I've not read the book yet but could it be that their pupils are just smaller making the iris look bigger? simple adaptation as there's no sun underground...
also their pupil change as a physiological response may look different, that alone could trigger some people for sure
I am writing this from memory, having read Jacob's book The Threat many years ago now. I recall that a woman who had been used to breed a hybrid baby was shown a film by the Greys on one of their spaceships in which she saw normal humans and hybrids, as family groups, posing together. She gathered from this that this was their (i.e., the lizards and STS Orions) ultimate goal - to make the two groups of humans virtually indistinguishable so that effectively they became one. Please feel free to correct me if I got any of the details wrong but that is the gist of what I remember, which quite shocked me at the time.​
A book i'm reading about hybrids (by David Jacobs, tipped by someone in this thread) states that hybrids ought to have larger than average irises: this could set apart a hybrid from an ordinary human. Allthough the latest 'versions' supposedly don't have this distinct exterior treat any more.

Princess Beatrice of York's eyes come to mind.

Princess Beatrice of York is the daughter of Prince Andrew of England and Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II. The press considers her a truly atypical character as she is basically a marginal character within the Royal house. She was christened by the Daily Mail as the idle granddaughter of Elizabeth II.

They all know each other...

It was learned that Jeffrey Epstein was at Windsor Castle in 2006, invited by Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson to the 18th birthday of their daughter Princess Beatrice. Another good friend of the prince, producer Harvey Weinstein, accused of sexual assault by several Hollywood actresses, was also there.

Some say that Beatriz is extremely similar to Queen Victoria. A reincarnation through genetic manipulation?


Here’s my take: What goes around comes around. If we are in a time loop, we have already had to confront these bastards and our intrinsic reaction/response/knowledge is already programmed/imbedded into our DNA. So, for me, the question is more like-how will I respond to my pre-programmed reaction? (When in the presence of whatever it is) Go into Archangel Michael mode or Run Luke Run? Or?

In the final analysis, preliminary analysis is likely to fly right out the window when “it’s on”. And Perhaps that’s what happened to the plane lady?
That makes sense if the goal is to have a population made up of individuals that can easily pass as normal human beings but that are totally under the mental control of a third group, and there are references within the C's material that the Grays themselves ar are "cyber-genetic probes" under the control of the reptilian aliens.
Perhaps science fiction got there first in warning us of just such a world in the famous 1956 movie The Invasion of the Body Snatchers - see Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Wikipedia. At the time the movie was made, it was supposed to reflect a communist stealth takeover of America at a time when Cold War propaganda was ramping up and the McCarthy communist witch hunt hearings were in full swing. However, on an other level it is eerily reminiscent of what the C's have spoken about, a world where humans have been replaced by soulless human hybrid replicas. As the movie synopsis says: They reveal that an extraterrestrial life form is responsible for the invasion. After their takeover, humanity will lose all emotions and sense of individuality, creating a simplistic, bleak world. The fact that the pod people duplicates replaced people when they were sleeping may be analogous to how most of the human race is effectively asleep to what the STS aliens and the underground civilisation(s) are doing to us right now. Hence, if this Forum allows more people to wake up to what is a real and present danger to ours and our children's future, it will be doing a great service to humanity.

Three subsequent adaptations of The Body Snatchers have been made: Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), Body Snatchers (1993), and The Invasion (2007).​
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