Session 29 July 2023

Regarding the lady in the plane, if she freaked out because of the energy of an undergrounder, we cannot ascertain who it was from whatever happened afterwards. First of all, that she consciously "saw something" is a stretch. Sometimes you meet someone quite normal, but you just feel uncomfortable for some unknown reason. It is possible that the woman had a freakout for reasons unknown to her where such expressions as "he's not real" were from her subconscious in a moment of panic, and whatever happened afterwards could be self-justification, or implanted suggestions. If I was an evil dude with psychic powers and someone freaks out because they're somehow sensitive, one way of diverting attention from me would be to make a telepathic/hypnotic suggestion that the problem is that unsuspecting person there and disappear. So, speculation in these murky territories can sometimes be misleading.
The interesting thing about these undergrounders and hybrids is that they look externally like ordinary humans. However, I don't think they are homogeneously distributed among the population. They wouldn't be hanging out in some remote rural villages in the middle of nowhere, but if they have missions and agendas, the most probable is to find them in key positions in the military, politics, academia, media, and the corporate world.
Regarding the lady in the plane, if she freaked out because of the energy of an undergrounder, we cannot ascertain who it was from whatever happened afterwards. First of all, that she consciously "saw something" is a stretch. Sometimes you meet someone quite normal, but you just feel uncomfortable for some unknown reason. It is possible that the woman had a freakout for reasons unknown to her where such expressions as "he's not real" were from her subconscious in a moment of panic, and whatever happened afterwards could be self-justification, or implanted suggestions. If I was an evil dude with psychic powers and someone freaks out because they're somehow sensitive, one way of diverting attention from me would be to make a telepathic/hypnotic suggestion that the problem is that unsuspecting person there and disappear. So, speculation in these murky territories can sometimes be misleading.
The interesting thing about these undergrounders and hybrids is that they look externally like ordinary humans. However, I don't think they are homogeneously distributed among the population. They wouldn't be hanging out in some remote rural villages in the middle of nowhere, but if they have missions and agendas, the most probable is to find them in key positions in the military, politics, academia, media, and the corporate world.

Good points. I just remembered that book Operators and Things. At the time of reading, I assumed the operators were the author's unconscious metaphor for 4d Sts and general 'beaming', but it's somehow more terrifying to imagine that there may be very real humans trying to operate on people's minds. Could even be sitting right behind you on a plane..
Going off of the C's suggestion that hybrids are usually "smart," there is one criminal that apparently had an IQ of 200, named Nathan Leopold. Inspired by Nietzsche, he considered himself above the ethics of society. His alibi fell through for the murder he committed. After being released from prison, he worked at a hospital and taught classes at the University of Puerto Rico.

In all likelihood he may not be a hybrid, but here's a face to the psychopath from Wikipedia, if anything can be gleaned from comparing.

That's in case we are looking at an innocent person in the video. The answer is vague enough (the energy of a hybrid) that I suppose the hybrid could be anyone. Perhaps the energy is even the violence or other stressful or negative emotions that came through the woman in the video. It's a puzzle to me.

It'd be simpler if I could take it on face value, so I looked up this Leopold to keep me from getting carried away.
A clear case of sanpaku eyes for sure. Seen a lot by well known psychopaths.

A book i'm reading about hybrids (by David Jacobs, tipped by someone in this thread) states that hybrids ought to have larger than average irises: this could set apart a hybrid from an ordinary human. Allthough the latest 'versions' supposedly don't have this distinct exterior treat any more.

I highly doubt one could recognize a hybrid merely by looking at them with your physical eyes. Perhaps in 4d, when the playingfield is supposed to be leveled, it would be more easy to make the proper distinction.
A clear case of sanpaku eyes for sure. Seen a lot by well known psychopaths.

A book i'm reading about hybrids (by David Jacobs, tipped by someone in this thread) states that hybrids ought to have larger than average irises: this could set apart a hybrid from an ordinary human. Allthough the latest 'versions' supposedly don't have this distinct exterior treat any more.

I highly doubt one could recognize a hybrid merely by looking at them with your physical eyes. Perhaps in 4d, when the playingfield is supposed to be leveled, it would be more easy to make the proper distinction.
The following is my impression. It is very difficult to say that someone is an organic portal, however in the people that I have come to the conclusion that perhaps they are organic portals, I have observed a common biological trait.

Bulging eyes, as if lifeless and nervous.

If you have ever seen the eyes of a horse, there is a certain similarity.

Of course, these are just my personal impressions.
If there is something 'sinister' that had not been made operational as of the time of the above mentioned remote viewings, it seems from the below that the weapons and technologies sensed then are now very much being put to use.

The following is an interview with Eric Hecker, an alleged whistleblower, who worked as a contractor for Raytheon Techologies more than a decade ago at the South Pole.

He states that Raytheon has an 'ice cube neutrino detector' array/directed energy weapon that was responsible for accidentally inducing the earthquake at Christchurch, New Zealand in 2011.

According to Hecker this technology has several different applications. Among them is that it serves as an 'air traffic control center' for all kinds of craft, and faster than light communication for an off-world space fleet and (or) lasers that send information into space.

Some of the more disturbing things Hecker mentions: thought projection of intrusive thoughts by the manipulation of electromagnetic impulses that can affect decision making, and an ELF system (that is perhaps being used like HAARP to keep people asleep, zombified, passive/aggressive, whatever). Some of what he says sounds very much like the beaming technology that the C's have told us exists.

Towards the end, Hecker makes the point that we should 'know thyself' - and that we are in a state of war that most of the world does not know is being waged against us.

Its interesting to note that the sitting US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, used to sit on the Board of Raytheon. This, of course, speaks to just how blurred the lines are between those in government, the military, and the corporations that wield exotic 'secret government' technology.

Its also interesting to note that Eric Hecker, according to the bio read in the interview, was trained as a remote viewer for the Stargate Project, a sister project to Grill Flame, mentioned in the above video. So in a strange web of coincidence or synchronicity, Hecker, if he is to be believed, is verifying what his remote viewing brethren have claimed exists over 40 years ago.

FWIW - Following a link in a French comment on Sott, I've just found that Eric Hecker has its own Website: Deciphering - My experience
When one go on its Archives link, here is the list of documents one can read:

Bulging eyes, as if lifeless and nervous.
After the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard defamation trial, I began taking a closer look at the appearance of psychopaths, especially their eyes.

Darrell Brooks

Amber Heard

Not matter how you look at them, something is fishy—as if they were lifeless! Somehow, they are lacking 'sharpness' in their look, giving the impression that they are 'not really there.' If this is a possible marker for psychopaths, i.e. 'failed' OPs, spotting a souled Undergrounder just by observing them could be near impossible.
If this is a possible marker for psychopaths, i.e. 'failed' OPs, spotting a souled Undergrounder just by observing them could be near impossible.
Yes I agree.

But there is a small detail to take into account.

The person you are referring to will detect you before, so someone empathetic, like many in the forum, can realize that unusual and strange interest in us, something that is not usual.

Then, if we look at that person, we will see abilities that are higher than normal. Linguistic, physical, very fast and fluid ability with things, like innate, etc...

However, the certainty about that person will never be complete, because they will continue in their role that they are normal people.
And the movie "The Truman Show" is a perfect example of this.

Truman lives a life fabricated by a society that he has no news or knowledge of.

But the people around him occasionally do weird things and it gives them away.

Is this understood?

Once again, these are all clues, nothing more.
Judge not lest ye be judged. The more I am grounded in the sobriety of the 4th way; the more I am aware of the “terror of the situation “, the deader my eyes can look. Or at least that’s the way it feels to me.

Can a hybrid be detected any more than an OP or a psychopath or a drug addict or a moron? And If you become aware of one, what’s the right response? Are we in the 2023 remake of invasion of the body snatchers; up close and personal? Should we scream and point? Or will they?
Reading all this together prompts some questions:
  • What is the average depth of these structures? Is our understanding of Earth's strata so poor, or is the deepest one actually so deep, in the liquid outer core? If so, how? What about the "ultra-low velocity zones"?
  • In this last session, the C's said that the number of undergrounders operating on the surface varied between 2 and 2.5 million. What is the total population of undergrounders, both underground AND on the surface? The only other numbers I could find were for Thor's Pantheum (1.6 million) and some numbers of people recovered during wars (tens of thousands from the wars mentioned).
  • How many undergrounders are still in hibernation? Or have they been activated at the present time?
  • What was the initial impetus for going underground 14,000 years ago? Was it Atlanteans in preparation for cataclysms?
Also, this excerpt from the 9/21/96 session is curious:

Which sounds like both sides are just involved in doing the same sorts of things (influencing creative types), but they are not technically working together. Connections here to the Quorum and Nordic Covenant? But if Thor's Pantheum is located mostly underground, does that mean some are STO? Since the projecting is only "mostly" down underground, are the ones who aren't underground the STO ones?

I'd add another question to the list - if these hybrids are part human and part alien, which alien genetics are being used? I inferred from reading The Threat by Jacobs that humans are being spliced with grays via the abduction breeding program, but it wasn't all that clear.
I'd add another question to the list - if these hybrids are part human and part alien, which alien genetics are being used? I inferred from reading The Threat by Jacobs that humans are being spliced with grays via the abduction breeding program, but it wasn't all that clear.
Maybe there's a variety, but the one reference to hybrids in the transcripts that specifies says Grays (9/9/95 - the Roswell autopsy body), and in Jacobs's last book, I think he makes it pretty clear that it's Grays. (The early hybrids even looked like a mix between the two, with successive variants looking more and more human.)
I'd add another question to the list - if these hybrids are part human and part alien, which alien genetics are being used? I inferred from reading The Threat by Jacobs that humans are being spliced with grays via the abduction breeding program, but it wasn't all that clear.
  • If the humans went underground 14,000 years back and constant reinforcement later, some of the underground people who came back to surface for a job ( after training - memory wiping , some genetic tweaking etc. ) can very well look like us too. Right?. some genetic tweaks has marked visible changes and some may not.
  • Probably admixing of them with genetics of Grays may have drastic changes depending up on the extent of mixing, intent and purpose. So Hybrid doesn't mean they must have different look.
  • How much humans who survived on the surface look different in the 14,000 years? Probably not too much. Even the surface population had their genetic tweak too ( Indo-european Aryans etc.).
  • C's mentioned 3 races in Atlantis : Native Americans ( still here), Aryans ( Most of the current population ) and extinct race Paranthas ( Australian aboriginies). In that sense, most of the surface population too are Aryans. But in the underground ALL of them are Aryans, as per C's.
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