Session 29 July 2023

Well, Id like to comment on the incident with the lady in the plane, we all know that this world is stranger than fiction so no surprise some people freak out upon encountering the most unusual of circumstances happening all at once from all angles of fear targeting vulnerable souls who may be paranoid or overly sensitive about their safety and security whenever they do things they mostly fear like flying etc..we know the drill..let's just say, at least for me it feels like a natural knee jerk reaction had I interacted with a disembodied like creature while I am sleeping (my most vulnerable state) or whoever tries to get the most out of my fears or of whatever state of vulnerability I am in at the moment, but in any case, hybrids are probably organic containers, organic portals if you say so, for all kinds of disembodied creatures to do their dirty deeds, get what they want and then play innocent afterwards, so the natural question that springs out of mind is, how many of those hybrids are actually individuated souls? I guess, possibilities are limitless, but I remember the question has been asked before and the answer was next to urghh..things are flowing and moving fast now, and hey , you know what, I've just read articles about how both Mars and Earth are rotating faster around their axis but nobody has an explanation as to why, I thought the Earth's crest rotation has slowed down, what's going on? I know, it is only detectable by sensitive instruments and yet. Not me, articles pop up everywhere on this subject.

On another note, however

I think Earth's rotation is speeding up. This likely has to do with increased current flow due to the approach of the sun's dark twin. There's some discussion on the topic here:

There's also this article, which links faster rotation with grand solar minima:

On many levels, this was like a reality sinking in session, although all before was a step by step directing to this point. Thus, when human kind fell all that time ago, boy did we fall and get hood winked.

Thank all you so much for holding the session and the efforts to bring people the words letter by letter from the Cs, your future selves.

Around the time [ 2016 ] when the Syrian ambassador to the United nations Dr. Bashar Jaafari talked of genetically modified American Super soldiers in his country , Putin described these human chimeras as " worse than atomic bombs." He said that they showed " no fear , no compassion , no regret , no pain '.Extra ordinary capacities. Are we also to expect advanced mutants to be used against unfortunate populations when the decision is made ? Well...if the speed of a cheetah , the ferocity and strength of a lion , the olfatory of a feral cat and the homing device of a vulture can enhance the capacities of a mere human then you and I will be looking at a mighty foe. Perhaps they are very meticulous psychopaths from the underground worlds. Perhaps... a replay from the laboratories of ancient times ie. centaurs. ogres, mermaids, giants .

From 2015:

This 1995 session leads off and maintains a look to the underground:

Session 20 May 1995

One might imagine, that the 36 million coming from out there (close to the population of California) may have welcoming committees from below, and from below they can then easily transfer around and pop up near anywhere.

Q: (L) So the 36 million will be against all on the planet when the time comes?

A: Of course.

In 1994 there are some factors mentioned:

Q: (L) I am assuming that if the Nephilim are 3 d that they die like we do. Is this correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, we can shoot them and they will die?

A: Correct. But wrong approach.

Q: (L) What is the right approach?

A: Knowledge protects.

Q: (L) Well, if a 15 foot tall guy comes at me and wants to knock me around, what is knowledge going to do to protect me?

A: You will be in 4th density.

Q: (L) So, before they get here we will be 4 d?


(L) All three of us?

A: Yes, and many others.

Q: (L) So, we are not going to have to deal with the Nephilim?

A: Not correct.

Q: (L) Does this mean that there will be 3 and 4 d beings on the planet at the same time and that some will have to deal with these guys and some won't?

A: But you will have to too.

Q: (L) I don't understand. Are these Nephilim coming here to transition to 4 d also?

A: They already live there as 3 density beings. Demonstration: When you are abducted you are 3rd density but you are taken into 4th density.

So, for some they will deal with them perhaps in a state of partial physicality - crossing into 4d. What that might look like, don't know.

On a lighter note, @Benjamin and @Debra were discussing Crows, which caught my attention as they have been roosting near our home and have become rather emboldened right onto the deck 2 feet away:


Your discussions reminded me of John Marzluff, with the documentary film and this little bit on facial recognition with Crows (it was in the forum somewhere long ago):

May 26, 2012
Learn more about Gifts of the Crow at Watch John Marzluff, author of GIFTS OF THE CROW, demonstrate crows recognizing human faces. From the film "A Murder of Crows" by Susan Flemming, photography by Keith Brust.

You can watch how the Crows react to Dick Cheney - oh, they didn't like the guy, and they told their friends:

Session Date: July 29th 2023

Q: (Farmies) Previously, the Cs said Michelle Obama isn't a man. Was Michelle Obama born a biological female?

(L) Clever! [laughter]

A: No

Q: (L) But you said she wasn't a man.

(Chu) Anymore...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) What? That's confusing. You have to explain that.

(Niall) Hermaphrodite.

(Joe) What was she born? I mean, what's the deal?

(L) Could Michelle Obama be a hermaphrodite?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is she one of those underground people?

A: No

Q: (L) Well, hermaphrodite is, as I understand it - and some of you people can correct me if I'm wrong - is an individual born with both sets of sexual organs. It can be an individual who has both a penis and a vagina.

(Gaby) But usually they will be XY or XX even though they're hermaphrodites. There's like a medical anomaly. You know, one gender will predominate.

(L) Is that what we're looking at here?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So I bet Barry was glad, huh? [laughter]

(Niall) So the rumors are true-ISH!

(Joe) What? Well, hang on. I still dunno what's going on! [laughter] What's the deal? Does she...

(Niall) She has junk in the trunk. [laughter]

(Joe) Does she have a...

(Andromeda) Is she still fully equipped on both sides?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) That's what people in these videos see, kind of like protruding or swinging under her dresses?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So why would... Obama thought that was attractive?

A: Best of both worlds for a sick person like him.

Q: (L) Is that a value judgment?

A: No. Clinical diagnosis.

Q: (L) So you're saying Barry Obama is a sick person. Sick in what way?

A: Psychopath.

Q: (Joe) Is he an underground person?

A: No, not smart enough.

Q: (Niall) What happened to their chef last week? He was found dead in the house.

A: Drugs. Daughter involved.

Q: (Joe) Obama's daughter?

A: Yes

Q: (L) His fake daughter.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Where did he get them daughters from?

(L) Well, they know, I mean, that's been put up on the web before, the parents of those girls that have been photographed with them and with the Obamas.

(Joe) They don't recognize them as being adopted.

(L) Right.

(Joe) It's not officially recognized.

(L) No.

(Joe) They claim that it's Michelle and Barry's daughters.

(L) Right. It's a big fake.

(seek10): How many people are like that in the world currently? Like Michelle Obama?

(L) You mean hermaphrodites?

(seek10) Right.

(L) What's the... It's very small.

(Gaby) It's very, very rare.

A: Less than 5K.

Q: (Andromeda) Very rare.

(Joe) And then becoming the First Lady. What are the odds?

(Andromeda) But it does explain a lot.


Interesting tidbit, seems that the C's hit the mark once again, here's a news clip of Obama's Gay Fantasies before he married Michelle Obama. It seems that he really did get the best of 'both' worlds. :cool2:

So, finally we can see who Tiffany Gomas AKA the plane lady was pointing at saying that he wasn’t real. Check this report.

I mean, there is indeed something off about the guy. And you can hear her say to however she was talking to on the phone in the last part of the video that she wasn’t lying. She sounded convinced. The police officers on the other hand sounded and acted really dumb when questioning her.
And there is more to the story, although don’t know how credible this would be but apparently the business website from Tiffany Gomas is hosted on a militar building in Ohio, meaning there is implication with her and the FEDs or perhaps she is related somehow with the government.

(For some reason the TikTok video didn’t show up correctly here)
So, finally we can see who Tiffany Gomas AKA the plane lady was pointing at saying that he wasn’t real. Check this report.

I mean, there is indeed something off about the guy. And you can hear her say to however she was talking to on the phone in the last part of the video that she wasn’t lying. She sounded convinced. The police officers on the other hand sounded and acted really dumb when questioning her.

I'm probably wrong about this but the Tiffany Gomas giving the apology at the end of the video doesn't seem like the same person. She looks different than the "crazy plane lady" to me, and her voice is not quite the same, at least to me. Anyway, pretty weird stuff.
So, finally we can see who Tiffany Gomas AKA the plane lady was pointing at saying that he wasn’t real. Check this report.

I mean, there is indeed something off about the guy. And you can hear her say to however she was talking to on the phone in the last part of the video that she wasn’t lying. She sounded convinced. The police officers on the other hand sounded and acted really dumb when questioning her.

Well, she sounds pretty hostile and disagreeable in general. So hard to know. The guy she freaked out over seems like a relatively recent immigrant, maybe Middle Eastern. I can imagine him being a bit creepy. Maybe that's how their "energy" manifests, creepy.
To clarify: hasn't this Middle Eastern guy got assaulted by her after she left the plane?

From the above video description, he seems to be real ;-)
The Texas marketing executive behind the viral “that motherf–ker is not real” plane meltdown assaulted a man in the terminal after she was dragged off the American Airlines flight — then laughed when cops questioned her about it. Police body-cam footage obtained by The Post shows the innocent bystander describing the random attack by Tiffany Gomas.“I was just sitting right here, and she just come and [demonstrating a shoving motion] pushing me and she,” the unidentified man told authorities.

Gomas was kicked off a July 2 American Airlines flight from Texas to Orlando, after she launched into an epic caught-on-camera tirade following an argument over AirPods. The 38-year-old then continued her freak out in the terminal when she shoved the unsuspecting man, according to the footage.
To clarify: hasn't this Middle Eastern guy got assaulted by her after she left the plane?

Just a possible scenario based on the possibility that the Middle Eastern Man was the Undergounder with the frightening energy field--that he was able to plant the suggestion/image in some people's minds that Tiffany Gomas had laid hands on him to make her appear unstable and place her in a bind.

David Jacob says that they "hubrids" usually have company/protection, so that he could have had help as well.

Tiffany Gomas seemed genuinely surprised that she was being accused of touching the man, and it seems like unlikely behavior to me.
Q: (Joe) Why was that tech not adequate? I suppose maybe you had to have a certain infrastructure on the planet of technology in order to control them on the planet...

A: Yes

I note that the leaker "Victor" in the Art Bell interview felt that the alien tech had been deliberately gifted by the Aliens and perhaps now we know one of the reasons. Supposedly the UFO had been shot down by human tech, which Victor did not think was possible without the Aliens allowing it to happen based on their level of technological sophistication. It's another episode of, "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts."
Last edited:
I can't believe you took the whole effort to describe alien video and never asked anything about it. What alien was it, what was its purpose on Earth, what has it been saying in the interview, where was it from etc. Pretty much talking with the Holy Ghost, or with an omniscient narrator, you're like 'nah, I'm good, lol, just asking, never mind'. Why even bother if you don't really care? I know it's a discussion and there were some questions later on, but it felt sort of ridiculous.
I remember Cs talking about the famous alien autopsy video which I've seen even on the TV, as much as it was mentioned in some paranormal magazine etc. Later it got revealed by its creators the video was fake. The autopsies were not behaving as usual, I don't remember if it was said here or elsewhere, maybe there. Yet the Cs listed specific organs removed from the alien, calling it true. So we have people claiming creating the video as joke, and Cs telling it was a real alien. Not to mention, before the internet, such video was sold on VHS.
In case of the interview video talked here, what makes it seemingly fake is all the bad light, flashlight thrilling effect etc. It's how you create fake video and try to hide imperfections, making it more scary etc. Like a cheap horror movie. Do you really suppose people in a super classified military base would have to hide the alien in the dark, so the cleaning lady from outside the room wouldn't see it? Or maybe the alien was sensitive to the light? Sure, but all I thought about their eyes being dark is evolutionary adaptation to starlights. So yeah, maybe lamps wouldn't hurt it, and flashlights are even more sharp.
Digression: that alien reminds me of E.T. a bit, seemingly harmless. We've had the famous The War of the Worlds earlier, so I'm not sure if the aliens were seen more humane before and more hostile, like Alien or Predator, later on. Even The Close Encounters didn't have such hostile aliens. Men in Black had it mixed, I guess. I'm talking about the vision of aliens being more affirming when they are hostile, though it can be due to general addiction of people to adrenaline making such movies more exciting. And of course later it's easier to sell all the comforting products. I'm not sure if you noticed how much we are bombed with stress, while it was said the actual aliens sort of eat its byproducts. And well, you talk about people eating byproducts of stress. Funny, huh?
All in all, I think it was all more humane in the 70s, for example. Even though we've had similar amounts of suffer, ignorance etc.
Now Obama. I'm not sure if he's a psychopath, but if Cs mention it, he might be. Let's consider it. All the psychopaths I knew were sadists to some extent. They were dangerous people, sometimes manipulative, sometimes unaware of their traits, more or less highly functioning and sociopathic, depending on the psychological structure, but most you would call sociopaths at some point and no matter of their positive traits like charm, some sort of generosity, even friendliness, you would notice excessive egoism, some kind of corruption or sickness, taking pleasure in making people suffer etc. Is Obama like this? I think he's a diplomat with a certain amount of sincerity. Basically, the political world was created by psychopaths. I don't know if you've noticed it, or I've heard it elsewhere, but they say 20% of CEOs have psychopathic tendencies. You can say the same about corporations, governments, the military, if you think of leaders as CEOs. The flagship 1% of psychopaths in the society was rather relating to criminology. I think we're talking about a vision of Hanibal Lecter and one that got caught. That is, treating psychopaths as potential criminals. Most studies recognize behaviors that exceed social and legal norms as early as childhood as an indicator of psychopathy, and there is probably a lot of truth in this, but the famous 1% is rather the result of prison research, because no psychopath was likely to participate voluntarily in the questionnaire, and although they can be disarmingly honest despite their manipulative tendencies, didn't say "yes, I'm a psychopath," just as they voluntarily don't go to therapy en masse. So I think there are more psychopaths and people with such traits in society, but as James Fallon pointed out, not all of them are typical criminals, they can be high functioning, commit petty crimes, or they get away with a lot of things, because contrary to appearances, people do not care that much for our resume if you demonstrate leadership and self-confidence. What I'm talking about is psychopathy being a disorder of people who have their own character, personality type, zodiac sign, upbringing environment, etc. It can also mean being humane. And that being said, knowing psychopaths personally, I could presume some fraud, sadistic tendencies, dangerous behavior etc. Is Obama like this?
I don't know him much, all I know he was a nice diplomat and he killed Osama, which doesn't seem so bad. Worse things happen in the world now from both sides of the conflict, in the North Korea, or wherever. And it is difficult for me to think of him making harm. Like, just because they are black and successful, but compare him to O. J. Simpson. That being said, he has some sort of psychopathic laugh and a manner of understanding and dominating the surroundings, allowing him being in a position he got to in the first place.
I've just seen his interview with Jimmy Fallon and funnily in context of this channeling session, it started with Jimmy mentioning awkward first impression not knowing how to call the first lady: Ms Obama, First Lady Ms Obama, Ms First Lady etc. Obama didn't bat an eye, but if to consider your version, it's how people would behave around psychopaths: instinctively digging to the truth, revealing it unawarely, expecting some sort of empathizing and explanation while psychopath wouldn't participate. The talk followed, and Obama said at some point: 'you're talking about sentimentality'. Well it's something a psychologist would say, maybe an experience diplomat, but it's also a cold empathy a psychopath would have. Like no one concludes emotional context like that in a usual talk. So despite it being a brief interview, it makes a nice studying box. Which doesn't probe Obama being a sadist, or a sick person, though. I think it mostly proves him being a diplomat and really maybe a psychopath in a James Fallon sense.
Another thing. The evil. I think it is really vague. You are in the bottom of this. I took a walk and seen people who never thought about such things, questioned hierarchy, understood anything about energy fields or thinking patterns, not to mention imagining any patriarchal structure as not even multidimensional but maybe governmental world. You got the chance of revealing the truth about what is actually steering this world, in what exact structures, throughout what hierarchy. And you didn't want to. I am in no way tempted to find out, although I once expressed a wish to look evil in the eye when I was ready, and I think I already know what evil is. And I am in no way encouraging you. At the same time, you are perhaps the only people throughout history who, after many years of effort, can find out where the world stands, and you give up. I wonder what your goal as a group is. do you want to go to fourth density. Or are you simply interested in the truth about various topics. Do you want to know the secrets of existence. Do you behave spontaneously? Is it for the sake of your well-being and keeping yourself sane? Neo in the Matrix vomited when he found out the truth, but on the other hand, it's all there anyway, if it exists, whether you know it or not. Kinda like Matrix 4.
There was a 4D STS guy in your room and you didn't wanna know it. Now you don't wanna know what Fox Mulder did try to, leading him to an underground base like in Konami Contra. But I understand it as some boundary protecting you actually, and it seems right. Especially with my anxious sense of such things getting projected and manifested through reality, somewhat formulating the answer.
I think Star Wars talked a lot about free will, as one of the main themes, the choice between the light side of the force and the dark side was not and could never be imposed. Luke Skywalker talked to Vader and Palpatine, who was easy to kill because he was portrayed as a kind of masochist. But we should remember that life is not a movie. And if we are Jedi Knights, aside from some degree of manipulation or temptation, the Beast may just want to kill us. And it is no joke.
Finally, I will mention the children from the underground. There was a show called Pretender about it. I also once wrote a story in which the government creates the world by populating it with such children. Partly manipulated, partly responsible for control. There is a series of murders because people from the previous world, the more natural one, connect with the genetically modified inhabitants of the modern world. A psychopath appears who cuts everyone equally, the others just kill each other due to the difference in mentality. It's funny because when I was a kid, there was a Pretender show on TV about an underworld guy being hunted by the CIA who didn't want to work for them, taking on various jobs helping people as a typical STO genius. Sliders about interdimensional and time travel. PSI factor, some kind of X Files, which were also broadcasted, and I was terribly afraid of them, especially all the intros and his melodies. Plus Gray Skies. And a series about a newspaper from the future. Seeing it now, I'm not a bit surprised that I found you, since as a teenager in one year someone decided to show me all this on TV. Perhaps some enthusiast, although subconsciously I felt that there was some kind of higher inspiration in it. As if television could be a link to God.
I don't really wanna say it, but I just remembered Cs saying that 'Jesus is in sixth density for special ops'. Talking about predictions, it adds to VP being the same soul group, who, as the Cassiopaeans have also revealed, knows less than we might have previously suspected. But the point is they given you exact hint of what's gonna happen, I guess years before it did. At the same time, I knew how prophecies worked and why they were presented as they were. You should remember that you yourself pushed the prophecies. The Cassiopaeans have always talked about the openness of events, the illusion of time, the subjective view, etc. well, as soon as you found out that they are "people from the future", with our linear and quite limited perception of time, chronology of events, etc. we couldn't not ask what will happen. It's like it just comes up. I have the impression that sometimes it was the initiative of the Cassiopaeans, but only relating to our sense of reality and need. Cs would relate to your need of learning, and would be empathetic beyond what we notice.
I won't comment on other stuff as it sort of remind me of tabloids, as if you need a breather, but maybe it's because we're talking about, e.g. the Royal Family. It's part of the world, yet I'm not sure how it relates.
For the purposes of my research, I edited your session to a more simplified form. I am attaching it so that it will not go to waste, maybe someone will find it useful. I also asked Open AI to list the topics of the session, I'm attaching it as well. (Yes, the dangerous AI got access to your information, but I doubt those from v3.5 are processed).
With regards and take care.


(Josi) What did the woman see, who made a scene while getting off a plane in Dallas by saying "That MFer is not real"?

A: Flipped out from the energy of one of the hybrids.
Connecting above to the latest video update on said lady in last Newsreal. She has an important addition to say:
Hybrid on Plane freaks out Human Woman.png
Sorry.. I couldn't resist. :D God, I hate the Lizzies..

Anyway in Newsreal Joe and Niall report that this lady had an additional (I think) quite important specific reaction regarding the situation. She is emotionally begging to airport crew:
- I won't fly with y'all ever again! I wanna know what happens with this flight right here! Do NOT let that plane leave!

I would ask the C's:
- Are entire planes getting abducted? With such hybrids aboard to somehow help the abduction process along? Like how this lady was concerned about that flight. Are entire flights getting abducted nowadays?

What state this lady was getting into, I think, its called a typical Psychic Panic. With the stories & rumors about "if you open your third eye you need to control the InFlow". She needs training and experience with her Sensitivities. Untrained psychics go through these states. A Newbie Fit.

For example, when years ago Laura & Team had that conference in that modern, but very low ceilinged conference hall (with the curvy design lines) and she posted photos about it, I had similar psychic panics on two occasions and wanted to call & post that the conference hall will burn and everybody will die in the fire.
Did that event happen in some theoretical but not realized timeline? Was there any danger of it happening? Was the attack thwarted?

God, my palms are beginning to itch. Which is a saying for martial-arts / military people, that "I wanna lay hands on those lizzies".
it seems to me this guy would be an ideal candidate to be from underground /hybred city ..

I’m sure it’s just another coincidence. John Pelletier, the police chief in Maui also just so happened to be the Incident Commander in the Las Vegas false flag shooting event. Nothing to see here however.
He just happens to be a talking head when two completely separate, questionable events happen. They move these criminal bastards around like they do the crisis actors.

(Ze Germans) How many humans/humanoids from the underground civilization are on the surface of the Earth at the moment?

(L) Who asked this question?

(Chu) The Germans.

(L) Germans. They ask weird stuff like that. How many humans/humanoids from the underground? So, how many?

A: Varies with circumstances, but average is about 2 to 2.5 million.

Q: (Andromeda) Walking around up top.

(Joe) And do these people know who they are? I mean...

A: Of course!

Q: (Joe) Okay. And do they have a mission that they're aware of? Do they know why they're walking around?

A: Indeed. Usually acting as "handlers" or agents provocateur.

Q: (Joe) So from our perspective, their mission, it would be nefarious?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are there any of them running that show over there in Ukraine?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are there any of them handling members of the US government?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Handling high-level members of other governments?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Handling leaders of different types of, like, media or whatever, like influencers and such?

A: Yes yes yes

Q: (Joe) Are any of them on YouTube?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) With large-follower channels?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Give us one name. [laughter]

A: No

Q: (Joe) Please. [laughter] Is part of their mission or agenda to prepare the global population for revelation of aliens?

A: Partly, but also involved with depopulation agenda.

Q: (Joe) So these people were born underground?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) And raised underground?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And then appeared as adults on the surface, got a job...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And who made them?

A: Lizards in cahoots with STS Orions.

Q: (Joe) So these are human beings. They're functionally the same, as human as other human beings? Like biologically the same as other human beings, or not?

A: Some genetic tweaks. Most were harvested from human mothers and incubated.

Q: (Gaby) So this is part of the hybridization program that some experiencers or abductees recall?

A: Yes

Q: (Possibility of Being) Do they know good and evil the same way as we would understand it?

A: No

Q: (Joe) Are they - from our perspective - very much like mind-controlled beings in that sense? They don't have much free will?

A: Yes. And much like very efficient psychopaths.

Q: (L) Well.

(Joe) 2.5 million. They pop up and down.

(L) That's friendly.

(Joe) Where do they live normally when they're not on the surface? Where did they grow up and stuff?

A: Underground bases.

Q: (L) And they've described those.

(Ursus Minor) Who or what is making Netanyahu push Israel to the brink?

(L) I think we have that answer! [laughter] Already answered there! Is that something along the line of what these underground handlers would be doing?

A: Yes and also mind manipulation.

Q: (L) Well, some of these people, I swear, you know, I mean, I listen to some of these people, these crazy lefties or these governments, like the Schwab and Trudeau and Al Gore and John Kerry and all of these other people, you know, talking... And if they believe what they're saying, then they don't have enough intelligence to come in out of the rain. If they know that what they're saying is bullshit, then they are super, super evil.

(Andromeda) They're either super evil and lying, or super stupid and mind controlled.

(Joe) How long have these underground psychos been interfering with human affairs in this way?

A: Thousands of years.

Q: (L) That reminds me, remember when I asked the question about Sargon of Akkad? And they called him a deep level punctuator. Is that what a deep level punctuator is? Somebody who comes up and does stuff?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, I mean, 'does stuff' is pretty vague, but you... [laughter]

(Joe) Makes an impact.

(L) Yeah. Makes an impact on human society stuff.

(Niall) Did someone like him, Sargon of Akkad, thousands of years ago, emerge from a high-tech base and play a consciously evil role on the surface where he pretended to be an ancient?

A: They would be educated and trained in congruence with the society of the time. Memory wipe before implantation of mission. However, in earlier times the tech was not adequate so that the outcome was not always certain.

Q: (L) So you're saying that when they would take people and they would have them in underground bases or whatever, they would behave and dress and converse and everything, and the environment was matched to the environment on the surface more or less?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And before they would send somebody out and in some situations they would wipe their memories or, I mean... Are we talking about something that they would do when they were children and then send them to be raised in some way?

A: Some

Q: (L) And then you say that the outcome wasn't always certain because the tech wasn't adequate. You mean the manipulation tech, the hybridization tech?

A: Yes

Q: (L) The controlling of them kind of tech?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Why was that tech not adequate? I suppose maybe you had to have a certain infrastructure on the planet of technology in order to control them on the planet...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. And then there's the other thing... Was it also partly because the bloodline had not been purified enough?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And you say the outcome wasn't certain. What do you mean by the outcome of their plan? What do you mean that it wasn't always certain?

A: Some of the subjects were not sufficiently "evil".
Q: (Joe) Influenced by normal human society.
I have proof of the below phenomenon in bold purple

(L) Maybe they fell in love. [laughter] Romance novel!

(Niall) The vampire really was saved! [laughter]

(L) Oh, it could have happened, right?

(Joe) "Seven nights in a humanoid's bed." [laughter]

(Niall) So you're saying there's a chance... [laughter]
Not so fast! Throwing out the baby with the bathwater I mean! First of all:
The Other Side Of Midnight by Georgia Le Carre

For example, Rocco appears to be clearly a type of - I think we can agree on this - hybrid. Technically. He clearly is NOT a member of his original race anymore, because they lost the ability of flight. They have changed. Probably genetic change is what the writer means.

It was a racial ability, lost, the power of flight. Angels have it in mythology.

Also remember Gurdjieff expertly created an IIRC winged alien race - neutral-benevolent - despite entirely looking like large, cloven-footed, red skinned demons from Hell...

So any flying ability and any blood-sucking vampire ability may be conceptual. A psychological reality, describing False Personalities (blood sucking) or a useful Personality (flight) in the Inner Psyche of Man. When these psychological effects, manifestations occur in 4thD, I think they are just Another Tuesday in Hyperdimensional Realms..

Check this section from the book out again, below, please?
Chapter 54
“If you’ve ever wondered why archeologists sometimes dig up artifacts that carbon date back to hundreds and thousands of years, but those items show signs of being cut by laser machinery or made by some other historically impossible technology and advances, it is because the real history of the earth has been deliberately hidden from you. Humankind has attained greater heights during other cycles of civilization.”
{The name of the 'Lady in Distress' here in this book is Autumn. She appears to be some kind of 6thD STO, 'Bodhisattva'-type being, briefly incarnated to accompany Rocco in this beautiful story. }
She stares at me, her face white and incredulous. Her body frozen in shock.
“During the golden age of Egypt, my descendants took a wrong turn. The same way the fall of humankind was caused by Eve being tempted into eating the forbidden fruit, one of us was seduced by the dark magic of the powerful priesthood of that age. She let one drop of human blood fall on her tongue, and all of us lost the ability to fly. We fell into the sin of craving blood above all else. And there we have remained ever since.”
This bolded sentence above cannot be left without comment: I think its conceptual and a simple 'feeding subconscious remnant mechanism', a False Personality in 4thD. Appearing in dreams, which I think reflect previous 3thD and 4thD lives.

Especially in the hyperdimensional realms acting out a '4thD False Personality' can make you obsessively behave like a wolf-chupacabra-vampire, I think. Form becomes just an afterthought in 4thD anyway, because of variability of physicality.
But you are NOT a vampire. You are just acting out. Then you remember yourself in 4thD, I think, remember your Work Training in 3rdD and you stop. Simple as that.
I think a lot of 4th Density psychological problems can be described the way Rocco describes his race - a sort of Fallen Angels / Angel Fallen From The Eternal Embrace of Light - into Base Matter. "Fallen to sleep into stone" in 3rdD. Because any consciousness below 4th Density is considered "Fallen to Sleep", I think.
Autumn’s eyes widen with shock as she gasps furiously, “No. This cannot be true.” She shakes her head in disbelief and puts her hands over her ears. “No, this is a sick, sick joke. Vampires do not exist.
Precisely. Some scientists were asked on boards and they noted that sucking in liters of blood would end in the death of any human. Death by salt poisoning at the minimum. As physiology is incompatible.
But: going back to the above purple sentence in bold, any "vampire", in real life, a humanoid, or hybrid, who thinks he is a vampire is merely playing out / acting out a False Personality, I think. Especially in 4thD. Why?

Its obvious if you think about it:
Lizzies only use blood to bathe in it their Cybergenetic Probe Units = Grays, because the grays need blood-plasma to charge up. That's it. Grays are sucking in nutrients from the blood-plasma. Where ever did you read that Lizzies are drinking blood?

Furthermore, C's said that human blood is a "Holder of Consciousness", therefore the "sucking out of blood" by a Lizzie or Chupacabra is rather merely means, feeding on the Life Force Energy of Humans. So they are not really sucking the blood out, but Eating Human Consciousness from the blood, I think!

So, Georgia Le Carre, here accurately describes a conceptual, Abstract True Reality, aspects of 4thD, to be understood in 3D human terms, using the picturesque language of poets. She does it quite accurately.

And finally I arrive to the reason of my first statement: Not so fast!
Think about religious paintings. Why were the Saints painted with a halo above their heads? Energy emanations, clearly. For those able to see halos. C's talked about the far past, that reality was different then. More filled with energy. Was Earth bi-density, when these halos over the head of saints were visible? Also were the saints observed to levitate more often then, than in the recent couple thousand years?

Also remember on religious paintings, the angels, Archangel Gabriel, etc.. are visualized with large REAL FEATHERY WINGS on their backs. I think this secretly signifies that:
- Angels doesn't fly, because they have wings.. Angels have wings, because they fly!!

There, I arrive to the reason of my first statement of proof. The Wings of Light.

Chapter 60

I run a finger down the two faint reddish scars between Rocco’s shoulder blades, his skin is cool and smooth under my finger. His whole body is flawless, except for these two marks.

“What are these lines?” I ask softly.

He turns to face me. “They are a leftover from the days when we had wings of light.”
There. We are reading a metaphoric language of a poet/writer/bard telling us about a hyperdimensional reality, I think.
Do beings in 4thD have wings?
Why not?

You should be able to actualize yourself in 4thD, IIRC, the C's told us. If you know how, you can make yourself grow wings. But this having or growing of wings is a limited 3rdD concept, I think!

Why would you need wings to fly in 4thD? If not for the same reason rich ladies wear super expensive fur coats in 3rdD.
If you grew wings in 4thD, I think it would just get stuck into everything and would be very unwieldy and bothersome to keep clean! So, IMO, semi-physical wings in 4thD is a ridiculous third density concept.

However, there are the so-called The Wings of Light.

And they are quite real and I have evidence of them!
I merely needed to explain the context.

Also maybe quite surprisingly for some of you, these "wings of light" aren't used for flying at all.

Remember how the C's said Kantekkians were power hungry? What activity do you think Kantekkians did obsessively so they could work and activate their crystals that empowered them to the extreme.. What do you think was the fashion in Kantekkian society if they were so power-hungry activating immensely high-powered crystals?

As I posted many times already, I think, Kantekkians were used to letting high-powered currents run through their bodies. Same reason why nowadays super-rich are obsessed with fashion. I think Kantekkian bodies and especially 4thD bodies were attuned to endure high-powered currents to be run THROUGH them.

Imagine stepping into the core of a large electric transformer station in order to run through your body multiple gigawatts of electricity. Power crazies Kantek. To feel Lit & High and party! Like drug addicts.

I think, there were tai-chi or Reiki-style like activities, which I call Kantekkian Power-Chi-Kung. [Qigong, qi gong, chi kung, chi 'ung, or chi gung] Remember, how human qi-gong masters always warn that messing with life energies can cause harm? Its because - I think and stated before: the 3rdD human body models on Earth - are not meant for, not optimized to receive / run through them high-energy currents. Its genetic. Maybe before The Fall humans could do it. But by now these weak human bodies are what I call 'DNA-Lobotomized'.

C's told about how the current DNA was cut in order to clip our wings, to prevent us utilizing the original spirit-abilities of teleportation, etc..

So these Wings of Light, they are just a by-product [Kantekkian] qi-gong. What you may call a regular, 4thD or bi-density 3rdD-4thD aural exercise activity:
1. The wings of light are always generated on the spot, real-time, they grow out of your energy body.
2. They are either short, grow upwards or extend very long and thin behind you.
3. If any religious person are able to see them, they can be immediately called "angel wings", because their supernatural, stunning, spectacular, awe-inspiring beauty.
4. They flow out and grow.

The motion of this specific growth is like how you blow smoke out of your mouth, when you light up a cigar. Only in a thin stream.

Conceptually this growth motion / extension-of-"wings" its similar to
1. how you breath and sweat increasingly during fasted sprinting.
2. how a window or your glasses become clouded-hazy, when you breath on them before cleaning with a cloth.
3. How a volcano emits a large plume of smoke - AND how we can observe violent purple-red-white lightning-strikes, when the volcano decides to spew forth magma.

Get it?

The Wings of Light are NOT for flying. I think. They are a mere byproduct an aural emanation. Same way how a smoke is an emanation. The wings of light are a result of a 'tai-chi'-like or 'Reiki'-like everyday activity, specifically created via 'flexing of Aural Musculature.' I do it regularly. This, I think, is a remembered activity. A sort of somatic past-life / past-density memory. So I named it Kantekkian Qi-Gong: They were always crazy with high-power. So it got stuck in soul-memory, I think. Through lifetimes. Psycho-somatically remembered. As some of you see aura during meditation or normally - which Laura remarked is not really a useful skill.
I concur.

These wings of light is merely an 'out-breath' of power / life-force 'smoke'.

Generalizing from my experience, there must be Reiki-style energy flow types, that are very visible to a practitioner's Inner-Eyes. In your Internal Thought Space, which extends far around you - negating and changing the Units in 3rd Density.

You can see energy, how it moves in this 'Thought-Space'. You can especially see your aura, not necessarily in some mystical way, or how it looks like on the intensely colored photo Laura took of her [hands] by the board (remember that one?) but in a less color intense, primitive, limited, partial way an aura-energy looks like.

An "aura", to my untrained eyes, simply looks like a white-golden-silver halo surrounding you like a Radar Energy Field.

Maybe what those "aura-vision"-experts claim to see with considerable training is probably much more colorful, I dunno!

This aura I see, is super sensitive: You detect anything with energy trying to move through it. Its how ancient Japanese sword masters fought, I think. They must have extended their "auras" with training. Metal swords were used as antennae, I think, were very good for this. And these sword masters they did not even needed to see the enemy with their physical eyes. Only with their Inner Sight, probably trained to extreme. They only needed to SEE the very real dark Disturbance (literally "in the force" :D) as the enemy moved in and disturbed this 'Aura Radar Field'. Probably observing the fine-metal alloy swords sound vibrations helped them.

Anyway. If you practice meditation, especially the Asian-way, martial arts, monk-style or swordfighter-style (using a ninja metal chain or a metal-tipped spear) it works the very same way, how Lethbridge describes the dowsing rod or the Pendulum (for the ninja chain weapon).

Serious practitioners I think get to see this golden-white-silver aura / field and it acts as a literal Anti Air-Force Radar. You simply SEE movement disturbing you aura field. Because aura is amorphous and it flows around you OUTSIDE OF LINER TIME in a slowly waving, billowing manner [this is why tai-chi and qigong masters always intruct you to move SLOW and SLOWER always]

Wings of Light is just like this aura energy, only expressed in a breath-taking thin-light flow.

Watch this video carefully from 0:33:

Did you see the beauty when ink is blown into water with some force and how it moves forth in water?

Imagine a bean stalk growing fast extending in the air with leaves and flowers on it. Like a video showing months worth of ivy growth in just 3 seconds. That's how the amazingly beautiful Wings of Light looks like in motion, when grown-out, emanated from your energy body.

Always grows out from the shoulder blades & neck area:
Because its an "aural emanation", the shape of the outgrowth of the wings always look different. Probably adapting to your mood, tiredness, etc... Sometimes it looks like a thin paradise birds feathers, like this tail, but flowing-out from your neck-shoulder blades area comparable to the shape of this tail. These feather photos are too bulky. The Wings of Light I'm describing is more thin, much more elegant and supremely beautiful and only visible to your inner vision as a meditation practitioner.

Shaped like wings made of high intensity energy, comparable to the trail of that solid rock in the above video exactly at this section. You are forcefully pushing manifesting it our of your shoulder blades area.

Ancient priests, who may have seen these energy emanations from anybody, I think had a pretty good reason to say, they have seen an angel.. Because of the stunning-phenomenal beauty of these Wings of Light flowing out / extending in real-time motion.

Again, its no angel. "Just" a specific, long and thin emanation of aural energy. A behavior like a morning stretch of your limbs in bed: that's a satisfying ecstatic stretch of your many muscles in concert. Like how a bird fiddles with its wings. Like how you like to blow out cigar smoke in fancy forms into the air. A habit. Somatic. Instinctive.
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Just a possible scenario based on the possibility that the Middle Eastern Man was the Undergounder with the frightening energy field--that he was able to plant the suggestion/image in some people's minds that Tiffany Gomas had laid hands on him to make her appear unstable and place her in a bind.

David Jacob says that they "hubrids" usually have company/protection, so that he could have had help as well.

Tiffany Gomas seemed genuinely surprised that she was being accused of touching the man, and it seems like unlikely behavior to me.
A: Flipped out from the energy of one of the hybrids.
I'm also thinking they may be saying that there was more than one hybrid present on the aircraft.
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